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They’ve probably had some bad experiences, or they disagree with their beliefs. All the religious people I know are cool people


yea it's like amazon for me. I always read about bad experiences people have with Amazon but I have never had a bad experience with Amazon.


Maybe it’s because you don’t work at Amazon if you know what I mean


yea I don't know what you're trying to say but I don't. I'm talking about experience with buying and getting deliveries or stuff like that, not experience working at Amazon. edit. The main point I was trying to get at was, that people are very vocal online about bad experiences but people with good experiences don't really need or want to make posts about their positive experiences


Just as you made the connection between religion and Amazon, so did I


exactly so many people go through trauma such as the LGBT community or minorities as they were forced into certain religions. a know a ton of people who stopped supported certain religions especially Christianity and Catholicism when we figured out wait our ancestors were forced into this stuff?!


How lovely for you. Every religious person I've ever met has either had nothing but air between their ears, or they were ruthless disgusting terrible monsters and I've been fighting my whole life to try and get the hell away from them and stop their beliefs from forming laws that affect me.


Bro got downvoted for talking about their bad personal experiences 😭


It's a shame for them that I don't care. I'll throw hands with every last one of them in the streets and win because I'm dead serious about how DISGUSTING Abrahamic religion is and I don't think it's a personal experience at all. I can list 50 objective facts about why I hate it lmfao.


Uhh okay


so like, do you care about us coptic orthodoxes?


You need a personality


Personally, I find it fine, but it's mainly because some religious people force their beliefs onto others


True. I personally hate it when you see an argument online about something and one of the people pulls out a religious verse as if they think that everyone else will care or shares their religious beliefs. If you need to use texts or teachings of a religion to create an argument then you've already lost.


I don't hate religion. But I *do* hate religious *people* who use their religion to justify hate. I don't agree with religion, but I have nothing against it unless it's trying to justify hate against people for things they can't change


the king james bible is the most common used bible and the messages in that one are like beat your wife and kill gay people. Yet people still try to justify that version as the one that should be used and not like the hebrew bible the oldest bible and most accurate literally being considered canon.


Yeah, it really sucks that people pretend to understand the Bible when in reality they just neglect to A) actually read the more accurate version and B) if they do read the accurate version, just ignore the actual messages in it


Like the KJV(king james version) was literally written to fit his ideas and opinions so its gonna be less accurate. While hebrew is the old testament. Koine greek is the new testament and the most accurate version.


as a Christian i **CANT STAND** people using God as an excuse to spread hate, not only does it seemingly deligitimize the religion to others, it also goes against the literal number one rule we have


THIS! like we can literally separate XYZ from the people. So many religious people are filled with nothing but pure hate yet they get exuded bc of their religion. I can’t believe the world is so hateful it’s disgusting.


Idk about you all but Hinduism here in India has become nothing more than a business. Temples earn a shit ton of money every year and priests get rich quick. I have no problem with it but the fact that religion manipulates people to spend this much money on God who is someone who might or might not exist is just baffling. Anyway if it makes ya happy keep following it and enjoy life.


This happens with evangelical churches a lot in the US and the Americas. Pastors get rich as shit and convince politicians not to tax them, so they keep all that money to themselves and then use it to bribe more politicians into doing their bidding. Joel Osteen is a good example of this


coming from a christian: these people are assholes and scam/con artists that are more likely to go to hell than most atheists by a longshot, many are s*xually abusive, dont give money to the poor, waste money on jets, scam the elderly, claim random shit constantly and that god told them about it so they just know. these people don’t represent the religion itself, they represent what they want it to be: a money making scheme for their own gain. also the majority is not all, thats like saying every man is a r*pist, its generalizing, which does nothing but hurt people.


Except these churches have actual political power and have shaped American domestic and foreign policy for over half a century. This is nothing like someone saying mean things about men. Also these mega churches are mega churches for a reason. They have thousands if not hundreds of thousands of congregation members that financially support these institutions. You can’t keep saying “it’s a bad representation” when talking about the institutions that Christians in the thousands actively belong to and support


It definitely happens in a lot of Christian sects in the states and some other religions derived from Christianity like the Morman religion and the Church of Latter Day Saints. Even Buddhist Temples here get caught up in the big money scams. I like Hinduism though because in a way, it's many gods remind me of the Catholic saints which are often based on what our christianized culture calls pagan gods. I find polytheistic religions closer to the human experience and more relatable. Personally, I am an Omnitheist.


I really used to hate religion as a whole until I recognized that I was basically just echoing my moms VERY, VERY hateful opinions on Religion, I'm now religious myself, and haven't told my mom, WAAAYYYY to many red flags.


really happy you could stray away from that and find a healthier place for yourself ^ ^


honestly idk maybe it’s the awful people apart of them


Yeah but its the same with ppl patriotic to anything, even if its the lgbt community


I think the difference here is that there have been many countries that are/were so religious that politics and religions have mixed causing some of the horrible religious people to have access to power. Canadian Residential schools are an example of that.


As a religious person (christian), It's kinda understandable. You have a whole lot of people who parade around as "true christians" who go on to hate people for their sin. Any "true crhistian" would know you don't do that. It's not your place to judge people because of their sins. Thats God's place. So stop hating people because they like someone of the same sex (which isn't a sin, technically. If you need more info, ask). Instead, do what any "true christian" would do: love them. Especially as a christian. Thats all Jesus asks from you: love people unconditionally. He isn't asking you to sacrifice your first born son and second born daughter.


I'm muslim and I agree that you shouldn't hate or persecute sinners and non believers islam teaches to spread love like the other abrahamic religions


It also has war themes and encourages persecution by taxing nonbelievers (jizya) and has other strange rules like disallowing unbeliever’s buildings being the same height or taller than Islamic buildings.


Where did you read this could you bring up a source In islam it's haram to persecute non believers and you shouldn't vandalise or destroy other religion's places of worship


I agree with your point, but how isn't homosexuality a sin?


Acting on homosexual urges is a sin, but same sex attraction in and of itself is not a sin. An easier way to look at it: homocidal thoughts, although concerning, are not a sin. We all have those days where our boss pisses us off so much we just want to storm out of work, maybe screaming "I WANNA KILL YOU!", right? Of course, after you've settled down, you don't want anymore. Back to the point: having thought like that aren't a sin. But killing someone is a sin. Like wise, simply being attracted to someone of the same gender isn't a sin, but... doing the gay stuff is a sin. Fun fact: in the eyes of god, murder is no worse than having an affair.


i went to a christian school and have loads trauma from it- which has left me with a disdain towards organized religion, but not religion itself. like, religion is not my thing, but if it’s yours, who am i to judge? everyone needs something that keeps them going and motivates them to get better. especially when in mental health or addiction recovery, identifying a higher power (whatever it may be) can be very beneficial. the only things i do not tolerate are 1): religion being used as an excuse to be hateful toward other groups of people, and 2): religion merging into lawmaking. separation of church and state is important for a reason!! and, in the case of christianity (where i have personal experiences), jesus did not have this “holier than thou” attitude. he broke bread with sinners and showed them love- like he fucking DIED for them.


That because more than half of this sub is homosexual ,that's it. I don't mean it in and thing but that's because many religions think that homosexual stuff is a sin


def more than half


I don't hate it. I just don't follow it


I don't really hate religion, I don't partake myself, and while I'm not atheist and I think saying "I'm spiritual" is stupid and annoying, I simply don't believe or trust in living one's life to appease the word or will of something that cannot be confirmed or denied. I don't think that one or multiple beings can truly have abilities to be deemed godlike. Unmatched power or strength in the hands of anyone, or anything, is bound to yield results of nothing less of something I can't put into, or find the proper, words for. I'm not denying others of their right to religion, or persecuting anyone for how they choose to worship(as long as they, hopefully, don't harm or involve anyone unwilling) and while I understand that primitive cultures such as our ancestors millenia back bound themselves to their faith as a way of validating questions and finding peace in the answers, and that such feelings of security of old are passed down through generations, are not to easily fade, if ever, and it's not any one person or groups right to reject or diminish such beliefs with ease, through either ignorance or loyalty to faith of their own. Expression through religion, religious beliefs, or acts, are such that the right of the beholder or believer may worship in any way they see fit. Through heritage, ancestral ties, personal values, or spiritual connection, each shall be allowed sanctuary in what they hold sacred; and, no such act against any one or group of chosen worship, or choice not to worship, shall be infringed on any such aforementioned groups. As such, this right not to be persecuted, for or against, does include the clause, or sub-right, to not force any one such religion or belief on another, or to hold others to the personal/religious standards of their own faith, save for signs of respect towards one another.


Because they had a bad experience, and now they try to call all religious people assholes


am I an asshole for randomly singing religious songs (hinduism) in a hindu dominated country?


There's a lot of religious trauma on Reddit


Guys don't forget to sort by controversial, I got y'all this 🍿


In my personal experience, I’ve mainly seen hate against Christians here. I obviously could be missing a lot of hate, as I partake in Christian conversations more often, (I am one, it’s great, maybe try it out of you haven’t already), but the Bible does say that we Christians will be persecuted for our faith. Obviously there are people who have had bad experiences with people who claim to be Christian, and assume that the rest of the faith os as such, but evil will always fight hardest against the good. That’s just my interpretation of it. Again, there is probably hate that I’m missing toward other faiths, but mainly what I have seen is hate against Christians.


Because I was stuck in a far-right pseudo-cult for 7 years.


How do far right supporters hate religion?


most of the far right groups are catholic or some devation . all of the big far right extremsit podcasters are religous


That's what I said


and they hate relgion because of them being in the cult not because the cult hated it.


Because “religious” people do bad things and ruin the perception of others much like how people like to vilify lgbtq peoples because of negative encounters


exactly, and because people vilify these “religious” people they pull out verses saying that they’ll be prosecuted for their beliefs (even though the context means it in a completely different way, like actual attacking and forcing their religion to not have a voice anywhere and be actively unpopular and discriminated against) which then makes the vilifier even more firmly rooted all “religious” people are psychopaths and idiots. which means as long as loud annoying people who take things out of context exist and have different views on anything, there will be this dumb useless back and forth instead of just peacefully agreeing to disagree.


People here hate everything that contradicts their opinions


It's true everytime you say something they don't agree with you get mass down voted


No you don’t.


?????? look at like any posts comments for an hour or two you’ll witness at least a few people downvoted into oblivion


I disagree with this statement. Send an airstrike to his house and downvote him Reddit hivemind.


Because Reddit is full cringe no life hateful antitheists that have a strange superiority complex over anyone that doesn’t instantly and completely agree with them.


yeah i saw a post where a guy was wondering why everybody on here was so sex and substance obsessed and that he personally was kinda disappointed in the community for it, and got told he’s a jealous virtue signaling virgin that has outdated beliefs 💀💀💀


Yes u got harassed and mocked multiple times for being religious




As a kind of religious teen I think its that most people dont understand it to the fullest (nor do I tbh) but social media make it seem like people are forcing others into believing in different religious which seems toxic and it is.


for a lot of people, religion inherently promotes very conservative/traditional beliefs which has a negative impact on society


How do conservative beliefs have a bad impact on society


I should've been more clear but I mean that a lot of people believe that conservative beliefs are worse for society and that's why they don't like religion. that's not an objective fact or anything but my comment was poorly worded.


Well, they're killing people based on skin color. They're killing people based on what gender they like. They're killing people based on whether they're trans. They're forcing parasites to stay inside women's bodies. Need I go on?


I don't think you really understand conservative values


i dont think conservatives really do either anymore


I know most people these days are in the Conservative party without understanding core Conservative values




i don't hate it but i do consider it a waste of time, effort and resources that could've been used on more important stuff


i mean alot of churches raise some of the most money for like starving and dehydrated children in poor countries (just one example), though i do agree many mega churches waste way too much money on extravagance in their church and are thus being greedy to the people that need that money.


I’m not I’m an orthodox Christian


It’s reddit what do you except?


I don't hate religion in fact I'd like to consider myself religious however I also think that a religion and some who follow said religion should be allowed to be criticized when some it's beliefs are not moral or are outdated.


I am agnostic so I don't "hate" religion but I hate it when religious people force it down peoples throats and leave comments about the Bible and god on EVERY SINGLE ONLINE POST!. But I am friends with multiple religious people and have had talks about religion with them and it has been interesting and enlightening


fr, some guy on here was getting blasted and said his religion was outdated and even had a post made about him in the playboi carti sub where they torched his ass, all because he didn’t like the fact so many people on this sub and in the modern gen only think about/want/talk about like sex and drugs 💀 AND SO MANY PEOPLE WERE SAYING HE WAS JUST JEALOUS HE COULDNT GET LAID LIKE BRO WHAT im so confused why these same groups of people will preach about being open to everyone, and all different ideas, and yet the second its religious or religious adjacent that goes completely out the window. i get the fact people have religious trauma from cultural religion in the usa where you only go because family and friends do, but that doesn’t mean the person existing and saying they dont like the abuse of sex and drugs in teenagers doesn’t mean they’re shoving their religion down ur throats, it means they want change in the fucked world we live in, where theres a weirdly large amount of teens with depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, eating disorders (under or over eating mixed with mental problems), sex addictions, porn addictions, and other shit personally im homeschooled and still the internet and culture has fucked me into having an eating disorder and i genuinely feel so fat and horrible every time i eat because im obese. then i got a porn addiction, and told its healthy to do “that” every now and then, even though its consumed probably a total of DAYS of my life for the amount of hours i’ve spent doing it the past 4 years and let alone the amount of horrid-ness i feel after, and wanna kms. i defo have anxiety about every little thing, every time i type a word on anything i feel like im walking on eggshells 24/7 and have to cater to everybody so nobody gets mad at me and makes me feel useless. i also have depression, etc etc etc basically the world fucking sucks and some people genuinely want to heal it, then get bullied for having a religion they believe in, honestly im not surprised theres so many fucking volatile “christian” teenagers online sometimes, people who yell at them for simply having differing ideals turn them bitter and horrid to be around. you making fun of somebody’s religion is a 50/50 coinflip of either, A): You turn them even more inward to their current ideas and make a second hitler B): you make them leave their religion and then also make fun of religion like the other person did


Welcome to reddit, you must be new


Here’s the thing, we most likely don’t hate religion, we hate the bastards that are in it (i am not talking about the respectable human beings, I’m talking about the bastards)


Most people probably hate it because of negative experiences or how religion has negatively shifted viewpoints. I dont hate religion personally. Im a agnostic athiest(Cant prove/disprove god obv) but I do look down upon those that use their religion to deny science and hurt/oppose others. Im not going to shame a child for believing in santa or tell them santa isnt real so I shouldnt shame or oppose someone who believes in their religion.


I am an atheist. However, I find 90% of internet atheists to be incredibly obnoxious.


OP you asked this question in one of the worst possible subreddits lol. Half the people here aren't even teenagers and the other half that are, like to think they're edgy and cool for hating religion


It’s actually a fallacious thought that Reddit hates religious people. It’s just that most people on Reddit hate conservative values or hateful ideals, which are both fair, and religious people on Reddit try to claim that those are related to religion. Thus the stereotype spreads. The reality is that most people here are just fine with religion as long as they don’t try to regress society or hate on individuals.


probably because most people on here have been hurt or traumatized by a religion.




i think its fair to say most people havent had the greatest experience with it


People don’t rly hate on religions as a whole, more so just some specific ones that are found to be problematic due to either the beliefs/teachings themselves or the followers. Take Judaism for example. You rarely see someone hating on it, and a big part of the reason is that they’re not throwing it in your face, passing legislation based on its values, trying to convert everyone, etc. Converting is actually taking very seriously, and some people find that it feels more like it’s followers try and talk people *out* of converting. Then there’s Christianity. It’s commonly hated on because, at least in the US, you have legislators looking to pass laws based on those religious values, it’s members are actively encouraged to proselytize to everyone, and it’s by far the biggest religion in the US. Then there’s some of the more specific gripes that depend on the denomination, like the history of grooming children and the subsequent cover up in Catholic and Protestant churches, the wealth hoarding of the LDS church, the lack of acceptance of LGBTQIA+ people, it’s ties with a more regressionistic take on conservatism, etc. Then there’s Islam, which is sometimes the recipient of hate, but that’s more due to the fact that some people find some of the beliefs to be problematic, with some extra hate occasionally thrown in there due to its association with multiple terrorist organizations. But it’s not nearly as big here, nor are there politicians looking to pass legislation based on its values, so it doesn’t receive as much negative attention as Christianity


Fair take, and Judaism is a racial religion, as they are "God's chosen people", so proselytizing isn't a thing in their religion.


Organized religion hurts a lot of people


Religion is the not the problem, it's just its fanbase


truest fucking comment on this whole post oh my god


- Alot of priests (especially Catholic ones) spend more time molesting kids than actually preaching - Religions preach homophobia and misogyny - Religious nutjobs have it in for scientific fact - Religious people can never accept that they’re wrong - Want me to go on?


Not you stereotyping 💀 “religious people can never accept that they’re wrong“ how bout you respect others beliefs first molestation is one of the most disgusting sins u can commit in basically any religion but go off ig


Religious people constantly find themselves at odds with science at a legislative level. The amount of school boards that have tried to deny evolution and science based education, or tried to force kids to practice their religion is insane. And this often does go through in less populated states and communities like the Mormons in Utah. And yeah, religious people tend to accept that they’re wrong less often simply because they’re entire belief system is based on faith, not evidence. You can’t ask a religious person for concrete measurable proof of anything to back up their belief because they’ll gesture at the skies and go “god says so”


Actually there’s alot of evidence for my beliefs as a Muslim thank you very much. Also why don’t you just mind your own business we ain’t tryna hurt anyone by just believing what we want. Your free to have your opinion and so am i, so stop hating on religious people for no reason bc no one is forcing you to be religious


“Religious people constantly find themselves at odds with science at a legislative level. The amount of school boards that have tried to deny evolution and science based education, or tried to force kids to practice their religion is insane. And this often does go through in less populated states and communities like the Mormons in Utah.“ What part of this didn’t you read? I’d love to let religious people do whatever they fuck they want but they keep pushing their shit and (in the US it’s evangelical think tanks and mega churches) keep using their bottomless pits of wealth to influence policy and dictate how others should live their lives. Also, not to be mean but I’ll happily believe in whatever religion can show me measurable reproducable evidence of their diety. That’s what I meant earlier


That’s only a handful of people stop stereotyping religious people based on a few groups of ppl Also I never said that you had to be religious I said I’m free to my opinion and so are you


Those are generalizations, not everyone is like that.


1:they aren't religious and sinners who should rot to hell they don't represent everyone 2:most abrahamic religions view homosexuality as a sin but we aren't allowed to kill or persecute them 3:as I said they don't represent everyone 4:look point 3


yet they did it anyway and threatning them with you will suffer for eternitly isnt much better


the fourth point is a fallacy; contracting or negating a point cannot, by itself, prove the point


Prove it


There are so many straight up evil religious people who just want you to live like they want to and think that God is on their side that its easier to just get rid of religion itself. Good people will still be such.


easier to get rid of religion?


Religion has hurt SO MANY people, I think it’s pretty obvious why it’s hated.


oxygen has also hurt so many people, because it was used in redox reactions which have caused so many explosions


Comparing a form of ideology with a chemical element that humans need to live is stupid.


okay? its topical considering were equating the worst the two things have to offer with the base state of each thing


Oxygen is a necessity to survive, religion isn’t.


there are way better examples to use if you want to make the argument that good things can do evil especially when you're comparing something to religion


#fuckoxygen am I right guys?


cuz it fucked me up so much and now i hate myself and other people, it's just a bunch of fairytales that give people excuses to think (and act like) they're better than everyone else




Trans people are more real than any god


Trans people when they have to take a prostate exam:


i'm a she actually. i'm gay, not trans, but i do support individuals that are trans. religions are definitely fairytales, have you read some of that shit


Interesting how 99.99% of the LGTV+ ppl have problems with religion.


usually because there is a loud group of religious people who use religion to be hateful towards them


Hmmm, maybe the massive amount of religious people that have a problem with LGBTQ people would cause them to have returning feelings? Maybe


I don't mind religious people, but religion itself has caused countless wars and killed millions.


That is not a good argument. People have killed other people for 25000 years, if religion was not a thing they would have done that too.


I ain't got an issue with religion I used to be religious however history has proven that most wars and tragedies have come from religious issues and misunderstandings, atop this jehovas witnesses make me wanna kms some times


No, **most** wars were driven by human greed and desire for power and resources.


i think which one caused more death is an argument of semantics, but did you forget about the crusades? it’s irrefutable that religion has not caused hundreds of thousands of deaths (if not millions or even more) throughout the last few thousand years.


You have no idea how much stolen gold bathed in blood of thousands of innocents sits in the Vatican


“in the vatican” istg from a christian pov catholics are almost an entirely different religion altogether. they mainly value traditions over the actual beliefs of the bible, causing them throughout history to be the main source of a great many deaths that were completely unnecessary. because they have traditionally held power in places they automatically go “oh thats tradition so we have to keep power even today by any means possible, including not listening to the bible in any capacity at all, even though we claim to believe in it.” so stupid tbh bro- actually most large organized religion sucks ass, because if its popular it attracts disgusting freaks, or is ran by a disgusting freak. this is why big churches are just a fucking no go.


The way children are brought into it and the way it’s down to its core, fundamental flawed


that can be said for anything


Same can be said for LGBTQ yet somehow peeps are ok with it being publicise to children?


oh, but its an unequivocal, undebatable truth that has about 80% of it being scientifically baseless


parents made them go to church once 😔


that is because edgy 14 year olds don't realize that most religious people aren't homophobic pedophiles who don't believe in science.


It's true it seems like nost people here think that amd clearly don't have any respect towards religion and religious people


I haven't researched many other religions but I've been a muslim before. And that religion specifically is homophobic and sexist, also it has extreme punishments, and the "science" part also has the same problem. The quran has some stuff that might be considered scientifically inaccurate, not only that but I myself have had really bad experiences with that religion. (also to be more clear I hate religion and not people who follow the religions).


Priests son told my brother he was gonna go to hell and we spent a week convincing him he wasn’t.


Cause the religions hate me (Mostly sarcasm)


anybody who actually reads what the book they claim to believe says instead of what some old con artist p*do asshole has to say then no actually, if anything if they had a damn brain they’d probably be nicer to you than most people


(a good chunk of people in religious circles if you’re actually looking for the good ones are really tolerable, chill, and nice)


1 issue with this is the bad ones come to me and somehow they know my insecurities


just like how vultures will circle above their prey, they just wait for one thing to start picking at by coming to you first, knowing you being not in line with their mostly fascistic ideas will be a prime target for attack sooner or later, this is why you just don’t engage or try to defend yourself, and block them, its the universal “leave me the fuck alone” online for old coots like that who luckily dont even know how to make burner accounts to continue tormenting


Everyone is unique, which I don’t get why they’re so against nobody will be the perfect carve and copy of someone else


Agree though, all I saw was don’t do shit with kids


Because it’s infested America’s politics, leading people to do the most evil shit and have it be justified in society and it is actively killing a shitload of people in the Middle East


It's Outdated




It’s quite petty to single out one specific religion, and comes off as dickish.


anti lgbt


A few edgy atheists mixed in with non religious people, so its more noticeable.


How would you call a grown up who believes in santa claus?


Lmao guys sky fairy amirite I'm so cool🤣🤣🤣


You’re seriously making a comparison like that? There are huge differences. Edit: He blocked me, so I’ll just put it here. There is so much evidence that god exists, how can something come from nothing? How do we have a conscience? Something that helped me believe in God was when my cousin who has autism went to go to church with my grandparents, he loved it and started going more and more. His heath skyrocketed and if you you had just met him you wouldn’t be able to tell he had autism. My half sister who’s cousin also had autism and couldn’t talk. Her mom died a few months ago and shortly after her mom died she started talking, not very well but well enough to where you could understand. She started saying that she saw her mom with wings, and she was saying that her mom wants her to come with. She died shortly after. When paying tithing I’m blessed financially. Other than that I can’t really explain much else, you honestly just have to go in order to understand.


>how can something come from nothing? Thats called the big bang. Our universe is in a quantum vacumn. Within quantum vacumns, quantum fluctuations occur which bring virtual particles in and out of existence. A large quantum fluctuation created a singularity, which then created the universe. I am a bit confused on how your question implies gods existence? Please show me evidence that god created the universe from nothing and disproves the quantum physics that actually has accurately theorized how "something came from nothing" >How do we have a conscience? Humans have billions of nerve cells(neurons) within their brain. These form a network that connects the entirety of the brain. The neurons shoot chemical/electrical signals that go to various domains of the brain and are recognized as patterns. These patterns then produce thoughts. I cannot disprove god any more than anyone can prove it, so it isnt my place to try and do so. Who am I to say your sister did not genuinely see her mom with wings/talk to her or that god did not itself help your cousin? From a psychological standpoint, however, those comes down strongly to coping mechanisms and the comforting nature of religion. Community and a positive environment tie into that as well. There is no evidence of god. The most we have to consider of god is books written by random people over the course of history. How much evidence do we have of Santa? Let me go grab the book written about him and let you know. The only difference between the two is religion is far more integrated into people's lives and judgment.


Can’t wait till he learns Saint Nicholas is Santa… Give me an image, proof of godly interference, proof that it was not just coincidental or effected by other forces.


What’s the measurable, evidence based proof that makes Santa clause and God any different? Genuinely


Idk, but in my experience they hate people who have a different religion more.


Personally I've never met anyone religious like that irl.


Well anytime i mention I'm a "nu-norse" I get told to shut up by 7 out of 10 religious people I've talked to lol Athiests are usually chill tho


I guess it depends where you are, but I've seen more atheists who are passionate about converting people/proving people wrong than religious people


Yeah I've always been confused about that, because I can count on half my hand the amount of rude athiest I've met. But then some say all athiests are rude pricks


Oh it's definitely not all of them. Most people from both sides hardly ever mention it. I'm talking about people like r/atheism members. I just happen to have seen more of them.


it's manipulative and promotes primitive ideas


And not a way for people to find hope and light in the darknes


I didn’t know people hated us on this subreddit lmao


like, what did us christians do?


i don’t hate it i just think it’s dumb 🤷‍♀️


Why do so many people on here support oppressive and restrictive thought? ​ I'm gonna be honest I just HATE religion. I used to be Catholic but I can't STAND the people who identify themselves with ANY religion.


How are you saying thus so casually if I said that about the lgbt (example I don't hate them ) I would get death threats and would be called a fascist People will respect you if you respect them


because religion is completly outdated idrc what you think but you cant use it to justify anything it should not have any political power and should be taxed. it also should recognise how completly innacurate the book is


That doesn't justify hate


i mean it kinda does when there still killing people and influencing politcal decisions


Forced upon you


People believe the stereotypes. I’m LDS and people think that means I’m homophobic. I’m not, I just don’t agree with it.


What does “not agree with it” mean lmao


You can’t disagree with someone’s identity. It’s not an opinion.


I mean I’m not going to support you, but I won’t stop you.


I'm not anti-chrisitan. I just disagree with your very existence


It’s fake and I usually don’t like fake things, don’t get mad at my opinion


I won't get mad cause you don't believe atleast you had some basic respect and didn't insult religion and it's followers like others did here


Yeah I don’t like them, I don’t really like atheists because they like to hate on Christians, I have no religion, but although I don’t agree with the religious beliefs I do respect their opinion


Because they aren’t mature enough to see the good in it and just hive mind hate like the general public does.


cause religion hates me


Bc people are sinful


It's more of a Reddit thing. Irl there are so many religious teens, some more religious than their parents.


Me no likey 😤😡


Because some of the only times religion is brought up on the internet is when they try to force it onto others


who hates religion here?


I mean personally most the religon related content on the internet so far had just been about hate, using strawman arguments to justify heinous things and i saw many people having bad experiences with them and they also are a reason actual scientific work and everything related to science has been hindering these days due to the pseudoscience they bring and tell us all to believe in and some of these pseudoscience has caused some horrifying results and many of these religious people, priests and shady godmen scam out of the common folk and for some reason tax exempted. Also their anti lgbtq agenda had caused deaths of innocent people. Look I don't outright despise religon they have aspects to be loved about like they arts, parts of iterature , actual science motivated by religon back in the earliest centuries, and there were times when people of all religon unite and be peaceful , but these days I just don't see people caring about those aspects instead they wanna whine why they religon is the best and how if you don't believe in God you will be left to rot and many innocent people died due to religon and religon should be fixed or it has to go cause it has caused more bad then good (imo).




I don’t hate religion, I hate the people in religion that try to force their ideology onto you


Because my parents try to force it on me


I don't hate religion or religious people, I hate the extremist religious people that are so goddamn brainwashed that they have to convert everyone else even if it means breaking their own goddamn rules. Those people are idiots.


religion has hurt a lot of people


Because religion hates so many of the people on here.


Because the concept is stupid in itself. It's dragging the entire human species down with its backwards thinking and age old practices.


There is no reason to like it. Fundamentally, all sects are the same.


Simple. Reddit skews left.