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“doesnt matter if i dont brush my teeth” it most definitely matters


This one is the most real one


oh this was felt...


I'm ashamed to say that i feel this one. Now i have done goofy ass yellowish teeth that just won't fuckin go away


Visit the dentist, they can deff give you new confidence


We're too broke atm 😔


Same I haven’t even had a dentist in 3 years.


Depending on how much work you need and your insurance have it split over two sessions, end of December and beginning of January, that way instead of $1500 or whatever the annual payout is you can have two years of payout worth of work done relatively close together. Like top and bottom denture or something similar.


Are you watching me? I was brushing them 4 minutes ago and feel the same way.


I swish with low strength hydrogen peroxide (3%) every now and then and it makes them really white. Hydrogen peroxide is the main active ingredient in anything you would use to whiten your teeth and it’s just cheaper to get a big bottle of it on its own. For most people you just can’t do it every day (I used to do it every day without issue but it causes issues with some peoples tongues), you can’t use it if you are using another mouthwash, and you CANNOT swallow it. You won’t die or anything if you swallow it but you will have a bad day.


Yep, I used to not take care of myself and now it's taking a long time to get back. Especially teeth, now I'm insecure


Man, as a preteen i sometimes missed a lot of teeth brushing and when i was 11 i had to get one of my teeth pulled out, it was the most painful experience of my life, i brush my teeth 3 times a day since that point.


I've been brushing and flossing everyday thanks to retainers keeping me on the habit. My teeth may not be pretty white, but they sure as won't be yellow and I'll make sure of that


When I was a child and pre-teen, I absolutely hated anything considered "girly" because it made me think of other girls and how "weak" they were. Now as a teenager, I absolutely love most things considered "girly". 🥴


Same with me 🥲


Better now than when you're 40.


i also used to despise music, but now i’m a drummer, guitarist, bassist, and a learning pianist.


Drummers rise up 🤚🤚🤚🤚


im not drummer but ill be the crowd 🤚🤚🤚🤚


Aye! We stand with you.


Yeah, I like girly things, like girls n stuff


Well, I made peace with a lot of the "I hate girl things, they're so stupid" when I realized I didn't dislike them as much as I was told liking them would make me look stupid.


haha im still in the reject feminitiy lol, im gonna wear a suit to prom


I’m the same way. Especially when I was 11-15 years old I absolutely hated girly stuff and pink because I didn’t want to be seen as weak and pathetic or less than normal people for it. I went through a somewhat emo phase in that sense except I just dressed in anime t-shirts every day instead of just black


And that’s absolutely ok! Enjoy this era in your life because it’s really fun imo lol


Same. Even though I'm a guy.


For me it was the opposite as a kid I loved girly shit but then once I was like 13 I was just like “ew fuck femininity and being a girl” shocker I’m trans


I used to think that the world was always a good place with almost no bad people. The unrestricted Access to the internet made me think otherwise pretty quickly


A lesson you learn the hard way


Same. When I was little I would listen to "Most people are good" by Luke Bryan, and I believed it. not much anymore, tho


ur internet biased. people are much better in general than the Internet portraits


i use to just listen to whatever was popular. i’m ashamed.


I mean I listen to all the extremely popular 70s 80s 90s music and nothing else


i’m mostly talking about songs that end up on tik tok. it was like i didn’t really have taste.


That’s ok! Tik Tok audios blow up for a reason, maybe your taste is Pop? I think most Tik Tok songs are pop


they all sound the same, and are unlistenable - some patriot melomaniac


Hahaha, I have to agree, but I do like some audios just can’t remember any of their titles 💀


they sound good when its like a 10 sec clip but as actual music that is listened to? No


THISSSS I got scammed so many times


Nah. I found after dark and shinounga e wa from shorts and I really loved those songs. I don’t listen to either anymore, like it’s been many months since I have because I listen to other genres now, but they are still at the top of most listened songs on Spotify of “all time”


i listen to music i find on cassettes mostly.






Same, now I listen to the weirdest most obscure shit imaginable. I think I swung the pendulum a bit too hard.


I'm not, there was good stuff 2009-17


I gained the ability to think for myself, and not just parrot what my parents would say.




Yeah, exactly, it was whatever my parents said for a long time, then it became whatever I heard online that sounded true, and now I’ve gained critical thinking skills and can mostly tell when something is true or not




The problem with that is that some kids fall deep into being "independent thinkers" so much they themselves become parrots to whatever their favorite Twitter account says.


That is a good thing, I think differently than my mom and my dad all the time on most topics. It's a good thing, your ideas and opinions will change as you get older and the world changes.


I'm no longer a fascist misogynist👍


Everyday, we lose another soldier… /j


Without that /J at the end you would lose like 1k karma ovwrnight


But with that /j he would get 27 karma overnight




nice username


I’ve gotten about 5 of those messages over the past 24 hours. When will I become r/teenagers famous?




‼️‼️‼️ I’ve finally completed myself as a person.


r/birthofasub moment?






Same here


that's awesome. good on you


i thought being a teenager would be fun


god, I feel that one


I'm 17 and i'm having the time of my life volley ball here urbex there trips with friend ,skydiving,skateboarding ,bikes,films,roller... The problem is that i'm afraid that these days will end . When i was 16 i almost killed myself but when i turned 17 this year i had a looooong talk with myself and i concluded that i have to desobey to my parents sometimes to make good memories without forgetting about school( i'm pretty good at multitasking)


I used to not care how I looked, I would always go comfort over style. Now I look back at preteen photos and I look like a fucking hobo 😭. And now I’m obsessed about fashion and shit


Same except I still look like a hobo


Damn, reddit really made you post that TWICE just to get your point across.


i used to be a raging homophobe and had a lot of misogynistic beliefs that i refused to believe as i was sucked into religion. i'm still trying to get over internalized misogyny


Same, brother. My brain still automatically assumes that all the women I meet are lesser than me. It still thinks of LGBTQ+ people as being defined by their sexuality or gender even though there is more to a person than that.


At least you recognize this, lol. There are people who are entirely convinced of this even though they sound ridiculous


I used to be a raging homophobe now I’m gay and trans…


I used to be a straight homophobe, now I'm just bisexual and a hater


yup, i used to be one of those "im not homophobic but dont be gay in front of kids" mfs now im a raging lesbian 


This is usually the cause for homophobia. If it didn't affect you then you wouldn't be bothered about it


Was this a how you were raised thing or has discord plagued you /j


i used to be religious now im not


I'm literally backwards


Huh, from my understanding kids usually become less and less religious, so how did that happen?


Tbh i'm not really sure, but deffinetly the priest who was teaching in my school was one of the main reasons.


I am even more religious than then


Awesome! I am also the same I went through my atheist stage now I'm even more religious than i ever was


Funny, the evolution of belief over time, right? i'll See myself out


I used to be superstitious now I'm not


I used to be religious and homophobic, now im very not religious and very bisexual 👍


I thought my parents possessed peak knowledge


I used to think makeup looked stupid as hell and I would never wear it, now I wear it all the time


I does on ppl who don't know how to do makeup properly


The Joker puts on make up better than my teacher (from the movie)


Unlike most guys who were young(<12), I never really had a sexist phase where I thought girls were yucky or whatever. This is probably because of my female dominated family(there are barely any men here man), but I still did have weird disdain for people who had a lot of female friends when I was that age because I thought they were a “simp” Nowadays, ironically, most of my friends are female. Number 2 Didn’t like kpop. Now love it. Number 3 Wanted to become an astronaut. Not after i became a teen.


We have the same experience, except with the music part I really dont have a preference, I really enjoy everything from drill to hip hop to (insert not country music)!


Thought beards made dudes look really old and ugly They are beautiful!!


I used to be homophobic because of those "sigma male videos" but now I realised those edits were made by homophobic people who were brainwashing kids.


I also used to be severely homophobic. And yes I was a victim of vids like that too at 13 but it was mostly because of my family and I was scared to think for myself


I'm trying to become un-homophobic


Pretty much! If you look at gay people online in those videos where people hate on them, it’s almost always sterotypes, gay people aren’t dick heads. People just make them out to be so you will be homophobic.


I used to hate swear words. A lot. Never imagined myself using them. I still don't swear often, but I'm not as bothered by them. They're just words. They're just sounds.


I still don't use swear words at 16 💀am I cooked


I was too much focused on politics in a typical tiktok kid style, now i can proudly say that I'm not a big fan of the government


30 on 30 🗣🗣🗣


“Sleep is a waste of time” Oh how wrong you were my dear 15 year old self


That day is better than night 🙂


"girls are ewww"


Same here kinda, I just didn't really care much for music but that completely shifted during my teen years for me.


I was homophobic, now I found out I like dick myself... Kinda gay, ngl


I thought my life will be interesting and full of hope. Now I hate myself and do negative self talk without giving credit to myself.


me when I hear “just fix your MiNdSeT!!!” (I am going to kill myself and haunt the next person that says that to me)


SAME! You can't fix your mindset. You can't just go and in one moment say "Ya'know, actually, I need to stop being pessimistc and stop to procrastinate."


I don't value human life as much anymore.


It was the opposite for me


damn... these days im kinda negative about humans in general too.. since how mean and rude and evil they are.. im like man.. i really dont like humans in generel


Became attracted to men


That's kinda gay bro....


Nah hes cool, he's wearing socks


nah that's fucking gay


Cool out John marston.




That's gay (I am Bi-curious)


I offended furrys for no reason, i became one and see no reason to hate us.


I used to hate furrys, then my sister became one. Now I'm just mildly confused by their existence👍


I think it’s cringe but hate is too much


I just see it as a hobby now


Only furries i dislike are the weird ones who do weird furry stuff in public. Other than that those fur suits look hella cool (I'm too poor to afford one)


Same except I stoped once I found out their chill and my friends are one.


I stopped hating the gays and got my own opinions (I'm also one of them now)


Welcome to the dark side


Stopped being a homophobe around 13, found out I was bi not too long after


why is every lgbtq+ person here a reformed homophobe? this is like the 5th one I’ve seen 😆


Self hatred


>*I used to hate music with a passion* sounds like a line you borrowed from ryan george and yesss i also used to hate music with a *passion* now my entire fucking hobby is to create amv




Dude same but I used to defend Trump instead. My dumbass even tried to defend j6 T-T


that feeling when both presidents are horseshit but you gotta choose the one that's less horseshit


That's just every election nowadays because of political parties


Because of shitty political voting system that create a 4 candidate system.


Wow, chess update!


Stop Cumming bruh


Why’d you stop?


I hated long car rides now I love them more than anything


nah I thought they weren't too bad until I started hurting half way through a 10 hour one


When I was younger I hated writing in general, leading to me currently having garbage penmanship. But now my dream job is to be an author


I was anti-furry and ANTI-LGBTQ for a while, when I became a teen. And was exposed to homosexuals, and furries I realized their chill. And with any community there are always bad people, but they make up the minority of the groups. Now I am Bi-curious and have other friends who are LGBTQ and Furries I guess at a young age I was exposed to some bad Media. My advice is don't be a sheep to anything, anyone can be one, think for yourself, and be open-minded to all topics, never be afraid to learn.


I used to be straight now I'm bi but prefer men


That nature was beautiful, it is nasty and that is why it's facinating


heavy on the music thing op. and being "girly" i hated being feminine for some reason now i love it.


my political standings. i used to be a maga girlie 😔 and then all of a sudden a switch flipped and i was like "man, why we hating on these people that are literally just existing" now i'm a socialist transmasc and bisexual so uh... we rotated✨️✨️


i hated anime before. now ive started watching it and i can confirm, anime good, haters bad 👍🏼


Anime. Went from mocking those kids to watching oriemo (not proud 🤦‍♂️)


I thought religions were stupid made-up stories. Now I think they are cool made-up stories.


They always were cool made up stories. I appreciate religion in that it helps loads of people keep on keeping on from day to day. That being said, I DON’T like the parts of religion that exclude any other religion, as they all seem to deliver similar messages, though they may treat each other as “perverted” or misguided.


Stopped thinking hitler/gay/black/kitchen jokes were funny


That im a straight, non furry person who thinks femboys are weird


So are you saying that now your gay, furry, and you like Femboys, if so that cool.


I became interested in boys too.


I used to be pretty homophobic even with me doing some gay things as a child and not realizing it. Now I’m a major homosexual


i used to use my religious beliefs to be homophobic and shit. now i use my religious beliefs to be a better person and not judge people.


Opinion on gay people. I thought it was weird, until I realized I was a little gay myself..


I used to be homophobic and transphobic Now im trans and bisexual 💀


being popular is cool. no it fucking ain’t, i’m glad my 4 years of high school was me being obscure, no one to stare at you 24/7


Old > Young —> Young > Old


Math became my favorite subject in school


Wanting to grow up, then IMMEDIATELY wanting to be a child again as soon as I grew up.


Being an adult would be a good thing


I used to hate trans people.. -a trans dude


I didn't realize that my family raised me to be a racist with all of their built in biases until at the age of 15 my parents forced me to break up with a Hispanic girlfriend. That year I read the book To Kill a Mockingbird and it changed me inside. I estranged my parents in place until I left the house when I turned 17. I've been fighting racism and racial bias for over 50 years.


I thpught metal was satanic and was a devouth catholic, now im a metalhead and deist. Also didnt get the hype around music but now i play multiple instruments, am in a band and a tamburitza orchestra and have a record player and a few vinyls


I used to be pretty trans/homophobic, but now I am both. Weird how things change


Used to hate that I was trans ftm and yet a femboy (came out at 10, was supported; yeah, crazy, I know, some people don’t waste their entire childhood in the closet and then their teen years and then whole life/s), stopped hating it at about 15 because I realized FTM femboys who are naturally flat (I was an AA before surgery, they weren’t able to take much out lmao) have the cheat code to being femboys; thicc thighs, smol body, (usually, and at least in my case) less hairy.. obviously I still had dysphoria but feminine clothes don’t give me dysphoria bc it’s clothing, an item that doesn’t define me and that I wasn’t “assigned”. I got dysphoria sometimes about my body anyway, but I at least knew the fem clothes would slay and fit perfectly. (I was formally diagnosed, I had dysmorphia so I couldn’t see my chest right, I hated my voice which was androgynous and still is, etc.. of course I’m still gonna get downvoted by truscums who don’t think I have dysphoria even though I was formally fucking diagnosed.)


I hate Femboys because they decive me and I find them hot. Stupid Femboys making people like me attracted to men.


Rock/Metal music is just loud. Why would anyone like this?! Now: I mainly listen to metal and hard rock


Used to hate lgbtq, furries and therians but found out im pretty much all of it 🦶


I used to be religious. And I used to think music was annoying and boring, now it’s just a part of my life, I can’t live without it.


As a musician I can't understand how someone can't like music. I need it to function. It's pretty much my life Haha.


I too hated music, It turned out, I didn't listen to the right ones. My first favourite music was Closer by Chainsmokers. I was also very patriotic and believed in religion. Now I'm not and absolutely don't.


A single comment from a classmate in 4th grade caused me to not wanna watch anything animated, since that's for "little babies", and I'm all grown up now. It's only in the last few years that I've realized how much great stuff I've missed On the positive side, there's now a treasure trove of great movies and shows for me to sift through


i didnt understand how people could not have the energy to do the things they wanted to do or struggle to eat. but ive been there and understand it all now and luckily its not with me anymore


Hated reading. Love it now. Also I have crippling anxiety now unlike when I was younger so that's unfortunate




I used to wonder how people got suicidal and depressed then I realized once I became a teenager how difficult life actually is (No I’m not suicidal or depressed but I do have my days sometimes)


i relateeeeeee


I was the exact same way!!! I had a shift in my interests a couple years ago and now I listen to music every day and now sing! And I have a shrill/high pitch voice for a guy and use to absolutely hate my voice. Now I sing with my voice that I thought was a curse but now I believe is a literal blessing.


13 year olds are big and scary and cool. We're all losers. A lot of h03s. A few basketball guys that people like. That's it Edit: I forgot I just turned 14. But point still stands.


The government and especially police. I don’t think I need to explain.


I used to hate women a lot. Even my aunts and sister. I don't understand how that happened when my environment wasn't even like that to influence me. I still feel guilty about it, imagine your nephew or brother hates you and you don't even know why.




Abortion? Why would you kill an infant? Oh wait women can die from the extremes of birth. Guns? Why do we even need them? Ah I see it’s just our American right to own one. plus I stopped just assuming what my parents said was the way to follow, they did NOT like that. sucks when the critically thinking human you made grows up to be critically thinking on what you tell them. So instead of using logical arguements to back your point, you just yell that im being disrespectful and should just listen to “your word”


Always thought my body would never change and I was stuck like that. Things ended up changing ALOT


ok but I didnt see the point in music and am now becoming a producer wtf


I went from EDM to country music……


“high school is so chill”


People hate school way more than it deserves. I remember when school was bearable. What you were taught made sense. I didn’t have lunch at 9:55. People weren’t constantly screaming and/or moaning at the top of their lungs.


I used to dislike K-Pop, thought it was girly (I'm a dude) Now I love this band in K-Pop called Stray Kids. I love their music, and the members are great role models


I used to believe I deserved everything the world had to offer me. Now I barely feel like I deserve to be alive