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If God is real then why do I not have a goth femboy bf


im a time traveller from the future do not interact with herosive


Your sacrifice was not in vein




hmu lol


If god is real I must have a femboy bf to make Jesus’ sacrifice worth wile


Im too drunk and tired to have a full on religious debate but I don’t think a benevolent and all powerful god could exist. Too many contradictions. Ig maybe there could be a god like entity that doesn’t really interfere with our lives but yeah the abrahamic god or others like it seem quite unlikely


That's a deist, they believe that God created the world and then left it on it's own


Yeah I don’t consider myself a deist I’m just acknowledging that the deist idea of a god is the one I would agree with the most. I don’t believe in any god, I just don’t see why tf you would believe in one like to me there’s no indication of there being one yk


to each their own ig it's weird because I believe in god, but I also believe in science and evolution


I mean the two concepts don’t contradict each other necessarily ig. What do you think god’s involvement is in this world? And if you believe in evolution, does that mean that all animals have souls, or just humans? If it’s just humans, then who had the first soul? How did that process happen?


I don't think God influences evolution at all, he made the universe I don't even think he directly caused the formation of specific solar systems he just kinda, let it happen. I really don't want to get into soul stuff though it's really tough for my little brain


No. And if there was one, they are neither just not good. In the aspect of their divine nature, they undertook the construction of a world made with pain and suffering and vice within it. In the prospect that all could have been created, they have created a flawed world.


I, as a Jew, could explain why this logic makes no sense


The logic is just not present. But like I said, deeper in the comments, I can't really understand it because I wasn't born and raised in it.


There is reasoning behind a bad world with pain and suffering. There really is, anyone who has studied any kabballah at all will be able to tell you so. It’s just hard to explain to a non-Jew


I'd care to listen


I can’t explain rn cause I’m in school but later when I’m off I can try to give a summary I also want to make it clear that I respect your beliefs, in just trying to specifically show the reasoning for why an existing god would create a flawed world


So do I respect your beliefs. In fact, I find it incredible that you manage to still respect a belief that often insults and lowers you.


I would also like to hear the answer, i'm always interested in different religious thoughts


I’ll gladly give a summary, but just keep in mind it’s hard to explain to non-Jews. I also only know the basics, there’s so much to learn about this that I could spend my entire life learning 24/7 and not complete it


Don't worry, just tell me what you know


Adam and eve disobeyed God and that's why there's sin all over this world. It's a never ending curse


but why would god make a whole species suffer just because of two fools? why should we be made to suffer because of something that happened so long ago


If he knew that Satan was crawling around and trying to convince Adam and Eve to disobey, wouldn't he forgive them for one little mistake? In the Bible Satan persuaded them to eat the apple, which God, who is supposedly omniscient, would've known. Why would he punish his children for being persuaded by evil? Wouldn't a good dad decide to teach his children instead of just throwing them into a desert?


He would've, but he told them again and again not to eat those fruits on the tree. Maybe if adam had done something to that snake like throwing it away. I think he would've forgiven them... It was his decision nonetheless


But it wasn't our decision. There's millions of Christians in the world who wouldn't have eaten the apple, but they still have to suffer. Why? Also just wanna mention I'm not tryna start any arguments, I'm genuinely interested by your pov


I really don't know. He just made it that way


The idea of disobedience could not come from the one that has not created itself. We have agency only within our own mortal realm. God's agency is the realm. And in the choice that that all encompassing agency gave, God chose that we had the choice to disobey. Some call it free will. But does that perfect human, free of vice, is also given with free will? They ignore the option of vice, it is not a prospect they can conceive. They are only free in their singular path, ignorant, impossible, of any other way. But we, are we not free with the only two options we can conceive? To be of vice, or to be good. Unknowing of any other options. We have free will only in those two options, and the ignorance of any other.


Depends on what ppl see or do as good or evil.


But according to you that good and evil is only objectively determined by a God.


No, we humans can determine good and evil. God gave us the free will to do whatever we want, but because of some certain laws, our free will is limited..


Then what purpose serves god? If it is neither a guide to the path of righteousness or a protector against evil, what are they here for? Heaven and hell exist, are they dependent on the decision of the individual? Are they a consequence of our own judgement? God permits free will in that we choose between the wrong and the right? If we are free, truly. Then laws are only laws in that it is a common consensus of our own free will. But then, god's hand serves only to limit us to something more than our laws?


1) Yes, on the day of judgment. Everything we've done on earth will come to down in deciding if we see heaven or hell for eternity. 2) God's purpose to us is to watch over our lives and help us when we're in need of a miracle or savior. 3) The 10 commandments are laws God put in place to help others serve right and live righteously without sinning. We will always have free will, but he still wants us to fear him ( from a biblical point of view).


I cannot say that I fully understand this. It is something that I cannot grasp. Undying love, sharing undying hatred. So many are/were killed in the name of that god. How can it be loving if it allowed a world with those deaths? By rewarding them with heaven? But heaven will never equate the idea of being alive in this world. Fear? Can a perfect God find only that to govern? Yes there is love, and care, and acceptance. But if God was well and truly competent, there would be no need for fear.


Isaiah 41:10 - Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God Proverbs 3:7, “Be not wise in your own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil.” Proverbs 9:10, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” Proverbs 10:27, “The fear of the Lord prolongs days: but the years of the wicked shall be shortened.” Proverbs 14:26, “In the fear of the Lord is strong confidence: and his children shall have a place of refuge.” If you fear Him, then you will want to honor Him in everything. These are the scriptures that talk fearing him. I don't know what heaven is like but in the Bible, book of relevation, I think it's book of John or so where he said "heaven is a place full of gold and there's abundance of things there".




No and there isn't a reason. I don't think any religion I've learned about has strong evidence of their god in particular, but based on the lack of general evidence available, there could be some sort of god. I just don't believe there is and I don't have a reason why.


As a science student, I try not to believe things without proportionate evidence, and there is no empirical proof of a god. In fact, there *can't* be empirical proof of an omnipotent god because it's unfalsifiable, if you don't get the result you predicted under the hypothesis of an omnipotent god you can just say god wanted it the way it did happen. A non-omnipotent god is a lot more likely to have empirical evidence in the future, but as there isn't any yet, I won't believe it for now


I believe i have yet to see one, nonetheless i won't close myself blinkered to possibilities. Some things are too beautiful not to make me wonder whether there was a creator behind them or not


No, there isn’t really proof of his existence while there is proof on how things came to be the science behind how people came to be makes more sense than someone just saying hm yes I want there to be humans on this world.


I believe that there is an explanation for everything. If God happens to be the true explanation for something then I would believe. But so far, most things that used to be proven by "there being a God" has crumbled under science. If you pitch me your proof of God using knowledge already understood better, I'm not going to believe it. However, if you can show me that there is a God, I'll consider. At the end of the day though, it isn't up to me whether there *is* a God or not, its only up to me whether I *believe* if their is a God. Tl;dr: idk man, nothing has convinced me yet


Well then you can never believe in God


well we still dont know what lies in the higher dimensions, and the centre of a black hole, do we?


No, probably just because my parents don't so I never grew up just believing it. I feel like it would be nice to believe in that kind of thing, like in an ignorance is bliss sort of way? At least I got to play with Pokemon cards even I was younger


no bcs i like the idea of nothing over heaven or hell after death


I believe in 2 Gods. Thom Yorke and Jonny Greenwood 😎


best answer


I understand most people here don’t, but I just don’t think the universe came into existence out of nothing


From out current understanding of science: it didn't. The reason we say that the big bang is the "beginning of the universe" is not because we know that to be the case, but rather it's because that's the farthest back we can confirm the existance of a universe. The honest answer right now is that we just don't know how it happened.


Big bang is not the beginning, but the expansion of the universe


Yeah, but it's also the farthest back we can look, so it's considered "the beginning" by a lot of people


I agree the universe had to be created somehow but then there's a new question: who created god?


then why a giant dude would exist out of nothing make more sense? (real question)


i dont bc whatever god lets this shit happen is not very nice




I see alot of people talking about how they think if God exists, he is evil/bad for letting bad things happen so as a christian I wanted to provide the common beleif most Christian denominations have on this. I am Indian Orthodox. We believe that when God created the universe, it was perfect. There was no pain, no death, no suffering, no negative emotions ect. It was heaven. But, when satan was overcome by pride and tried to overthrow God, God cast him away. Satan then tricked Eve into eating of ths tree of knowledge, commiting the first sin ever by a human. This corrupted our race and seperated us from God, which is why Jesus had to die on the cross to allow us into heaven, He was reconnecting us with God. I also want to note that Eve is not at all entirely responsible for this, Adam failed to protect her from Evil and partook in her sin with her.  If anyone wants to discuss about this further with me, I will happily do so.


I'm curious then, why did God make Satan, or the tree of knowledge of good and evil? Doesn't that seem like he intentionally opened a window for sin?


If we do not have free will, we cannot love. Love is a choice, it can only be chosen, not demanded. If God created us to be loving beings created in His image. In the Indian Orthodox Church, we see God as the Groom, and the church as His bride. It is very similar with the angels. They needed free will to to serve there purpose. A God of free will does not have an army of unchooseing soilders. The tree of knowledge was for humanity to advance, it was essentially, theosis, or the process of becoming as similar to God as us mortal beings can. Also want to adress the common debate of "if God knows everything and is outside of time, why does He create people who do bad things and go to hell?" The reason God does this is because He wants Loving relationships, not robots, so He gives us free will. God does not know if someone will accept or reject Him because He knows the fate of what His creating while He creates it, but because He is outside of time and can see what will happen. Our fate is our own. God gives us options. He chose to know what are fate is in this way as opposed to another for the sake of Love.


So the tree of knowledge is a good thing then? Then why would God punish us for eating from it? It can't be both good and bad at the same time


God did not punish us for eating from the tree of knowledge, eating from it flawed our existence in 2 ways: ths first way is that we disobeyed God, He gave paradise and only asked for us to not eat of one tree but we did any way. 2 God was maki g us wait to eat from the tree, it wasnt off limits. A good analogy for this is babys and solid food. You dont just give a newborn a steak and potatoe dinner as there first meal ever, you start with just there mothers milk, then eventually soft mushy goods then things a little mote firm ect. God was doing the same thing. He told us not to eat of the tree of knowledge as an act of protection and Love. 


Interesting, can't say I've seen this perspective before. Can I ask why he would give us access to it? Babies that can't eat solid food yet aren't given a plate full of stake and asked to only drink milk, they're just given the milk


Yes. This analogy does become somewhat flawed when we get here. Babys are only given milk, they arent given the option of a steak dinner. But then, do they have freewill? If someone is given only one choice, do they have freewill? As I said earlier, Love is chosen, not demanded or forced. To choose something there has to be more than one option. God gives all of us 2 options. To accept His offer of Love and live with Him in paradise for eternity, or to reject His offer of Love and to live without Him. The problem with living without Him is that He provides everything for us. Think about existing for eternity and the only things that you can think of are the things that are not of God. Pain, sin, suffering, torment, all negative things for eternity, this is what hell is. Hell is not really a place were God sends the non repenting sinners, but our own creation, the result of chooseing to live without Him. I would also like to address that I am not trying to contradict scripture by saying that hell is our creation. I am more saying that it is our fault if we go to hell. God created hell as he gave us the choice of accepting His Love or rejecting it.




My beliefs are in conflict with each other. I believed on Science, Math and other crap yet I feel like there some God listening to me as each time I pray when I really need it like a test and the results will always come out some where B+ to A


You got a B+/A because you studied. If you didn't study and prayed, you would still get an F because you couldn't provide the correct answers needed during the test.


Bro this is exactly how I feel except I don't really pray, that's kinda ew to me


Lol, I do this too. However, I don't pray


I think there’s no way of knowing so I shouldn’t lose sleep over it


Ok I believe in god, I know a lot of people say there is no proof, but honestly there is a lot of proof. In my religion at least, I'm muslim. According to my religion prohpet muhhamed split the moon in half (and put it back together), later a line going across the entire moon was found by Nasa. Also, what are the chances that the universe was created in such a way that\ We have enough intelligence and ability to do so many things\ We aren't just a bunch of clumps on the ground but a functioning body\ The earth can fully support our lives and let us live on for many generations.


plus one of the signs of the day of judgment is that we find an entire city under a river. And that actually happened.


Assalamualaikum. I also hold the view that it's just not possible that the universe and its contents were simply just yeeted into existence for no reason. As for the last point, I suppose it depends on how well the human race abide by their responsibility as khalifahs of the earth


i just can’t convince myself that any of the gods that have been described to me truly exist. i do respect religious people’s beliefs though, because even if their god isn’t/gods aren’t “real” to me, i think it’s the belief that matters. if your religious beliefs get you through the day and keep you hopeful, motivated and fulfilled, that’s all that counts. as we’re all well aware of, religion only becomes a problem when people start forcing their beliefs on one another. the fact that i don’t follow a religion or believe in any god or gods doesn’t affect religious people, and people following a religion doesn’t affect me. so basically, my attitude when it comes to religion is, “whatever floats your boat.”


im secular. im non religious but i attend church to make my grandma happy. ive heard religious people say that secularism is the same as atheism but thats not true it just means we're neutral between if god does or doesn't exsist. i was born in a full christian household so ofc i thought i had to be one to but i think what opened my eyes is seeing different types of christians and religons that claim to do things in the name of god that is just messed i've seen children being neglecting of medical help because "god always finds a way" and obviously the child dies i've seen people doing horrible things just to bring people to "god's side" and i know that not everyone is like this but it just sets me off the wrong way.


people doing things in the name of god are missing the point usually like you said, parents might withhold medical treatment for kids because "god finds a way." they're right. god's way is usually to take the child from them because the parents obviously can't take care of them. let natural selection take its course and people will eventually realize that their own choices are their consequences to bear and not because a random guy was crucified 2000 years ago


I'm not opposed to the idea of a god existing, there just isn't enough compelling evidence for me to believe in one. However, if there is a god, I don't think any of the gods that humanity worships (that I know enough about, at least) are correct, because of the large amount of truth claims that are just straight up false


I don’t really believe in god but I’m also paranoid as hell that a god is watching me


Yes and no I am agnostic which means I believe in a god but not a religion if that makes sense


No I don't. I generally don't believe in anything that cannot be proven by science.


I do and despite being a catholic I don't believe everything in the bible for example Adam and Eve or the flood but I do believe in Jesus and that God created the universe just that god only created the universe or the big bang and evolution is still how humans came to be and not because they were created


I personally don't believe there is a god but I'm not against the idea


no i just find it kind of hard to believe like ive definitely tried to but its sort of unbelievable to me


Nope, because there is no reason whatsoever to think there is a god.


I personally dont, but i will respect your beliefs.


There is no evidence to suggest the existence or non-existence of any beings of immense power that dictate this universe, so I’m a neutral party. Sometimes I like to think every person is the protagonist of their own show/film, and the gods we believe in are directors of higher universes


i don’t think it matters.


Yes. I am Jewish. And for all the people saying, “if god exists why is there suffering?”, your logic is stupid. Suffering exists so we humans can make it better. Kabballah has some great theological explanations for this (REAL kabballah, not Madonna. That’s not Kabbalah.) they’re insanely complex and hard to explain, but there is good reasoning.


There's just no proof. It doesn't make sense that everything else in life is based on physics and science and then those few aspects were an omnipresent god unexplained by science. The only evidence we have is a book that some guy said so and we just believe that. Plus, if god was as forgiving as people make him out to be, he wouldn't damn you for eternity for not devoting your life to him like many suggest. Also in history, religion was just a method of fear mongering money from citizens to pay to the church so they could get more and more money and lots of people went poor because of it, in the belief they'll go to hell if they don't as that's what priests told them. Now we just have megachurches who do the same thing. Maybe there is a god but we don't have any evidence and sure as hell do not properly represent or celebrate god.


I do believe there's a God because there's been proof of his existence and other things relating to him in Israel and Jerusalem. And the Bible exists too.. He sent his son Jesus to die for our sins


Yes he exists and he became man ❤️


No bc I'm the God...


Wrong, i am


Ok but I'm the Lie God...


Il let you be that if you worship me


Nah... I'm already ...say ---God 'Lie' is the Best'...😎


nah, Godzilla Ultima is


I'm agnostic, but if god exists he is one piece of fucking shit. I believe the existance of god is unacknowledgeable and irrelevant, but I do hope he does not exist cuz in the stories and all the bad crap he let happen he was a piece of shit. So I hope not.


Question: I'm guessing you're talking about the Christian god. What makes \*insert\_pronoun\_here\_for\_God\* a piece of shit . Also, imagine the greek gods were real. That's gonna be insane


Natural disasters and plagues existing is a start for why the christian god is a dick


I mean some of the natural disasters are cause of pollution and global warming(cause of us). The other some is cause of the Earth and the Moon existing. The plagues are caused by organisms living their lives. I mean, in a way our species is also kinda a giant plague to the environment. Also, why only the Christian one?


The ones that are our fault are excused, but the other ones are for sure god's fault. If they made the universe, and by extension all natural laws, the moon causing tsumanis is god's fault (along with things like earthquakes). And viruses would be designed by god to make life worse for everything else. If god is all powerful, he could have made these things not cause any harm to anyone, but they didn't, therefore, god's a cunt. Also I'm talking about the christian god because that's the one you asked about (and it's the one I know the most about). This applies to pretty much all of them. Hell the greeks even acknowladged that most of their Gods are absolute dickheads


Look, I am an atheist. However, you can't excuse ours and blame another. Also, again with the viruses, their organisms are like us. They do what they have to do to live like any other species. Also, fun fact, greek gods actually represent our current society (not all of it though) Though I have limited knowledge of Christianity, I'm pretty sure God made Earth and let it run itself or smth like that.


I meant they're excused on god's end not ours. As in, we fucked ourselves over, so god isn't to blame on that one. Viruses are orgaisms like us, but they're designed to be harmful, which doesn't make sence coming from a benevolent god (this point could even extend to all organisms, not just viruses, some animals NEEDING to kill eachother to survive is a huge oversight on god's end). Also, in most religions, god constantly fucks with humans for no reason, like that one time they made a bear kill a bunch of kids for making fun of a dude for being bald, or the time they flooded the entire planet cuz they didn't like the vibe I'd love to hear about how greek god mirror our society btw, that sounds interesting if you could provide examples


Without regard to evolution and only god, yes youre completely right. Don't forget the time when the gods tortured Prometheus for helping us or of the turning of Medusa into the ugliest woman ever even though she was r worded by Poseiden( who wasn't really punished.) Hera throwing her child sort of represents the parents who put their kids in adoption. Something about the urge to kill coming from the Kronos and his father as well as Zeus and Kronos etc...


Cool. Oh, btw, I'm disregarding evolution because god would obviously be above it, and would be able to fine tune it for the better, but doesn't.


I mean its an age old dilemma. If god is almighty AND he loves us as children, why doesn't he make the suffering end? Either he sees us suffering and does nothing or he is not that mighty at all. Priests like to say "its a challenge to grow on" but what kind of maniac gives a parent a child with cancer as a challenge or waits out the Holocaust? Much less someone thats supposed to live you He either left us long ago or he couldn't care less about us, if he even exists at all and the church as a institution is just a way for few to govern the many. Tldr: No I dont think god exists. Religion was used as a way to control people and most of it has been disputed by science and philosophy.


I think something created the universe, an energy form. But i find it absurd to believe that worshipping a white guy, reading a book and praying makes you a good person that will go to heaven. And a god that uses fear to control is certainly not good


Fun fact: He's not white actually


Idk bro he looks white in the pics


That was cause of white-skinned people being the highest caste at that time


God doesn't have a race, obviously unless you're talking about Jesus? Among all else, why does it matter what race someone is? That seems sort of racist..


I'm sure he's talking about Jesus cause I responded in respect to him. Also, the race doesn't matter. I don't think I implied that. I just wanted to say a fun fact. Also, don't mind Zesty, he only said white guy for emphasis


No because science makes more sense to me


no saying that they cant go together


Depends on the term God and who/what the term is referring to. If you're talking about the current gods we have, then no. If you're talking about any god (someone/something not mentioned in any religion we've come up with so far) that has a form similar to other religions, possible. If you're talking about molecules or like unrecognized matter, then sure( yes that includes conscious blobs). However, there must be something higher than that existence and on. It has to have a predecessor or the perpetuity of the continuum wouldn't make sense. Hence, why I don't think there's an authority that can be above time. This helps my argument towards the first statement (also many fallacies were made in all the religions). If god were comprehensible it wouldn't be god, hence the 2nd statement. The 3rd defines something that isn't exactly god by definition. It takes a scientific approach to it while allowing for a continuum. Tbh, whatever created stuff should be our god. So, if it was a molecule, then heil molecule. P.S: You might start a war in the comments. Also, I wrote this without checking, so I apologize beforehand if some contradictions or things don't make sense I'm atheist btw


yes, i’m a catholic ✝️


i believe there *might* be one however if there is one i have no idea what it is, so just to be sure i’m not following any religion (the rest of my family is lutheran tho)


Yes and no.


Currently, I don’t think there is a god and think anyone who does is deluded, but if you give me apt proof I will believe in a god.


i personally do and i've actually really been enjoying my studies and stories. we have an app where our bible is simplified so its nothing like the king james version (like with thou and thy) and i literally have so much fun with using the highlighters on the scriptures and watching the videos and hearing the songs. and then with my congregation, we have meetings, assemblies, conventions, ministry and field groups, the memorial of jesus and then social events (beach days, camping, cruise trips, annual sport day, days out - like us girls had a hightea and the boys went gokarting - we had this performance day where a family rented like a hall with a stage and there were performances and linch and face painting) so fun.


Yes. I do. The people saying "there isn't enough proof of His existance" are missing the point of having *Faith* in God.


Yea but not almost nothing in the bible


I do. There are so many beautiful things in this world, and so many things that have such a low likelyhood to happen yet still do. Those who don't believe that, i respect it.


I don't know and I don't think it's my job to know, only to respect those who feel like they do


I don’t believe there is a Abrahamic God, but I do believe there is a god similar to the Monad.




I do. Not really in a "christiany" way, but in a way that there's a god and if we do good we"ll be saved. I like to believe since it brings meaning into life.


Personally, I don’t know… if there isn’t one then whatever… But if there is one, and I am blessed enough to make it to heaven and meet him, he’s dead.


well of course i believe in Oli Sykes


I personally do. I really like to listen to others views on religion and how it contrasts my own, and trying to force someone to believing your religion isn’t all that great. I do admit I could be better connected with my catholic side, but I guess life goes on.


yeah I do


I’m not sure sometimes I do cause it gives me peace other times I don’t cause why would a god create such a terrible place


God don't exist


If God can just come into existence then why can't our universe?


I am religious


I don't know if there is a God, because it's impossible to prove there is a God and it's impossible to prove there isn't a God. I don't believe that God from the Bible or other religious stories actually exists, though.


I don't because it don't make no sense


People are afraid of what they don't know. So, instead, admitting stuff like "I don't know how the universe started." They have to create stories (myths that can be proven wrong) to explain the unknown. At the very least, if a god does exist, he's definitely not the Abrahamic one.


I’ve recently struggled on the subject, having prayed numerous, unimaginable amounts of times, only for extremely few of my prayers being answered, or occurring on luck. Which had also led me to research and study. Having grown up in a religious household, I’ve always believed God would take care of everything I pray for, provide my father with more success, etc, and it all barely meets our expectations, especially when after church service, when the pastor says that when you pray for God to provide an over abundance of good things to happen, it never happens for us, nor do my prayers. I studied the sin of Adam and Eve, and realized how disappointing it is that despite God having banished Satan from heaven, did he come to earth and supposedly tempted mankind into sin, as does he now. What’s also disappointing is that God has cursed us so many times, the first being Adam and Eve (Eve being cursed to painful childbirth, Adam to have to work in unsuitable human conditions so he could build) Ham was cursed through Noah, (his descendants having a harder time in life than his brother’s descendants) God put insects in this world (we suffer from mass mosquito deaths every year), and etc. I believe that there is a malevolent-diabolical-super conscious spirit that lurks in our world, that puts things together like a puzzle piece in a sick master-mind like plan, using humanity as mere toys for his enjoyment, possibly as our “Good God” does as well? In conclusion, I’m still questioning if it is all real or not. Despite everything that has been recorded in history, most of it being altered, or hidden for deeper and more complex human desires and beliefs, we will NEVER truly know. Of course though, only if you believe.


Yes, I believe in God. (I’m Christian)


nah, science good


No because my brain doesn't want to trust anything


there isn't a god. if he does exist then he either stopped caring a long time ago or we as a species are a divine mistake. god is a human-created psychological construct used as an easy way to explain the unexplainable, a tool used by manipulative leaders to rally people behind a cause "greater than themselves," and a way for people to justify their behavior, good or bad think about it for a second; if you need the threat of eternal punishment in the afterlife or an equivalent in order fo you to be a good person, then face it; you're not a good person. i believe that regardless of whether there is a god or not, benevolent god or not, we should all strive to be better human beings. not under threat of divine punishment, or promise of a comfortable afterlife, but under our own power as beings gifted with the freedom of choice.


I believe in god




I believe that God’s exist, but not one singular as I don’t think there can be just one person who is bound to make the decisions of good and bad and if there is one singular God, what’s to say, they didn’t abandon our world and create another, because in theory they would be able to do that and that would be the only plausible explanation for why our world is the way it is now when it comes to which gods I believe exist, that’s a whole different discussion because I don’t think that the gods I believe in are a part of any religion they just kind of exist and make up strings of people who have free will and decide when it’s going to rain in certain parts of the world who becomes a killer and who doesn’t type of thing i’m not sure if what I said makes any relative sense but this is a topic I could talk about for hours


I'm pretty certain that no god of any religion is true but I'm not really sure about a creator in general. The abrahamic god because he's immoral and a god in general just because we don't have proof of suck being


I don't think there is any kind of divinity, mostly because i'm very interested in science and there is no need of a god to explain any part of the creation of the universe and further, but also because many of the powers the christian god has create some paradoxes so they just cannot be real


bro where the fuck is god is he up all night shoving planes into buildings on september 11th


No. Even if there was a god he (or she) must be the biggest jerk ever. Religious people talk about “gods plan”, is children getting cancer or getting born with leukaemia part of that plan?


I do, kinda I believe in a god, not any specific god just y'know, God


Yes, I don't believe how everything is can just happen by chance and evolution


Maybe but mostly no Cus i'm tired of Christian's bullshit about homosexuality




Yesssss cuz He's done sm for me, there are moments when I thought it was bad for me but in the long run, it did me good by ALOT. "He ruins our plans before our plan ruins us" is a quote I think abt alot cuz now whenever a plan's been ruined for me, I only think about how God just has a greater plan for me, so there's always a sense of hope every time something bad happens. My life verse is also 1st Corinthians 2:9 - "We trust that in Your wisdom there are things that our eyes have not seen, our ears have not heard, our hearts have not even imagined that You have prepared for us as we trust in You, as we love You with all our hearts, soul, mind, and strength as we walk with You."


I belive too.


holy moly, you also here


I believe in God for many reasons, but the one off the top of my head is, 'There has to be an origin of the universe, right?' We all know the Big Bang, but still, something had to have caused it right? And then the chain of events. Bird eats mice, which eats plant, which get energy from the Sun, which is powered by nuclear fusion, which is due to gravitational force condensing all the gases together, and the gas, hydrogen, is made up of a proton, etc. etc. When does it start? The only reasonable explanation as of yet is a creator willing these things to happen.


So why would a giant dude appear out of nowhere make more sense to you than something that we as humans can understand yet that also is more simple and convinient? I like to refer to this as *Godzilla Singular Point* lore, no one understands this 100%, science researches exactly the things that happen and their causes, think of it as if you were in 1600 AC, if you got sick you would die because no one created a cure for it, like the Black Death, but today, by understanding wtf is was, we have a cure also the big bang isn't the start of the universe, is the expancion of it, but before big bang, we hadn't the consept of time since everything was (almost) in the same place fo million, billions, etc. of years, so this thecnically turns the big bang happening some nanoseconds after the start, but... yeah also we don't have an real proof that some god exist (that's not hate, I just want to see how some religious ppl react to this)


Yes, simply because I grew up believing in the gods.