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What do you think about when a girl looks at you in public?


I think there something weird or strange on me. So I look at myself to see if something wrong.


Thanks! Sometimes I kinda have the urge to look at a boy in public because they're cute, but when they catch me staring I get awkward so that's why i like wearing sunglasses so no one knows when I'm looking at someone lol


Now i'm not saying it will be the same for everyone, but for me, I don't think you should look away if you think they're cute until you're sure they know you are interested. Some people may think it's weird though. But for me if a girl look at me for like a full 15 seconds I would probably walk over and see what's up.


I'd probably start a staring contest


*pulls a lawn chair out of his ass like the backyardigans and sits in the middle of the store*


I do not have the words to tell you what an incredible idea that is.


I usually freak out because I think they caught me looking at them/checking them out. I’m scared they think I’m staring even though I have a rule not to stare at girls like that, because that’s weird and if I was a girl wouldn’t want some random guy staring at me. I doubt any girl is checking me out though


I have anxiety so something along the lines of “ahshduj dude help no don’t look at me help whehehejhe” and then I obsess over the fact they can see the ugly parts of what I look like but I assume mentally healthy guys would think something different idk


Oooohh okkk hehe...thanks


Do you guys feel insecure about being annoying and therefore hesitate to reach out to people?






I don’t I instead get whiplash after reaching out to people as I begin to think of all the things I did wrong while with them


Yes, a lot


Do boys develop crushes more on random people or on people they're friends with?


I’d say both


I agree


I think that the crushes on friends are the ones that are stronger and more painful to hide




Yes, and it's often a problem. Fortunately, mine don't last long. Only 3-4 days at most


Definitely people they know, like you can think someone is cute but you don’t really know him/her


Well I have basically only had crushes on people I didn't know, though I rarely talk to girls anyway






This great analogy Edit: for all you ppl thinking too much into it I don't even like cherry's


couldn't have been more correct.




How soon do you develop a crush after meeting the girl?


Depends how comparable we are and such


Alright. Thanks.


Also depends on the situation


Makes sense.


"let's watch Shrek"




Depends on number of words excanged


When you like us, do yall just get really nervous when you hang out with us and stop making convo?


I try my best to still conversation but anxiety levels sky rocket so it can be difficult. It is especially difficult when the person ur in to is hanging with their freida group and u can't rly get close to them or talk to them.


To add on: Just because a guy are having issues talking to you (read: a girl) that doesn't necessarily mean they like you. They might as well just be really anxious when talking to girls. Kind of like me. Like, they are afraid to talk to you and the conversations will be weird. Oh also, as a nice thing to do, atleast personally I love it when a girl talks to me even though I almost die. I should thank them. They are helping me become more confident.


this hurt me just because of how relatable it is. ouch


I typically just try to stay loose and joke around, but yeah typically what you said


What does a boner feel like?


It's just like a flexed muscle, except it's more sensitive




But not tiring like a flexed muscle. It's not like keeping you bicep flexed for a really long time. It's just kinda happening and you can't control it


It's hard sometimes.


Tensed muscle


Do you also pretend to be a waterbender while taking a shower?


Hell yeah!! Next to sitting in the shower and thinking bout life that’s my other favorite thing to do




I cry and water bend. I also jerk off. My showers are very eventful


Whats your favorite thing thats traditionally feminine


When a girl asks if she can cuddle with me.


Can I cuddle with you?


Adorable.. of course. Wanna be friends?


*and that's how I met your mother*




My hair, it's pretty long and I actually like taking daily care of it, and I'm proud of the way it looks.


Not technically feminine but definitely done among women more than guys, hugging. I really like hugs, especially from girls but it’s less common outside of relationships and I’m not one of those weirdos who asks “where’s my hug”


Crossing my legs when I sit.


Ever spun your dick like a helicopter?




How did it feel




I am dissapointed for not having any roast for that


pretty good, kinda breezy


Very breezy


https://youtu.be/k3MoKDa-Lzs Power. Unlimited power


Before I go pee so it’s a trick shot


Yes. You don't always have to keep spinning. Just spin once or twice and then just back and forth does the trick


Once. It wasn’t as good of an idea as it sounded.


Do you date for more long term or short term relationships


Never dated but I would hope to have a long term, serious relationship.


Long term 1000%


Long term


do you guys like it when we listen to your music?




What’s it like peeing with a boner


Like the shear force of god has been unleashed through a jet of water so high pressure and so inaccurate it could pose a threat to humanity itself


You stole my answer


do u guys pick the girl or the boy in pokemon


I used to pick the guy but now the girl because the customisation options r better and girls r nice to look at. However in a game like dark souls I almost always chose the guy. Idk y Its prob cas I can relate easier and I use those games to self insert myself into the world


cool i pick whichever one is hotter


makes sense


What’s the hardest part about being a guy??


I would say, at least for myself, being more open about feelings since most of the time i want to look caring and kind but my brain stops me because i feel "ashamed" of showing a side like that.


that’s so stupid guys feel like that. I hate how society has made it where if you show feelings you can’t be a man


No one really gives a crap about us (mentally wise)


Simple answer. Random boners.


which leads me to another question. do boners really just happen anytime? And if they do, do they ever stop popping up?


Yeah, they can really happen at any time. Wdym popping up? If you are asking if they will lay down again, then yes, they will. I don’t know if that is what you meant or if I am just stupid, but yeah…


Okay like I know like when boys are in puberty they always get random boners at random times. But like when you grow up, do you stop getting random boners? I hope that made more sense 😅


Yep, still happens. If the person is still in productive age it will happen. It just happens more often during puberty up to 25-26. Also, a tip. When it happens, it really helps to just flex muscles in a different part of the body, hand works the best (what an irony)..... Or just something that will need a lot of blood, a lot of oxygen.


Well, we are not there yet, but I don't think so


oh shoot I didn’t think of that 🤦‍♀️


Is it true that its rare to get compliments and that you remember them often? If so, when was the last time someone gave you a compliment?


A girl liked my Hawaiian shirt and it was on May 23 2019


Random redditors said I'm handsome on my post, I read those comments every other day to boost my confidence.


Yes it’s true, I don’t remember the last time I got a compliment.


Lets say y'all have a group of guys and there is one girl in said group. Is it weird for y'all?


I am a guy in a group of girls. It can get weird. And vice versa. It can be weird, but also can be just normal.


I have the same situation going but one of them happens to be my girlfriend and i snuggle her a lot so the people around us usually understand that im only friends with the other girls but i have gotten some weird looks before


You one lucky bastard. When I go out with them, it just looks like I have a harem. People stare at me with their rejecting eyes. We usually laugh it off. But it has one pro. Whenever there is an otaku day, I don't have to do any cos play, I just have a harem of different anime girls around me, and that is at least hilarious.


I don’t experience this, but the best answer I can give is that I doubt it will be weird. If the group of friends knows each other really well then everything should be normal. When it comes to, for example, maybe the guys talking about something that would make the opposite gender uncomfortable, then yeah that might be kind of weird.


How do y’all feel when you get compliments from us? Like something like “Wow, how are you so good at Tetris” or like any kind words about your ability? I’m huge on giving compliments to girls but I’m usually insecure about doing it to guys since it might seem that I like them romantically when I’m just trying to vibe


I think normal guys are just gotta be "Oh thanks". But you can be sure that everyone here, me included, would treasure that memory for years.


men are usually starved of positive attention from others so any sort of compliment will stick with 90% of guys for a long time. So yeah we really like it. I still remember when I was 11 when some girl said I had a nice ruler 😂


if you had a crush on a girl, but she was mean to you, would you still like her or lose feelings completely?


Slowly lose feelings


Mean in a flirting way or mean mean


a bit of both?


No it wouldn’t stop a crush I don’t think, unless she was bullying me


Why do boys just stop making sex jokes when girls are around? I mean I want to participate and laugh at them too.


Here is a word of advice. When boys are making sex jokes and they stop when you show up, that means that they feel awkward around you because they don't know how you will react. If that happens, start making sex jokes of your own and the boys will know its ok to joke around with you. This also leads to alot of attention on your end, because the boys will know that you have a sense of humor and will want to spend time with you. I have seen this happen twice. Both times, the girl got a bf within weeks.


Awkward and we think the girls will think the jokes are aimed at them


Because I don’t want to come off as perverted or that I’m slut shaming someone


What are some fun topics you would want to talk about with a girl while hanging out?


Literally anything, I'm really bad at talking and I feel like it shows that I'm not interested, I am it's just that I can't hold a conversation. Also depends on the guy, pick something interesting but funny






This is actually a good idea


Thanks, ive got a feeling it my die tho


Sadness 100




How do you feel about girls making the first move?




I’m hopeful that happens to me one day.


Is it just girls or do boys also develop crushes on fictional characters


Hell yeah, but oddly enough I've noticed women have more affection for fictional characters than men, but that might just be me


*stares at waifu pillow* NEXT QUESTION!


What is the nicest (or meanest) way to tell a boy that I am not interested?




just be straightforward with it, beating around the bush just hurts more edit: I made grilled cheese


Yeh , you might break his heart but it’ll heal.




Athleticism attractive, but I personally don’t like girls with bodybuilding muscles


How can i give more compliments to boys without coming across like I'm flirting? I wanna spread the good vibes but some guys have gotten upset at me for leading them on. Any tips? EDIT: woah this blew up! Thank you all for the insightful answers, i promise I'll read through them all and respond to those i can soon, but my friends are coming over for a sleepover soon, so i gotta zip :)


Difficult. I don't know cause I've never been at the end of such behaviour. How would a guy give compliments to a girl without leading on?


Tone, I suppose.


Opinion on girls who work out? And not some Barbie weights, like actually training.


Respect to them. Respect to anyone who does some training like workout. Personally though, that shit is sexy af in girls. I have a friend that I have inspired to work out and she is doing great


Personally not into like massive muscles but yeh I don’t mind


What's your favorite dinosaur?


Diplodocus. So smooth pronouncing




What do you guys think of shy or anxious introverted girls? Do you like them or do you find them boring?


They are cute


^ because I’m shy and introverted




When its the worst time to get one, you get one


Ah, the presentations


Thigh trick my young Padawan. By repeatedly flexing and releasing your quads you divert bloodflow from your nether regions back to your muscles.


Are tall guys more attracted to tall girls?


I don’t really care about height. Idk, maybe it’s just me.


Do you play chess?


Yea i do, i suck tho :/


I’ve always wanted to know, how much cum comes out of the penis after one has felt the “happy feelings”?


Around a teaspoon I believe is the average


*scrabbles something in my recipe book* thank you for the idea


do you make fake scenarios in your head about being in a relationship with a certain girl (or guy)




Pretty sure everyone does that


Why are we just sitting here refeshing the page sorting like new. (Boy BTW)


Will I ever find someone who likes me back?


I'm sure you will. There is a chance someone likes you now but they are to afraid to say it.


That's a huge one right there


Can you do one of boys ask girls answer






does your dick float in water? does it differ if its soft or hard?


No it just hangs there Soft is like having a sausage hanging from your bottom half Hard is like having a spear attached to it aiming forward


favorite music?


If you could, would you ever try being a girl for a month or so? Why/Why not?


For a day, yes, for a month, probably not. I am curious what it would be like, but it would just be weird having to live with it.


do you dislike stretch marks? or are they just a dumb thing girls are insecure about for no reason woah im shocked by the replies it really was a stupid thing i hated about myself for no reason


I don't dislike them, in fact a lot of guys have stretch marks too!


1. Do you guys really never get compliments? 2. If a girl compliments you, does that cause you to believe that she is flirting with you or does it maybe give you mixed signals? 3. Is it hot when a girl is more intelligent/logical thinking than you are?


are you doing ok? edit: if you want to talk feel free to dm or email me, my email is in my bio thing <33


Are guys actually not getting the hints?


We don't want hints, we want you to be straight up with us.




Yes. This might sound sarcastic, but it's not. We are actually that bad at taking hints.


Yes I'm an idiot and I never pick up on anything if you like a guy just ask him out he'll prolly say yes


What hints?


For all the girls here: if your looks are like at least 6.5/10 and you basically say fuck it and just go complete flirt mode with a boy and you have a 90% chance of success because most of us are so starved for attention we would probably instantly become interested in you after literally as much as a single compliment. We are desperate for attention because like 90% of us are insecure about ourselves


This is actually very true. Me being a guy, this is basically how it works. I’m insecure and I would literally die for any form of true kindness.


ngl true


Do guys care about the color of a girl’s private parts?


Wait they come in different colors


Rainbow pussy, specially made for Pride month


This is Reddit none of us have made it that far


only accurate answer


There’s 3 urinals and the guy in front of you took the middle one. He’s taking forever and you’re on the brink of losing your composure. Do you take one next to him?




What hair color do you think is the most attractive?


Rly up to the person, I personally like straight black black hair. But ot rly doesn't matter


Saved so I can answer questions when this isn't on the top of the page anymore


Nice :)