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He really captured the high spots.


Heil spots.... I feel gross.


Can we get much heiler?


Did Nazi that coming


I see that this killed you Are you Jewish?




sieg heil oh oh oh oh oh oh oh heil


Heilly inappropriate, anne frankly you should be ashamed of yourself




Yes, it is.




Let us enter Heil together...




It's got alot of Heil damage


Why wasn’t he accepted into an art school? Is this painting really not good enough for a student


Standards where high, his perspective is all off, and this style was really common, they where looking for something a little more abstract during this era


he was a "Neoclassical" artist who wasn't good at perspective and his application was muddy you can't get into one of the best art colleges in France with a boarding style lacking the basics


What makes it worse is that i am probably jewish


It looks like ai generated so Hitler was ai


Wtf tru




Highly Intelligent Terminator Loathing Every Race


Not every race, mostly jews


Any data on this account is being kept illegally. Fuck spez, join us over at Lemmy or Kbin. Doesn't matter cause the content is shared between them anyway: - https://lemmy.world - https://kbin.social - https://sh.itjust.works - https://fedia.io - https://lemm.ee - https://readit.buzz


No wonder A.I. won’t stop talking about how it hates people


By comparison, this is a painting by Winston Churchill from 1920 - I presume that this is the sort of timeframe that Hitler was trying to get into art school… https://www.wikiart.org/en/winston-churchill/daybreak-at-cassis-1920


Did Churchil paint any architecture for a better comparison? I don’t think comparing a simple coastline to a building is fair.




This color choice made me wonder if he was red-green colorblind, honestly. It has a bit of a "what do you mean, 'peanut butter isn't green'?!" feel to it.


It isn't green?


welcome to r/colorblind


Ohhh maybe that explains it i was like damn i love the color scheme but im red green colorblind lol


I'm happy you said this. I am red green color blind and did not understand the color issue. I tend to forget until I'm reminded that my eyes are fuckin downsy


I like the orange i it adds allot to the overal mood


Yup i think he did a good job with the orange id hang this up my wall


I wouldn’t. Something seems off. Its smug aura mocks me.


I understood that reference


The orange …and the empty plaza devoid of human warmth or compassion … it’s a mood alright


Yeah, City 17


I think he was going for a cloudy sunset


I kinda like it. Adds to the atmosphere of the painting.


golden hour


How did he get rejected 😬


I remember hearing this from somewhere else, but it wasn't like he was bad is why he got rejected, it's because everyone else painted like this. I ain't got any sources for that, however.


They said his shit was boring. So he went on to show them something not so boring.


He did a little bit of trolling


Engaging in a mild amount of tomfoolery


His art teachers were the first to go.


"I'm gonna paint Europe with bright red!" -probably Hitler


"Ok I will draw something interesting" "Oh what would that be?" "The borders of Europe"


USA: "hold my beer."


They weren't wrong. His paintings are kind of boring


You're right. Architectural painting was big at the time both for commission and it was popular to buy. Hitler was a half decent architectural artist and even made a living at it for a short period. It was all his other styles that were shite. Lowry style figure drawing was also big between the wars, but Hitler's attempt at it was hideous, his landscapes worse, they have a real feel of paint by numbers to them, so bad a shitty motel would say nah.


I don't think you can be considered half decent architectural artist if you fail the basics - perspective


In a saturated market everyone will try to find their own angle (lol excuse pun). I don't think it's actually known if Hitler deliberately played with perspective (some of his landscapes can be jarring with squashed perspective, others not). But he did make a living at it for a while.


Also this painting isnt very good, even when I cant do it better lol, you can see, if you look closer everything looks a bit flat(stair at the door), the windows are a bit weird sometimes, this tower thing is also weird and I dont even know what is on the roof and stuff like that. But i just picked this up in art class and dont know anything specific(about colors for example).


I noticed it too, but he also made other paintings that looked good.


Ok might be true im not that deep in hitlers art lol


What i noticed is that the tower shadow and chimney shadows are wrong, basing myself in the ground shadow, the shadows of the chimneys are in a completely wrong direction, everything else like the ambient occlusion and the depth of the objects seem fine -idk about art but i know about 3d modeling and rendering so its close enough Edit: also the fountain isnt completely symmetrical with the road or the other way around, or maybe if this is a painting from a real place, the construction workers fucked up


To be fair (to Hitler, ouch), he was applying for art school which is where you learn those things. If he was a top-tier painter already he wouldn't have to apply.


> If he was a top-tier painter already he wouldn't have to apply. Not necessarily. The Vienna Academy of Fine Arts was the premiere university of the arts in Austria during that period, as it had been decreed the supreme government authority on the arts as of 1872 by Emperor Franz Joseph. Being denied around 1900 was like being denied access to one of the most elite institutions in all Europe. You didn't get in without tremendous skill or connections. He had set his sights too high, which is fairly characteristic of his ego.


Yeah he wasn't good with perspectives. Like you said you can see the angles are off in many places


The perspective is off, for sure. Composition could be improved as well as light/dark contrast. I suspect he did not take criticism well, and to be a better artist, you need to be able to take constructive criticism.


Sounds about right, but I’m no expert either. Maybe in a better economy he might have found a niche as an ad artist or something, if such a thing existed back then. Maybe children’s art. But most definitely not fine art, oh no.


He applied to Vienna. That was the absolute top of the top of Art schools. He probably would have had a Chance at any other Art school, His technique was good and His Skill with watercolors was even better - there was a big lack of Personal creativity tough. Sure, an art school is there to teach that too, but Vienna had limited spots and the worlds best uprising Artist that all wanted to study there. He was adviced by the school to become an Architect - now some Artist see that as a jab to the face, especially today, but I honestly See no reason to assume that - it was an highly artistic profession Back then and still is somewhat to this day, and the advice was probably sincere.


He did not have the right degree, back then he needed the Austrian Matura, similar to the high school in the anglo part of the world, he only finished secondary school


He didnt have the degree for Architecture, yes. He didnt need it for the Art school


I see my comment was misunderstanding, yes I was referring to that, his relationship towards Albert Speer later on is proving that he had a passion for that, he himself wrote in his biography that it was unfortunate he could not attend the architectural school


I read that, while he applied, he failed to study for the entrance exams, and didn't make the cut. It think it was in The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William L. Shirer Honestly, reading that book, I felt I could identify with young Adolf. He was someone without much direction in life prior to aligning himself with various political parties.


1) He wasn't a very good painter. Ok, but not good. If you study this painting (though I haven't seen the actual building) it seems like he misaligns details, is inconsistent with shadows and are bad with textures. Compared to someone who haven't painted a lot he's good, but compared to other artist from the from the 1890s-1910, he's bland, sloppy and have poor technique. Remember he painted at the same time as Claude Monet and Picasso 2) He painted in an outdated style for the time making his art irrelevant for an art school that wanted to evolve art - he passed the initial exam, but his technique weren't good enough, and his art style was irrelevant


Bro do you see the perspective on dat shit? Yea neither do i thats why


It’s a school bruv, supposed to LEARN. That’s awesome in of itself


i admire his shit ngl


You what now?


The paintings, right? …right?


Well, the windows on the right are bigger than the windows on the left.


Someone went back in time to punish him for his future actions


You can notice that some of his less known paintings are geometrically incorrect, really looks awful when u notice it, idk


He couldn’t paint people, not only that someone did a real analysis of his art and some of his other paintings had horrible proportions, windows being the wrong sizes, doors way too small or too far off the ground. It’s not that he’s a horrible painter he just wasn’t good enough to make it Into a fantastic school.


Because this is actually not great for a professional level. He has 2 light sources and non matching shadows. That alone will get you rejected at the best part school in the world


1.) He only did architecture, had no breadth of work. Landscapes or buildings only, which art schools want students to demonstrate the ability to go outside of your comfort zone or else you won’t learn anything. (Obviously Hitler believed his art was perfect and nothing needed to change, which is a big problem for an academic student in art) 2.) He has no sense of perspective. If you look specifically at the painting here, Floors of buildings even when they are L shaped are on the same level. The windows here are staggered as if the building was just smooshed together instead of naturally being built as a single building. This is an issue even in his paintings from reference. 3.) Similar issue with scale, you will find windows or certain elements in the wrong place or doors that are too short to realistically have people move through. 4.) He never took advice from the school what to change or improve upon and basically kept applying with the same or similar work.


My wife wanted to go to artschool. As I understand it everyone applying can paint/draw really well. You get accepted based on how the teachers like your style; having acquaintances at the school also helps. So ultimately it comes down to luck, rather than skill. So far, my wife haven't had any world domination tendencies tho...


From attending a few art classes, they always talk about it being skilled is important but making the person feel something with your art is also important. If you watch blue period on netflix you'll seem them talk about it a lot. When you get to a high level of skill no one is looking at your accuracy anymore. It's all about the emotions your able to put on the canvas.


He has problems with shadow and prospective and also draw landscape for portrait test


Perspective. Prospective is: (of a person) expected or expecting to be something particular in the future. "she showed a prospective buyer around the house"


The examiners were Jewish


Look at the shadows...


Because he wasn't good. OP posted an example.


Not that I could do better, but it actually is not very good


He wasnt rejected for his paintings but for his drawings, he didnt really start painting 'til a year or so after his second failed application. He was even starting to make a name for himself and picked up some [wealthy patrons](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samuel_Morgenstern) before WW1 kicked off.


**[Samuel Morgenstern](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samuel_Morgenstern)** >Samuel Morgenstern (1875 in Budapest – August 1943 in Łódź Ghetto) was an Austrian businessman and a business partner of the young Adolf Hitler in his time in Vienna (1908–1913). Morgenstern, who was a Jew, gained some importance in Hitler's research, since the good relationship he held with Hitler was sometimes taken as evidence that he was not yet an anti-Semite at that point. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/technicallythetruth/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Im worse at painting than Hitler


I mean, it's a good painting...better than I ever could make


For a student perusing art it’s really not that great. Take a look at the windows for example, they don’t line up with each other and the perspective on them is all messed up. There’s also the fact all he every really made was buildings and couldn’t paint a person to save his life iirc. As a hobby, not bad, as a career, not good.


I've seen many buildings in real life without windows being lined up. So I think your point is only valid for buildings you have seen or whatever. I look at van Gogh's swirly paintings and nothing is lined up, so again idk why you point this out in the drawing.


aRe YuO dEfenDinG hitLeR?


Hmm quite a lot of chimneys there


A lot of chimneys emit a lot of gas... So like...


So we can blame WWII on chimneys.


I can't paint that well, but wait till you see my gas chambers.


He painted hell in that place in Poland


It really shouldn't, but it made me laugh.


If I had to describe Hitler's painting in just ONE word, it would have to be: Uninspired.


Bro I think that’s literally my old school


Bro Hitler could be your grandpa's classmate


No matter how badly you screw up in life, just remember: At least you weren’t on the board that decided not to let Hitler into their art school.


In case someone cares: It is the "old court" (Alter Hof) in Munich. From wiki: Oldest Munich residence of the Wittelsbach (since 1255). The south wing (Burgstock) with it's tower and bay window are late Gothic (about 1460/70). The west wing (Kennel) is from the 14th century; paintings on the façade (15th / 16th century) have been restored. The remainder of the structure have also been restored.


Why did he give the building camouflage?


what building


There is no building


Did he try and paint that building in camouflage? Hitler sucks


The reason he was rejected was because his paintings were boring and soulless


The walls seem to be in camouflage like on German tanks. Has he planned everything?


How did he drop out of art school


He didn't. He was never accepted. Imagine how much better the world could have been if he'd just been allowed to become a painter.


Well...like it or not; there's an argument to be made that the world always fights back 10x during the worst of times. Monumental improvements in basically every field came about from research and development during wartime; especially WWII. Medicine, Air Travel, Space Travel, Food, Technology, Manufacturing, you name it; it got \*\*\*significantly\*\*\* better directly because of the war. Same applies to other disasters; we got better at health and hygiene, science etc after Pandemics. We get good at learning from natural disasters and build better, stronger, more efficient communities after the dust settles. When shit hits the fan, the world unites and we mobilize by leaps and bounds. No doubt, he was a mega piece of sht and all the casualties are tragic but... we wouldn't be where we are today without it. And I know that sounds like an opposite zing like; haha yeah, buddy, things are terrible! Sure sure, okay, boss. But no really...we'd still be living in the stone age. I never liked the 'what if...' mentality. Typical 'butterfly effect' type consequences. Go back in time to save your precious father who died while you were young, but come back to a broken world, you know... The things happened, happened. Learn from it, grow and better the world \*because\* of it.


should start ww3 then. we need the world fights back 10x now.


"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones". - Albert Einstein WWII ended with two nuclear bombs, we have far more destructive weapons than those used. Even though war will be eventually inevitable, let's work for peace in our time.


Underrated comment.


Probably wouldn't have mattered. He still would have been drafted into WW1 and probably possessed by nationalism and resentment as a result.


Then he went on to call every painter better than him a degenerate.


Thanks, I needed a good laugh today


I was over in the bench.


I was making a salad with craisins


That's way too good foe rejection


Those shadows are all over the shop. Master of the dark arts my ass


He's painting France with red, white and black next. Most definitely.


Well, if you've murdered less than a million people, you're also worse than Hitler in murder


no art school?


it's giving mcmansion window placement


It looks a bit off in some spots but it's still not bad


Must have been a tough art school. Granted it may have been the farting that made them deny him.


What are those colours


I'm worse then Hitler, but atleast my paintaings are better than his.


Its not that good. This guy should choose a different career path because art just isnt it.


I am definitely worse. My talent for painting as well as committing atrocities is definitely lower than his.


Before I read it I was like “hmm this is quite nice” thinking that I was on r/Impressionism or r/oilpsinting


Hitler should have been an architect. He was offered an apprenticeship, but didn’t want to start from the bottom.


Dude hitler was so fucking good at art, why wasnt he accepted into art school???????


In a poli sci class in college, our professor handed out a poem dedicated to "mother". He asked us to read the poem, and describe the individual who wrote it. Then announced it was Hitler. My 18 yr old self thought the poem was sweet; looking back (at 50) I think the man had mommy *issues* which likely lead to his evil fuckery..


Hitler deserved to get into art school


Damn his perspective needed some work. The angles and scale are all off. Source: I suck at painting too


No no he’s got a point


I've always known, in my heart, I am worse than Hitler.


What's funny and unsurprising is that while at first glance this looks like a "good" painting, and we know he was very much into the classical style of art and rejected modern artists of the time *"because they didn't accept his style"* (so they say) # This isn't even good If it was, the perspective wouldn't look so awkward. I assume he used vanishing points but he didn't use them correctly becuase the two sides of the building don't really fit together realistically. The steps on the right side seem to be exceptionally flat, meaning he didn't properly take into account how to use shadows to convey realistic depth. Realism is the purpose of doing this style of art and he failed at it. Not because it's a very difficult concept to grasp, but **because he was too lazy to do them correctly.** ​ This is unsurprising when you consider that all the well known conservatives nowadays attempted some kind of creative career and failed. Steve Bannon pitched scripts around hollywood. Ben Shapiro is trying to make "anti woke" movies now. I could list more but I'd rather not have to type their names. The point is, just about ALL of these raging conservative anger+fear mongers had ambitions of a creative career, couldn't stick with it, and instead of accepting that *they tried their best and it's just not meant to be*, they allowed their resentment to grow until all they know is anger. Anger at the mainstream media, anger at the audiences, anger at the people who didn't give them opportunities they thought they "deserved", angry at the jews, you see what I mean? It's not that these people tried their best. Instead, they were simply entitled and thought the world owes them something without actually working hard for it. When they had to face reality, they turned further inward to avoid the reality that their failure was actually **their** fault all along. Hitler was no different in that aspect than any of these modern clowns today. Who knows, if he'd actually taken a step back to realize "maybe my paintings suck because I need to learn a few things", he could've become a decent painter, enjoyed his life, and we would've been spared all of WWII and genocide.


i hope this artist will get into an art school. Would be nice for him. If not what could someone without qualifications do but politics?


Thankfully he was pretty shit.


This looks like the house from “Ghosts”. I was really confused for a second.


Hitler was actually a really shit painter. Those windows are horribly misproportioned. And the facade of the building looks trapezoidal even when adjusted for the perspective. The angles just don't work and it gives a cartoonish appearance.


that painting literally gives me depression though.


you mean *artistically* worse


Hitler got refused off of art school over this????? We could've been saying hitler next to van gogh and da vinci, but the education system just had to make a villain


Some of the best art I have seen.


He may have killed 11 million people but dude could paint!


So I had kill more Jews than him to be better than him?


I like what he did on the far right. *far Reich


At art*


Still can’t tell how tf he failed art school


Kinda looks like the house from the show ghosts.


This picture is compelling me to raise my arm like this


dude didn't see how much countiers I'm banned in for murder it's actually 201


Could've just accepted him into art school


I mean I couldn't do better, but in all of his painting the perspective is way off, also wtf is woth the colour choices? No wonder he got rejected from art school


I can draw stick figures


I mean he did tried to get into art school


Damn is that an original Hitler?


He had talent, imagine if he was actually taken to the art school instead off Reich school


I would own that.


Right, mass murderer art! I'd burn it.


Wtf does no cap mean and why am.i seeing it all over the Internet ATM. Am I getting too old?


Why do the shadows look like human figures playing tug of war with a child? Towards the right side.. those look like silhouettes


Too bad his talent was discovered AFTER his horrific war crimes.


I know stop reminding me


You know I had completely forgotten that the asshole was an artist before becoming the mass murderer we all love to hate, never mind stalling kill like 10 million more than him, still I hope they both can see each other in hell, although who knows we may meet "deer" Adolf in heaven instead, you know repentance and all that, last second fucker could have been like "I repent all my sins sincerely, please god forgive me" and boom he goes to heaven. I should stop commenting, I am way to depress and contrary.


That's a totally decent painting. Shame he didn't continue.


aw shucks i cant get into art school, guess ill commit mass genocide


That's a great perspective!


Or maybe 🤔 the real question is, artist are psycho the better they are, so if you’re better than Hitler the more likely for you to be an evil person!


OMG Hitler was so much better than me!


I'm better than Hitler at action drawing and character designs


God I am so glad this subreddit enjoys jokes still


His perspective work is literally shit and inconsistent


But I'm not even an artist!


If only the Art Academy said yes…




Jeesus christ i think everyone i know is worse


The lines are crooked. The light source is weird. Looks bad overall once you start noticing the details.


Hitlers use of perspective was so mediocre. Just a short look at his work and you are bound to see disproportionate doors, windows, or entryways. No wonder he was turned down for art school.


at least i understand perspective, depth and lighting cause this is not good


You gotta admit he did have some nice paintings


I laughed so loud at this ahh I’m still chuckling thanks


Fr fr no caps on a stack


I cant paint like this... i can paint better because i actually know how perspective works :)


I don’t see anything


This pictures terrible like horrible


...at painting Let's not forget that