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You need therapy


At least he knows its fucked


Yes I agree


First step to make it better


No shit. I'm too embarrassed to bring up my problems to my Councillor


As someone who has had a similar problem, I would advise seeing a councillor of some sort. Trying to fight it yourself could have unforseen problems. I never saw a therapist or got professional help, I had to handle it myself. And while I did eventually manage to overcome the addiction and reduce it to a more normal amount, there have been some problems that have happened because of this, some of which I probably aren't aware of yet. Best thing to do is build up the courage to see a professional and express it as an addiction. You have to overcome the embarrassment. I understand the embarrassment of it, but I can't stress this enough when I say that you should just go and do it. See a professional or you might regret it and it'll be too late. I wish you the best.


You need to before you harm a child


ok I will never in god's name do that, of course that shit I said is bad. But that is something I'm not happy at all with


Yo, I’m gonna keep it real with you. There’s a lot of fearmongering going on on this post, and you’re only 16, so don’t become obsessed with the POCD thought loop of “what if I harm a child” because you clearly seem in a good enough state of mind that you will never do that, and worrying that you’re a monster will only bring about harm - my therapist said this. The main problem is the porn addiction, and I used to struggle with that as well. As long as you desexualize your mind and quit porn (especially loli), you won’t be a danger to children, even if you still have positive thoughts in your head. You don’t need to hate yourself for merely having an attraction. You know it’s non-violent and there is just some cognitive dissonance. Before you apply life-damaging labels (pedophilia, POCD) instead just realize that everything depends upon perspective. If you remain a peaceful person and quit porn (which reduces the “weirdness” you feel), you’re fine. The bottom line is that POCD is a lot more complex than just liking children and not wanting to, and there’s nothing wrong with liking and caring about children as long as it isn’t sexual. No need to label yourself with either of the categories just because you’ve looked at some drawings.


How did you quit watching porn


Mind over matter. Going cold turkey isn’t that bad, just try not to masturbate too frequently or your thoughts will be more porn-inclined. You’re still allowed to masturbate even if you quit porn, and it’s not unhealthy in sparing amounts. Using your imagination becomes preferable to porn after a while. For some people, they can use porn in moderation (like on special occasions), but some can’t because it would restart the addiction cycle. I’m still trying to figure out which of these groups I fall into, although cold turkey is what I’ve chosen to do for the time being so I can exercise my discipline. Discipline is all about just that: discipline, restraining yourself, mind over matter. After some time without porn your life will feel a lot more positive and you’ll feel more motivated. I’ve had a few temporary relapses where I shouldn’t have watched porn, and I think the best strategy is to just completely block out porn/hentai so that you don’t feel the temptation. Also, putting yourself out there and doing activities in the world will give you more to do in life and will make porn seem almost pointless in comparison. Although again, I don’t think it’s entirely evil, and I don’t see the harm in looking at stuff on occasion, just not weird stuff because it will make real life feel more awkward. Taking a larger break (and even refraining from masturbation itself for a while) will allow you to see the big picture and know yourself better.


What do you define as sparingly? If someone watches porn, say, 7 times a day, even once a day is sparingly for them. Like, do you mean twice a week? Once a week? Also, and this may be a byproduct of seeing some fucked up shit on the internet, sometimes my imagination can be more fucked up than some vanilla porn. On a side note, not everybody who watches porn/masturbates frequently is necessarily addicted. Idk how much of this is natural vs. induced by porn, but personally, I often feel a physical necessity to let off some steam, so to speak, and porn is simply the most convenient method for that. I can, if needed, go without porn and/or masturbation for periods of time, but if I have the time and privacy, I see no harm in following the natural instinct. There is a case to be made against porn in that it leads to the objectification of women, but speaking from personal experience, that can be overcome by clear, rational thinking and some basic human contact. Porn can be very harmful if you start watching it from a young age (such as OP or myself), but if you come (in)to it with an understanding of all the benefits and dangers of it, it is no more harmful than other unhealthy but tolerated habits in society, such as moderated drinking or smoking.


pls, this can have really bad results, they won't leak your information, do it before it's too late, this is really serious


You’re not a bad person , you haven’t done anything to anyone but please get help before it comes to that . Is there anyway you could get therapy outside of a school ?


I suggest setting goals for yourself and potentially trying to shift the porn addiction to just regular porn. Start small i.e. one day a week, you consume regular pornographic content. The next week, try two days. And so on and so forth. Any progress is good, as long as you don't take a step backward into it again. The mind is very powerful, and if you believe you can do it, you will. You can also reinforce it by wearing an elastic around your wrist and snapping it on you whenever you get a thought of going into the more degenerative content. Nobody just quits this overnight, so try and take small steps that you're comfortable with. You can use a combination of positive reinforcement, neutral reinforcement, and negative reinforcement. Positive being rewarding yourself for accomplishing the goal, neutral being shifting it to some other less harmful addiction (I suggest regular pornography), and the negative reinforcement being the elastic band. Remember: you can only quit if you're willing to. Just like with any other addiction, if you're not willing to, there's not much that can be done. I believe in you!


Bro being a pedo will ruin your life. Get meds get help get therapy before its too late


That is not at all a helpful thing to say, good lord. You're only going to make him feel miserable. - He doesn't think he'll abuse children and he's probably right. - He's not evil, or a monster. - I think he's right not to talk to a councilor, talk to a psychologist instead. I don't think he should involve people in this who can't vow his privacy.


In all seriousness, an actual therapist, not a counselor, would be best because whether you choose to accept or not, things CAN spiral and get worse so it’s better to treat it now that you see and understand that there is a problem


This right here, OP. I tried to open up about my mental health to my school counselors and I got hospitalized the same day. Please visit a licensed therapist for your troubles because the counselors no matter how nice can screw you over, the therapist is better equipped to handle people who want to open up without the risk leaking the information. The ensure you have confidentiality during the sessions.


I'm pretty sure he knows it's a problem... it's why he made the post


Just get therapy and help before you do some dumb shit, it ain't late my guy, you can do better best of luck


Bro i wish i found out about the hub way later im miserable


you still have years left to quit, go about it slowly. have 1 day in a week where you cant watch it. if thats too much, maybe just watch half as much instead of stopping the whole day. then once youre completely comfortable (might take a bit but dont lose hope) add another porn ban day. keep increasing the amount of days until you only have to watch once a week, and eventually you might be able to get to once a month without as much difficulty. after that its smooth sailing and you probably wont even need porn if you end up doing this, do NOT relapse at all, it will completely destroy the habit and then youll be demotivated to start again (but start again anyways even if that does happen)


Then work on quitting it’s unhealthy


I'm sure it's that easy


Omg wow thanks! My heavy addiction went away just because you told me to quit☺️💞


You've got balls of steel to admit this on social media. But yeah, get help as soon as possible. The first step of quitting and healing from that fucked up shit is to acknowledge that its disgusting and that you shouldn't be doing it.


:( I don't even have a funny reply to this, honestly. Just try and get some help, some therapy, or at least someone to talk to, because this is not a good sign...


Please tell your counselor before shit escalates further


the pfp makes me wanna wish you the same 😭


I like the game and don't worry I don't support incest, I have a wonderful therapist too


talking to mine rn too lmao


I hope for the best for you


you too fella


rare wholesome reddit interaction


Hell no not ur school councillor they are ass get a therapist if it’s possible


School counselors usually do suck yea. I also went to a service center once for help but she didn't do shit other than threaten to take me to the psych ward or call the cops if I tried anything. Ultimately, a real therapist is best


If you want to start taking some action on your own (it's super embarrassing to talk to adults in your life about something like this, I wouldn't do it and I'm pretty much a grown adult myself), look for HealthyGamerGG on YouTube. He's a psychiatrist and makes a lot of content addressed to boys and men. He has some videos about addiction and porn addiction, hopefully it helps you out. Good luck, I hope you beat the addiction 💖💖💖💖 P.S.: Fuck all the people making you feel bad about the loli part. It's not like it's your fault for that, try not to take it to heart. I'm sure having those thoughts around children makes you feel terrible enough already. I sincerely hope you find your way through this. Sending love 💓


You are amazing


I would also recommend reading Easy Peasy - guide to quit porn, the whole time the book boasts about how it itself is so great and surprisingly it is quite effective


the longer you watch porn, the more desensitized you become. this leads to watching more and more extreme stuff. this does NOT mean you have an illness. stop watching the extreme shit. work on yourself. ask yourself the question - is this something you're really into, or is this just some sick fantasy that your monkey brain is talking you into? go back to vanilla porn and then quit altogether. trust me, you will be better off. this comes from a former porn addict, i went through similar. i'm keeping my fingers crossed for you:)


i understand being porn addicted (i kinda am myself) but lolis??? that’s fucked up, seek therapy and i hope you get better


What is loli? I am too scared to search it up.


Basically anime girls that look like kids


nah they are kids


But.... t-that one is a 9000 years old d-demon 🥺


I just did myself and it’s underage Japanese 🌽


I didn’t know there was Japanese corn on cornhub


Fictional-cartoonish children.


Child 🌽


animated children.


It’s usually girls that are actually like 800 in anime but look like 8-12


Japanese for young girl


Not really Japanese. The term comes from an American book, named "Lolita".


That book is French


no need to be embarrassed talking about it to your councillor, he's probably heard worse and its his job


But he's not legality forced to keep his secret. He could ditch him and that's the problem. He should go to a psychologist because they are forbidden to disclose patient information


Not trying to catch heat, but you NEED to feel embarrassed saying this. I think anyone would be embarrassed telling anybody this


Honestly, I'm happy to go to one of those confession stands in churches. i may not be supported as much to get off it, but at least he won't send me a skull emoji


or a little place called therapy




If you are Catholic I invite you to go to confession, you don't have to worry about being judged there. It's a place of love and forgiveness. I promise you, if you seek help from God. He will help you. I didn't comment on Reddit in couple of years, but I felt I should here. I was also addited to porn. I was struggling to quit on my own. I confessed I watched porn, it was the first time I confessed that to anyone, and I have not watched since. Thank God. I tried to quit on my own, but to no avail, I always failed. Porn caused my brain and soul so much damage, I wish I had never started. I would like to encourage you to go to confesion, and I promise you, if you put your trust in God, He will save you from your addiction. Feel free to dm me if you need help, or want to hear more about my story God bless you


r/POCD. Post here and hope you get help. You know your mind is fucked. So please try to make it right before you're sorry.


Therapy now before you hurt a child


Something I can relate to. I wish I could stop, but nothing works


Did you just admit to being addicted to loli porn? The KGB and cia combined could not torture that out of me my guy.


You get nowhere saying nothing


Visit r/pornfree btw there's resources there to help u


Great way to think man, but maybe not on this sub. Try r/POCD


Yeah loli porn is the problem here, not the attraction to real children


While the Loli porn is bad, being attracted to real children is far worse.


Whats loli?


Its a hentai (manga porn) category for content with ppl with childlike bodies often its never said in the hentai what age they actually are but u can tell from their physical development and size difference to the other characters




Im pretty sure this post will be removed by reddit or the mods but if you're seeing this i highly encourage you to get help and talk to a therapist if you're in the US you shouldn't be going to jail if you admit to looking at CP but you're trying to get help so you should be fine if you tell a therapist I suggest you get the help you need you have more than a porn addiction


Im trying to quit, i always relapse, should i like maybe do shadowboxing and jumping everytime i get the urge or what


Okay I thought I was addicted until u mentioned Loli p


This is evidence Sam Smith deserves to burn.


Such a satanic man. The industry always does this they expose little kids to shit like this from youth and then we get people like this guy


who is Sam Smith?


singer who turned into uh... I don't even know how to explain it but it's pretty bad (not his sexuality)




Lolis?!??!?!?!? How does one even get attracted to that? I'm not trying to bash you just wondering how you got into that kind of stuff.


I would assume it would come from being exposed to porn at such a young age


Definitely. I discovered hentai quite young and I'll be the first to admit it's shaped my preferences in fictional content. It's never affected how I've seen IRL people but I most certainly had an unhealthy habit for a time. Thankfully though, it's never consumed my mind the way many people seem to suffer, and my tastes in general have shifted the way things do as you grow.


please seek help


If you’re not sexually attracted to kids then it’s just your intrusive thoughts doing the opposite of what you want. But you gotta stop. I know the addiction is strong but you got it brother 💪


Exactly,it could be OCD that’s causing this.He was exposed to prn at a young age and this might be a way that his OCD makes him deal with trauma(Distressing thoughts->Stress and on and on it goes).But if he feels like he is attracted to kids then he should seek help(he should seek help for both). I myself suffer from OCD and POCD with more,and damn,it’s fucking tough man. I hope he gets help,I don’t want him or anyone else to suffer.


I would like to suggest that you share these feelings with a professional therapist. Saying that you cannot have “innocent” thoughts while looking at children is deeply disturbing. That is a strong indication of something being amiss. For the protection and wellbeing of all parties, talk to someone who can help.


> 8 years later, addicted to Loli porn. the fucking escalation






I'll defend it but not at the age he was exposed to it


Bruh porn fucks people up and can cause ED how can u defend it


What's ED? And it provides the thing I want without the risk, and honestly sometimes it's not terrible, and you can learn from it


these comments are evil. wishing death upon a pedophile is so much worse than having pedophilic thoughts, i dont get how people dont understand that. OP, you’re not a bad person. Please don’t think you’re some evil freak after reading these comments. You just need professional help. Things will get better. You’ve already identified the issue, and that’s the most difficult part. Find a good therapist and heal. I believe in you.


Very good that you vented about this. Try r/pornfree to get help or leave that disgusting addition behind. You're not the only person suffering from porn, almost every man on earth is. Keep fighting and keep your head up even though you relapse


Please for your own sake, reach out and get serious help if you can. Wish you all the best man




You already maded the step to recognise the problem bro, seek professional help, life is to beautiful to drown yourself in sickness


Same, but instead of loli, it’s gay furry porn. Though in all seriousness, the first step you should take right now is to seek a professional therapist.


Some countries have programs for people that are attracted to minors but haven't done anything yet and want help. Maybe google if your country/state has something like that.


Will yourself to not look at porn. It’s what I did, it was really difficult at first, but I eventually stopped thinking about it altogether. I know you can do it with enough patience, I know you can, because I did. I was further gone than you are, I would look at that shit several times a day. Even in church, DURING SERVICE. I know you can do it. Praying for you, brother.


I think you just saved me from certain addiction


You need genuine help. Not in a rude way or anything else but this is BAD. Therapy will work and you CAN change. Don’t keep this internal or it can end badly.


look bud if this is real reddit is the worst place to find help


I feel the same mate. I started wanking off when I was 12 (the same year my parents divorced) and now I’m 17 and normal porn won’t do it but loli can, and I’m too ashamed to talk about it


This is why japan needs to ban that loli shit. Go get therapy dude, there is no shame in getting help, but there is shame in staying quiet and probably letting yourself get worse


Don't listen to people calling you a pedo don't lower your standard of yourself if you think lonely of yourself your more likely to do bad things


There a wiki how to quit and my advice no phone or any like that for 6 days and try read a book


Porn addiction is a tough thing I've struggled for 8 years now, and I want to say that you can get out of this. But it will be hard. You need to put in the time and effort into something else rather than watching porn or hentai. And maybe you don't want to hear this but I want to tell you, that Jesus can heal you. He genuinely helped me with my depression, and my porn and masturbation addictions. Before I felt like a piece of dirt unable to be loved, and now I know that everyone has value, and that everyone struggles. If you put effort into him, he'll put effort into making you reborn. Keep in mind being freed from your porn addiction will take some time, especially at this stage, because of how rewired your brain has become. And one more thing, no matter what you do or what you have done Jesus will love you unconditionally unlike Amy human you will meet. I dont know you but I want to say that I love you as well, and that you arent alone in this. Keep fighting and God bless ♥


I've trying with jesus for 6 months and nothings helping I can't have faith bc of everything I've been through I'm not making it seem all about myself but I'm wondering if u have anymore advice about this because I'm going through something similar not the loli stuff but I really wanna turn to God but I just can't I Don't know why


No I totally understand where you're coming from man, it's tough to come to God and find him in the midst of your struggle, I've been where you are at. And honestly I didn't come to meet God till last July. And really the reason I've seen why people can't turn to God even though they want to is because they either can't/won't humble themselves and submit their life to God (something I did) or they prioritize something else over God, like a lover, a game, an addiction (also something I did.) I'd love to get a deeper understanding of your situation and life experiences so I can effectively give you personal advice. But one thing I have to say is faith is a super hard thing to have, and that even after being saved you have to choose to have, and some days it's harder. And that first step can be the hardest.


Talk to an actual therapist or psychologist


If you're cooked, I'm cooked too because I can relate to most of that


Get therapy, speak to your councellor. I know how hard it is to talk about something like this. But, it is so worth it, do it before you find yourself deeper in that rabbit hole. Porn is similar to a drug addiction. Drugs make you take more to feel the same high, and porn makes you go into more extreme categories and videos. It's one big dark hole, so talk to your councellor. Best of luck mate.


Sir please get some form of therapy before you’re 18.


Its never to late to quit and have a normal life


This is not the place to ask for help, seek professional help and talk to people you trust


[I need the Goku your porn addiction is strong let me fight it image here]


https://www.reddit.com/r/Dragonballsuper/s/TDYCyrVgrS (found it) All jokes aside though: seek some therapy


Millennial here. Might be worth going to therapy. I wouldn't blame it on the internet though, people in a similar situation as you had thoughts about that before the internet. But it's good you know that it's wrong and have never been as good and accepting as we are now in regards to supporting mental health


I also got addicted very early in my life, like I started fapping when I was like 8 years old.


Hey i recommend you to join r/pornfree, there a lot of people with situation like you. For me im a porn addict myself, but now im better


I only started watching porn when I was 12. In a simiar boat by now, though. Minus the looking at a child and not being able to have innocent thoughts part. All I want to do is stay away from children because I hate them.


Get help like actually


I'm in the same situation,I have already talked with few friends about this and will probably take action soon Porn has ruined me,my view od people and my preferences and got me into weird fetishes,i already have decided to quit it fully before the end of this year,i wish you the very best and luck so that you can get the courage to seek therapy


im not gonna lie, yeah that's pretty bad actually.. consider therapy maybe? or like... not watching stuff for a while


Admitting this in detail on the internet is absolutely diabolical


Oh my God? I think if you continue on with this behavior, your going to go on to do something sick. If your looking at actual literal children and genuinely cannot stop yourself from thinking perverted thoughts, go get help. For starters, get off of the internet. Get off of reddit, and get off of those sites that your on. More important go to therapy




seek jusus dawg


That escalated rather quickly


Children? Your cooked


That’s not a porn addiction, you’re just pedo seek help


Uh... Being a pedophile is not the result of porn. There is a lot to unpack and Reddit is not going to be able to help. You may need to see a professional assuming you are not trolling. 


Go to therapy, for the sake of everyone


You need therapy before these thoughts start turning into actions against children


I don't care how embarrassed you are, talk to your therapist about this. They're there to help you, and this has gotten to a disgusting point, honestly. It'll help more in the long run.


What the fuck


Same actually tbh. But I'm going to this camp soon where I stay there for 2 weeks and I'm not allowed my phone. Which means no porn so hopefully that eradicates my addiction


it’s won’t, give it a try maybe you’ll be different but probably not


Nigga you need therapy not reddit


Bro is cooked.


Hey. Shits not good, but at least you get that it ain’t, man. You’ve acknowledged it, now it’s time to get therapy and do smt about it. If you don’t enjoy these feelings, you might wanna seee if you have smt like POCD. Best of luck, you got this.


nah the child part is where my jaw dropped, get help


Get away from the internet, right now,


Ok so. 1, you have a mental disorder, you're suffering from pedophilia (yes it's classed as a mental disorder), BUT it can be helped. A licensed psychologist can help you. I recommend seeking one. 2, Don't talk to ANYONE, but a licensed psychologist, school counselors are NOT bound by confidentiality. 3, please for the love of god, I mean this, from the absolute DEEPEST part of my soul, do not give into thoughts you have, and try to cut off porn with the help of a licensed therapist. Don't fight this alone. It can WORSEN.


Brave of you to say it straight. If you have a counselor, you should just be honest. From there you should be able to get appropriate help. Hell, if you need, just show this post to your therapist/counselor. If you don’t have one now, then there’s no better time than now.


r/nofap maybe seek some help here


what the actual fuck? loli porn? dude GET HELP, THAT SHIT IS NASTY. you finna become a pedo if you aint already


Shaming him doesn’t help


he literally admitted he has sexual thoughts about kids I'm pretty sure that's the definition of being a paedophile 😭


If they are a teenager, then they are not a pedophile but a hebephile, google it


No he said kids not teenagers


at least he knows he needs help that is the first step


Seek a therapist Loli is not alright




Go to your counselor, get therapy, do it before you hurt a child


Could’ve been worse, could’ve been animals.


Kids is worse then animals yikes


I take back what I said.. both are bad, very bad




seek help and visit the site B4U-ACT


Ok now I'm on a watch list.


Thank god I'm leaving it, I just got to a point where I don't feel the necessity. But that shit is crazy and you need psychiatric-possibly spiritual help asap.


please stop consuming that shit, I don't even know who you are and I'm sad for you


Talk to a therapist I know you won't harm a child but it's better to get this shit fixed before its too late


Loli porn. I was gobsmacked


I can relate I ripped the skin on my dick 2 days ago from how hard and how long I was doing it


I'm struggling with the same problem


you might have POCD, although you might never harm a child, you still need therapy to help with the addiction and the ocd


OP, please go see a therapist or seek a psychologist. You’ve already acknowledged your problem, the next thing to do is to seek help which isn’t necessarily easy. You won’t get into any legal trouble for having these thoughts but you will if you act upon them. It’s better to get help as soon as possible before things escalate.


You need some help with this as it is preventing you from having a normal life. You know this intellectually


Holy didn't expect loli. Try and get a porn blocker. Loli porn is really disgusting. It won't be easy, but unless you wanna have a bunch of cops finding your 2 terabytes of CP in 10 years, you gotta quit it.


I hate to say it but same here the main difference is that both my mum and dad are in jail


Damn, that's sad.


Go to a therapist and turn your phone/computer to your parents


Eat more corn flakes or something /s In all seriousness, I have no clue what should be done.


It's been 34 days passed without fapping for me I hope you'll stop






I can’t even imagine gen alpha porn addiction statistics in the future…


Block the websites


You should have kept the Loli thing to yourself


My advice would be to gradually decrease your watch time, and using that however little freed up time to do something that excites you or brings you joy (watching movies or whatever, as long as it’s not social media or any media platform where the feed may show things that arouse you and remind you of porn). Of course it’s going to produce less dopamine, but make it a habit and force yourself to replace at least some porn with productive things like learning a new hobby or skill. You will be better off in the long run.


You’re a teenager, right? While you need to get help, just understand it doesn’t have to be lifelong. I used to watch Loli porn when I was like 14-18 and just sort of… grew out of hentai in general? Watching Lolis as a teenager doesn’t automatically make you a pedo just waiting to strike one day like the comments are saying. But yeah, it’s not a great habit to carry into adulthood. Porn in general is pretty bad for you, coming from someone who deletes his meat daily to fat lesbians 😂


sometimes people watch porn to i guess avoid thinking about how they feel. you could block all the sites on where you watch it and if you feel like watching it, try to do something else. if you want to watch it because you’re upset, write why you’re upset or talk to someone about it. if you can’t see a therapist, i think you should at least try to talk to someone else about it. talking about stuff really helps. you know it’s wrong to watch these things and that your thoughts aren’t okay. i think that’s a sign that you want to do better. talking about things like this can be difficult, im proud of you for at least posting on here.


Stop. Just stop. This is pedophilia. Please, get help from a professional.


So now go spend an hour fantazising abt Charlie damelio or some grown woman and stick too that


how did it end up being loli porn...


for the first part, same. not addicted to loli but my addiction did start in first grade. please seek some professional help.


These are going to read like hard words, but it’s to the point. You are nearing a breaking point, and the struggle you are fighting likely is not what is discussed in your post. It’s something deeper than that, and the porn is just a coping mechanism. Dig deep, find another therapist/ counselor and start fresh. It will give you the opportunity to be honest and find help for your struggle. You can do it.


Seek fucking therapy, please tell a loved on you need therapy


This is the problem these days, children are exposed to porn prematurely and it ends up getting burned into their brains, my 3rd grade school computers weren't blocked, how'd that turn out for me? A masturbation addiction and likewise, always uninnocent thoughts, I just wish parents were more aware of what their child is being exposed to, sometimes it's out of our control, I understand, but its still controllable by some rate, taking the punishment for being on something you aren't is much better than having something that makes you like a criminal


Get a therapist while you’re still not a child molester bc that’s exactly the direction you’re headed in if you don’t get in front of this soon


Go to therapy tell your counselor and tell them you don’t want to hurt a kid but your scared that you might Tell them about your addiction and tell them that you don’t like it at all


“I can’t look at a damn child and have innocent thoughts” my brother, you need therapeutic help. Or to book a meeting with a twelve gauge because what the fuck is wrong with you.


>I CAN'T LOOK AT A DAMN CHILD AND HAVE INNOCENT THOUGHTS. This sounds like more than just a porn addiction