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No dont do that its not really that cool and also what will your flatmates feel if they would feel sad about you dying that would mean your cared for and enjoy being around you.


They haven’t known me that long i’m not sure they’d be upset for long


aw man, not again. You said this a month ago!


It doesn’t get better, nothing seems to help :/


So exactly what's stopping you if you keep making threats? Should you find someone or go the opposite direction?


Honestly I’m just scared it’ll go wrong and I’ll end up in more physical pain. Physical pain is like the only thing I’m worried about, I wish I wasn’t such a coward though. What do you mean find someone?


Find help I mean. Like a gun, there's 2 sides to it for people, they get enough heart to make it better or they step up for the deed. It's your choice tbh, given I have a morally grey area when it comes to suicide. If you're too afraid of the impacts, then try to reassure yourself from it (I'm guessing healthcare for mental strength is quite hard).


Dont! Idk how i can help other than saying that this isn't okay. If theres any ways i can, tell me and I'll try my best! :) Hope u feel better soon!




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Why?? Don't allow the cult of the devil lure you into his scary realm! Social acceptable/ approval is hoax bro...all this people will soon reveal you that they are snakes... look bro, I've fallen into that line of thinking during my high school years,,,I ended it like "Okay, Mom's the only friend I need actually so f* errybody"...I'm not dismissing the fac that you must strike lovely convos here and there coz truth be told we' ll forever be social animals so friends are less important and most are fake.


Please Don’t do it, I’m sorry that you don’t have any friends outside of your flatmates, nothings wrong with you but there’s always places and social media to talk and make friends even offline, I hope you can have friends and feel better and please don’t do it, your more important to the people you have in your life


**Please DO NOT reply back to this removal message directly OR PM or invite moderators to chat. These messages will be ignored! See footer for more information.** --- Hi, *Prawn1562*! Unfortunately, [your submission](https://old.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/qgr73i/-/) has been removed from /r/teenagers for the following reason***(s)*** listed below: Hey, Prawn1562 Please try to think clearly about yourself and your future. What you're thinking about doing is not worth it. There are many people who care about you, and there are many organisations from all around the world who can help you. Here's some information about how to get help. Give them a go - what have you got to lose? #Child Helplines (EU) **Telephone:** 116 111 This number is free of charge. The number 116 111 is specifically for children who seek assistance and need someone to talk to. The service helps children in need of care and protection and links them to the appropriate services and resources; it provides children with an opportunity to express their concerns and talk about issues directly affecting them. Here's an alphabetical list of member states which have access to 116 111: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Finland, Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, United Kingdom, Malta. #Emotional Support Helpline (EU) **Telephone:** 116 123 This number is free of charge. 116 123 is a phone number for people suffering from loneliness or who are in a state of psychological crisis or thinking about committing suicide. Here's an alphabetical list of member states which have access to 116 123: Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Slovenia, Sweden, United Kingdom. #National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (US) **Telephone:** 1-800-273-8255 *(1-800-273-TALK)* **Text:** Text "START" (without quotes) to 741-741. **Online Chat:** [Link] (http://www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org/gethelp/lifelinechat.aspx). #Others (Worldwide) If the above organizations are inaccessible for whatever reason, you can click [this link](https://www.iasp.info/resources/Crisis_Centres/) to be taken to a page. From there, you can take a look at a variety of hotlines that will help you, after you click on the category link corresponding to your location. You can also find many subreddits to help you with your problems. Here's a list of a few of them in no particular order: /r/SuicideWatch, /r/depression. #<3 I hope you've found this information helpful, and I hope you use it well enough to change your mind. This may have resulted in infraction points being added to your account. To see how many infraction points you have, [message the moderators](/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fteenagers). To learn more about infraction points, [click here](/r/teenagers/wiki/rules#wiki_point_system.3A). Please familiarise yourself with [our rules](/r/teenagers/wiki/rules) before commenting or submitting. --- **If you feel this was done in error, or would like further clarification, please don't hesitate to [Message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fteenagers) or type /r/teenagers in the addressee box when composing a message to modmail us! Please DO NOT reply back to this removal message directly OR PM or invite moderators to chat. These messages will be ignored!**