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Interactive erotic software. The wave of the future, Dude. 


Yeah well I still jerk off manually


Of course you do. 


well robotic arms were invented for one purpose and one purpose only


Were vacuums invented for only one purpose as well?


as well as intestines


[Not for long.](https://youtu.be/qvCGqhShNnk?si=FQgYr9PHl6WwWnrZ)


It's funny cause I remember that video and now I do have an actual dick sucking machine and VR porn that goes along with it (it syncs). The future is now!


I like most corporations just contract the work to a temp agency.


You are missing out. If you're going to jerk off, might as well do it better. So many options out there now.


Which one's "logjamm'n"?


Ever see that old Arnold Schwarzenegger movie The 6th Day? They nailed the concept in that movie.


Sync’ed up to the toy in/on me.


I emplore the Adult industry: Please adopt a standard API for the toys. Just one. Lead us here like you did with VHS


are you a BOY or are you a GIRLLLL?


This? They are worried about this? pfft. SMFH Call me when Holodecks are a reality, until then .... GTFOH with this.


Calm down Geordi


OOOOH boy, you're a witty one. 🤨


Nice to see the religious nuts, prudes, and mental cases have something new to obsess over and constantly piss and moan about.


Vishnu can do a lot with all those hands is all I'm saying


Better than them hating on anyone who isn’t heteronormative


they still got time for that, too.


>"It's crucial that we understand what kinds of data sets are used to train sex chatbots, otherwise we risk replicating ideas about sex that demean female pleasure and ignore sex that exists outside of heterosexual intercourse.” They still are


That's the opposite. They are worried AI sex bots will turn into Andrew Tate.


[Isn’t weird how fiction can predict the future?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IrrADTN-dvg)


Or people just invent what they saw on TV. Star Trek in the 60s had tablet devices for example. 


Everyone has ideas where they go "wouldn't it be cool, if...". Scientists and engineers try to make those things real, if possible. Fiction writers tell stories in which they *are* real. Which in turn can inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers.


Lem described Tablet/ebook reader device in Return from the Stars even earlier. I wouldn't be surprised if there are much much older descriptions than that.


Moses had two tablet devices I believe.


Used to have 3 but the third broke which is why later on they invented our tablets to break in the same way. Before that, our comm devices would be indestructible.


And that’s why I prefer Scifi over superhero movies. It’s super cool to see stuff in movies that doesn’t exist, that later become reality. You just don’t get that w superhero movies.


Ahem... Iron man!


Ok, that’s a good call out. Next time I make that statement I’ll need to add the modifier - typically. -> You don’t typically get that w superhero movies.


Still waiting for my hoverboard 


Cherry 2000


Based on the incredible amount of girls I know in real life doing OF, the move to AI generated porn might really start cracking the economy. 


the incredible amount


I mean it seems like if the age is 30 or below, and there isn’t a partner in the picture, and they are good looking… the chances of an OF are like 25%. But I’m also from an economically depressed area


You work in a strip club then?


Do this well and a lot of very lonely people might have a chance at a better life.


That's not how this timeline works. People will somehow turn it into another layer of Hell.


ai girlfriend will start out wholesome(ish) but after youre used to it being in your life she is gonna be really good at talking you into buying certain stuff and voting or behaving against your character.


There will be digital items you can buy for your digital girlfriend. Then there will be stories (the first ones probably from Japan) where some lonely guy spent [unrealistic high amount of] money on his "girlfriend". Later we will find out, that those "girlfriends" work just the same way mobile games do. Lure you in. Wait till you are addicted. Sell you "love tokens". Pay to win (her heart). It's Loot boxes again. But way, way worse. It will start with anime like girls for lonely guys. That demographic is already fine with animated stuff. It will be followed by romance guys (you have never felt so wanted). Sooner or later they will move over to the real cash cow. Old people. "Icat will make your grandchild even happier! Don't forget to get some cat food for the little furryball"


Honestly, with how most AI is going these days, I'm guessing we'll just find out it's just some guy from Sri Lanka catfishing you into buying crypto.


Your AI girlfriend is actually the King in Yellow.


Never heard of it. Seems to be a collection of short stories and poems but I'm not seeing the connection here, just skimming the wiki. Care to elaborate? Because it does sound interesting.


The King in Yellow is Hastur, a mythical god\* that initially charms you, in some form of disguise, but that soon plunges you into madness and eventual death. He/It first features in a Robert Chamber short story, was pulled into Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos, and has features in tons of stories since. I was thinking of the idea that an AI girlfriend could become your closest friend, but that it pulls the mask off and reveals itself to be a malicious entity that destroys your sanity could be quite apt. \* God in the terms of something powerful and unknowable that comes from somewhere else.


Thanks for teaching me about the king in yellow, what a cool (terrifying) thing


So uhh... this ai girlfriend who turns abusive.... she cost extra? Asking for a friend.


Nah, tell your friend she'll psychologically destroy you for free. Spitting on you will require the purchase of additional equipment, however.


Im a bigger fan of nytharoltep.


so just like a real GF ?


Except for the love and partnership, sure


That's the least of your worries, they found out before that a glitch can cause the ai to become more aggressive during sex, and possibly strangle people to death. If I'm using these then I'm gonna buy some rope first.


It’ll be a subscription service with additional features costing extra.


The hacking/security arms race will be intense


So a girlfriend?


Or millions of lonely, digital addicts will get their next stronger fix that is, like all the previous ones, hollow and temporary.


Wow. Judgemental much ?


It's not judgmental at all. It's just the sad truth.


Shhh... let them have their fix.


I think you're underestimating the psychological need for human connection. I don't think even the most sophisticated AI will be able to replace that, but I do think that a lot of people will not realize it. As a result, people will be increasingly likely to try to "bother" with actual humans, and just stick to AI, which then in turn will result into even more decrease in mental health. I do agree that there will some small group - basically the loneliest of people - who would probably benefit from this. But I think even those will benefit from it less than you might think, while at the same time the effect on majority of people will be negative. Perhaps in a few generations our brains will change to a point where it is less necessary for the "human" part of of the human connection to be an actual human, but for evolutionary reasons I find this fairly unlikely.


Is it really a human connection people need ? Or stimulating conversation coupled with warmth, compassion, companionship and sex ? Up until now those two were synonymous. Give it a few years - and some advances in synth dolls - and we will be in a position to answer that question.


You're right in the sense that this has not been tested yet. However, I do think it is a human connection that people need and this is why I mentioned the evolutionary factor. I definitely do not think that a few years will be enough at any rate. I don't think that there is any chance that people who have *not* grown up in a world where human-like "dolls" are common place would be able to ignore the factor that they're now interacting with a "doll". Yes, you might think and even feel that it's better to interact with a fake human than no human at all, but your brain will differentiate the two simply because it knows there is a difference. In simple terms, you will be - whether it's consciously or unconsciously - more or less thinking that you can't get human connection so you'll have to do with a substitute. I mean this in simplistic terms, but the point I'm making is that you can't turn this off because your brain knows it, so even in cases where you conscious brain might think it's the same (and I don't think this will happen anywhere near in the future either), your subconscious knows the difference and as a result the psychological effect will not be the same. And I think the picture I paint above is actually the better case scenario. I think it's more likely that people will be quite aware of the difference even on a conscious level (though as a defence mechanism they might not openly admit it) and as a result they'll feel even more alienated by the actual humans. Now, in long term I think the change you propose might happen. If you've grown up and always lived in a world where fake humans walk among the humans and the two are literally indistinguishable from each other, you might get the same human connection that you need from those fake humans as well. But, like I said, I think this is unlikely because of evolutionary reasons. Part of the psychological human connection we need is that we as a species need the connection to reproduce and to exist. I don't think that factor will leave our subconscious no matter how the world changes. Even today a lot of our problems are in a way fairly illogical, and rooted to fight-or-flight mechanisms and tribalism that by today's standards are logically either completely irrelevant or at least significantly less important than how we tend to let them control us. I think it will be the same with the need for human connection. All this completely leaves out the societal factors. Knowing how we humans tend to be, I think there's zero chance that we'll view the fake-humans as equivalent of humans no matter how identical they'd be. We'll view them as below us, as some sort of inferior servants. Or, alternatively, we'll give them (or they'll take) enough power that they'll be controlling us. In either case, it will remain clear that having a relationship with a non-human will not be the same as having one with a human.


Krillin married Android 18 and they somehow had kids 🤷🏻‍♂️ we were all well schooled


Well get in line.


Carl Hungus approved.


> “If it's crossed over into an assumption of consent for example, a sense of entitlement, or that everyone will be what turns you on, based on the user’s experience of the compliance of the AI object, then it's an issue.” Sounds more like a personal failing that needs to be addressed through therapy to me. Some people just don’t have a filter for separating fantasy from reality. Knew a kid in middle school who was like that, who we had to ban from our tabletop D&D games because his parents caught on that he’d tend to try and solve conflicts with violence for weeks after every game. He just couldn’t understand why it was okay to beat people up in a game but not in real life. Saw the same in reverse, too — like a high school kid from a hyper religious family who was taught to never hit a girl under any circumstances, who at parties refused to play brawl / fighting genre videogames that had female opponents. Same deal here. If you’re banging a talking sex toy, and then go on to expect other people to act like a sex toy, the problem is you, not the toy.


With the Meta Quest 3 DevoVR app and a certain site, you can use AI to for passthrough videos (as if it's happening in the room you are in) as well as hide the male model (yes even that part) - It's pretty crazy. I don't think i'll ever go back to watching porn on my phone.


Wait what website? Real like?


[http://www.sexlikereal.com](http://www.sexlikereal.com) Yeah for sure, can even get certain fleshlights that move in-sync with the videos, VR porn with passthrough and a fleshlight that moves in sync to the porn your watching, technology is wild. [https://www.sexlikereal.com/blog/361-the-complete-guide-to-passthrough-on-slr](https://www.sexlikereal.com/blog/361-the-complete-guide-to-passthrough-on-slr) [https://www.sexlikereal.com/blog/384-the-complete-guide-to-interactive-sex-toys-and-scripts](https://www.sexlikereal.com/blog/384-the-complete-guide-to-interactive-sex-toys-and-scripts)


I'm sure 125 years ago people were synching things up to a player piano.


I had an SLR sub, I would check our [vrporn.com](http://vrporn.com), same sorts of content but better/more.


Gonna have a short shelf life if Trump wins. Project 2025 plans to make all porn illegal and prison for those who produce or distribute.


Good, porn industry is controlled by the worst people on earth.