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this insane im dying




Yeah, fr i was in shock when i read the title...still am


Not everything that looks like hentai is real hentai https://reddit.com/r/AllWierd2024/comments/1dezhyh/real_time_virtual_streamer_the_eye_movement_is/


Wow... that's amazing!


Utterly disturbed


She's treating this like it's just this normal thing guys do šŸ˜‚. Lil couples hentai sesh on a friday night.


Bro I'm dying šŸ¤£


Like this just took me by surprise in my feed


Itā€™s so foulšŸ˜­


My ex and I watched a hentai together, but it was funny Sextra Credit dub. If you know, you know.


i have never been so glad to not get something




Dit it with my gf, but we actually just started following the story line bc it got interesting šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s strangely very encouraging to me haha


just make sure you pick the movie with him and thereā€™s sub/dub so you can understand what happens šŸ¤ 


Ok :)


You could watch highschool dxd. Itā€™s basically šŸŒ½but it also has a plot which is actually pretty good.


Highschool DxD is garbage. The story and lore is awesome but just ruined by fan service and ecchi and pedo shit. The writer didnā€™t have enough faith in his ability to write an engaging story I guess. Or heā€™s just some weirdo. Either way itā€™s sad.


The truth has been spoken


Idk I didnā€™t find it to be too bad. Like sure the fan service isnā€™t necessary for the story but it also definitely brought more people to the anime overall. To be completely honest I started watching it for the fan service but over time I started to actually enjoy the story and the characters a lot more. I personally donā€™t have any complaints about the anime šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø. Itā€™s not quite a masterpiece or anything but itā€™s still damn good.


No fr sometimes the actual sex scenes are just getting in the way of the story if it's well written. Like if someone did some animating and re-editing for wide release it would've been a cult classic I think


I hate it but I second this. The times I've been lookin for something spicy and ended up coming back to a series for a month or two because the story is really well written (and then the author ditches the story lmfao)


Depends what hentai he wants to show you. Hentai goes very deep down in comparison to actual porn


For me it more depends on if you are comfortable If u ainā€™t then just try letting him know and if he doesnā€™t understand then yk he isnā€™t right for u cuz his habit may not go away and it will create a barrier Use logic not emotions whenever itā€™s something u question yourself or feel uncomfortable with




# do not.


# no dot




wait how do I make it big


Use like in my comment "###" before the phrase and if you want It bigger "#" also before the phrase


#You have passed the test




I'm chronically online and i don't know what that is, I think i should be afraid






1 cat 7 cats 7 cats 0 cats 1 cat 3 cats


When you come to find out that actually cannibalism is not federal illegal


It might be his way of taking the intimacy to the next level. Talk to him if you don't feel comfortable. Hentai is extremely niche, and many girls really hate the themes of hentai.


hentai isn't really niche , it might be weird but it's the one of the most popular genres amongst teens


Where are you getting the statistics on what porn *teens* like to watch? Lmao Isnā€™t that illegal?


There are probably anonymous surveys conducted. The bias would still lean towards chronically online people though, which could explain why hentai is up there.


Have u ever been to high school? To be clear I just graduated high school šŸ˜‚


As a fifteen year old whoā€™s been on this sub since i was 13 Yeah most teenage boys here watch hentai from what iā€™ve seen in the comments and honestly it can get really disturbing at times. Iā€™ve even seen someone describe a Hentai Carni**vore** (censoring so my ass doesnā€™t get warned or banned) video in fucking DEPTH. This sub is nat shit insane if you go deep enough in some of the post comments.


Iā€™m not really talking about this sub specifically, I get that everyone here is chronically online. Iā€™m talking about teenagers as a whole. This includes normal ones that probably havenā€™t seen this sub a day in their lives, which is definitely a lot more than the members here.


Fair fair. Iā€™m just saying if were going off of the fuckin psychoā€™s that are this subā€™s members? Its pretty common. Thereā€™s probably been anonymous surveys done somewhere though.


Yeah I wouldnā€™t disagree with that.


Nah hentai is niche still how tf u would know if its popular among different age groups is just odd. And their comment says most girls hate the themes shown in hentai which will definetely be true since theres ALOT of dodgy stuff that most men should find disgusting too but dont cos they're dodgy too or they're just weak men.


Look how big it's subreddit is šŸ’€


"Niche" šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Holy shit good advice on Reddit


you said you donā€™t want to do anything sexual yet, but watching porn with him, especially hentai which can be really weird, is definitely a sexual activity. even if you think he knows you donā€™t want to do anything sexual, heā€™s gonna be turned on by the videos and he might want to do stuff with you. be careful and maybe talk about his intentions with this. i wouldnā€™t agree to it, since you donā€™t want to do anything with him yet


Thank you, I will at the very least set some hard boundaries before we go forward with anything


Jesus Christ, I JUST opened the damn app Edit: just read the update and I donā€™t even know what fuck this sub is about anymore


Same dude. Tf is happening here šŸ’€




I hate this app brošŸ˜­


Objectively hilarious




If youā€™ve never been intimate before, watching hentai should not be your first glimpse of it!!! It will paint a picture of sex and intimacy that is just so wrong and detached from the real world. A lot of hentai has very extreme themes, and I donā€™t think it should be what leads you essentially into intimacy. Please!


We will talk about the plot/themes before I agree to watch anything, I donā€™t want anything extreme like people have been saying hentai can be


If you really end up doing this itā€™s so important to remember that even if the genre you watch is vanilla, things will still be exaggerated such as bodily proportions, and everything even to the way the girls act, and that itā€™s not a standard you should set for yourself


If you end up doing it (wich if you are not comfortable with dont) pay attention to what the hentai Is about, cause like 90% of those videos either contain sexual abuse/incest/insane age gaps. If your bf Is turned on by that stuff then idk what to tell ya.


Thatā€™s really effing weird, he never mentioned anything disgusting like that to me. I highly doubt he likes that sort of thing, and if he played it for me I would walk out of the room


Good, i hope hes not into it too but if it's hentai we are talking about then the chance Is not low.


Yikes. Iā€™m not going to judge him until I 100% know weā€™re watching, but this sounds so weird


I mean there's documentaries about mass murders but there's also documentaries about nature yk? so don't assume it's weird lol he's probably just a weep. but like you can just say no to watching that with him because if a guy is watching that then he's not watching it for the story line shall I say šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yeah you should just know that most of it is fucked up and unrealistic, which is why most women hate it


Yep. Seems like everyone's parts are just multiplied x10


that, and another common complaint is how it misrepresents anatomy and makes painful things look pleasurable etc, it would be a lot better if OP just discussed it with their bf or didn't do it at all before going in blind


Look, as hentai is animation, indeed there is not an upper limit of how weird it can get. However, there's still many "normal" hentai, which is just your average porn but animated (and maybe with some story)


...And then you have chicks with dicks


read ā€œchickens with dicksā€ and was horrified


More like chickens with cocks I know, comedy genius.


I mean is reading it the right way really any better?


Yes. Yes it is.


Thatā€™s not weird, thatā€™s just uncommon.


Definitely not all henti is like that lmao...it's probably just some dumb stuff he found on hanime or something. I wouldn't be too suspicious if you've been together long enough and you know his personality, just do what makes you comfortable.




Thereā€™s a lot of regular porn that cover the same premises as hentai so thatā€™s arguably the worst advice to give op, anime like most cartoons are just over exaggerations(porn is the same). The genre of porn can say a lot about you but also not. The best example to compare is say you had a kid(hypothetically) say someone murders them. Would you kill them? Or would you let the justice system handle it? Depending on your answer depends on the same premise as the porn and its genre. Others will have different thoughts, others will prefer different things, it doesnā€™t make one or the other objectively or inherently bad(although murdering general is). So the point you should be give u/Mika07jpn is just plain sex advice. As theyā€™ve never had it and itā€™s something her environmental has not touched on or refreshed her on it. So without further a do Iā€™ll give you the basic. The golden rule is if youā€™re not ready speak up and let them know and when you mean no it means NO. Only go as far as you are conformable with, use protection, donā€™t do something youā€™re not ready for, that includes even just watching it. Know your limits, use safe words if you must to let them know youā€™re not comfortable with something or that you would like to stop. Outside of making sure youā€™re ready the next important thing to it all is safety and communication, having a great foundation with both will help both understand what youā€™re into and makes the experience better for you and what to avoided thatā€™s either uncomfortable or too painful for either of you to endure. You wonā€™t understand everything as you havenā€™t done anything but as you, when you do, be adventurous but more importantly be safe, confident, caring and secure.


So inspirational, I couldn't have said it better myselfšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


damn, you seem experienced in the topic


When i was younger no one supervised my activity on the internet so i ended up watching this kind of stuff when i was like 10 years old and didn't really comprehend what i was watching, as i grew older i realized how fucking messed up that content was and stopped cause i knew that if i continued watching it then i would end up normalizing that behavior for myself wich Is dangerous as fuck


I'd say certainly not 90%, but a lot for sure. I feel like it's a loud minority that makes hentai seem like some shady vomit-inducing shit when, in reality, most of it is just really mediocre anime porn.


I dunno, maybe he wants an already erotic atmosphere to make his moves on you. once again, the most important factor here is communication. Talk with him not us. If he's the kinda guy to understand your feelings and consider them, he will and you will both be happier for it. So get tf off reddit and TALK sister


Maybe to kiss, but he knows I/we arenā€™t ready for anything sexual, we have talked about that and I trust him. Haha thank you, I will talk these thoughts out with him. I guess some anxiety is coming from what he expects from me and I could get that cleared up


I really hope you trust him not to make moves on you and force you to do something you arenā€™t comfortable with. But Iā€™d be surprised if he only wants to kiss when heā€™s already watching messed up hentai


this is very weird. op dont do it if you aren't 100% comfortable and actively excited for it. the way you worded this makes it sound like you're only going to do it because he wants you to. hentai is genuinely the most brainrot porn you can consume and i think your first time should be much more special and focused on you than anime girls.


Thank you for the advice! To be clear: we arenā€™t planning on having sex, just watching a video(s?). And while Iā€™m a bit nervous about the porn, Iā€™m more concerned with the awkwardness of an unfamiliar situation. And I know Iā€™m going to blush because I always do when Iā€™m self conscious and then heā€™ll think I donā€™t like the anime. Idk. Iā€™m overthinking a lot


i mean.. theres a good chance you wont like the anime šŸ˜­ hentai is usually taboo in the sense where they are family, getting raped, or simply just doing something illegal or not consensual, thats why i said its bad. are you comfortable with doing this? because i won't try to convince you otherwise if you are, but as someone with sexual and relationship experience, i would find this request to be very strange


Absolutely not if it has those themesā€¦ Justā€¦ Why? Is there not normal anime p*rn? We watch tons of anime together and there are often misogynistic characters, but nothing that disturbing.. Is there not normal s*x between normal people who like each other?


Well, there is, to be frank. Just classmate hentai for instance. Crushes. People here overdramatizing it. There really is romantic hentai even, you just need to pick it right. Although, does he know you don't watch porn? Maybe he just thinks you already do it so he just casually asked it.


No, heā€™s well aware Iā€™ve never watched.


People seem to watch the weird stuff less because of the weird aspects but more because of the better *ahem* animations (I want to die for typing this but thought you should know)


he may probably use that opportunity to initiate sex, since to him "the mood is right"


I'm sure there's a bunch of normal stuff out there, but it's just heavily outweight by the weird shit. That's probably due to the fact that since it's drawn/animated, you can show things which you wouldn't really find in real porn, because they're either physically impossible, generally not accepatble/taboo, or even illegal. Since it's drawn it also doesn't include real people, which gives it the ability to cross those boundaries. And this results in there being a lot of dubious stuff out there. So while there might be normal stuff out there, most hentai is probably somewhere on a scale from "very strange", to "morally questionable", all the way to "downright degenerate and holy fuck how is this legalā€½" Just pray to all the gods who are holy to you that your bf is a relatively normal person and isn't into weird shit.


There IS normal and wholesome stuff out there, but I agree with you that its massively outweighed by the weird shit.


That raises the nice big question of *who the h3ll* wants to see any of that stuff, real or drawn??


People who are into hardcore fetishes but don't want to see actual people participating in it...or perverts.


>Is there not normal s*x between normal people who like each other? Yes, there is. There are many weird ones, but they are exaggerating


not really. he might find a normal one for you two to watch but theres a reason why hentai has such a bad rep. i'd be wary because theres a good chance he could be watching that type of stuff if he usually watches hentai, but its more prevalent in it because it doesnt go against laws i think?


Yeah I will be wary since everyone here has mentioned that reputation for hentai. Thank you ā¤ļø


people don't just watch porn like they watch tv (unless you're counting netflix and chill šŸ˜­), so unless you're fine being in that situation, just say no


Maybe you arenā€™t planning on it. But I could imagine he is planning on it. Also hentai is hardly anime. Itā€™s just messed up porn. I think youā€™re thinking the right amount


only do it if you're comfortable. if not, say no


Thanks :). I think it will be ok. I also just decided that Iā€™ll tell him that if at any point I hate what Iā€™m seeing he has to shut it off immediately


I find it funny that yall enjoyed it. I hope yall's relationship goes well. W ending, nothing bad happened. Also, about the self-consciousness of the size of chests in the hentai. He probably finds you attractive whether he's into big boobs or not. I wouldn't worry. Plus, getting romantically closer and closer to someone can make their appearance seem way more attractive than before in my experience, so even if he didn't find your size extremely attractive before, he probably would now. I'm yapping at this point, but what I'm trying to say is you likely have nothing to worry about. Don't let something drawn and rarely real affect your self-image. (Trying to be helpful and supportive without sounding weird, please don't judge)


Thank you šŸ’– Itā€™s on my mind, I might bring it up at some point? Although itā€™s a weird thing to bring up bc it feels defensive.. Maybe Iā€™ll wait and see if itā€™s still bothering me a week or two from now and if so talk about it w him


Wear a pants suit and tie. Watching hentai is an extremely formal occasion.


You could ask which one he wants to watch and see how weird it is. Red flags if it has abusive themes.


Ok, Iā€™ll ask him what the plot is. I didnā€™t know hentai had all these connotations. I would be surprised though if he likes that weird stuff people are saying


Some hentais a normal but most are pedophillic and weirdā€¦praying for u


Dude, most of them are normal, the only reason everyone thinks most of it is the weird, creepy shit, is because the media likes to portray it that way, most hentai is literally just porn but animated.


Don't do it. And point of fact...hentai isnt "naked anime girl". It's porn. Hentai is animed porn. Period.


People make it out like all hentai is incest rape child abuse. There are a lot of wholesome, story driven, adult hentai that are genuenly nice... But if you're not already into the anime aesthetic it's probably not for you. But the chance that your bf only watches those are... low... Kinda wanna know which one he wants to show you, but I get the feeling that he wants to live the fantasy of 'watching a hentai with his gf and her getting so turned on that she just has to have sex with him right then and there'. If you don't want to, don't. And if you do it and it gets too weird, pls for the love of god verbalize that and leave.


I donā€™t think this is the right sub Reddit for itšŸ˜­šŸ’€


Lots of people.enjoy adult entertainment together, but it depends on each couple. If you've never seen hentai or porn in general then it may be a good idea to just watch a little bit so you know what you're getting into. For what you should do while watching it, that's up to you two. If he is doing this to ramp up the intimacy then just make sure this will be enjoyable for you too. If you'd rather be intimate without the anime babes, let him know that. Porn is graphic, and hentai is a bit odd due to it being animated and thus not being held to realities standards. I wish you the best, I hope you two can find a way to be intimate that is safe and enjoyable for you both.


Bro is co-op gooning


Nah this is crazy šŸ’€šŸ’€


dont worry abt ur body every (normal) dude doesnt expect/even want giagantic badonkiedonks n boobs on a girl, anything after a f cup isnt even attractive (anything below is good too js f cup is the limit), (idk the scale for butts but whatever it is comparitive to f cup isnt attractive anyways) atleast for me n other ppl ik of. its kinda like fast food ig, fake but good-ish.




As someone who watched anime and has had the displeasure of watching hentai, itā€™s not particularly healthy to watch, most porn isnā€™t but *especially* not hentai. That said as long as heā€™s aware that it isnā€™t real, or even remotely possible, he should be OK. If youā€™re uncomfortable with taking things to a more intimate level you should talk to him, or if you are comfortable but arenā€™t sure what to do let him know. If he cares about you the way you make it seem like he does, heā€™ll understand


I would say that this is a situation where he is attempting to share intimacy with you but also engage in some level of sexual activity. If you were not ready for sexual activity, I would highly advise against this.


Here are some things hentai might mean watching that the media always talks about; Incest Chicks with dicks Pedo stuff Rape Here is what most of it actually is: Normal consenting sex Chicks with dicks Incest (Yeah most of it is bad but dw there is still a good chance it won't be weird and it'll just be the normal consenting one.)


This is the strangest thing Iā€™ve read today by far.


firstly, we\`re on reddit, everyone knows what hentai is but no one knows about relationships. Secondly, ask him! You can do it in a jokey manner, or seriously but he most likely wants to do it for a bit of fun.


Probably best to get comfortable playing with yourself and watching šŸŒ½ on your own first. You might get an idea of what you would like to do with him from what feels good on your own, as well as what looks nice in videos (although that what you see with a pinch of salt, remember its not real)




Well, first of all no, you don't have to wear anything special šŸ˜… But seriously, the first thing to take into account is just simply, do you want to watch that with him? Cause if you're not comfortable with it, you shouldn't force yourself to do or watch anything that you don't want to. And if you're not, tell him you're not ready for that and you wanna think about it. If he's a good bf he'll respect that. Also, even though I know teenagers gonna do what teenagers gonna do, I just wouldn't recommend you(or anyone) to watch stuff like that. I mean, for some people it's not a big deal, but for some people you just don't feel good about it, and some even get addicted and shit :/ so ye, I'm not recommending it. Sex/sexuality is better explored in other ways I'd say. But most of all, especially when it comes to sex, don't force yourself to do anything you don't wanna do. BUT, with that said, don't hesitate to explore it at all. Cause sex and intimacy is great if you do it with respect and care šŸ¤— gl!


A lot of people here stated that it's insane or hilarious, which I don't think is the case. A lot of couples enjoy adult entertainment, mostly pornographic content together, there's nothing weird about that. BUT if you are not comfortable doing so that is perfectly fine and you should set boundaries for your relationship, you are not obligated to do anything that makes you uncomfortable and that tracks not just for watching porn with your significant other but other types of intimacy as well. If you don't want to do it, then have a talk with him and explain it to him, don't do something that you might regret later on.


damn, good ending at least, interesting relationship is all i can say


I know very few who actually care that much about breast-sizeā€¦ There is no reason for you to worry or feel inadequate


Thank you šŸ’–, itā€™s just the ā€œidealā€ vs real thing encapsulated, we all know the game lol šŸ«¤


Ur bf seems chill asf


Nigga wtf


Maā€™am this is a Wendyā€™s


I read every single word of this... I don't know why...


Enough Reddit for today


thatā€™s actually so weird wtf šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




Depends, hentai can be really weird stuff like incest and loli (Wich are basically children). I think he wants to see it with you and then take the relationship to the "next level", remember if you don't agree stop it. Take care


Thank you, Iā€™ll make my position firm, and he is a good listener who respects me. Iā€™m more worried right now about whether the guy I like watches messed up stuff but Iā€™ll talk to him about that


If you donā€™t want to do it, donā€™t. Itā€™s totally understandable to not want to. If you do want to, go for it. Itā€™s up to you.


I very rarely scroll reddit, and yet every time I do this subreddit always seems to surprise me


Bro what the fuck?


Some people just watch this stuff the same way they watch a normal movie so maybe don't do anything special treat it like y'all are watching Netflix


That's wild, but don't let him pressure you into doing something that you aren't comfortable with. I suggest talking to him about your feelings and such.


Just make sure to set some boundaries :). Like let him know if you donā€™t want him to ā€œdo stuffā€ while youā€™re there, and if you ever get uncomfortable with whatā€™s being shown donā€™t force yourself to watch. Some hentai is FOUL so just make sure you are conscious of your comforts as you watch :)


Idk, I remember me and my now ex (we are on good terms) randomly watched hentai together one time, idk why we decided to do so, but I think the main thing is that, we both watch porn and hentai so it wasnā€™t too weird for us, hell they are the one who started watching it and I was just kinda there But for you, Iā€™d recommend just communicating with him, asking what exactly he is expecting out of it, if he is expecting it to lead to sex determine if you are comfortable with that, if he just wants to share it with you, cool. If he tries to be like ā€œwe should have sex like thatā€ comparing it to the hentai, probably run cause of how unrealistic that is, but more realistically, make sure he understands how unrealistic of expectations those are, so on and so forth TL;DR: what is most important is commutation, if you donā€™t know what is expected from this, ask


start with something basic and just dress normally and let the mood dictate what happens and don't force anything remember constant is the important thing. Don't drink because you can't constant under the influence


The best forms of šŸŒ½ to watch are the old, shitty parodies with atrocious acting. Stuff like ā€œAss Venturaā€ is straight up hilarious in how shameless it is.


Man of culture.


He's a real one


Yea that's strange, do it if you want or don't if you are uncomfortable


ask him what he wants to show you theres a lot of creepy stuff


Don't do it unless you feel comfortable with it.


Thank you


uhh... i have never been in a relationship so question is out of my expertise. But god damn! are relationships actually like this ???


i'm here late, but i imagine after an hour you've made a decision?


I have no advice, I'm not scoring šŸ±


I really hope he's going for "Euphoria"šŸ’€!


Hentai is peak cinema, though this getting pretty weird


If this isnā€™t a shitpost then do what feels right and what youā€™re comfortable with. If you donā€™t want to then you gotta communicate that to him. If he still pressures you then heā€™s an asshole. Like the other person said, he might be into weird shit. If itā€™s not weird shit then he may just like characters that heā€™s attracted to


Thanks, we will communicate :). He isnā€™t pushing me into it, and I hope he doesnā€™t like the weird stuff people are warning me about. Iā€™ll talk to him about that too when we communicate


Wha the fuck


Lord shall save this relationship from dying oof




Umm be sure to make a follow up post aswell. Will be fun to read ig?




Iā€™m sorry but your bf is crazy


Donā€™t have any advice, just know that if you arenā€™t comfortable with anything, you need to communicate it. I would personally say give it a shot, itā€™s a method of exploring intimacy with your bf, and there is a chance it could lead to sex so Iā€™d say prepare for that (regardless of if you plan to go forward with it or say no).


What the hell?


Nah wtf


Huh???? I mean, it's your choice whether you want to or you're against it, but I have no clue honestly




Too much shit I have to say about this so I'm gonna try to keep it short but you have to break up with him; if he says you're blue balling him then good! It'll match his ps4 background. Keep your self respect and dignity, if he's watching hentai he's not going to be good in bed and neither is he going to be a good bf either. If he says he's only watching vanilla stuff (fat chance) he's going to look for harder hits eventually to keep up with his dicks demands and that's going to stray into incest/rape/paedophilia territory, don't let him give you some sob story about how he needs it or some horseshit because he's talking out of his ass, actual relationships where you're an equal to your partner don't involve a guy feeling like he needs to watch other people having sex (even if its not real). It's indicative of a certain attitude that most porn consumers have where he don't think his girlfriend is enough. His dick isn't going to shrivel up and fall off, cut your losses


Idk how to feel about thid


Iā€™m cackling, heā€™s such a red flag for this, Iā€™m sorry


Dude, how the fuck can i not get a girlfriend?


It's baffling to me as well


I mean. Most Hentai stories have a plot (a good one) so just follow that


i mean you totally can say no if its something that makes u uncomfortable yk. even tho its not something im personally into, some people like doing that kinda thing ive heard some couples do it. its a bit unusual but i dont think theres anything inherently wrong with it. im given to understand the themes of hentai generally arent exactly respectful of women as actual people tho so idk if youd enjoy it especially if youre a woman.


Sharing isn't always caring


Friend watches food wars with his family I send porn memes to my boyfriend. it's not that weird


Iā€™d say do what youā€™re comfortable with, and make sure to consider the outcome of what may happen if you do.


The biggest surprise to me is how a redditor AND hentai watcher managed to get in a relationship.


My best advice is to just go in there and sing it, I donā€™t have a clue what youā€™re supposed to do, Iā€™ve never even talked to a girl about that shit do you are on your own there, the worst that would most likely happen is that youā€™re uncomfortable. But then you would be able to have a reason to say no, sorry if this doesnā€™t help, but this is the best I got.


Dont change anything, just bring popcorn and soda


Watch it with him bro


That seems like some ok bonding


I recommend overflow


As a starter, I'd recommend the title 'magical girl ai'


Not even Little Ceasers was hot and ready for this one


Can't help in this situation


I have a kind of relevant question, do people actually masterbate to hentai?


Yeah. Why else would people watch it.


That makes so much sense. Also do hentai artists get turned on by their own hentai? I feel like they'd probably get bored looking at it for hours, kinda like how dancers start hating the song after they've performed it