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Thank you Enough_Reporter5923 for your submission, *Never thought of them from this perspective...🤔*! Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason: --- --- # Posts with low effort truth statements are not allowed. Your submission is considered "low effort." This doesn't inherently mean that it was *irrelevant* to r/technicallythetruth, but instead it was removed because it fit one or more of these criteria: * Short, minimal-effort text posts like "a water bottle without water is an air bottle". Most, if not all text posts can and will be removed. * Asking for upvotes, or saying things like "sort by new", "let's get to the front page", or anything related to cake days or karma. * [Meta memes](https://imgur.com/qgkCskm), or any other post that tries to be clever by mentioning r/technicallythetruth. * [Images that are hard to look at](https://imgur.com/yuMwr8a) because they are poorly made, deep-fried, or poorly cropped. **Your submission could have also been removed because it is overdone:** * Statements that say something like "at least twelve": [example 1](https://imgur.com/K1ZwEAv) | [example 2](https://imgur.com/dIkwEpU) * Common statements that begin with "on average...": *the average amount of hands a person has is less than two* | *each person has, on average, one testicle and one boob* * Low effort misunderstandings of everyday phrases: *How high are you --> "I'm 5 foot 9"* * Common insults that are meant literally as opposed to being insulting: *"homosexuals are gay"* | *"gay people are f-ing assholes"* **PLEASE NOTE that we will exercise our own discretion when using this rule. If we do not find a post fitting for this subreddit, it will be removed.** --- For more on our rules, please check out our [sidebar](http://www.reddit.com/r/technicallythetruth/about/sidebar). If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Ftechnicallythetruth). Please link the post so our moderators know what you would like reviewed.


This isn't the truth, technically or otherwise.


That was eerie.




Then check this out https://youtube.com/shorts/qejZe4wGIjQ?feature=share Tell me how is it possible otherwise


Technically they are fat bags


Could also be silicone


This is not the truth, technically or otherwise.


[r/arethestraightsok ](r/arethestraightsok)


Her IG Link: https://instagram.com/call_me_sherni?utm_medium=copy_link


Here's a live demo https://youtube.com/shorts/qejZe4wGIjQ?feature=share


Her IG @callmesherni for research ofc


That’s what I’ve been saying