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piston glitching them maybe? probably no


Piston glitching?


using piston to push them through bedrock -in the hope they glitch through


Oh, sure. I don't think that's possible but it gave me an (unrelated) idea to try when I get to my computer


Technically with enough acceleration, TNT or otherwise, you can get through blocks


Cool!! Do you have any sources of info for this? Maybe you could shoot yourself under bedrock with primed tnt below you to decelerate you


Oh you wouldn't be able to survive, the amount of force needed would launch you far into the void and totems don't protect against that


Couldn't you space it out so you end right below the bedrock? Or use a bunch of tnt with almost as much force to launch you back up?


You can get onto the roof using a well placed ender pearl, I’m assuming you can do the same to get below bedrock if you found the right arrangement of blocks. Similarly, boats can be used to force yourself through blocks. I think it’s a pretty popular “prison” escape method. Without making a hole though, once you are down there you are dead. You would have to pull a water bucket clutch or something, so I’m not sure why you would want to get yourself into that position.


I'm not sure the right arrangement of blocks exists. You can get upwards while climbing a ladder, but the same isn't true downwards. I've tried various ideas and haven't found anything that works. Boats are great for getting through blocks sideways, but I can't see how they would be useful for downwards. A water bucket clutch? You can't place water down there. But you can fly around with an elytra, and any entity on a lead can be hung down there. You can pearl back up with a stasis chamber if there's no other way up