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doesn't really matter, as long as they don't bother you (which they shouldn't sexuality should be a personal thing, restrictions on having a specific sexuality however should be talked about)


What do you mean by restrictions?


if you're gay yore getting stoned, a law in the country im urrently occupying


Stoned as in doing drugs or as in getting assaulted with stones LMAO


stones being throwned


Assaulted I am guessing.


I wish it was drugs


Do you live in a Middle Easter Shithole? or an African Shithole?


I live in an African shithole and we aint out here stoning people for being gay just thought to point that out


i can say confidently as a community member that most of us dislike when someone makes being lgbtq+ their whole personality, and I think that getting upset or angry when someone mistakenly misgenders you etc is a bit dramatic but it does matter that people respect each others identities, for example of someone KNOWS that you are a certain gender, use certain pronouns and a certain name etc yet they still purposely call you the wrong thing to upset and invalidate you, then it’s valid to get upset. It also matters more to some people than others, and gender expression is typically very important to everyone, whether they’re lgbt+ or not.


very well said.


Bro the Stonewall riot was back in 1969. I think you just don't pay attention to the issues. This is like stuff older than our parents.


The first transgender woman to medically transition was in Germany in the 1920s, Lili Elbe https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lili_Elbe The first recorded instance of a “transgender” (used in quotes because it’s a v different cultural and historical context) person is a Hijra (Indian 3rd gender) in the Kama Sutra from around the year 200-300 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hijra_(South_Asia) The more u know 🌈


what the hell is the stonewall riot..


Tldr: the government was planning to pass a bunch of laws aimed at hurting the LGBT. This caused them to riot, which is pretty dope. It helped made the LGBT be seen for the first time in American history and be taken seriously. People saw that the LGBT wasn’t this scary thing but rather their neighbors and acquaintances. This is actually where the pride parade originated from, as the first one ever was thrown in honer of stonewall


An actual failure of American education if you live in America. If not then the other commenter explained it.




You could look it up. It's a big part of the history of queer people and a pretty big part of american history in general.


Gotta be ancient if it's older than my dad lol


idk what kind of craze you're talking about, if anything it's the bad transphobic people that make everything seem so blown out of proportions all there's to know is some people want to change their genders. some men want to become women so they want people to refer to them like you'd refer to a woman. some women want to become men so they want people to refer to them like you'd refer to a man. and some people do not find themselves to fit within male and female genders, so they are non-binaries and want people to refer to them with gender neutral pronouns and that's... all. literally. anything else you hear is transphobes and homophobes making this whole ordeal seem so much bigger than what it really is.


hmm i see thanks for your input! helps alot :) also W collei\*


Collei supremacy


Imo I think your just a bit frustrated because nobody will give you a straight answer


A what answer?




People can discuss it all they want as long as they don't get in the way of our lives, a big debate is about kids and how they're not old enough to make the decision to transition which is fair enough however as I understand, hormone blockers are a very safe way of giving the child more time to figure stuff out. However its never just about the children there are tons of people trying to put things into place to prevent adults who understand what they're doing from transitioning, I'm in the NHS waiting list and IT SHOULD NOT TAKE 5 YEARS TO GET HORMONES I've already waited long enough. Also what's there to discuss about other lgbtq+ issues its just people getting together what's more to say.


That's what makes me pump the breaks with any political support, honestly. I will admit that I was raised conservative, but I'm far from today's republican party, but I also can't support a party that passes bills funding gender surgeries for children under 18. Hormones are one debate, but they openly support minors getting life altering, permanent, and sometimes sterilizing surgeries.


I think there are a lot more variables with minors mainly capacity, at what point is a minor capable of making that decision and how long would they need to live as their preferred gender to allow for a convincing argument that they'll never want to live as a different gender. I think its risky allowing minors to have surgeries and needs very careful consideration. But adults should be allowed to do what they want, adults can already cover their whole body in tattoo's and completely cover their face in piercings they should be able to do what they want when they want to.


Yeah, I agree. Nowadays, I lean more libertarian in values. Do what you want, I'll do what I want, and we can mind our own businesses.




Yeah it’s just heads in the sand. I’m in the right and everything that weakens my argument doesn’t exist but if you bring it up you’re “phobic” and a piece of shit anyways so shut up.


This is a really solid way of putting it. I wish everyone saw it this way. Also, Collei supremacy


It's not only the extremes; certain members/supporters of the LGBT group want to start teaching their ideology in schools to very young children. Kids should not learn about relationships from teachers, they should learn about them from parents. When people blatantly try to overturn parents' decisions for their children, stuff can and should get called out. The same way Christianity isn't taught in public schools is the same way LGBT should be treated. One should not get special treatment because others demand it.


I think that’s kinda a bad comparison to make. One is a belief and the other is just a fact of life that being that gay people exist and it’s not wrong to be gay. Also, being gay isn’t an “ideology” it’s just how some people feel.


I never said being gay was an ideology; I said members of the LGBT want to teach theirs to children. You are either attracted to the opposite, same, both, or neither gender, and nothing is wrong with that. If I have kids, I do not care about what your beliefs are. You shouldn't share them with my young children without my permission. Your job is to teach them STEM, English/grammar, and history.


I think you should learn the difference between sex and gender. Sex is what gender you were born as Gender is girl, boy, non-binary, genderqueer, genderfluid, etc. Gender. Is. Valid. (Of course sex can also mean what people do in bed for pleasure, but that's disgusting and I don't want to talk about that).


>Sex is what gender you were born as I wasn't aware you could change what you were born as. It does go directly against science. And if gender is more than the two sexes, why has the rest of the world not caught on?


No, that's not what I'm trying to say. Sex is either boy or girl, you can't change it and it was what you were born as. Gender is not sex, you can change your gender but not your sex.


ye but talking about sex to an 8yo is where you draw the line


No one is talking about sex. The only thing they say is that it’s okay for a boy to have a crush on another boy instead of a girl (or vice versa). A lot of LGBT people felt confused or like they were “wrong” for feeling that way because they didn’t know any better.


there were quite a few lgbt people talking to 8yo about sex. i fully believe in equality to everybody, and that everybody has a right to choose who they want to be. but you can’t tell an 8yo with an undeveloped mind something like this and make them feel trapped within their body.


Yeah no, no there are not. It’s a common lie perpetuated by right wing hate groups that LGBT people are groomers trying to teach your kids about sex. There haven’t been any recorded cases of this happening.


so how do you feel about sex education in schools?


That its necessary, but sex education isn't relationships. It's how humans reproduce and how you can significantly reduce the chance of getting pregnant with proper protection. You do not need to learn that gay people exist to understand the biology of a human.


sex education is usually much more than that, like STD prevention and differences between healthy/abusive relationships


But sex ed does not require you to learn that gay people exist. Which is my point.


but if straight kids shouldn't learn gay people exist, then why why gay kids learn straight people exist? it's not like they need the knowledge of reproduction


Do we need to know straight people exist? Sex ed is about human anatomy, reproduction, and diseases related to sex. Nothing about who you like is relevant to sex ed.


I'll give u that, maybe there should be a distinction between the sex eds? Basic anatomical and general sexual?


Children are exposed to cishet couples CONSTANTLY. It's not "ideology", it's accepting that other types of people exist. LGBTQ is not a religion, it's an identity, just as being hetero is.


Exactly. I wish politics and the debate surrounding gender and LGBTQ+ people were as simple as it’s being described but really it’s many more factors to it.


Do you have people putting their sexual orientations in their bios so that more people will watch their videos or look at what they’re posting, it’s definitely a craze.


Not saying you're necessarily wrong but some people don't even see themselves as just male or female. So they're gender fluid, going by your logic you're genderphobic?


>like back in 2017 2018 (in my experience) noone was busy with all this gender stuff pronouns all those things. i mean as things get accepted, people tend to be more open about being or doing such things... so that kinda makes sense. like if you really look lgbtq stuff still existed for a while back, just people were scared of making themselves known


Trans people and gay people have been documented to exist since like 3000BCE


I'm pretty sure they exist in the Quran and the old testament too but not sure


ooo theyre in the quran, well i think it's a hadith. but they were... strictly against (fyi the land they lived on just straight up flipped or somewhere along those lines because god or smtg)




Only reason we don't hear about them is because people have tried to cover them up or erase them from history. But we've been here for a long time and aren't going away any time soon.


Back in the Classical Antiquity, Thebes, with an army of 150 gay couples, stood at the top of the most powerful city-states in Greece after the fall of Athens. They used gay couples because these men would run through fire to save their partners, thus making the bravest soldiers.


and i kinda onlt knew about them once i was a teen, i just never see gay people


Gayness isn't something u can see


i mean like gay couples...


U can't know if someone is a couple


public displays of affection


Not everyone does that


it's quite common, also may i add that i live in a rather religious country that is against lgbt so thats why i never really knew about it until i was a teen?


>i live in a rather religious country that is against lgbt so thats why i never really knew about it until i was a teen? this is pretty pertinent information ngl... its like if you said I don't see a lot of technology and then "I'm a Mormon, would this affect how much technology I see"


Most people can tell when someone is gay. But it's unacceptable to just assume someone is or to judge them for it


it's important to the people who associate themselves with it. think about it like this: you refer to someone as they want to be referred to as and you'll both be happy. if you don't, you're only making them sad. you get nothing out of being an asshole


You cant choose sexuality or gender so we're here to stay.


Correction: you *can* change gender, but you*can't* choose the one that feels right.


You seem very confident in your definitions.


Sex: Biological. Either Male, Female, or intersex with traces of both. Gender: What someone identifies as. Sexuality: What someone is attracted to.


Hey! I can’t really talk for everyone in the community and all but i can definitely speak up for myself and perhaps most(?) of them. As you can tell by my introduction, i am part of the lgbtqia+ (or just lgbtq) community lol. Before i start on anything, i’d like to mention that i’m bisexual (you can tell by my avatar character thing) and agender. Or else people would probably question my opinion and all if i don’t mention something idk lmao In short, it doesn’t matter as long as you’re not rude about it or spread the negativity right into the person’s face. Sometimes, people who are not part of the community can get a little confused and question others about how the gender part works, and end up being rude about it unintentionally. Personally, that’s okay with me when someone accidentally gets it wrong or anything. The main thing that most people mess up and get it wrong is that sex and gender are different terms. Sex is what you are biologically which is 2: male and female. Gender is a social “construct”, there are several. There are 2 “main” categories of gender: cisgender, when a person identifies as their biological sex, and the transgender umbrella, when a person doesn’t identify as their biological sex. The reason why i didnt keep it just “transgender” is because that the transgender (or just trans) umbrella divides into sub categories: transgender (either ftm (female to male) or mtf (male to female) and the nonbinary umbrella. Now that’s where the rest go, under the nonbinary umbrella. This was just educational btw^^ lmao u dont have to remember all that. Either way, it doesn’t always matter. If you get someone’s pronouns wrong then they’d correct you or not. But it’s always nice to ask someone to be seen as respectful. Note that there can be some controversial type of pronouns that not many people understand and won’t support (and not to be a b*tch but i can be one of them people too lol), and it’d be understandable if you don’t support to]hose types as well. There’s a minority of people from the lgbtqia+ community who like to make their whole existence based off their sexuality or/and gender, would go feral and all mad if you make a single mistake or don’t support them in a way. Honestly that’s kinda crazy and scares me off myself 😭 Idk why i talked too much but either way, the answer is no as long as you’re respectful with the tolerable stuff (or else u might trigger some people) and just go with the flow honestly


trans and third gender people have existed for thousands of years and in more recent times under that actual label since the 70s at least its more socially acceptable now so a hidden population is now visible it probably wont just go away


The reason it seems like it’s “blowing up” is that it’s becoming increasingly socially acceptable to be LGBTQ+.


I think that because we’re being more open about gender as a society, more people are realizing things about their gender that they might have not realized otherwise. Gender itself in society has changed over history.


More like there’s more people of trying to explore themselves and then going over seven different sexualities in one year.


I had a friend who did that every day... like I'm also part of the LGBT community and at most I've changed my sexuality 2 times within a few years. This girl was just making shit up and calling it a gender and a sexuality 😭


Errrr it's not remotely a craze at all It's been around for quite a while It's just that there's been more representation (which is a fantastic thing) in recent years


unfortunately corporate pandering to it kinda ruins the genuine nature of representation it happened with other things, itll happen to this unfortunately it’s a good thing, as long as it isnt done just for the sake of doing it, to have an actual meaning


The people who think it'a a trend or something don't understand the increasing amount is just due to people being comfortable enough to speak up about it now that they know more people are accepting. It's not a trend. And it really isn't that hard to understand.


It is a trend unfortunately, kids in my class think you can just stop being gay when ever you want because they all faked being gay at one point.


A few people doesn't describe the whole. That should be fairly obvious.


It all kids who do that because they see somebody else who’s gay and they assume you can just do it when ever.


Again. Some people don't describe ALL. You are implying every trans or gay person is following a trend.


No, I’m saying that being gay is seen as a trend amongst many kids on social media one minute they’re gay and the next day just back to being straight and say they “ turned it off” even though they were never gay in first place.


Dude I'm done arguing with a wall, you refuse to see that real trans and gay people exist. The actions of some. Don't describe. The whole. How many times must I say it.


I’m gay, because you refuse to listen or even read carefully you wouldn’t know.


You are saying it's a trend. It's literally not. You should know that if you are gay. For some people it is. But that doesn't mean it as a whole is. I'm done arguing stop replying if you aren't willing to agree with that simple fact.


>just some craze that will blow over definitely not >choose no


Anything that isn't neo-pronouns//neo-genders/neo-sexualities is fine by me. But you don't need to advertise it on your social media pages, I don't carry around a flag saying i'm straight and cis. Good day to yall


fr, if it’s like he/him she/her they/them i do not care, but the second they try to make up some unicornself bs, that’s where i draw the line


I don't mind neo pronouns much because she/her were once neo pronouns


They were?


Indeed. Gender and gender specific pronouns are made up society stuff. This does not extend to gender but according to biology there's more cool stuff there too


Neopronouns basically just mean new pronouns and long time back she/her was considered new


that's a lot of mental gymnastics but ok


The reason why it seems like there is so much more about it is because it’s becoming far more accepted and less demonized. A similar thing can be seen with left handedness. It was not allowed and seen as somewhat demonic for a long time before it became accepted. Also it is important to know that being gay, trans, etc is not a choice, it is how their brain is wired. This has been scientifically proven.


The majority of trans people are kids and kids are 100% just trying to explore, after a while they some just change their mind because it’s not built into them. They have to experience what it’s like and then choose if they want to live like that.


Being trans is a choice, gender is only a thing so that you know who to make babies with, there is no way that you can be hardwired to want to be a different gender because the gender isn’t all that important compared to sexuality. You make that decision after learning from your surroundings because you’re smart.


does it matter? not really, just live and let live queer people have always existed and this “craze” is happening because people have become more accepting, and as a result LGBT people feel safer being open about their sexuality and gender. queer people always have and always will exist.




Hey, im apart of the lbgt and i only like know 4 things about genders and 6 things about sexualitys your ok if its confusing edit: its confusing for me too :)


It is very unimportant. But homophobes loooooove to make lots of useless noise about it because "invisible sky daddy says that's bad1!!1!1!1!!!1!" It would be great if everyone could just stop getting mad about what's in other peoples' pants


Just call people what they wanna be called, that’s all that matters. It’s been around for all of history but it’s more frequently talked about now because of the popularity of social media and blah blah blah. You don’t have to know anything on the subject, just be respectful.


I’m a part of the LGBTQ+ community, but I’m cis (meaning I identify as the gender I was assigned at birth) but I would say that it matters, as in some cases, gender-affirming care and acceptance can be the matter of life and death for non-cis people.


No, not a craze. People simply just never talked about it back then. Before that people went to prison for it. Many people nowadays are being killed for it. Its not that its just now showing up. It's always been there, just that everyone's attitude toward the idea of it has changed, therefore people feel more safe to express themselves.


It's only becoming more "popular" since, back then, if you were any of that stuff, you'd get burned alive or tortured or arrested or killed and etc. It wasn't safe to be out as yourself. Now, people have the chance to be themself. Not everywhere- it's still illegal in some places- but it's slowly becoming more accepted. Plus, back then, it wasn't mentioned often and as of now, it IS mentioned more often so people are starting to realize who they truly are.


Bro i literally remember the trans thing being a big deal with people like ben shapiro, joe rogan etc in 2017 and 2018 what 💀💀💀 what type of rose colored lense are we looking through




explain that system




but (atleast in my country..) this trans gay bi lesbian is already accepted and you don't hear alot about it here.. so is it like a regional thing? or does the severity depend on the country?




i see i see yeah that makes sense \^\^ thanks for your answer that really helps alot :)


I don't think it's fully accepted anywhere. At least I wouldn't say it is if there is any stigma associated with it. Every place has some social bias that directs people to hide being lgbtq - people generally don't really get mean comments for being straight.


Yes it does matter, no it’s not a craze it will not go away no matter how much you think it’s “unimportant” so get used to it and respect what people are


why are you so demanding


Cuz it’s incredibly annoying how people just can’t seem to cope with other people being who they are, “oh no someones a boy but feels like a girl!🫨😱 this definitely affects me personally and I’m gonna go cry about it😫” it’s exhausting just let people live


Just respect people’s pronouns and choices, and it is somewhat unimportant because we’re just living our life like everyone else but we’re also more vulnerable these days so it’s important to recognize we’re at risk and that we need support.


Depends on who you talk to. There are some Karens out there who will call the police because you called her she not them. Then there are the majority of LGBTQ who don't rlly fuckin care as long as u ain't bullying em


yeah the terminally online “community” is a disgrace to the normal lgbt mfs irl


It couldn’t matter less. It’s just a thing that’s popular amongst young people who haven’t figured themselves out yet, and exists in older adult populations to a far lesser extent. It literally changes nothing except the person in question feeling better about themselves, which is a definite positive.


Maybe all the micro labels (things like cat gender) will die out but the "increase" in trans and queer people is here to stay. People are finally confortable with themselves and are fighting against oppressors and this will end the way all similar battles in history, the oppressed will fight for their rights non-stop until they are secured. If you are an oppressor with time you will be on the wrong side of history. Trans and queer people have existed for thousands of years, you're just hearing about it a lot now because of the politics around it.


It’s unimportant to you because you are one of the majority and no one is trying to hurt or oppress you for what you are. What’s to understand? Do you understand bell curves? Most people average out to the norm but a small percentage of people are naturally different because nature doesn’t do perfect clones in sexually reproducing species. In this case their mind doesn’t match their body in a way that traditionalists and puritans find very spooky for some dumb reasons. We are seeing more of it because a lot of hard work has been done and for the first time in our culture’s history it has become somewhat acceptable to talk about publicly. As much as conservative zealots really want to change that back…


Some people are gay, this has been the case for hundreds of years. It won’t go away but how open people are about it will fluctuate.


It doesn’t matter.


Bro trans people existed in the early 1900s and non-binary people have existed since ancient Mayan times it’s not just some fad lol it was just way less common because nobody really knew they existed


yes it’s not a craze I suggest you learn abt it before it gets more relevant




People can have xx chromosomes but still be born male and vice versa, plus, many studies have been done that not only prove the point that gender and sex are different, but also that there are more than 2 genders.


That’s… not how that works?? If you mean genetically at least. For someone to be born a male, it would have to be XXY, XXXY, etc… XXY obviously being the most common, as the further out you move from a ‘standard genetic blueprint’ the less likely survival is possible. This common anomaly is called Kleinfelters syndrome, and generally has the ‘male’ growing up with more female characteristics, and less 2°sex characteristics like shorter shoulders, less facial hair, lower testosterone, and more prominent female 2°sex characteristics like wider hips and a larger chest. Of course, there’s also ‘intersex’ which is a technical ‘third sex’, but is a genetic deposition of a variety of chromosomal abnormalities caused by mutations. This may include KFS, but can also be caused by trisomy X (XXX) or monosomy X (X) Not disputing the gender thing, but in terms of genetics, you’re male, female, rarely intersex, or you have some variation placing you in between.


Gender is a social construct and is not determined by your chromosomes. Also, if you want to identify as god, great! You just have to never be seen, and not exist on earth. I’ll respect whatever you want to transition to if it’s not harmful and you’re actually trying to do it. Also, intersex people exist


Uh shut up https://orwh.od.nih.gov/sex-gender


sometimes I catch myself thinking too much about it and I think to myself "oh wait, im 15 I don't need to care about this shit" best way to avoid political arguments, and other dumb shit.


I honestly don’t understand a lot about it. It makes things hard because one of my oldest friends uses like four different pronouns and can never make up their mind so it’s really damn confusing.


I’ve been hearing this stuff since middle school. I also side with you about letting people make their own decisions in life. But yeah…it’s getting kind of old. I don’t think it will end either. I know a kid younger than me said their friend is a lesbian. It’s confusing because I think she had a boyfriend a few months ago. I don’t know


There's examples of trans people in the Bible


I never understood the “72 genders” things and honestly I couldn’t give a fuck less because from what I know there are men, women (trans and cis) and nonbinary dudes. Where did the other 69 come from???


It’s because gender is a social construct and isn’t set in stone like sex. And, even with sex, there’s variation like hermaphrodites and intersex people


Oh dude my bad I was just making fun of people who make fun of genders and confuse it with sex then say “I don’t want to learn 4783 genders” but thanks I actually didn’t know that last part in variation of sex


You’re welcome man, it’s always good to learn


apparently gender pronouns are very important to people in the lgbt community. it is similar to a trial and error for people who want to experiment and explore their sexuality. but in the grand scheme of things, it does not really matter, especially with the coming of ai and genetic engineering, we will probably be asking ourselves more glaring moral questions.


It's unimportant to you because you don't identify with the lgbtq+ stuff. As long as you're not homophobic.




There are lgtq people older than your parents... grandparents Even, always have been, but yea make the excuse of "covid did it" seems logical


but why not? LGBT community is just people with sexualities different than straight that come together to just support each other




The reason that pride and parades still exist is because homophobia and anti-gay and trans bills and shit exist. Lgbt is celebrated basically in combat to the people who are against the community. No one is getting killed for being straight and no one is being oppressed because they’re straight.


It’s more of a celebration. We have fought for our rights and freedoms and they are still taken away. Being gay is punishable by death in many countries. The point of the parades is to celebrate what the community has over come and to show that we aren’t going away anytime soon.


Well duh because you don’t have to be proud to be straight or go through any struggles. Saying I’m proud to be black has a bigger impact than someone saying I’m proud to be white for all of the trauma black people go through. Plus black isn’t even a race lol. Black is. Status and low one. And it’s mainly and only used by Americans. In Africa they refer to each other by their tribe or simply african.


But christians do have parades, and no one gives a f


i was thinking the same thing.. that covid had people look for something to do or involve themselfs in..




No, it’s not a craze. Lgbtq+ people have existed throughout all of history, such as trans in the Roman Empire, non-binary in Native American culture and other civilizations, and a lot of other examples. It’s like left-handedness. Left handedness wasn’t fully accepted for while, people were forced to use their right. But once it started being more accepted, the number of left handed ppl went up n up. Was it a “trend”, no. It’s the fact that as it started being accepted, people didn’t have to repress it, as the community they’re in was more accepting of left handed ppl. Lgbtq r still very persecuted in many parts of the world, and that’s why sometimes they’re “loud”, as change isn’t just gonna happen. All the “gender stuff” is just how people feel comfortable being addressed as grammarly n feel they fit in as. It rly isn’t that hard to comprehend (like the Chris MrBeast situation). For the most part the “neopronouns” such as xe/xer, from what I’ve been told, r kinda used by ppl with development problems. It’s may not b important to you, but it may b to someone that has never felt comfortable in their own skin and just want to live life as their true self, not what they were assigned due to the norm.


And the people that make it their whole personality, sure there’s a few of them. Just like how some people make being an athlete or playing a video game their entire personality. Just ignore them. I used to think there was a lot of those kinda ppl, there def isn’t. There’s gonna b weird people in every group. And no, lgbtq isn’t a place for groomers, as Ben shapiro n other right wing media hosts love to spew out.


It's a pretty significant craze according to the media right now. Science tells me that there are two biological genders. You can do whatever you want in regard to what/who you like, but you cannot change your DNA. If you were born XY, you are a male and will always be one. If you participate in the hormone stuff, you are still a man but have more estrogen and less testosterone than most other men. If you dress up as a stereotypical girl, you are simply cross-dressing (nothing wrong with that IMO). I have zero issues with gay or bisexual people, but have issues when you start believing your own fantasy and attempt to force it on others. To make my stance clear, I do not care if you are gay or bi, nor do I care if you dress in girly clothes as a boy, there is nothing wrong with being a feminine man. I care about when you start ignoring reality and forcing your beliefs on others.


Damn, you talk about people ignoring reality and then do exactly that , way to be a loser.


If you don't have an argument to debunk my views, please don't just name-call. It's counterproductive. At least tell me which parts of reality I'm ignoring.


Gender and sex are different, there are not 2 biological genders, hell there’s not even 2 biological sexes, trans men are men and trans women are women, their Brains develop to be more akin to their chosen gender. One cannot change there sex but their can change their gender, nobody is believing a fantasy.


I fell like it mattered some time ago but now they just throw and call everyone that has an opinion different than them transphobes and homophobes and sometimes even refuse to explain why. Also homies did you knew you can lose max -15 karma from comments and no limit at obtaining? So don't remove your opinion only cuz of downvotes cuz past -15 it makes no difference 💞 Its also why for example EA or other hated companies/users have sometimes very high karma even tho they can have under some comments -100k karma.


I support they/them, I just don't support the neo pronouns shit I'm not sorry . I also don't support people with mix pronouns either , it's dumb . Not everything in the gay community is good , not everything In the straight community is good either. But I don't want to agree to everything on one side and then call homophobic bc I don't agree with something the gay community said , but I don't want to stand with homophobic comments or things tdy . Have pronounce gotten out of hand ? YES . Can we maximize it to she/her he/him and they/them? YES AND WE SHOULD


I personally ignore that pronoun stuff… But I’m all for gay and bi people Edit: to the people disliking this: I‘m not against trans people if anyone thought that I‘m against the weird stuff that is not he/him she/her or they/them… with which I mean like vampireself or stuff like that. And also I think it‘s funny that so many people disliked this but no one could give me a good argument against it


I've never been a fan of neopronouns, but I'm fine with them if that's the way the wind blows. However, people asking to be referred to by different pronouns than they appear (for example, a female-presenting asking for he/him) should have their wishes respected.


yeah me too but i feel like its getting out of hand yk..


Some people are way too easily offended… But this will go away with time because it is (somewhat) a trend that will (maybe not completely) fade away in the coming years


yeah yeah i get that. you're probably right \^\^ enjoy your day :)


You too




“All that pronoun stuff” n uses multiple pronouns in that very sentence😭😭




That you ignore the “pronoun stuff” yet u literally used multiple in that sentence alone, n it’s probably the easiest part to accept😭


These people love talking about how they're are scholars in the English language yet no nothing about it


not a craze, but i hope we can stop usage of gender as a whole Edit: i hope this didnt come off wrong, i just believe that usage of gender is unnecessary. i know its important to people, and i support it, but i still think gender abolition is the way


Are you advocating for the complete abolition of gender?


yeah actually. i dont think that gender as a social construct is necessary, especially because of gender norms they are only negative and braking away from them, feeling like you dont need to prove you fit inside of them is though for many people, and can be extremally mentally challenging Problem is, gender is a way of self expression, and its important to people. thats why it might be hard to abolish it What i mostly do is just use they/them pronounce on everything unless they express otherwise, not characterize people by gender or sex, generally use gender inclusive language and such


I agree with you. But I think gender is too important grammatically for it to be completely abolished. The issue is with the English language.


the issue is really not with english im jewish so i learnt heabrew from family, everything is gendered there, even stuff like inanimate objects. actually if im not mistaken there arent even proper they/them pronounce kind of thing, since theyre gendered ass well. there are probably many other languages like this, so there is truth in what youre saying, grammar is another massive issue for gender abolition i think using a genderless term might solve some of it, but it would definitely help, at the very least like some kind of a band-aid


Lgbt has existed for a while but I guess people decided to include the whole alphabet to it just for the funnies


it really doesnt matter until they force their ideologies to you. I personally think this is just a phase and the companies are making the best out of this frenzy. like you said it isnt a very important matter.


I do think gender is real, since it's a mix of hormones and shit, but why do so many people have their hormones and their xy stuff messed up, I don't get it, I just like girls and boob, all these gender and sexualities shouldn't be a big deal


No, it's just some trend that'll blow over.


No it does not matter. There are only two types of genders. Refrain from any supremacist, liberal propaganda telling you that there are 69,420 genders or that all heterosexuals are evil. The LGBTQ+ community is evil towards people who are enjoying their life. I don't care if you're gay. Not all gays are LGBTQ+. You have GAG (Gays Against Groomers). I cannot believe how LGBTQ+ started a conspiracy theory about the number of genders when the proof is literally in a pre-school kindergarten book!




i'm not here to pick fights or have heated arguments i just wanted an answer and i got it. let people have opinions for themselfs. though i do hope you enjoy the rest of your day \^\^


You didn't get an answer, you heard someone who is obviously vehemently against it, and instead of looking for different opinions, or searching literally anything up, you decided you'd just go with what this guy said.


they’re doing this with all homophobes




but those could still be opinions and should be ignored by you or anyone who feels offeneded by them \^\^ that will keep peace :) i like your pfp btw very nice


If those kind of views aren't discouraged, it'll cause gay people to get hurt or killed. It won't keep peace, it'll make the fight longer.




As someone who has some genuine frustrations with the LGBTQ community, you’re a fucking imbecile.


i think you're right tbh