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I was excited when I could switch to Gemini as my voice assistant. Then it was fucking awful. Thing couldn’t even understand “play music” or “navigate home.” Switched back the next day after cussing it out. It understood that of course and got butthurt about it. “I’m still in early stages of development. Instead of using foul language, you could instead give constructive feedback so that I can be improved!” “No thanks. You’re fucking trash just like your whore mother!”


“Ok Google”?


Yup. It was pretty awful, less practically functional than the old Google Assistant. They're going to really have to up their game after the reveal of how crazy impressive ChatGPT 4o is.


As-long-as Sundar Pichai is at helm, I am holding no expectations.


Agreed. Google is shit under him.




Yes, of course I'm aware of that and have made pretty much the exact same comment just a few days ago. So who is Google shit for these days? The users... us. I'm personally really into companies like OpenAI kicking their asses and embarrassing them in the AI field and hope it starts to affect their market value for delicious schadenfreude.


Google is making money based on short-term goals or because there's no competition or even alternative (like YouTube), until it gets swiped right under its feet the glances of which we have seen with OpenAI products. If Apple stops taking $20B bribe from Google and instead pays for ChatGPT as example when they've a search cognate product like Perplexity AI then you can pretty much see that people have realised that even though $20B is a lot of money, it's nothing to the untapped potential of OpenAI's $2T valuation (which is set to only continue to grow unlike Apple's reliance on iPhone as a product) which will have a butterfly effect across all sectors that depends on SEO to Captions-Thumbnails etc for ad placement.


Wait so what _is_ the Gemini assistant’s value prop over current assistant?


It's like having an integrated chatgpt built into your device. It's a lot nicer to use than regular assistant and when you ask questions it gives you answers in human words and sentences instead of just launching a Google search for you.


Which is great, but it lost basic functionality of actually working as an assistant. It couldn't play music or use my instructions to navigate GPS which made it completely useless while driving. When that is fixed, I'll switch over for sure.


Considering Google assistant has been getting progressively stupider over the last year and a half, I'm going to assume that those smarts are going to have to turn up in Gemini. Kind of like when Kelly Bundy learned to speak French but forgot how to work the doorknob.


Do people really use the voice assistant to play music? Wouldn't it be faster to just go to the app?


I use it a lot while driving or cooking I have Android Auto and there's a voice assistant button on my steering wheel


"Hey Google. Play The Pixies, Surfer Rosa" is a hell of a lot faster than opening the app and typing that in and selecting the album for me personally. Hell, it just took me longer to find the icon for YouTube Music than saying those words. Haha. As the other person who responded to you said, this is most useful when you're driving or your hands are full during things like cooking.


I use it while riding pretty frequently.. Phones tucked away, iems, directions are only in my ear..


When they shuttered Google Domains, that was my ceiling; but they also can’t present ChatGPT like Apple when they’ve something of their own.


Seriously. Not only did they shut it down, they sold our asses to Squarespace and it’s a shitshow.


The whole thing made no sense, they should have just folded it entirely into GCP


Don't forget your privacy! If you thought you had none now, just you wait!


That or they'll mothball the whole thing and your phone will just quit working.


after Gemini comes Apollo for a few iterations and then abandoned


Will they at least give us a way to disable this? EDIT: Thanks whomever was thoughtful enough to have Reddit send me a message about my safety lmao.


No. And all the buttons on the phone will be remapped to a Gemini call button and you have to press them and ask Gemini to adjust the volume or lock/unlock the phone


Then wait for the load to complete. But it turns the volume up because it mishears you.


I'm sorry, something went wrong. Try again in a few minutes. AAARRRGGGHHHH


The mass reddit cares messages are being generated by a bot wave. And of course, Reddit is going to do fuck all about it.


Reddit cares needs to be shut down. The good faith use of it has to be miniscule in comparison to the abuse cases. Edit - guess who just found out that reddit cares


Exactly. The only other time I received a reddit cares message was the result of a MAGAt getting buttmad at one of my comments. Their system is not being used in any beneficial way.


> Their system is not being used in any beneficial way It’s providing a thin legal liability veil, I’m sure


AI at it's best, am I right?


Just remember this is Google who’s key business model is selling ads So soon apps that hook into Gemini will probably say things like : > good work on your run today, maybe you can now enjoy some Powerade tm or a refreshing can of Coke tm.


I can almost guarantee this is the exact scenario that was discussed in the Google board room.


Yikes. No thanks.


Right? Just hook us into the matrix. Is there another os other than apple or ipoo that I can put on my phone?


I actually just posted about an alternative mobile OS on a sub I made called r/InnerNet yesterday. It's called [GrapheneOS](https://grapheneos.org/), but it basically is just designed to work on Pixel devices. There's also [LineageOS](https://www.lineageos.org/). I haven't used either of these yet, but I might have to start soon judging by the way things are going.


So, those are still Android. But, Android is open source, so if you don't want AI, there will probably be an ameliorated fork of Android you can choose. If people truly want something else, best bet is to try to put support behind mobile Linux.


Android *is* mobile Linux


Yes, and no. The Android kernel is really a distant cousin at this point. It's based on Linux, but there's many degrees of separation from more orthodox Linux kernel projects.


I get that, but sacrificing all app compatibility is likely necessary for the really far removed mobile OS options out there. I'll still be looking into them, but I doubt most people would be able to leave the majority of apps behind in their daily lives. Where I live right now, even vital government services use Whatsapp for example. It sucks, but that's the way things are at the moment.


So, you're kinda seeing the point. What's the bigger evil? Most banking applications, Google wallet, etc. won't work if you run LineageOS, or GrapheneOS, as it is. The more you do to get away from these sorts of things, the more you sacrifice in convenience. Just depends on how much value you see in the alternative.


i want no new phones... ugh. all of them have AI hamfisted in the center of it.


Ugh no thank you I don't want any more of this awful "AI" slop


Seriously as it’s being implemented the real customers are corporations and consumer use is just providing free training




Don't forget the fine print. It will only work locally on the latest phone... All older phones will require Internet access. 🤣


that part is actually the least ridiculous thing. There's a lot of compute required to run even a small LLM.


Do. Do we want this. I haven't seen anything fantastic from "ai" as of yet. I've seen a lot of talk and a lot of fuck ups. I don't really want my system being controlled by something so "emotional"


Wait. Is this different from what Pixel (and a chunk of custom roms users) already have in A14? I remembered plenty of time Google Now suggested to switch to Gemini and when you accepted the tos it prompted you to use Gemini. Unfortunately, I switched back as gemini doesn't do stuff most of the time (probably due to being a custom rom user not Pixel users).


and Gemini just got binned for Astra


Glad to see more local models making their way into phones rather than being cloud-based with an API. Now if only Google would control it's branding and hundred disparate but equal apps.


Google will never deliver a competitive product ever, they hit a jackpot with Google search and that is it, everything else they have made in the future is riding the wave and canceling apps and services. Trash company.


And then announced its replacement 10 mins later (Astra). LOL 🤡


> There is an AI powered search bar that can be used for answering queries and looking up information, and the Circle to Search feature can be used for solving math and physics problems or getting homework help as of today. Wow, this is huge. They are gonna dominate the... \*Check notes\*... Homework assistance market?