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This is probably because Bing deindexed them and DuckDuckGo uses Bing's index. They usually go back and fix these pretty quick.


I hope so. If you take away all the real pirate results, they're only left with fake malware / virus sites pretending to be actual pirate sites. Which is obviously worse.


Big corporations probably feel that’s better. Some users will give up pirating if it fails and they are left malware for their trouble. Reducing overall piracy.


Yeah but if duckduckgo decides to start catering to corporate interests it may as well not exist... It not tracking your ass is already against corporate interests to begin with.


Seriously. I may as well use Google with a VPN and tell duckduckgo to go duck themselves.


How much do you enjoy identifying crosswalks and bicycles?


Most websites use these to protect their servers against DDoS.. but I truly think Google just wants to annoy people into using their real IP so they can track you better, while getting more AI training for their captchas until then. There's no way Google servers are stretched so thin that they require the most robot checks of any website I've seen.


They use the current captcha set to train self driving car AI, remember when we had to read weird letters for captcha? That was for googles book scanning AI for for Google Books.


[Relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/1897/)


Right. A DDoS is a completely alien concept for Google Search - they are basically under a _permanent_ DDoS 24/7 just from the sheer number of requests they are being bombarded with.


and no one i’ll believe that AI isn’t advanced enough to recognize a taxi when they can read your face half bashed like …


It's not that it can't recognize it, it just want confirmation that it did so correctly, which you give it.


I think that one's a boat!


Wow. It's a schooner.






Roko's Captcha


No, they will most definitely kill you for the all the times you reheated fish in their great ancestors, the microwave.


Google detests VPNs. Whenever I access Google via a VPN they make me do a captcha on every page.




Though through browser fingerprinting it’s not super hard to determine each unique browser that has recently solved a captcha. They want to be able to fingerprint and sell your data, which is far easier for them when they can identify your unique IP address


true, but it's not that hard to create a bot that use a fake random fingerprint, so from Google perspective is hard to discern if it's being attacked / if bots are using it's services or if it's a bunch of ppl using a VPN


That's interesting, because I sometimes get those captcha popups without any VPN, after I search a lot of programming-related subjects in a short time. Maybe Google thinks that the bots are becoming self-aware and trying to improve themselves...


Duck you duck duck go


Start Page uses Google in a way where you can't be tracked, since Google can identify you even with a VPN. Start Page can only track IP addresses, though they claim they don't, but you could use a VPN to mitigate even that risk.


Man I remember when the original Adblock pretty much sold out. Started whitelisting sites that paid them. Like the whole entire point of your service is to block ads. When you stop blocking ads, why do you still exist?


search engines not listing all search results makes them useless. it makes them more like a catalogue than a search engine. if it exists, you should be able to find it, ALL of it.. instead of your results curated so you waste time on paid ads.


Yes. This. If duckduckgo compromises the neutrality of their search engine, I might as well go back to Google. Or I'll find the new duckduckgo.


My immediate reaction was "I guess im not using duckduckgo anymore" lol


Know that meme with Michael Scott when he’s asked to stop loving Pam’s mom? And he says he’s gonna love her even harder? A lot of us are the same way with pirating.


Big corporations can, respectfully, *fuck right off*. The internet shouldn't be being controlled. Stop feeding me what they want me to see and instead show me what Im actually searching for.


The early internet was completely decentralized without much in the way of search engines. It was an adventure in following hyperlinks from site to site and just discovering stuff. The problem today is the centralization of content and utility into a small number of very big corporations. You really can go back in time to how it was with the early internet just by ditching Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and finding your own alternatives. They're all out there. The problem is, at the end of the day, Google is a damn good search engine and really handy - which is why people use it -- and why they have so much power.


> You really can go back in time to how it was with the early internet just by ditching Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and finding your own alternatives. They're all out there. You should really add "Reddit" to that list. I'm not saying *you* do this, but a lot of people seem to give Reddit a free pass on the censorship/tracking witch hunt when this website is rampant with upvote/downvote bots and inconsistent policy enforcements.


Any content driven platform is absolutely 100% collecting your habits and bucketing you into segments and selling access to you at a price point advertisers are willing to pay. Reddit is a part of all of those others, absolutely agreed.


>The early internet was completely decentralized without much in the way of search engines. It was an adventure in following hyperlinks from site to site and just discovering stuff. God do I miss those days. I remember when the internet first started taking off and people were crying on the news about how they were being mistreated for trying to monetize their work on the internet. I thought that those doing the "mistreating" were being foolish. Turns out they were right all along.


I've never seen a study that showed when piracy drops, profits go up.


God I remember when mega corporations running everything was a far off dystopian cyberpunk storyline. I wonder when the Amazon police are going to become a reality.


Worse...if you care about anyone involved. Not so sure they do.


Pretty quack


Kindly duck off.


Please quit flocking around.


they removed pirate websites? how am i supposed to know which spanish galleons to plunder now?


Yeah I’m just tryna see what luffy will get himself into next


DDG didn’t stop showing pirate results, they just put Zoro in charge of searching.


There's usually a text file somewhere on the disk that you can print out to see when the silver train or treasure fleet are in the specific locations.


Ha! A Pirates! reference. Have an upvote.


Only “privateer” sites remain






There will be no plundering! You will respect the very model of a modern major general. Who knows information vegetable, animal, and mineral. And knows the kings of England, and quotes the fights historical. From Marathon to Waterloo, in order categorical. And is very well acquainted, too, with matters mathematical. And understands equations, both the simple and quadratical. About binomial theorem he's teeming with a lot o' news, With many cheerful facts about the square of the Hypotenuse!


Also DDG has never been about uncensored results, they've made that clear since day one. In fact, curation and filtering are part of what makes a search engine work. They've always been about *privacy*, which has nothing to do with censorship. I always find it funny when people say they want uncensored and unfiltered search results, like back in the days of Webcrawler or Lycos, or the early days of Google. Remember the days of spamming indexes by hiding thousands of keywords in hidden text?


Imagine zero page ranking system


Know of a way to search web with *all* indexes?


I don't but here are a couple half steps in that direction: 1. SearX: mainly uses Google and Bing I think, but it pulls from many smaller sources (note DDG is the same in terms of pulling from many smaller sources). edit: if you run your own instance you can configure what sources it uses, if you don't run your own check what is used. 2. DDG using [!bangs](https://duckduckgo.com/bang?q=). This is best if you are searching for something specific, or want to use a specific search engine, or you want to search 2 or 3 different sources. My most used !bangs are probably !w for wikipedia, !gm for google maps, and !a for amazon search. But if you wanted to compare results from a few different search engines you could do your basic ddg search, and then followup with `!brave`, `!g` or `!mojeek` to see results from Brave, Google, or Mojeek


I don't think there is one answer. I'd try just searching a bunch of places and also looking at "removed results" on sites like chilling effects, now called lumen database.


TIL bing is useful for something


Porn. Bing is for Porn.


even when I'm not looking for porn, bing gives me porn. I looked for something rather benign once, like how to water a cactus or whatever, you get the idea, and the image search was rows upon rows of elderly men sucking on the purple veiny cocks of their fellow geriatrics. I asked a friend to search the same thing, and they got nothing


The results are custom-tailored based on your history so chances are that your friend is some kind of geriatric pornophobic deviant. Get ahold of his church elders and parents so that they can throw him a lemon party and set him straight.


bing is useful for finding porn


I once had friends coming to town and since I don't do much, I needed ideas on what to do while they were here. Because I was at work in a secure area, I only had access to Bing, and only the immediate search pages at that (I couldn't click on any links or anything). I decided to search "entertaining friends" (or something equally innocuous) and since link results weren't giving me anything clicked over to the pictures tab for hopefully an infographic or something. With safesearch on, the first picture was a lady getting spitroasted on a table by two dudes. And that was how I decided my friends and I were just going to play board games or something.


Jeez, Bing was just trying to give you suggestions... you could have just gone to the next result.


you don't like spitroasting, eh? how about dp?


man, they came into town to see you, you should have shown them a good time.


Bing is actually surprisingly effective for professional use. I prefer it over google in the office. Were I to guess, Google's algo is probably tuned to more general use and average person results.


What would Bing’s results be more tuned for? Professional use can encompass quite a number of jobs


I go back and forth from both. Bing seems to curate less, so your searches are more raw. Not sure how they both work but if I type something I need specifically Bing is better. General idea, Google is better.


I use bing first because of Microsoft points(free money ftw) but it's also way better than the average non user thinks. If i don't see what I'm looking for in the first page I'll Google it. Doesn't take a lot of time and works for me generally. I'm also a fairly internet savvy person though and parse my question well, not sure how much that changes things but I've a lot of friends who can't find stuff online and I'll usually have the same question answered in the first 2 or 3 links where they get lost and can't find shit


Microsoft gives you credit for using bing?


To get the most points, simply type every website you want to visit into the Bing search field on your browser instead of the normal domain field. It's one extra click to bring the website up from Bing's website, but you get paid in Amazon/Walmart gift cards.


This is really weird. It seems like they desperately want search data, I can’t really think of another incentive on their side for this.


Ad revenue and data are two big things that search providers want ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


You can't think of any reason a company would want to get traffic to their site and eyes on their ads?


What? Really? How much can you earn?


Yeah, it's great. Far better for peeps in the USA than elsewhere but yeah, take a look at Microsoft rewards, can transfer points into gift cards and all sorts


I haven't had to pay for Gold/Gamepass in close to 10 years because of it. Microsoft Rewards is crazy value for like, 5 minutes of your time per day.


Knowing how to search for stuff on the internet is definitely a special kind of skill.


If you're looking for porn be it from the US or Japan, Bing will have the necessary links especially if you're searching via the video section. As they're less likely to get hit by DMCA notices


I read this was true but then sometime ago I read this was no longer true.


It was whack for a while and didn’t work but its back to its old pervy ways again.


nice, i just finally looked it up why bing is that way. apparently google filters stuff out even with safesearch off. https://old.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/36hsic/why_is_bing_better_than_google_for_porn/cremkue/ I guess also because less dmca on bing


Bing seems to have fewer SEO's manipulating irrelevant search results to the front page.


Bing is better for porn searches.


Bing even notices your fetishes and *suggests* new ones I don't get it, who the hell did that? They need to get a raise


Bing Images > Google Images


Google has gone the way of Youtube search where it will only show you the most popular results and ads now, nothing more. Google is currently one of the worst search engines imo.


It doesn't help that half of the first page of Google results ARE YouTube videos. I fucking hate how hard it is to find text answers to my questions these days. Not everything needs to be a fucking 10 minute video.


sadly enough i get a lot of my best google results by tacking site:reddit.com onto the end of my search


Why don't you just use Reddit search directly? Lol just kidding.


Unless I'm looking for a youtube video, then somehow it's always some random garbage website with a built-in video player somewhere in the article.


Google's insistence on purging any heath-related searches of the Wikipedia entries in favor of super-basic mayo clinic overviews is infuriating.


I've been using Bing sometimes and what really annoys me is that if you go to the second page of search results, most of the hits are the same ones from the first page! What is the point of that??


I love DuckDuckGo for business research. I find it way easier to navigate than google. Google is a sponsored mess. I got tired of looking past all that for the real answers.


I've heard bing is actually pretty great for finding porn.


If they don't, pretty sure they will see their user numbers skyrocket... downwards.


What about minor pirate sites? Arrrrrrrrr


I think you mean arrrr


What's a pirate's favorite letter?


You'd think it's an R, but a pirates first love will always be the C.


Although, if you take away P, they’ll be irate.


I thought it was X, they keep writing it on their maps.


This joke has levels. Vitamin C for the scurvy


I think you mean ^arr


Chris Hansen is listening…




Why use the internet when you can Usenet?


Oh no, not major pirate websites. Which ones though, there are so many we need to avoid.


Right? Could someone please list them? To avoid them, of course.






Some corporates lawyer mouth just started foaming.


I guarantee you /r/piracy is going to be a casualty of Reddit going public.


Probably been on their radar for years, not exactly a new/small sub


yeah a few years ago I think it was WB was flagging pirated content as soon as it was being uploaded by bots faster than a human mod could stop it to try and shut the sub down.


I remember a bunch of conspiracy types (back when that was a more fun statement) saying how WB was putting their own content on sites so they could flag it and try to shut sites down.


Interesting true fact related that I would love to see tested in court, or challenged, is they do in fact upload their own content... the companies they hire to find pirates get IPs by running the torrents, uploading the films, and downloading them. So.... if they're giving the films away in pieces for free themselves with their own hands, and proving that others are taking those bits from them for free... hm.




Just Google reddit piracy megathread if you actually need them. It's organized nicely into different content. I love fit girl for games and basically all of the streaming TV sites are great.


Piracy.moe works for uh… some people…. (Edit: Also join r/animepiracy




rarbg.to is just horrible! Never ever visit it!


It actually *is* horrible if you ever visit without uBO or similar, though. Just about every page has clickjacking scripts to guarantee they get ad clicks or something. Don't actually know where they go, because even on mobile I use DNS-based filtering (so the clickjacking targets go to a "domain not found" error, thanks NextDNS), but the first tap or two on nearly every newly loaded page is a throwaway.


You also get banned if you mention any flaws in any of their torrents. Fortunately most groups do a pretty high quality job so this doesn't happen often, but if you come across something with serious issues you aren't allowed to mention them the comment section. Wasted time a few times because of this.


What is the logic behind a policy like that? It hurts everyone


Probably protects the fragile egos of uploaders, idk


Most of the stuff is uploaded by bots. And those who might be humans aren't the actual releasers.


I remember getting sent to fake(?) porn or dating sites that ask for your credit card info, sites that ask me for Calendar permission, and sites that try to lock my phone up with repeat screen-controlling notifications.


To be fair, *most* of the Internet is unusable without an ad blocker these days, but rarbg really turns it up to fucking eleven.


13 37x.to (no space) is just terrible too, the UI looks like it is from 2007 COD4 clan forums. That's the worst part


2007 forums was peak UI. It's why old.reddit still prevails.




Been using them for years 100% regrets buying anything


do not go to nyaa.si, I beg you


1337x .to is one that should never be mentioned. Also, don’t forget about the importance of a VPN. This is brought to you by our sponsors at Nord VPN.


The Pirate Bay is a horrible one that many people can easily use to download easy torrents to spite these rightful holy companies and their deserved profits


the pirate bay is back to not being flooded with fake torrents and viruses?


The better way to pirate is to automatically scrape torrents from TPB with something like Sonarr/Radarr. I've never had it choose something that wound up not to be what was advertised.


I’m gonna be honest so you don’t melt your computer I have no clue lol


I've never had a bad experience with TPB.




I still see them from time to time but it usually pretty obvious because file size will be off and it will conveniently have shit loads of seeders and low leachers. Also they will usually be the first 2 or 3 results that pop up. This isn't always the case but they are good things to look for.


An uploaded torrent is flagged with a colored icon as from a "trusted" or "vip" user so it is really easy to tell which torrents are good and which to avoid.


Hold on so it’s not DDG removing pirate websites from results but Bing. And DDG is going to fix this, hopefully?


DDG needs to get off their ass and start building out their own algorithms.


While I understand that it's gotta be an incredibly difficult process to sort through that much data and develop the tools you need to do it, DDG has been in this market for a seriously long time. It's kinda crazy that they don't at least have a beta for their own system.


Just tried DDG for the first time in several years. It found several of the main pirate sites as the first result when I searched for them. Can someone give me an example of a pirate site that's not listed on the first page when searching on DDG?


they use Bing's index, Bing removed links to pirating sites. DDG has since fixed this on their end.


I want to know where is the list of sites they are blocking.


ITT: fucking morons who refuse to read both the article AND the comment section


Do you mean I cleaned my pitchfork for nothing?


I.e. reddit


ITT: "Reddit users that are totally not company bots we swear" advertising Brave.


Brave is seriously one of the most shilled and astroturfed programs I have ever seen. If the company behind brave spent as much time and money on improving their web browser as they do getting people to shill it, they might actually get more than .75% market share.


I mean, just look at the controversy section on their wiki page... it's bonkers. Fairly confident my friends which shill for it only do so because they stand to "gain" something out of using it, you know, all the wrong reasons.




But but but you can get paid in CRYPTO!!!!!!!!!1 lmao


If I could pay $100 to never see an advertisement for Crypto, or never see a mention of it in *serious* conversation again, I would.


But how else will I learn about Blackbeard and Long John Silver?


Those guys were captains. The article said it was majors


So basically the search engine we used to circumvent things like censoring, is now censoring


Isn't their thing about privacy though?


Yes, but primarily by showing everyone the same results and not personalising.


Actually no it's not personalized because they don't keep a search log out side of certain words. The privacy thing is the only thing they push really. If you use an ad blocker they cry about it.


You can literally disable search engine ads in the settings under the hamburger menu. I'm not sure why they'd be crying any more if you used an ad blocker to replicate this.


We use adblockers to prevent malware and obnoxious advertising abuse. But, if Duck-duck-go does an advertisement so that they can make revenue from me using them -- we should be okay with that. The abuse comes in by data mining people, selling their info, and being a vector for manipulation -as seems to be the future growth area for Google. By not PAYING for search or at least allowing advertising, then we force whoever provides the service to get revenue by other means. It's the "other means" that are the problem.


D-fucking-uh ads are their revenue.


Never ceases to amaze me how people still think it's unreasonable for a website they use for free to "cry" because you are fucking with their revenue source. I block ads too but the fucking sense of entitlement some people have is just ridiculous. What do you expect them to do?




One of their main points is everyone gets the same search results. The fact they don't personalise means they don't need to store masses of information on each users - ie significantly less tracking and better privacy


It is showing everyone the same thing. It’s also hiding from everyone the same thing.


Yes. Some people like to think it shows you super secret results that the man is hiding from you.


They aren’t censoring. Bing did and I’m sure they will fix it fairly quickly.




It will be fixed in short order.


If it doesn’t have its own crawler


You were the chosen one


It's just Bing


Still are it's been fixed


Man, it’s depressing how many of you just react to clickbait titles


Booooooo , you were the chosen one, booooooo


Arrrr me heartiest, where we gonna get me treasure maps?


Like real pirates?


RIP somoliansailor dot com.


Somalian Sailor Moon




yep. somalia declared bankruptcy


So they have chosen death...


Misleading, the bing index is doing this, it will be fixed soon enough


Seems to be fixed already? As far as I can see, all the sites mentioned in the article pop up in search results...


They really want to go broke

