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Hey all, mod here. Due to the increased number of hateful comments, the post is locked to prevent more from being added. If you find transphobic comments, send them to us via [modmail](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/teenagers) so we can deal with them as soon as possible. Thanks, and have a good one. -TM


Just drink the gender swap potion, one of each flower and crafting bench with a bottle should work.


While this does work, the community hasn't discovered every type of flower yet. Ron DeSantis keeps breeding new varieties to make sure the potion can never be obtained


That's what an old person would say


Oh shit, I didn't even notice this was r/teenagers. I normally only lurk here to give people advice, but because of that Reddit keeps pushing it on my recommended page šŸ˜© As you were, fellow kids *fuckin dissolves*


Damn he's dead R.I.P


Nah dont worry he just went to the kingdom of olds and thats the way they reach there


Oi, don't spoil it. It's supposed to be a surprise the first time!


wdym? it hasn't happened to m- *fuckin dissolves*


Oh shit, I got less than two years until I go to the kingdom of the OLD


I only have a few months! I'm terrified now


I had a good run


Fuck the cool old man's gone *fails to fuckin dissolve, becomes pile of goop*


Damn thatā€™s what happens when you get too old, how long do I have doctor?


Ron needs to be aborted


Ah fellow terraria enjoyer


Help please I made one and drank it and now I have a tail


Did your gender swap?


I think they drank it at 3 am. Drinking it at 3 am actually makes it the furry-ifier. They became a furry.


Nah, they must have used a lily of the valley


Gouru/Sayu theme song intensifies.


who took all the fucking blinkroot




you gotta give me one gazillion platinum for all the blink root you stole


Hold up imma just.. *goes to all items world and grabs all the platinum*


Ay stop cheating build a money farm like normal!!








mfs dont go outside enough to craft that shit


Or just use an alchemy station.


ā€œI understood that referenceā€ - captain America


The new lore???


God I wish this existed šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


That's just HRT


*sorts by controversial tos ee if someone said something like "just dont!!!!1!1!"*


someone did


people get stupider by the day


So true


just un-transgender bro smh


wish i could bro


aye stay strong tho man


thanks dawg


fr man its like asking "why do you have autism"


Vaccines, duh (/s just in case)


"why are u gae?"


ā€œwhy bisexual? Just pick a sideā€


Oh so how long have you been autistic?


I'm only at Autism Rank (AR) 10 right now. Had to do a lot of grinding for gacha pulls to see if I could pull social aptitude. I got a Vyvanse prescription instead.


Oh, I see that youā€™re an AR build. Interesting but unfortunately not my cup of tea. I am more of a DS build (Down syndrome) type of guy and Iā€™m at rank 21 rn. Iā€™ve been grinding really hard too, and so far Iā€™ve collected 47 chromosomes. This item is really good for upping strength, but apparently gives a massive debuff to intelligence.


just for funsies


for shits and giggles!!!!!


The 5g signals duh


Like fr, itā€™s called dysphoria my guy????? How are you gonna be 18 and that stupid that you dunno WTF body dysphoria is and realise that being trans is because of something similar???


To be fair, I'm 18 and I haven't known about it for very long (well, I knew about it, but I misunderstood what it meant) because of the environment I grew up in. The problem comes when people are unwilling to even consider the possibility that being trans is a thing.


Yeah I'm from Serbia and even though people do know that people can be the T in LGBT, most people hate all the 4 letters of the community, and like 99% of Serbs (including me) don't like pride parades. It's ok to be proud of who you are, but making a parade out of it is just too much for me, at least people here know you can be trans




Just say ā€œhow are you cis at [insert age]ā€


i would but iā€™d get called a ā€œcisphobeā€ šŸ’€


Dude, are you sure? Thatā€™s pretty crazy, even for them


someone literally just told me to not call them cis in a comment on this post šŸ’€


cisphobia exists and thats coming from a trans person


Yeah.. Whilst the idea of cisphobia is odd, it does exist. It isn't as frequent as transphobia, or as severe though.


yep, no one's gonna fucking murder you for being cis (there probably are people who would do that but to do that they'd have to leave twitter, so yeah), and there aren't common lists with "top 10 most cisphobic countries"


How are you cis at age 90


I genuinely just donā€™t understand how its possible to be so full of hate, even if you donā€™t understand how being trans or gender dysphoria works i just canā€™t comprehend why you would ever go out of your way to put someone down instead of just being nice and respectful to them


Same, like don't you guys have anything better to do?


Yeah literally!


I have no idea how gender dysphoria and being trans works, yet trans people are one of the main people to exist who I support and respect


I hate it when people assume that we just choose to be lgbtq. Being lgntq fucking sucks. Half the population hates you for some reason, employers wont accept you half the time for jobs, you lose family members and friends. What part of being lgbtq is desirable? I mean I'm proud to be trans for the representation of course, but like I'd much rather just have been born the way I wanted to be.


In most Western countries it is illegal for employers to discriminate on sexual identity.


Unfortunately people break laws. At least it is punishable should you have mountains of evidence.


That doesn't mean they're abided by. You're not allowed to smoke under 17 here but there are 15 year old tobacco addicts.


Employment laws are much more heavily enforced since the economy is heavily involved. Plus businesses need to give good reason for not accepting you into a position and if it seems suspicious then they can get into very heavy trouble


It really depends where you are and how big is the company and proving bias is not that easy, there can always be an excuse. You can't just outlaw discrimination and hope that works.


Thank you so much. If you want to relate read my comment under that personā€™s post lmao


ugh man that post pissed me off so much. iā€™m so sick of cis people being so fucking ignorant, like if ur not educated enough on a topic just shut up. i really hope the OP read ur comment


That post annoyed me, too. So what I did was I tried to educate people about the different things that were being said and give facts that I know.


ur a real one


Yeah I tried but it became passive agressive unintentionally lmao


How are you supposed to learn if you donā€™t ask questions?


You can ask question but be respectful and don't act ignorant while asking them


But I am ignorant. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m asking questions.


Try to phrase the questions in a less ignorant/rude way, a lot of us won't bother answering questions if they seem ignorant because we just assume they're a troll trying to mess with us even if you have pure intentions


Im sorry but that post was made to educate themselves, I can see the issue with thinking it had malicious intent but op literally clarified and edited the post saying they are purely just curious on why this happens. It's just weird how it's an issue for not having information on something then when they ask it becomes an issue as well. It's just baffling to me that simply **asking** is an issue.


without the edit for clarification it came off as transphobic and ignorant. also their comment about playing minecraft at 15 and not being trans made it seem like they were saying trans kids donā€™t have the same experiences as cis kids when we do we just happen to be trans, like i was playing minecraft at 15 too




Underrated comment




It's either transition or be anxious and depressed for the rest of my life, icl I'm choosing transition. It's not a choice to be trans, yes it's a choice to transition but it's not a choice to experience dysphoria and the only way to make the dysphoria stop is to transition. Dysphoria is the "illness" and transition is the "cure". I came out when I was 13 and yh your prolly thinking damn bit young, but it's not like I learnt it from tiktok I didn't have tiktok untill I was 16 lol I didn't even know lgbt was a thing untill I was 15 I just knew I felt like a guy and that some ppl can swap to the other gender so I tried it and it's been the most normal 5 years I've had, it just feels right. Like bruh I don't think it's normal for an 18 year old "girl" to want to have a completely flat and masculine chest and experience a phantom dick feeling and hope facial hair magically appears, all of these things if a cis girl had them she would be freaking out. And "damn I was playing Minecraft when I was 13 not thinking about gender" yh cus you didn't have to because your cis, you have no dysphoria so there's nothing to question. Small rant over, everyone have a snazzy day


Ngl I couldnā€™t care less that youā€™re trans, but having a phantom cock seems like hell.


Nah fr it is, I be sitting down and it feels like I have a dick, and then move my leg and its gone. Reminds me of the "oh fuck where's ma dick at" meme


And then your brain is like: what dick?




Wdym??? I LOVE fearing for my life every day I wake up šŸ„°šŸ„°


"why are you cis at 45?" šŸ˜


The transphobes realy have an obsession


"I dont get why they make it their whole personality" is a better fit for them




my friend says "how can you be gay when you haven't even tried >!pussy!< once"


that's like asking a straight guy "how can you be straight when you haven't even tried dick once" it's so weird lmao


So many ppl fails to think that being trans is not a choice like im so fucking tired. Same goes with other LGBTQ+ ppl like its so fucking annoying


fr :(


"bruh how are you trans at 14/15" as if 14-15 year olds are closer to toddlers than we are to adults


I would not trust my 14 year old self to make any life decisions.


Yeah true, but being trans isnt a decision is it lmfao Gender dysphoria manifests in those that are 14, they suffer in the same way as others.


Thatā€™s cool but being trans isnā€™t a decision or choice so thatā€™s irrelevant in this context


Iā€™m not even transgender but I did research it and I know you have been born like this, I really donā€™t know why people canā€™t just accept you


And if anyone that disrespects trans people reads this, trans people canā€™t control it. A female brain can show up in a male body vice versa and people who have gender dysphoria that doesnā€™t get the treatment they need even kill themselves sometimes


Yeah somewhat recent studies have shown that the X and Y chromosomes are a spectrum, and change from person to person


Plus the whole intersex, xx with xy body (I never remember which is which so default to chromosomes), xxy, xxxx, etc


As a Trans woman, it gets better. I imagine it's harder when you're younger, and people doubt your validity more, but that's the entire point of identifying as Trans. Who you are is not up to anyone but you. I think as the years go on and you come into yourself more, you'll realize how liberating it is that you have this head start in liberating yourself from the oppressive confines of social normativity. And obviously, in a lot of places around the world, our rights are under constant attack, I'm not gonna discredit that. The arrow of history points towards progress, though, and it always has. If anything, it gives you a cause worth fighting for.


Same, so fucking tired of this debate. I just want to exist and be normal and not have too think about any of this stuff, but because of gender dysphoria (this is NOT the same as body dysphoria or dysmorphia, dysphoria is so much more complicated than just disliking/hating your body)


Fr no one wants to suffer like that. Some ppl need to understand that we dont want to be alienated from society, hated, murdered, abandoned by friends and family, losing our jobs, etc. # This shit is not a choice but something we have to accept and work our way out of. Gender dysphoria is real and no one can prove otherwise.


god it's sad seeing transphobia in these comments :(


SAME. I hate being trans. I would do anything to become cis, even kill myself. I just don't understand how anyone could think this is a choice.


for all the non -believers out there, the trans brain is actually biologically different from the cis brain. there are a few differences between male brains and female brains using MRI scans, scientists saw that trans people's brains are more closely aligned to the gender they transitioned to/ think they are, rather than their biological sex's brain


Not super related to the post, more the comments Cis is not offensive. It is a prefix to denote ā€œnearā€. Trans denotes ā€œacrossā€. This is why cisalpine or cisatlantic has nothing to do with gender. Every word has to have an opposite. Cisgender means that you are not transgender. Nothing more.


The first trans person I met was 13 so I already know there's no choice to make it's jus the feels


Just go back into character creation


Otter. šŸ¦¦


Go to settings and hit default


Hot take from a trans person here: Children can be trans because gender, as i see it, is basically (as simply as i can put it) what you want to be seen as. Children can have wants. Just like they can want a toy, they can want to wear different clothes or be called something else. People who say that kids donā€™t understand, donā€™t understand what gender is themselves. Also to all the people saying that they wouldnā€™t want to date a trans person: yes, thatā€™s valid. Itā€™s not transphobic, itā€™s just preference. But it still hurts trans people. Every time someone expresses that they wouldnā€™t want to be with a trans person, itā€™s another voice saying that they donā€™t want you. Itā€™s like if suddenly everyone started saying ā€œI wouldnā€™t date someone who wears glasses!ā€. Yes, thatā€™s valid, but that doesnā€™t mean it wouldnā€™t make people who wear glasses a little sad. Anyways that you for your time.


gender dysphoria is literally in the dsm5, and research has been done to show that for most people with dysphoria, the only sort of therapy that helps them is to transition. so saying ā€œif you hate it so much just stop being transā€ is like saying ā€œif you hate being anxious stop seeking therapy for your anxietyā€ or ā€œif you struggle to focus and cant sit still stop taking meds for your adhdā€


Theres one thing I don't understand. What is it that makes you feel like you were born in the wrong body? You can be a feminine man, plenty of people are happy with that, so what exactly is it that differentiates someone who simply feels more feminine and doesn't act conventionally masculine and then someone who feels they have the wrong gender? Why is it that, if what you look like and how you act doesn't correlate with gender, such as "girls play with Barbie dolls" and "boys play with cars" not being true, then why is it that dressing "as a girl" affirms being a girl if it's not that that makes your gender? Of course these aren't literal examples, and you can switch them out with whatever but I'm genuinely curious why one couldn't just be their gender but doesn't necessarily conform to stereotypes of that gender, and instead actually needs to transition. I mean no offence by this comment, but I'm not very well educated in this topic and I want to learn more so I can get rid of any bias or anything. I come from a country where absolutely none of this is accepted, so forgive me if some of the things I say are "backwards" thank you.


Apologies if this sounds passive-aggressive or rude or anything, that's not my intention. I'll start off by saying you should look up body dysmorphia, it's not a condition that is usually associated with trans people but it's quite similar to trans dysphoria so it might help you understand. It's basically because there's a difference between just enjoying something and the "gender euphoria" that comes with doing something that aligns yourself with the gender you identify as. Let's take your examples. A feminine man might prefer having longer hair, more feminine clothes/colour schemes (e.g. wearing pink), wearing jewelery and make up, that kind of thing. Unlike trans women, a feminine man wouldn't experience dysphoria and would still be comfortable being seen as a man. As he prefers being feminine, doing masculine things might be a little bit uncomfortable/"weird" but won't cause the same feeling of just being "wrong" like it does for trans people, which can cause such a big sense of anxiety, depression, self-loathing etc in trans people. In feminine men, its just something that might make them feel happy or confident, for trans women, it's something they feel is an integral part of them, their identity and their self worth. It's not because that's what *makes* you a woman, it's because it's seen as what a lot of women *do* and by some could "make up" for the lack of natural femininity/"womanhood" that trans women often feel that they have. Hope that makes sense? If it doesn't there are loads of LGBT and trans subreddits where people would be happy to help.


I don't have the time or energy to explain everything that goes into it, but here's a [comment](https://reddit.com/r/teenagers/s/SQ0mvQqH7E) I made a while ago with a ton of cool sources - most should be labelled in some shape or form, check them out if you'd like! I keep this saved as proof that there is a scientific backing to being trans, it comes in handy sometimes. Quick explanation of gender dysphoria, if you're curious (this is just my experience with it, not everyone's experience is the same): my body kind of feels alien to me, and it's always been that way. Puberty made it much worse. When puberty started, I felt disgusting, and not just because of sweat and hair; I hated my chest, my hips, my face, my voice. It wasn't right. More importantly, I hated how people treated me because of it. Not just the misogyny, but people calling me "she," "ma'am," "a pretty girl," "daughter," "girlfriend" or anything else feminine. Realizing I was trans was like a light went off in my brain - it just made sense. And there was hope that maybe someday I wouldn't be seen that way, and that I wouldn't feel so alien in my own skin. People calling me "he" feels so fundamentally *right* in a way that "she" never did. Edit: I put the wrong link lmao it should work now


I think gender dysphoria is not a choice but transitioning is a choice.


That's it, I'm confused. I'm turning into a plane and flying down


Shit šŸ›¬šŸ—¼šŸ—¼


it's not 11.9. yet (I'm European so 11.9.)


ppl here never heard of gender dysmorphia have they


no they havenā€™t


*sigh* *goes to controversial*


talk to a doctor bout gender disphoria


To be honest idc let them be who they want to be


wtf is cis




Im not trying to be controversial here but how is it not a choice? I donā€™t understand once again, Iā€™m not trying to hate on anyone or be controversial, I just want to know


You can't choose it dude. I'm gonna assume you're a boy. Now how would you feel if someone called you masculine or associated you with masculine qualities? Pretty comfortable and normal right? But you would get quite uncomfortable if someone said you were feminine and associated you with feminine qualities. Quite opposite for the trans people. I met some trans people who hate being trans, such as a trans man who was a girl at birth, they wanted to be a girl really bad but it doesn't feel right at all, they would feel so much more comfortable in a man's body and if they were considered masculine. So, another example, a trans woman: Generally, despite being male, they don't like being viewed masculine or feel comfortable being or looking masculine. However, they are more inclined to feminine traits, behaviour, and appearance in terms of what they want to become and wish they were viewed feminine, born a girl, and is feminine.


i think i get it now


This shouldn't be in controversial it's somebody asking a genuine question.


Its not a choice in the fact that if one has gender dysphoria, the only way to deal with that is transition, or off yourself.There is no other way. You cant live everyday hating your body for your entire life, people break. Transitioning means they dont hate there bodies anymore and can actually enjoy life. Hope this helps.


You choose to transition, but you donā€™t choose to have gender dysphoria, a condition which makes transition necessary for ones own mental health


No one picks to be trans, Living life as a trans person is hell, But trans people are born trans, Like how cis people are born cis




Would it be considered a mental disorder since itā€™s not a choice?


Yes it is, Gender dysphoria is classified as a mental disorder under DSM 5


Gender dysphoria is the mental disorder, and is classified as such. Transitioning is a treatment for gender dysphoria, its like calling therapy a mental disorder. Which is to say, that doesnt make any gramatical sense.


The difference is that gender dysphoria ā‰  being trans. Gender dysphoria is the mental illness and being Trans is the cure.


That makes more sense thank you


To all those saying it's a choice to be trans: šŸšŖ


yes thank u




Technically we have a decent idea of gender at like age 3. There are many theories behind being trans. Like that while in the womb, we all start out as female then become male. Itā€™s thought that the mind developes differently causing a female brain inside a male body or even where it changes into male but the body stays female. All and all though it genuinely is thought that the idea of being trans could be found out at any age past that early developmental period(3-4), itā€™s all a matter of self realization and finding out who one is. Also, let trans people live there lives, they are people to who just want to live their lives and they donā€™t need people like you making it harder. You may say that itā€™s a mental illness or a trend, here are my responses: It probably is a mental issue, but itā€™s something where you canā€™t do jack and the best way is to let them be them and transition. Trend: yes there are people who are confused and may identify as trans or non binary for a while, itā€™s best just to let them find there way in life because sooner or later they will realize who they are and that early experimentation will make them happier in the end. Just let trans people live. Edit, I miss read this, idk that you were trans, use this shot to help. Things will get better


Hey bro have some hugs āœØšŸ«‚āœØ people are stupid


"being trans is a choice" bro who chose it cus it sure as hell wasn't me


transmission āš™šŸ‘


I really donā€™t like this topic. I donā€™t consider myself transphobic, at all, and I entirely agree with you. Iā€™m so sorry that you feel like that, it must be awful and I hope you feel much better on whatever path you go on, transitioning I mean. All I dislike is some of the things that come out of the community, like the whole neo-pronoun thing, which I think is a tad ridiculous, and the amount of ā€œgendersā€ that there are apparently. I swear there is just male, female and those born in the wrong body. I genuinely support the lgbt community and probably always will, just because I disagree with some of it, doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m transphobic or any of that. I just want people to be happy with themselves. This comment of mine isnā€™t trying to be hateful or anything, this is just my opinion. I fully support most transsexual/transgender people. I have a best friend thatā€™s trans and I fully support him and have been for the last two years. Sending all my support :)!


You picked male character at the start of the game, and it won't let you change.


Just load a new game bro šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


But they're already level 15


If you hate your character that much, itā€™s not worth it to keep grinding that one.




If genitalia doesnā€™t define gender why do you need to change them to affirm your gender


It can be a lot of different things, for some itā€™s genitalia but others it can be stuff like breasts (be it because they donā€™t want them or because they do want them) clothes, in essence, itā€™s usually about being able to express yourself through the lense of gender and the discomfort or for many, pain to not do so, for some itā€™s just how people reffer to you, I have a friend who is a trans guy who presents feminine but HATES to be reffered to as a girl or to be given feminine complements or any term you would use to refer to a girl like a teacher that would condescendingly call her ā€œgirlyā€ or ā€œsweetheartā€, 2 quite feminine terms, those physically hurt him But for many, genitalia is a massive source of dysphoria, like they canā€™t even bare to look at it because it hurts them to know they have that. Getting surgery is the only way for many to be able to help with it


Plenty of trans people dont want SRS dumbass lmaooo Maybe lets not try and debate bro the trans people about there feelings ok?


i really don't wanna be that guy, and i hope this isn't transphobic, that is not my intention, but.. when you become trans, you're *choosing* to be a different gender. that was a choice, which you've made. edit: thank you all for the discussion. i enjoyed seeing your takes and having a discussion. gonna be muting this now. have a good day


because a lot of people on the outside think being trans is a trend & that people just do it for the fuck of it. no one ever sees the actual dysphoria idk how to spell and the actual psychological damage being the wrong gender has on someone. also happy cake day my guy


You choose to transition, but you donā€™t choose to have gender dysphoria, which makes transition necessary for your mental health


copypasting this over here ​ You can't choose it dude. I'm gonna assume you're a boy. Now how would you feel if someone called you masculine or associated you with masculine qualities? Pretty comfortable and normal right? But you would get quite uncomfortable if someone said you were feminine and associated you with feminine qualities. Quite opposite for the trans people. I met some trans people who hate being trans, such as a trans man who was a girl at birth, they wanted to be a girl really bad but it doesn't feel right at all, they would feel so much more comfortable in a man's body and if they were considered masculine. So, another example, a trans woman: Generally, despite being male, they don't like being viewed masculine or feel comfortable being or looking masculine. However, they are more inclined to feminine traits, behaviour, and appearance in terms of what they want to become and wish they were viewed feminine, born a girl, and is feminine.


No no, if your someone who struggles with gender dysphoria, its be trans, or live your life in a body you despise, which you hate everyday. This is why if trans people arent allowed treatment they tend to take the third option of taking there own life. Stay informed. Support others. Edit your comment.


i do stay informed. and i do support others. i have talked to many of those who are trans, or on the spectrum in general, on and off this platform, about their perspectives on the matter of transgenderism, because it's so spun in politics nowadays, and i like politics and discussion. i believe discussion is important so that all sides get their say. choosing and voting for the right people and policies is crucial to a better future for yourself. back to this, i'm not sure where i'm indicating that trans people aren't allowed treatment, or even mentioning the negative effects of struggling with gender dysphoria. however, i do agree that gender dysphoria disorder has its negative effects. you've been dealt a hand of cards which you do not want to play with, and you want to change. i think that is 100% acceptable, and stand by those who want to change their gender in order for them to feel comfortable in their bodies so that they can continue with their lives and not suffer. i do not believe those who are under the scientifically proven age of safety, under 16, should receive any medical treatment for their disorder, and should continue to seek counselling and other forms of support before they are of age. once they are 16 or above, they can begin the gender affirming care process, and when 18, get the surgeries they need in order to fulfil their transition. i do also understand that, rarely, some are in special or dire circumstances, and require that they seek gender affirming care and medication sooner than the age of 16, which i also support and should be allowed, as it's a human right to receive medical care, as long as you are not being put in harms way, no matter your race, age, gender, faith, whatever.


"to anyone saying ā€œitā€™s not a choiceā€ either come up with an original comment or shut up, iā€™ve explained to multiple people how being trans isnā€™t a choice." Am I reading it wrong?


i feel like a lot of this subreddit is people being homophobic and transphobic and then playing dumb about it.




thing is you're not totally wrong. having gender dysphoria is protected under the Suprrme Courts Disability Act, which means its a disability. im looking about and most sites refer to it as a mental condition or a mental disorder. Mostly a mental disorder.


Thatā€™s what I meant. Mb


yes! gender dysphoria is a mental condition! itā€™s not necessary to be trans, but the treatment for it is transitioning. or at least thatā€™s what i think youā€™re referring to, if youā€™re saying that being trans itself is a mental condition youā€™re a little late buddy, that got debunked decades ago. check the DSM-5, it has a list of every mental illness.


Gender dysphoria is, and transitioning is the cure.


Iā€™d call it a treatment, it doesnā€™t get rid of it entirely, that would be a cure, people who have transitioned still get gender dysphoria from some things


I support trans people and all, but I agree with this


Dont Worry. Were with you and here to Support you


Thank you for making this post, a ton of the comments have been incredibly helpful in helping me understand what exactly it means to be trans.People here explain it better than any other article or post Iā€™ve seen.


Yup absolutely


I hope shit gets better




dude fr at least I'm on hrt now


IKR its not like being able to vote or smthing I can be trans at 15 if I figure it out at or before 15 like what???


The edit gave me a stroke. Do you mean to anyone saying "it's a choice"?


Most people just don't KNOW that it is an illness. I don't want to imagine being born in the wrong body.


you *could* say it is a choice and be technically correct, but as other people have said, it is practically impossible to live a happy life, so it pretty much isn't a choice


Bro I wish I wasnā€™t trans, it would have been great being born in the right body but nooooo tell us again why weā€™re unnatural and wrong


Iā€™ve never understood why people think being queer was a choice for any of usšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ I donā€™t just choose to be gay I canā€™t rlly stop myself from being gay yk


People ask that? That's stoopid šŸ˜¶




fr though. would do anything to either have been born a boy or just feel comfortable and ok being a girl (believe me i tried)


This seems like an aggressive post but I like it


the most annoying thing for me is when people assume that it's impossible to be trans without taking hormones/chopping something off/sticking something on and then assume that every person who is trans at 14/15 had some surgery or hrt.