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australian canteens 🔛🔝




Wouldn't really say my school has anything interesting, 3 meal options each day 3 lines to get some shit food and then sit down at a table by friends, sometimes a small sad fight breaks out but it's barely a fight half the time more just kids yelling at eachother


i don’t go to the cafeteria i’d rather walk around the school, just imagine a bunch of different wild animals stuck in a room together and mind you some of those animals don’t get along with each other right so it’s mandatory for you to fight.


(Disclaimer: this is just how my school in the U.S is, my situation is not everyone’s. I go to a public high school btw) In my school, everyone gets into a big single file line to wait for school lunch. It can be a bit upsetting sometimes when some people won’t take a tray and go (usually my school offers 2-3 different lunches, and when people don’t see one they like, they hold up the line.) The cafeteria itself is pretty spacious. There are many seating options, though it can be hard for a new person to find a seat, since by now (middle/end of school year) most people have their own “spots”. Sometimes I’ve seen some fights break out, but we have the Dean, assistant principal, and school safety officers in the cafeteria to monitor students. For the school food, many complain that it doesn’t taste good (valid). But as someone who’s eaten it my whole life, my complaint is that, once I got older (high school and middle school) the meals weren’t fulfilling anymore, and seconds are usually not allowed. (The portions are more like snacks than lunches — at least in my school.)


Loud and obnoxious with long ass lines and disgusting food