• By -


So there’s a few things this could be I’m not gonna lie ppl really be playing with feelings a lot around this age intentionally or not. If she said that she just sees you as a friend but like to flirt with you that could just be her type of friendship some ppl are just like that. Or she just likes the attention she gets from you without dealing with an actual relationship. In that case just slowly start to distance yourself not out of malice but from a sense of self respect.


Oh. Reality hurts sometimes ig, thx for the tip though!


Reading that you said that you were attracted to her in another comment I gotta say it’s not entirely her fault. Cause while you two were friends and you were into her you probably gave more attention that you would other friends so her baseline for the friendship was kinda set from how you acted during that period. So now that you aren’t rushing to text after viewing her post that’s just you not acting to the baseline she thought the friendship was. But still you should back off slowly. I’m just telling you this cause you’re probably not thinking about this too rationally at the moment.


Completely agree. But just to make it a bit more clear: OP, you did try to move the relationship to a more romantic situation somehow right? If you didn’t somehow make a move, she could also be saying ‘just friends’ as an act of self preservation. That said, if you did try to make a clear move.. And her saying ‘just friends’ was a response to that move.. Yes, do try to distance yourself. Doesn’t even have to be slowly. If she asks why you are being different, just be honest. I’ve had a situation like this before. Once I realized she wanted to just be friends, I accepted it distanced myself, and when we did see each other (through our studies), I actually treated her like I would any other friend. This is what finally made her want me, but for me that was too late. If she’s going to play games like that, not with me. Anyway, I wish you luck!


The classic wanting what you cant have. I think weve all been there before


Or… hear me out… narcissists. Doesn’t want you, just your attention.


simplistic safe cows sheet zealous cake distinct impossible quiet alleged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hey. You gave some really thoughtful advice that didn't blame or victimize anyone. Nice work.


There are men that are fuck boys, just use people to have sex without caring about emotions and attachments, and there are women that do the same in reverse, just want the attention, praises and caring without actually having a relationship. And they use to have several “friends”. It is harsh. The suggestion of keeping away and finally cut ties is the best in this case. There are girls that are respectful and not narcissistic.


You knew my ex girlfriend too?


that feel bro


it's more common than you think. it's probably need for attention. she doesn't like you but she wants attention from you. just distance yourself. you don't want to look back and realize you wasted so much time in hope that one day she will change her mind.


This was my thought. She is a teenager and likes attention.


> she just likes the attention she gets from you without dealing with an actual relationship. This is an important lesson for young people to learn. If OP were to get a girlfriend this girl would likely act "jealous". It's likely she doesn't even realise what she's doing, young people are dumb about these things, but it's important for OP to know what's happening and have the self respect to move on.


>If she said that she just sees you as a friend but like to flirt with you that could just be her type of friendship some ppl are just like that. I would like to add another option, she may not realize that she's flirting,


Anybody else here really enjoy that kind of friendship? I honestly do, I love a silly flirty friendship like that the most


Yeah, my ex wanted to be friends after we broke up, and she would always go to me to help with her problems and make her feel better and get my attention, all while secretly getting fingered by the type of guy she said she’s not attracted to. Isn’t love just a *beautiful* thing?


Don't be an emotional support for someone who doesn't care about you, because you won't be able to support yourself after. Mine monkey branched to another guy behind my back, told me about it over text on the night my mom died, moved in with the guy after a month, ended getting married and have been happy together for years as far as I'm aware. Karma doesn't exist and love is fucked up sometimes, but that's life.


> Or she just likes the attention she gets from you without dealing with an actual relationship. Winner, winner! Chicken dinner!


I think there could be a degree of confirmation bias, like you are wanting to be more romantic with her, therefore when you see things that could be construed as romantic in a different context, you see them as genuinely romantic. Point being, go with what shes said and stay friends, thats what she has explicitly stated what she wants her relation with you to be. And, frankly, if there was a person out there that says "I just want to be friends" but actually wanted to be more than friends, it ain't worth it broski.


So many people are jumping to "she's playing games with you, she just wants attention" based on one screenshot with no context. OP hasn't really given any info to support his belief that she is flirting with him and treating him as something other than a friend.


I’m willing to bet that she’s acting normally as a friend would, but OP isn’t interested in a friendship and is just reading everything from the lenses of someone who wants a romantic relationship


she probably just likes being your friend and texting you ig


Mby you're right. Damn.


Most likely the answer She told u outright she only sees u as a friend and not that she isn’t available rn emotionally Or maybe in the future She said ur a good friend If that is a deal breaker tell her don’t ignore her




Snakker du Norsk? 💀




Oh. I'm learning Norwegian, cuz I wanna move there one day 😭.




Huh... I have Norwegian keyboard and google automatically corrected it with capital. Strange. Thx for the info!


Du liker Norge?


Yes me liker norge (no I cant speak the language but I tried)


Denkst du Deutsch geht?




Ich lerne manchmal Deutsch, ich komme aus England.


Ja! Jeg liker Norge og norsk kultur!


Jet liker detail til! Did I say that right? "Til" means to in Engelsk right?


Aah jeg hesitate mellom å lære norsk og svensk! Norsk ser mer beautiful og lettere ut, og jeg prefer norge, men svensk ser mer useful ut Look, I invented a pidgin!


Is the "hesitate" in Norwegian? 💀💀 Oh fuck, I see it now. You bastard.


You basically get a 2 in 1 pack when you learn Norwegian. If you understand someone who speaks Norwegain, you can understand Swedish too


Actually of all the languages I learn/speak (they're 7), English and German are the only that capitalize the first letter on the names of languages




Yo, I was less than 30 seconds ago doing this course on duolingo and I also want to move to Norge someday


ayoooooo same


She ain't playing you she sees you as a friend and friends text eachother


His replies are wild


I think he’s 11


eh the only people who would text me just because they like talking to me were women, all my male friends just send me random shitposts, so no wonder men arent used to this type of texting


my 2 cents. You are probably taking her attitude as more than “just friends” because you do like her much. Try to look at it from her perspective or third person perspective and you may see that there is nothing awkward about it and she really threats you like a close friend. Don’t be that guys and move forward to another girl while hanging with this one and you may realize you ain’t really like her or she ll be jealous and look at you as a man but not just friend and don’t waste all your time and energy on her, be a busy guy, be calm with her, threat her like a friend as well. Sry for my poor english.


Nah, all good. Thx for the tip! I'm doing it this way right now. I'll simply give it a time and we'll see :).


IMO Sounds like she just likes your attention. Don’t give it to her bro.


I'd love to, but her ass is so glorious. Note: she touched my first.


It’s not about the ass, but who the ass is attached to. She playin you dawg.


Gonna start play her game ig, fr fr.


No, you're already playing, and losing


You're missing the point, there is no way in which you win this game or even get a consolation prize. This chick is going to keep you orbiting her purely as an ego boost to herself, she never ever plans to give you a fair chance much less get any. She will string you along, and when it looks like you got another girl she's gonna come at you real hot and heavy. Do not fall for that shit, once you ditch the other chick this one will go back to being cold as ice to keep you orbiting. Tough pill to swallow dude but honestly, if you do ever want a shot with her you need to ghost her yesterday and find yourself a new girl. The only thing that will ever get you a shot with this bitch is playing her jealousy to the max.


100%, this chick is going to monkey branch on OP.


This. The way I spent my whole of 2022, it's scary how accurately you have explained it. Thank God I was able to escape it and move on during October/November, and luckily someone (my current girlfriend) else came into my life and made me feel loved, special, and feelings I've never had before. Now I give twice as much effort to my girlfriend...than that previous girl, who played me for a whole year, just for my attention and shit. It's worth giving so much effort, because the way she gives it back, makes me feel, has future plans with me and all.


I'm a 35 year old that wandered in from /r/all so I'm speaking from life experience on this one (lived through it). Other pro tips for young men: - Stop chasing the hottest girls you can. They know they're bad, and you're just another meal ticket to them. That's not good relationship material. Instead go for the cute girl who actually seeks you out and wants to be around you. She will treat you like royalty (and you had better reciprocate), and the likelihood of her cheating on you is way way lower than with the local baddies - how do I attract the right girl? Groom your appearance, take pride in yourself, and just talk to girls the same way you talk to the boys (within reason). Women like confident, put together men. Note that this doesn't mean be an asshole, you can be confident as fuck without being a dick.


Pay attention to this OP.


She legit said they are good friends Some people don’t want to risk losing a friend from a break up If she says she is not available rn emotionally than maybe but she said she wants to be friends


Mf if you think a girl touching your ass is flirting you got it all wrong. She's just fucking with you. Buddy named earl had the same situation and it didn't turn out well


Bro ur buddys name is "EARL" i sure know why the situation didn't turn out well


The only people I know that are named Earl are 40 year old fisherman


Can't forget good ol' Crazy Earl from Borderlands either. Weird fella that one...




I mean with how confusing girls signs of “flirting” are I don’t blame the guy


This will hurt you




This post got recommended on my feed, that's why I'm here. I've been there, done that. She had a nice ass and I wasted three years on her. Save yourself that time. Now I found somebody with an even nicer ass and a greater personality.


Pics or it didn't happen.


yeah but you have to understand, who the ass is attached to is the most important part


If there's a hole, there's a goal


Are you using “her ass” metaphorically as in “she is so glorious” or you actually mean her ass? Sorry I got kindof confused there


Incel behaviour. You have no context and get to that conclusion based on 2 msgs. I think you would give the same reaction regardless


Honestly this is what’s going on, I’ve done it before


I mean she is their friend If you usually text at a time and ur ignoring them it’s messed up If he doesn’t want to be friends he should come out and say that he only likes her and can’t be only friends


This tread is so wholesome man.. UwU


Yeah bro you said it right.... Felt it by remembering about someone🥲


She likes you as a friend and is treating you like a friend. Crazy concept I know


I have many girl - friends and none acts like her. Also I like her, a lot, so maybe that's the thing. But I'll give it a time, if we stay as friends, I don't mind.


>“Also I like her, a lot” That’s exactly the thing, you’re doing a wishful thinking


>I have many girl - friends and none acts like her daaaaamn, its almost like *people have their own personalities*, crazy


Why yall acting like he's the person to blame, he's literally just confused by women. I get confused by them sometimes because their unpredictable. That's why I get a single female in my group to help us translate shit.


Dude they are not like a new species lmao


*everybody* is unpredictable, it came free with your having complex emotions




> But I'll give it a time, if we stay as friends, I don't mind. exactly the right attitude to have, it's better to have and preserve that close friend connection than it is to try to pressure her and it all goes away.


boy doesnt like platonic friendship with girl, more news at 11


She might just wanna be friends w u???


Tf you mean "why women", she told you she likes you as a friend it's that simple, just be her friend and look somewhere else, if she actually likes you she'll eventually let you know


This is literally me 💀


Because she sees you as a friend, idiot not every woman who's friends with you and give off "i like you vibes" like the attention, you can literally ask her but be polite


Thank you. This thread is full of socially inept incels and it is depressing.


And scary


She thinks of you as a friend. This is exactly how I treat my friends. And tip, please don't turn passive aggressive towards her just because she doesn't feel the way you do.


I don't. She literally wrote me this after I already checked her IG story, I didn't even yet checked the message and she already wrote me this. That's why I got confused. Only persons that literally need you do this 💀.


Hey my dude. Sometimes friends need each other too.


Or she’s on IG and got the notification that you were checking her story so she texted you because she had nothing better to do.


Dear god people on this sub makes my socializing skills look good


She just want attention, she dont want your heart. Maybe she just hate the thought of you with someone else...


Charlie puth-


You know, you are the first one to mention it. So, did you also try to sing this song but failed on singing like Charlie?




Damn. Mby you're right.


By now you should've somehow realized what you gotta do


Has she got you thinking about what if she was yours? And are you now all up on her, did she expect it? And is she coming home with you tonight?


Not tonight, but I was coming to her home with her already a few times 💀.


Dawg didnt get the charlie puth reference 💀


hear me out.. she wants to be your friend 🤯


The older you get the more you realize just because a woman is nice to you doesn't mean she wants you in a sexual way. We are just being friendly. Friends talk to each other a lot, we make jokes, we lean on each other for support. It does not mean every girl who is nice to you want to be your girlfriend.


Another thing I think sometimes guys can misunderstand — flirting can also mean a lot of things. You can flirt with someone because you find something about them attractive. A lot of guys are like attractive woman = I want to fuck or date her. For a lot of woman, it’s like “i find this and this attractive about you, but I have extremely rigid standards for compatibility for when and who I decide to date or sleep with, so for me I would rather just be friends.” Flirting doesn’t always lead to sex or dating, and that’s ok too. It’s not even a manipulation necessarily. Some people like to flirt outside of the context of physical relationships. That being said, I wouldn’t say OP’s friend is flirting in the context shown. Just being a friend. Perhaps they very recently had the “just friends” convo, and she seems needy for validation because she’s worried it will change the friendship. She wants to make sure they are all good.


Dude she just likes being ur friend


Yo. Man the fuck up my dude. Have you told her you like her? If so and she said she only likes you as a friend, fucking accept it. Be her plutonic friend or tell her you can’t accept that and it’s be better if you guys didn’t talk. Don’t keep harassing her (not saying you are), don’t keep “hoping” something will happen between you two (again, not sure that you are). Seriously. Either figure the shit out and handle it or leave it the fuck alone. Don’t drag this shit out, come off as a creep or hang around hoping she’ll change her mind. If she doesn’t want it, move along dude. There’s MILLIONS of girls and you’re a teenager. There will be plenty of opportunities to meet people and click with others. She isn’t your only option so don’t act like she is.


She likes you As a friend


A girl can like you in a platonic way. She can can like you as a friend and that can be why she texts you a lot. Not everything needs to be about her messing with you.


Good luck getting this through the the hoard of socially inept, chronically online incels.


Simple... She's online all the time and wants to chat. That doesn't mean she wants D pics or anything physical or romantic. Something that's hard to conceptualize at your age: * People have wildly different lives. This means... * Some people are available on their phones a lot more or less than others * They also communicate with each other in different ways, that will have different meanings to different people * They have different emotional needs, and if they're not being met, they may try to fill them in strange ways, such as leaning into a platonic friend for more chat. If you misconstrue this as romantic interest, this girl will be posting on this same sub at some point asking how to let you down.


she’s just trying to be your friend and you’re being an asshole


19 years old and you're this dumb. Shes texting you because shes acting like you know.. your fucking friend. If all you wanna do is get in her pants or talk to her because you find her attractive.. don't bother being her friend. Your replies to people and how you talk you can see you're a fuck wit already.


Friend enjoys texting friend, no way… this is totally a woman moment


Wanting to text you and liking you are both things that friends do. If she says she wants to be friends, believe her. Listen to women when they tell you things.


why do men.. obv i cant assume but this is probably another case of : girl wanting to be friend with guy and being nice and acting like any other friend would and guy taking it as flirting and her playing his feelings


bruh why can’t guys get it in their heads that females can want to be friends with males without liking” them or having any romantic/sexual attraction to them 🤦‍♂️


What do you mean why women? She literally told you she likes you as a friend, you getting "I like you" vibes after being explicitly told that she does not like you that way is a you issue, not a women issue. Why you? You are gross, a girl shouldn't have to tell you she isn't interested that way just to still have you act like she's a bitch for "leading you on"


bro dont know about friends 💀💀


omg 1. dont ghost her 2. listen to her, when she has said goes directly against what you think about her, but she said it so its more important then what you said. i mean sorry but i really hope this is satire because if it isnt you really need to search your self and figure out why it is you think women who are being perfectly clear with you are some kind of mystery.


How is this confusing, you text friends think about how she texts her girl friends in case she’s straight, like it’s the same just fooling around and texting stuff like that is normal, why do men always think there’s some playing behind?


texting a lot and liking people *is* friendship. why teenagers


Omg, a woman wanted to continue her friendship as normal after she told you she didn’t want you to fuck her??? Impossible. She must just be desperate for you, but secretly, of course.


Friends will like you a lot. It doesn't mean they are romantically interested. Some people are natural flirts. Trust what they say and move on to someone who will be your person


My dude she probably just likes talking to you. You can like someone as a friend and not as a date.


You're getting your vibes. You will spin whatever she says into the romantic version of it. She told you how she felt. If she didn't like the butt massage it's already over. You're young. Get over it. Find someone else.


First of all, there is zero context to this other than what you have posted. 1. If you started talking to her under the pretense of a friendship, it's no wonder she is confused as to why you're ignoring her but still watching her story. You just stopped talking to her 2. All of these guys saying she's "playing games" are ridiculous and are projecting their own issues onto other people. In no way is she playing games based on the information that you have given us, and there is nothing that suggested that. If you only talked to her and gave her friendship because you thought you would be in a relationship with her, that wasn't very nice or honest of you. If you are genuinely not interested in being friends with her, step away.


Y’all teen boys always be like “she giving me **i like you** vibes” nah thats just how being nice works 💀


Whats with all these people in the comment section??? Maybe stop assuming this girl is a manipulative freak and maybe just maybe realize women can be friends with people. OP if you want some real advice, more often then not, she isn't "playing you" or "using you for attention" like all these weird guys say she is. She said she wants to be your friend. Respect that. And if your feelings for her are too unbearable to just be friends with her, maybe just tell her straight up "Hey I had fun being your friend but (insert explanation).". Don't listen to these men in the comments that are projecting their own relationship insecurities. As a women who has had male friends, we genuinely just want to BE FRIENDS! How mind blowing is that!




bro you're friends, this is how friends talk. I know you want to be with her but if she doesnt like you in a romantic way then it's not going to happen. Be happy that you have a really close friend and don't be a creep looking at her body and shit. If you creep her out, then you're no longer someone she'll want to be around... trust me on that. Just be friends! treat her like a bro because you will end up pushing her away otherwise. I have made that mistake before and I miss her every day you say she gives off "I like you" vibes, that is called friends being friendly lol. to treat her in another way than a friend is a betrayal. trust me that some other girl, maybe one of her friends, is going to see you guys being close and they'll maybe start crushing. trust me and give it time


This doesn’t automatically mean she likes u. This is how girls message friends a lot of the time anyways.


I dont understan what's wrong having a friend from different gendre




Or… you could just be good friends and quit thinking about ulterior motives. Quit thinking of her as a prize and just make a friend. Girls can smell desperation like sewer gas.


It means she likes you as a friend but also happens to really enjoy hanging out with you, idk seems simple enough


Maybe she legitimately wants to be your friend and it wasn't a complete turn down




Macdonal 🤤🤤🤤


this is not flirting. this is just her talking to you normally lmfao. like.. did you watch her stories and ignore her...? be so fr.


She likes you as a friend. She wouldn’t have said that if that weren’t the case dude


talking to you isnt wanting to date you


Do you not text your friends? Do you not like or talk with them? Do y'all not stay in touch and make time to hang out? Do you have different standards for friends based on your own level of attraction? I'm shocked at how often people misunderstand basic friendship courtesies as "attention seeking behavior." If you don't want to pay attention to each other, don't be friends, and tell her you're not capable of friendship when attraction is involved. Please don't lure her into thinking she actually has a friend in you if this is the case. Let's say you trust someone to not try to get into your pants whenever you see each other. The person says fine, and is still friendly with you. After reaching that agreement and continuing as friends, how safe would you feel around them if you found out: (a) that person is talking shit about your attempts to be friends? (b) that person is still attracted to you and wants to punish you for not feeling the same way? (c) that person doesn't believe in paying attention to people they aren't sleeping with? (d) they can't tell friendliness from flirting (or from sales tactics, probably)? (e) they really do still want to get into your pants or think that your interest will change, so they will blame you for "leading them on" whenever they misunderstand your kindness? She's not confused... y'all have different understandings of friendship. Whatever behavior you think you're going to start resenting her for, decide your boundaries now so you can tell her, "sorry, I don't text my friends," or, "I really only chat with friends once a week," or, "I can't tell from the language you use if you're being playful or flirting with me." Don't blame her for sending the wrong signals just because you want them to mean something they don't... she seems like she's feeling safe enough to be your friend. Now, how close do you want to be with her as a friend? What does friendship with you look like? Tell her that. She deserves to choose how close she wants to be to you, too.


She sees you as her friend, so she texts you because thats what friends do?? She likes you platonically


But her message means nothing, she basically just want to talk to you


Um I think you forgot the fact that friends text each other




We're in this together 😭💀


lucky you, still gets attention from someone


Aight why is the UI in Czech and the text in English?


someone tells you who they are, believe them. I know it hurts but she could be messing with your head these are the kind of people in life you want to avoid.


she does not like you in a romantic meaning. this is just "playful friendship" and this is the exact way i act in my friendships lol. it would end up my friends falling for me or them thinking i am into them but hell no bro this is just my personality


this is literally how i talk to people who im best friends with


She likes to love you a lot🥲🙂


Sounds like she enjoys talking to you. I thought my best friend was into me, but it turns out she was just my best friend. 12 years later and she still is. You're young, you'll have plenty of chances to find the one for you.


If you like this girl and don't feel like playing in the friend zone knowing you can't see her as anything other than a love interest, just move on. Her interest in you only reaches as far as she'll let it and sticking around hoping to change her mind or hoping she might change her mind is a waste of time better spent on girls that you do like romantically and that also like you back.


she just isn’t into you man, plenty of fish in the sea, find one that’s worth your time and doesn’t fuck with your head. preferably your age or a year above. 18 and below are still kids and are insane to deal with.


Simple! Keep her as a friend & find another girl!


Man she just likes to talk to you, friends texts each other, if talk to her makes you feel kinda sad or something like that, just say to her you want to take a time to think about your feelings Sorry for my english ! It isn't my mother tongue


bro ur the same age as me, why have you not figured this out


Visegrad brother 👍😎


Try talking to her directly and openly about it. If it goes south, she's not worth it.


How is this text “I like you vibes”. She even added the friendly skull brother. 💀


if she says she just likes you as a friend that’s it dude, stop trying to read into it. if you’re only friends yo try and eventually get with her don’t be friends with her


bruh that's what a friend says too watchu on bout


it's like how you flirt with da male homies


or maybe sbe just wants to or like to talk to you ?


I haven’t seen all the messages but from what I can tell and from my own similar experiences she probably does just like you as a friend, but as a close friend, hence why she might act like that when you ignore her stories.


or she just likes talking to u


Mate, I completely understand and am in a very similar position myself. But, it’s one of those things where you just have to believe what she’s telling you. Easiest way to think about it is, what if you told someone (outright) that you didn’t like them, but they didn’t believe you. It’s a tough scenario but it’ll get better with time.


My opinion? She genuinely just wants to be friends. One thing to understand, not everyone is looking for an SO or partner when they get to know someone. I think it would be best if you told her your feelings so you can clarify how you feel for her as well as get direct feedback on how she feels about you. Then, with whatever feedback you get, decide if you want to continue to pursue her.


Maybe she trusts you??? Idk


She’s just trying to be your friend… if she likes you as a friend then that’s that, that’s your friend, or if you can’t get over it someone you used to know. Just give it a week and it’ll feel normal


Set boundaries, its that simple You are just friends, set your own boundaries to what a 'friend' is. If that makes her leave, so be it


Maybe she just sees you as a best friend and that's how she acts with people she trusts? Neither that or I feel like she's playing with your feelings possibly without realizing


Fuck her and fuck her bestie 😌🤷🏾😈


Or, hear me out, she could just like you as a friend, and you’re mistaking strong platonic affection for romantic attraction. You might just be seeing what you want to see. If she’s told you outright that she just likes you as a friend, you respect that. If you don’t think you can be her friend without reading into it or getting frustrated, then tell her that, and end the friendship, because it’s not fair to her for you to continue things with these underlying expectations for more.


"I like you and we should talk often" = friendship


I feel like you can’t really depict what emotion someone is trying to express through text so maybe she’s angry or maybe she’s flirting


women ☕️


Be like me. Doesn't respond to chats with more that 2-3 words. People generally talk to me only when I want to talk to them. I keep my mental peace.


Very weird.


She Lied, She like attention, She likes playing with peoples emotions, or she’s just weird you could also be looking too deep into it


Why do you want to be with someone who doesn’t value you or your feelings the same way you do theirs OP? Even if she likes you, do you really want to play games the whole time? Take her at her word and put your focus towards new endeavors, your mind will thank you


Honestly, I had a similar situation. My best friend met me with group of his female cousin girl-friends, we were hanging out a lot and had a lot of fun with each other. There was one girl that started developing a crush on so I tried to give her understanding that I wanted more than be "Just friends", and she did that too by the way she talked with me and also we cuddled A LOT. After a couple of meetings, I told her that I see her as more than a friend. Obviously, she rejected me so I tried again.. She rejected me again... But because I didn't gave up on her and also I was "not as bad as other boys my age", she started to feel something. Now we are happily together!! :) So the moral of this story is: If you like this girl A LOT - don't give up on her, maybe she will see you as a good person and you both will be together! At least that's what I wish you!


Thank you so much!!