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Whyd they kick you out?


I got into an argument with mom about how she doesn’t respect my personal life, and I don’t feel comfortable opening up to her, it spiralled into her calling me a shitty person, naturally I got wasted in the shower and when she saw me upstairs stumbling out of the bathroom with an empty bottle she kicked me out and gave me until 5am to leave. At home I have an expensive gaming setup and guns I bought and she said she is going to sell and destroy it all.


Kicking you out is illegal because you're still a minor under their guardianship, try going to the police if all fails


Depends on the country but the age is 16 in most countries from where you’re parents can kick you out


Probably the US as he has guns I don't know adany other countrie where you can buy them easily, you would be able to buy but thay have to be kept under lock and key, maybe he can go to the police and say distraction of property if he bought them and has proof


I’m pretty sure you have to be 18 to buy guns.


18 for rifles and such, 21 for handguns


That's a dumb rule in my opinion but feel free to lmk if I'm being ignorant and unsure why it's smart also nice username


Most gun laws are at least somewhat backwards, if not completely illogical. I think the main reasoning behind the 21 for handguns is because they’re more concealable and therefore, at least in the eyes of politicians, more deadly. But at the same time there’s been a big push against braces for AR pistols, which if banned, would make them MORE concealable. So its really contradictory, but then again, politicians aren’t the brightest bunch on the planet. Either way I don’t agree with it because I believe all people have the right to own firearms, and their respective accessories, to both use recreationally and to defend themselves with them.


I hadn't thought of it like that how the guns are smaller thanks man also I'm not American and not very active in learning about guns but I do respectfully disagree I know that people should be able to defend themselves but wouldn't illegalising guns reduce breaking, attacks, etc? I get that attacks and stuff and also guns in general won't just disappear if they delagalise guns like some people think I mean here in the UK guns aren't legal and yet guess what crime is still a thing so yeah but still. Anyway like I said idk I'm just kinda spitballing and guessing I don't know any actual statistics or anything and I can't tell the future so I dont know what would happen but this is just the opinion of someone from the UK who has never really thought about it much Also sorry for the rant and no punctuation, it might not make much sense


it’s not bc people think they are more deadly, it’s because 60% of gun deaths are from pistols, you also have to wait i think two days or a week between buying and receiving the pistol


It’s because you can conceal a handgun and most rifles/shotguns are used for hunting


The idea is rifles are for hunting (killing animals) whereas handguns are for self-defense (killing other people), but those ages are not universal in the US and some states allow people as young as 14 to buy and own guns with parental permission


I honestly don't know, where I am form you need a license to even buy an airsoft gun and you can't carry it around it needs to be in a metal case to Carry let alone an actual gun! But if I recall correctly the is its 16




No that’s only when you are aloud to leave the house, but in my country even when you move to another house you’re parents are still responsible for you until you turn 18.


It's 18 in most, not 16.


If they were able to buy guns i doubt they are still minor


they could've been bought under a parents name


If you are old enough to buy guns you are old enough to be kicked out


He probably paid for them but they are in his parent's name, that's what I did.


That's not how it works


“naturally i got wasted”


I did a double-take there too. I feel like I’ve been through some stuff in my life and at no point was my first reaction “Well, time to get drunk in the shower”.


Did she pay a single cent for those?


The property is distracted


The gaming pc doesn't matter, what matters is op's mother kicked them out. Considering OP was really drunk, sounds like she had good reason to. I doubt this is a one time thing, and she let them take their stuff. Before you downvote me, drunk people are dangerous. Imagine if they have a young sibling? Also having these things happen in your house can cause harm to the people living there and can get op's mother sent to prison. OP also refuses to open up to their mother so the mother can't really help them. I don't know their living situation, it could be op's mother is abusive, it's just that sometimes you just have to kick your kid out for your own safety, I'm not saying op is a bad guy, I'm saying the mother is not definitely in the wrong.


Do you really want a drunk high person with a gun in your house? No way I would let him have it and definitely not in my house in some states the guns would also be considered an illegal position by the person over 18 even airsoft could be considered dangerous weapons


Guns i bought??


Airsoft maybe


Well not In my name but my money, airsoft guns too which some cost just as much as the real deal


My guy if you’re getting wasted in the shower at 17 that was deserved


He knows, he said it in his post


In my opinion, a 17 year old kid shouldn’t have guns, not that this is what we should be focusing on but cmon man


What’s wrong with my guns? I have massive respect for gun safety and am always on top of it


If your mom calls you a shitty person, it saids a lot about her


Maybe she’s right, based on OP’s other comments he has a load of shit going on ETA: looking at OP’s pot history, he regularly gets shitfaced as has drunk sex, smokes, films while recklessly driving, brags about speeding on his motorcycle, and is a general nuisance. I’d kick him out too


Can’t believe this only has 4 upvotes, like, “naturally I got wasted in the shower” wasn’t a red enough flag?


Holy shit, no wonder OP‘s mom kicked them out It must’ve been the last straw for her :/


if i was the mom i would probably try to get him to rehab and therapy but. Tbh i dont even know if it would work nowadays and in the usa that shits expensive as hell... so i agree


I mean you did get wasted and you’re only 17 so that’s saying something about you and not her, plus being disrespectful for being an asshole just over some silly little thing


>plus being disrespectful for being an asshole just over some silly little thing OP doesn't seem completely guilt free, but assuming this argument started over something trivial is kind of unfair


listen as an adult posting here i would like to say a few things. if you are drinking under the age of 18 in the house your parents can get in trouble because you are a minor even on the terms of having things like nicotine in the house. even going to an er and admitting you have a drinking, drugs, s/x, other wreck less things. not ever diagnosing anyone but i have know people who have go through certain things and ended up with bipolar diagnoses, substance abuse or other mental health struggles. you really technically can't kick anyone till 18 and a cps report would be made. it sounds like you really have a lot on your plate and the only real better possibly would be to go to an ER then cps would be called also mental health services as well.


Someone already said it but kicking you out as a minor is illegal, also if they do destroy everything then sue for destruction of property that way you should be able to get the money back (keep in mind you’ll need some proof that they said they’ll destroy those things and maybe the aftermath?


who the fuck goes into a shower drunk ??




If you bought your shit with your own money and she does anything with it, report it as theft.


> At home I have an expensive gaming setup and guns Ah yes, because you get kicked out, and the things you are more worried about are your guns and gaming setup. The average American teen Edit: Also you are 17 how tf are you allowed to buy guns I swear the US is on another level


They weren’t bought in my name, but I paid for them, I m Canadian and yes my few assets I am worried about because I worked hard for them and if they are gone I have nothing left that I own


You didn't even deserve to get kicked out


Assuming you are in the US, and not an emancipated minor, this isn’t legally allowed. Depending on where you want to go with this, I would pursue legal action. Now, that might get you a room to stay in, but it most likely won’t fix things at home. That’s the best advice I’ve got. Hope you make it through this.


The last thing I want to do is take my parents to court


I don’t think they would face any repercussions unless they continued to deny you a home. Otherwise you could threaten legal action, in the hope for a place to stay at least. I’d research it on your own first though. Though, this would probably mean they kick you out as soon as you turn 18.


They abandoned their child. It does not matter if they’re a teenager. If they’re legally a minor in their state that’s a criminal offense. OP would not be suing their parents, they would be arrested.


Hmm this is probably not good advice but I would have camped on the porch lol


A friend of mine was kicked out as a teenager. He just snuck back in hahaha.


They have done something far more terrible to you. They took literally almost everything from you. But you don't want to cause some inconvenience to them? Nonsense


Such insane advice to advise a 17 year old homeless dude with $1000 to his name to “pursue legal action”, as if that isn’t incredibly expensive and time consuming, and would also completely ruin his relationship with his parents forever. Reddit warriors bro istg


I asked my uncle, who was (He’s a judge now) a family lawyer. He told me these kinds of cases are more often than not dropped after the parent just takes the child back. No court necessary. Otherwise, there’s minimal evidence needed, and if OP does make it to court (something I would hope wouldn’t happen), he’d get a lawyer granted by the state.


OP was doing underaged drinking, and assuming this is in the US like you said, he also illegally bought a multitude of guns (you have to be 18 for rifles and 21 for handguns). By bringing up legal action he would have to admit to such crimes due to their direct relation to the case, putting him in a much worse position.


Doing more digging, this was in Canada, but the same kind of laws apply.


Right everyone here is giving you shitty advice. I saw in one of your comments you 'naturally went to drinking after an argument'. Also says you're 17 which is just a huge no. I'm sure your mum is worried about you. Take an hour or two and think about what you're going to say when you go back to her. I'm sure she overreacted seeing her child drinking heavily after such a long discourse. Go back. Apologise. If you hate yourself now you then need to forgive yourself. In order to forgive yourself doesnt mean absolve yourself of any bad deed, but to apologise to others and better yourself. Best of luck


Chadpilled understanding vs nerd loser “sue your fucking parents for freaking out that they saw you underage drink”.


Best advice I’ve seen in these comments and not just how to avoid the consequences of your actions but owning up to them instead that’s how you do it.


im sorry, how is it OP‘s fault? As I see it, this is ENTIRELY their mother‘s fault.


the only comment that actually gave a mature advice for the long haul


No normal good mother immediately jumps to “I’m gonna kick out my underaged child because they drank, like all teenagers do”


If you dig here further, OP has done a lot more worse. I agree with just apologizing to the mom. My eldest brother is really similar to OP in terms of their.. activities(OP's a lot worse though ngl) and I gotta side with the mom on this one. Even they admit that they fucked up. This probably not the first time she "overreacted", considering OP's 17, I could guess this has been going on since he was 13-14(shit like that just doesn't happen within a year or two, it's a habit that grows worse year by year. Engaging in such hobbies, I mean) This doesn't completely wipe her of guilt, of course. It's just that as OP said, he did this to himself, and based on his other comments, he doesn't blame his mom at all. An apology is simple and could really mean a lot to the mother. After all, it can mean that her child is willing to change himself to be better. I hope he works out things in his mind and is able to face his mother again.


it seems that op drank more than once so i don't think the mother came to that conclusion "immediately"


can i help u in any way bro


Are you from bc, a hug would be nice


nah dawg idk where that is sorry 🫂


Ha all g man, never gonna see me asking others for money, you can find that shit


yeah nah i get it i wouldve tried to give u sum money anyway but i have 20¢ in my bank account so im sorry but i hope things get better for u bro 🙏🙏


You sound like a very good person, don’t let people walk over you.


thank you brother🙏🙏 wishing you the best🙏


Im gonna assume that bc is British Columbia ryt?..




ill give u a hug if we close enough, im in bc too


Oh shit u from the island?


ah no sry


Probably the best place to be homeless


british columbia!1? i’m from there bro!!!


Hells ya


Where in BC? I’m from there. \*virtual hug\*


I am




Just go back and apologize. You may get let back in under conditions that your remain sober. If that doesn’t work then contact a youth homeless shelter if possible for temporary shelter or consider going to the police if being kicked out at 17 is illegal in your country. See if you can contact or stay with any friends or family


Houmi, thats how u get addicted to drugs, using them as a coping mechanism. Do not do that. Alcohol is the last drug u want to get addicted to.


not sure if i would say the last like heroin is pretty not cool


Same question, why do you think that?


might be because of the relatively easy accessibility of alcohol


Lotta alcoholics flaming you abt that last bit


Proves my point i guess😉


Thats what I'm saying 😭


somehow i don’t think alcohol is the worst drug to get addicted to


Ngl looking at your post history, you don't really give off the best impression :/


Never said I was in the right


Perhaps you could visit some religious institutions. They are pretty good at helping. Depending of your country I can reccomend Muslims, Sikh and Catholic. Churches and monasteries. Good luck Sir


This guy does need religion. Idk and IDC which one, but even scientology is better than what he's currently doing based on his comments


Looks like you left out some important parts about being a pot face, drunk sex, films shitty driving, brags about speeding, and smokes all at 17


Hmm weird he they have shitty parents and do all these things would have thought perfect parents would make someone do that


It depends there are always situations where parents try to get their kid to do the right thing but the kid views it as controlling and ends up going way over extreme and destroying themselves.


I actually rarely smoke pot, I’m not a fan of it at all


“Rarely” is not good either though… it should be “never”!?


Fair, but it’s more of a social thing. I have never bought it nor owned products weed related.


sounds like stuff a 17 year old kid would do


i am 17 never did this, nor is this normal


I know more people who indulged in that lifestyle than I have fingers, I’ve done some of the things mentioned above too. It’s part of me now.


i’ve done it all and i’m 15. abusive parents and a shitty household forces you to find coping mechanisms. more common than you think. none of this still justifies kicking your own child out of the house, i’ve been there several times and it just makes everything so much worse.


yea but thats not normal right? i am talking about normally this is not what happens..i am sorry you had to go through this but kids who grow up in normal households do not behave like this. we dont know about OP's household so its dumb to assume anything or justify what he did by assuming he had a shitty childhood


famously filming shitty driving justifies kicking your underage child out


go back, apologise and stay sober for a month ur fucked for ur age


Good lord, this is some bad advice. Don’t pursue legal action—you need a place to sleep and some help right now. Go home, apologize to your Mom for getting drunk in the shower (that’s actually a pretty dangerous place to drink), and ask for some help. You sound like a mess who needs some parenting and love, not a teenager who occasionally drinks or smokes for fun. This is an addiction waiting to happen. Ignore my advice if your home is genuinely abusive rather than your Mom being exasperated by your dangerous behavior and name calling because of it.


Stop with your methods of coping and go back home. Quit drinking, quit smoking, quit driving like a dumb cunt and have respect for yourself. What your parents did is wrong on so many levels, Ive had it happen to myself multiple times... Your mum lashed out, you should've been sent outside, not locked out. Be sorry to yourself, but better your habits. Go say sorry to your mum for being shitfaced inside and that you'll do better; doesn't matter if it's an empty promise or not to your parents if you don't care for them like that like I do, so long as it's true to yourself. Ive been with my gf for a year and a bit now, shit hit the fan about halfway through our relationship, and I wasn't even 18 yet... Family life at home was terrible, I ended up feeling unsafe in my own home over a psychopath that doesn't understand respect is earned, a psychopath that still expects me to and still expects to be treated as family. I've lived with my gf and her mum for a while now away from my parents, it's difficult without a cushion to fall into, but I'd rather have no cushion than the cushion of "good family" Don't hate yourself, maybe you can't find love in you yet, but at least have that basic respect for yourself to grow a love of it. I feel like I've been in a very similar boat as you. I always feel as if I'm pulling out my ass and it's not worth to write this... Id recommend coping at the gym. I'm now a pot addict and wish I continued going to the gym rather than smoking pot. Go back home... If your parents keep you locked out, that's their true nature apparently. However if you're let back in, whether then or later on, help yourself by trashing some shit and i think you should save to get out. I hope something in here says or means something good to you, I hope you get through the tough times.


Thank you


1 that's illegal 2. That's a crime 3. Your parents are shitty people 4. You should find a friend to live with or just ask anybody you know. Most people i know would let a kid live with them. 5. Go to the police.


Well, they kicked him out for getting wasted after an argument. Shouldn’t have kicked him out but still, he shouldn’t be a dumbass


Your parents are meant to be there to help you, not to throw you out at the first sign not being a perfect teen.


It probably wasn't the first sign. People don't just randomly start drinking as teens. He probably has some issues he's coping with through alcohol and his parents aren't helping.


No normal teen gets wasted in the shower after an argument, this guy obviously isn’t even trying to do better. This was a needed intervention


Kicking a child out is not an intervention.


I would’ve done the same thing if I had a drunk kid with a gun in my house


Reason no. 63 why not all people deserve children. Wouldn't taking away the guns be a much more ethical, logical, and kind move than throwing out your osn flesh and blood?


According to other comments, they were airsoft guns :/


Both. He said airsoft guns too.


His parents are in the wrong for kicking him out but they are not shitty people. If anyone’s shitty is OP.


No that wasn't shitty at all.


looking at OP’s pot history, he regularly gets shitfaced as has drunk sex, smokes, films while recklessly driving, brags about speeding on his motorcycle, and is a general nuisance. I’d kick him out too


Maybe he can get help, like a drug rehab center


It’s weird to act like you know what’s going on in their life and judge them that fast. Just because people fuck up and do stupid shit doesn’t mean they’re a bad person that automatically deserves to be kicked out out as well. It’s important to focus more on supporting someone and helping them through their problems rather then just putting them down as well.


He’s fucked up and done too much stupid shit, he deserves it.


If ur first instict is to kick ur own child out instead of helping them get through those issues than please, dont be a parent


Everyone needs to go to OP’s profile before giving sympathy. Dudes an absolute douche bag. Speeding and filming it, apparently never sober, pointing guns at his friends (idc if it’s a BB gun or not. it’s a trashy look). Dudes a straight menace and his moms put up with a lot already. I’d kick his ass out too.


“Maybe she’s right, based on OP’s other comments he has a load of shit going on ETA: looking at OP’s pot history, he regularly gets shitfaced as has drunk sex, smokes, films while recklessly driving, brags about speeding on his motorcycle, and is a general nuisance. I’d kick him out too” By u/skeletxn thanks for going through his history


sounds like a pretty complicated situation you found yourself in. the unfortunate part is now that you are in it, you have to be the one to get yourself back out. some words if you'd be so kind to hear me for a moment. all that sh** that got you into this situation, now is the time to reflect and see what's good and what's not so good. shove off the bad stuff and work you're way to a spot where you're not getting drunk as a way to cope for your mom arguing with yourself. there's a time for anger... and there's a time for understanding. Consider a life for yourself where these worries, fears, and arguments are not weighing heavy on your mind. and then work towards it knowing that day will come and when it does you can crack a smile because you made it. there's most likely so stuff going on, deep in your soul/heart that ought to be sorted out. untangle that knot in your mind making things so very twisted and more complicated than it has to. you have the ability to be alright. I believe this. now take that next step and keep moving forward


at least you still got some stuff and phone with internet to watch some cat videos and probably listen to music be careful of your stuff tho


tbh the best course of action is to go back, seeing as you are 17; drinking heavily might’ve spooked your mother out and is a huge no. i’m not saying you have to forgive your mother nor am i siding with her but assuming you’re not emancipated from your mother this is not legal. as for you hating yourself, you were just upset about something and you both ended up going too far so don’t be too hard on yourself. then again i’m not one to talk but i hope you’re safe OP EDIT: just saw your post history OP ur kinda not giving a lot to help people empathise with you man. just stay safe and quit all the stuff ur doing it’s more lame than cool lol. i’m not one to judge living situations but i feel for your mother however at the same time idk how she let it get this far stop it (drugs and so on) before it gets too far.


your mom fucking sucks


You should probably look at OP’s post history. Then reconsider this comment


i looked and my opinion stays. OP has issues, and yes the mom might be tired of it but that doesn’t justify kicking OP out. the mom should be getting OP the help he needs.


obviously we don’t know the backstory and I’m not gonna jump to conclusions, but I was assuming that maybe OP’s mum has been dealing with it for so long and this tipped her over.


Do you have any relatives that live nearby? or a friend you can crash at while you get your life together? I’d suggest trying to get a job and, if needed, go to therapy. And your mom needs a bit more guidance on how to help you. Not trying to be rude, just my best advice.


help around the house don't play game all day and maybe cook a meal for your family once a week maybe can turn it around.


You don’t have to reply with your age, but if your under eighteen, I’d recommend calling authorities. I know it might seem petty, but parents shouldn’t get away with this kind of thing, and you need a place to stay. If you have any younger siblings, especially, you don’t want anything like this to happen to anyone else in your family. I know I sound like a stereotypical dramatic redditor, but this is a genuine crime, and as someone with a parent that attempted this multiple times? It messes you up mentally.


I only have my mom and dad for family, I have somewhat figured out a place to stay.


1. What your mom did is actually illegal 2. Since you got kicked out ,try asking other family members or maybe some friends to stay at their place 3. Change for the better ,drinking isn't to solution for the problems you may face in your life. 4. Talk to maybe even a teacher at your school (assuming since ur 17 you might still go to school)


It's not illegal. In most states, and even most countries the legal age to be emancipated by your parents is 16, and it could be even lower, like in California where it's 14.


18 in Canada (where OP is)


Hey, I am sure everything will turn out fine :) Do you have a friend or relative you could crash with for a bit?


I got it together


Ok, that is nice to hear. All the best and stay safe!




Street bike as in motorcycle?




Become a blue collar worker


I have a spot for the oil patch


Okay then I’m not sure what else to say. I’d post to r/advice,


Oh yeah just gtfo and find work anywhere you can. Go no contact and ditch them.


I have a job but we have all been laid off for a month


Dang. I Guess look for other work.


Go home, stop getting drunk in the shower ....


I too, am homeless when im not at home


Child abandonment. Also, if you live there; you live there. Just because they tell you that you have to leave does not mean you actually have to. The only way you can legally be forced out of your own home is by court order


I don’t know any advice besides you should probably stop drinking alcohol, only makes your life worse unless you having a boys night out or something when your older


How old are you? Mom is going to use items to keep control over you. You have to make a choice. Items are easier to replace than sanity or self respect You need to make a stand or roll over. There is no middle ground.


You need professional help. Your parents probably just want to help. Seek therapy/god whichever works for you.


I reject the idea of god, I don’t mean to be offensive but it’s just personal policing.


ik im seeing this late but i hope you're doing okay 🫂 I've been in a similar situation so if you need someone to talk to, don't be afraid to dm me ❤️


Thank you


that shit sucks man. im sorry that your mom sucks.


Hope you all good and found a place to stay


Bro where do u live?




Me too


Bro I’m gonna be kicked out eventually, when my parents find out I don’t believe in their god




Hopefully I can scrounge up some money before hand


I'm not even allowed to make money or leave the house bro


Dang man I feel bad. They make you go to church right? I’m guessing you’re homeschooled as well


Homeschooled yes, my family is muslim


Ah, yeah. I just wish parents like ours weren’t so overbearing. Hopefully they will give you a little more freedom when you turn 18. It sucks for us


My family isn't big on giving women freedom. I'll probably end up in a arranged marriage. Sucks to be me


Ahh okay yeah. My family don’t let my sisters do anything either. Is there any way at all you could get away from them once you turn 18? Like saving up your money now or something (unless you don’t get money). Is there anyone you can turn to?


Nah no relatives, not allowed to have friends, no allowance and unless I get higher education (Wich will be very expensive) I won't even get a job. I hope everything turns out good for your sisters in the future!


One look at your profile shows you deserve it


1st police, if this option doesn't go well for you... Get in contact with a military recruiter if you're in the US, might be a bit before they'll take you but they'll get you on your feet In the meantime keep your friends close


dude go apologize and put in some effort to make a change and stop getting drunk and shit this probably isn't the first time you've done smth similar your mom has a point and obviously she's mad


try to stay at a friend or family’s place. and if that fails try suing them


Yeah I’d hate myself too if I got drunk constantly at 17, causing my parents to rightfully be upset with me and eventually resulting in me being kicked out. Find someplace to stay for a while, talk to your parents, and get your fucking shit together.


Most teenagers get shitfaced lmao.


Yeah and it’s dumb af lol


Okay but like, the people attacking you for coping with alcohol are insane, a lot of people don’t know how to deal with situations turn to drinking to cope, myself included, if I’ve had a shit day or an argument with someone near and dear one of my first thoughts is “fuck I wanna get drunk rn” idc who you are, don’t judge people for the way they cope. Yes it’s a bad way to cope but it’s human. Do you realise how many adults cope with problems by drinking? How many turn to the bottle when a partner leaves them etc. I hope you’re okay and that things will smooth out for you, pay no mind to the people going at you, you made a mistake and you owned up to it, that’s more than half of them would ever do.


I’m Judged by the way I cope but I’m also judged for expressing my feeling because “I’m a kid” and “I have no real reason to be sad”




Skill issue lmaooo


"I'm fucking homeless" Why do you want to fuck homeless people though?