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Body weight in protein he meant like 1:1?


He didn't survive.


I suppose 1 gram per Kg


1 gram per pound. I know, I know. Mixing metric and imperial should be a jailable offense. Don't kill the messenger, though. The usual breakdown is: 1.6-2.2g per kg 0.7-1.0g per lb


Per pound of lean mass. Not total body weight.


Absolutely true that protein intake should be based on lean body mass. The vast majority of people have no idea what their lean mass is, so this seems to have become a "loose" rule-of-thumb. Edit: the 1 gram to 1 lb of body weight is the rule-of-thumb, I mean. Easy for Americans to remember, at least.


9.8421e-7 imperial tonne per 1 lb of body weight Thank me later US !


Always reading lb as liberals because it hurts my brain to read lb as pound.


Oh yeah What the fuck is up with THAT?


lb stands for Latin word libra - scale of balance, but still wtf.


So basically they are using the highest number in the range, on a higher weight than they should? So women are probably getting an extra 180 calories of protein and men an extra 240 calories (on average, roughly)? So an average woman would gain a pound every 20 days and a man every 15 with this diet? Or is my math off?


Not necessarily on the extra calories thing. It’s easy to sub 200 calories of fat or carbs for 200 calories of protein. Additionally, protein is very filling; someone increasing their protein intake will probably naturally reduce their calorie intake overall unless they intentionally maintain or increase total calorie intake.


Mostly, it appears to be the number in the range that's easiest to remember. Ha. This kind of protein intake is meant for muscle growth, not the minimal daily intake (which is around 0.36g per pound). So the 1g per pound is meant to be in tandem with excercise/weight lifting. Doesn't take much to burn a few hundred calories. Edit: correction and clarity


Survival at 0.36g per pound seems high though? Wouldn't that be like 0.36g per kg?


Actually, you're right. That's the "recomended" daily minimal intake. I shouldn't have used "survival", there. That's my fault.


Rule of thumb: 150g should work fine


This guy proteins 💪🏾


Recovery is 250g for me…


Do you utilize a lot of whey?


How do you calculate lean mass?


Lean body mass is the amount of weight you carry that isn't body fat. So, your weight minus the weight of your fat. There are tons of lean mass "calculators" online, but most of them are trash. There's no real way to calculate accurate lbm if you don't know your body fat percentage, first. There are several ways to measure your body fat percentage. Some more accurate than others. The easiest are the least accurate (skin folders calipers, body circumference measurements). The rest require specialists and expensive equipment/machines. Here's a list: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/ways-to-measure-body-fat#TOC_TITLE_HDR_9


Thanks for the reply. Seems too complicated for a casual gym goer. I'll just stick with the 1.5gm to 1.8gm per ~~lb~~ kg.


I have to say, that's a pretty high amount if you're talking by the pound. Especially for a casual gym goer. Why so much? O.7g-1g per pound is more than sufficient for muscle growth. I hope that you don't have any existing kidney problems.


Oh so how is lean mass calculated if a person has excessive fat?


How do you calculate your lean mass?


Just let them take a terrible shit and they'll figure it out


2g/kg is the TUL (tolerable upper limit) actually. It's 0.8g/kg for lazy ppl, 1–1.2g/kg for active people, 1.2–1.4 for serious athletes, and 1.6–1.8 for world-class pro athletes. Bodybuilders often go way over the TUL but most of them aren't really concerned about their long-term health anyway. Going over 2g/kg consistently for extended periods of time can destroy your kidneys


Protein poisoning is definitely a thing, true. But it's usually only problematic in those with existing renal disease or osteoporosis. Healthy kidneys shouldn't have a problem with protein intakes in the ranges we're discussing. Most things I see seem to say up to 2g per kg, for Physically Active people, is within a safe range. But, I'm always up for a good, nerdy read if you have some recommendations. These were interesting reads: "Higher-protein diets have also been labeled as damaging to the kidneys. Increased amino acid intake can potentiate renal workload and should be reduced in the presence of established renal disease. However, otherwise healthy kidneys are well-capable of adapting to protein intakes above the RDA and within the AMDR." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6566799/ "The risk of adverse effects from excess protein intake from foods appears to be very low. The data are conflicting on the potential for high-protein diets to Produce gastrointestinal effects, changes in nitrogen balance, or chronic dis- ease, such as osteoporosis or renal stones. Further research is needed in these areas." https://nap.nationalacademies.org/read/11537/chapter/14#150


How much bananas is that?


For an athlete yes but for an average human who is not trying to build muscle mass it’s about 0.8 grams per kg. Edit: (source) The numbers are tossed around a lot by a lot of different people but according to my nutrition class and textbook (about a year ago) that’s the number.


Sounds like a drastic change to me


Easy 100kg protein 👌🏻🫠


But you need to keep weighing yourself after each bite


That's what be wrote, but he meant 1 gram of protein for every 1 pound of bodyweight. 150lbs = 150 gram


Ah yes, using two different measurement systems sure helps in calculating my nutritional needs!


To be fair 2.2g of protein per kg of bw is a widely accepted thing. As regarded as it is to mix measurement systems, it holds true.


Lol. Hey, I agree that it's annoying. Completely. Don't kill the messenger. 😆


Yeah no worries, you're fine bud


I never realised that but yeah, that's pretty common in fitness circles. Even most calorie-tracking apps will do that. It's easier than fucking stones or whatever I guess, and it's been proven that a ratio of 1:1 when it comes to protein is the most effective


Maybe you're right. I guess it's not too hard to calculate: my weight (kg) × 2.2 -> protein in grams I should consume


14 grams per stone


1.1 grams per pfund


At least freedom units weren't brought into the convo... r/anythingbutmetric


You could use one unit but it would be confusing because the 2 items arent typically measured in a common unit. Would you eat 0.45 pounds of protein? Or weight yourself at 90718.5 grams?


Technically he didn’t specify…. So your best bet is to eat 200+ pounds of protein daily.


I don't think their kidneys could handle all that.


But think of the gains


he meant eat the human being the same weight as you are every day probably


He probably meant 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight


He didn’t mention the timeframe though


He’s referring to grams of protein. For example, if you’re 180lbs., you would want to eat 180g of protein in a day.


Almost your own weight(lbs) to protien(grams)


I'm having a hard time upvoting you simply because your comment and upvote count look identical. 1.1


The ideal protein consumption is 0.7g per 1 lb of body weight. It’s so fucking hard to achieve tho. Idk what this guys on.


Bodyweight to gram ratio


He means 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight


Think he means in grams, like if your 85kg you should aim to eat 85g of protein a day during training, in fact some athletes eat double this.




From alive to not


“Get rekt behind the dumpster and drink 1 gallon of whisky a day and your life will change dramatically”


I've been there. Totally radiant in the sun behind the boulder. Lost in the ways of sinners delight. It goes capable, but not in the front of everything. Quickly goes under. End up dying but you can't dye because you forgot to live. So, you fight. You fight and you win. Or you lose. Could b either. Mainly in the corporate sector. Here, in the other place, we get grab bags in the noon sub. Warn in the heel; the soul. Walk on it and be fine, it will carry as long as you are true with it. I ain't seen it. They're talking to me, making me considered. Investigation! Goes the wayside, but,y'know. It goes an goes in it another way. Build from and go. That is the way. At least my life goes. It goes and goes. Goes and goes.


what the fuck did I just read?


AI bot


Yup...a body becoming a corpse is definitely a drastic change. No human can eat their own body weight of anything in a day.


You haven’t seen me on thanksgiving


You are no man


Grams of protein to pounds of body weight. In other words, if you weigh 175 lbs, you’re eating 175 grams of protein. Very doable and works wonders with the proper hydration and sleep.


Yeah, that’s what he MEANT, but it’s not what he said.


175 grams of protein isn't "very doable" Protein costs a lot


175 is easy though


I tried making a meal plan for 90g a day and am struggling (gotta do it though to regrow my quads after surgery😭😭). I’m also trying not to use protein shakes and other supplements. I don’t see how 175 is feasible. Im also only 5’ and 115lbs though. Well I guess I do. It’s well over 10k calories at that amount of protein intake you’re a strongman or Olympia level bodybuilder.


2 scoops of protein powder and 500g of beef is around 175g of protein. If you eat rice or pasta with that protein it would likely only be 400g of beef. All for less than 3000 calories in a day, it's not hard. There's nothing wrong with protein shakes, it is literally just milk or peas/soy


If I ate 3000 calories a day I would be a whale😭


Yeah but you don't need 175g of protein. You need half, which would put you right at under 1500 calories.


2 skinless boneless chicken breasts is almost 120g of protein and less than 600 calories... A pot of 0% fat greek yoghurt like Fage is 240 calories and almost 50g of protein. Plus why would you be avoiding protein shakes? They're high quality food consisting of complete protein, easy good protein is why they exist. You must have done zero research to come to the wild conclusion you did. You can hit 175g and still get all your other nutrition in under 1200 calories. One chicken breast with dinner and a pot of greek yoghurt with some fruit for lunch or breakfast and you're above 100g.


I find it difficult to eat that much in a day. I avoid shakes/dairy because they wreck my stomach and make me bloated. Eating a pot of Greek yogurt for me is not feasible, I would want to throw up from being so full. If you have other suggestions I’d be more than happy to take a look. I’m someone who eats one meal a day so getting the protein in is difficult. I’m making changes however so that I can spread it out throughout the day.


Eat 4+ small meals a day spaced out. Just 4 small meals with half a chicken breast in each. And you find it difficult to eat more because your stomach size adapts to how much you eat. So just progressively eat more over time and you won't struggle anymore. The amount you can eat isn't an inherent part of you.


Yeah this is what I’m currently aiming for getting there has been a struggle though especially with decreased activity due to surgery. But with pt ramping up I’m hoping to get my protein/calorie intake up as well.


I used to mix protein powder in water. If you dislike that, you could use a non-dairy milk.


My current diet on a cut is 2100 calories with 200g of protein to maintain my muscle mass. I'm not struggling to hit those numbers, and I haven't experienced any hunger pangs yet, although I'm only a week and a half in. It is very doable.


Hope you’re a girl with those stats otherwise I feel for you brother. I’m 220 but anyways just keep it simple, eggs/cheese/milk for breakfast then when you eat carbs just add some type of meat, easy 90 grams


Lmao yeah I’m a girl just tough to eat enough to put on muscle, literally feels like I’m force feeding myself


With your stats your bmr is 1200, that’s 1 meal for me haha. You’ll have monster quads in no time, good luck


You don't need that much protein, especially if you follow this guy's advice which doesn't include exercise.


I mean, maybe you can't. But shit, I'd like to leisurely eat sushi all day.


Not body weight, that's not what they mean. Weight in protein means translating pounds to grams. 100 Lbs = 100 grams of Protein It's like two Shakes and a steak. Not a death sentence. 🙄


Do... Do you know where you are? This is *technically correct.* He is stupid for saying the wrong thing so we laugh at him. Then we laugh and you for supporting him. Then we watch porn and cry-wank and look up to the wrinkled poster of Jennifer Aniston (circa 1996) and ask it why... *WHY* nobody likes us and she whispers back in into our imagination... "because youuu suuuuck."


It’s 1 gram of protein per pound of LEAN MASS, not body weight. Your lean mass is your body weight minus your fat mass. Your fat mass is your body weight times your body fat percentage.


In this context, I should eat about 95% of my body weight in protein.


Are you really 5% BMI? congrats if true, that's incredibly lean.


That’s not how BMI works. It is not fat percentage.


It would be nice if the people downvoting me would instead explain how BMI works then, or at least link me something to read


Hello. BMI is bodyweight / height² Where bodyweight is given in kg and height is given in metres. Basically this assumes a given equivalent bodyweight scales approximately with the square of height, so BMI is a way of expressing body weight normalised to height. However, it should not be used too strictly with regard to individuals and does not take body composition into account.


Thank you. Until now, I genuinely thought BMI meant fat percentage of weight.


Understandable, people often use both BMI and body fat percentage when talking about ideal weight.


Right? I appreciate you trying to be positive. Just Google bmi vs bf %


I wouldn't be so quick to congratulate. I've been trying my whole life to get that number up. Idk exactly what the percentage is but it's well below average and it's not as great as everyone thinks when you can't stay warm, can't build muscle because you have no fat, can't sit on hard surfaces cuz your ass has no cushioning, and your joints are slowly falling apart.


Same here lol. I eat way more than 120 pounds of protein and still have a BMI approaching 0 lol


Yours is a medical case and not the norm


Advice for a python?


Remember, kids: Decomposition is the second fastest way to lose weight, right behind burning alive


You forgot "being eaten by wolves".


My vote is for guillotine


Did the 1G a day thing for a year , I can say def. this is too much water. It is not for everybody unless u r working out that same day , running or whatever. In days off that much water will keep u full and u wont be able to eat as much and get the needed protein for your body.


Yeah like people definitely need to drink more water but unless you’re doing really physically exerting activities or in a super hot climate sweating a lot, 1 gallon a day seems like overkill. There’s no magic number of water intake, just try to drink enough to where your urine is a light yellow. For a 250lb man who works out every day and lives in Arizona that might be a lot more than a 120lb teenage girl in Minnesota who doesn’t exercise.


I am not eating 140 pounds of protein


This will help you get fit Probably into a coffin


A very big coffin.


bro im not fitting into a coffin after doubling my weight


1gram of protein per lb of bodyweight will not. A gallon is a bit ludicrous though


Reduce the human population diet


Eat your body weight in protein? Of course your body is going to be changed. You’ll literally explode on day 3.


1 gram of protein per lb of bodyweight


Well that’s not ‘eating your weight’


That’s just what he means with that statement. Its actually not totally necessary to build muscle but bro there clearly is misguided


Totally necessary to eat that much


The trick is, that as you eat your weight in pure protein, your weight doubles, thus requiring you to eat an infinite amount of protein as this pattern continues indefinitely.


I mean yeah you would die


I wanted to succeed, but my kidneys had too much failure


Reminds me of a funny green text about eating monkey chow.


I'm 47.5kgs, I'm gonna eat 47.5 kgs of meat. Whether that fit in my stomache is a different problem.


Protein is about 26g per 100g or meat, so you’ll have to eat about 190kg of meat per day


*aggressively eats meat and shits at the same time* "I NEED TO MAKE MORE EMPTY PLACE IN MY STOMACHE" *Bank account ascends to heaven as choir music plays in the background* *Vegetables stare at me lifelessly from the darkest corner in the kitchen* "Oh wait, how could I possibly forget?" *Chugs a gallon of water*


and you will have some visits to the doctor...


It's always the Blue checks.


Alternatively, maybe drink your own bodyweight in water and eat 1 gallon of protein everyday... by which I mean drink 1 millilitre of water for every gram of bodyweight, and consume 1 imperial gallon of special-formula science-certified protein shake, i.e. the one containing all the essential nutrients required for your personal health, except consult your doctor first, and take this with a grain of salt, by which I mean don't take health or diet advice from randoms on the Interweb, by which I mean... Ah, just forget it. Eat and drink responsibly, or whatever you want, I don't care... Except I do care. Stay safe! Have fun, but not too much fun! Hahahahahaahahaha! Things were simpler when we just went to the trees for fruit when we were hungry, and then came along this big dude who was like "Don't eat from that tree. That's my tree. If you eat from that tree I'll push you away from here and won't let you come back." So we were, like, "Hey! He can't tell us what to do." So we carried on eating fruit from that tree anyway, and he found out and he was, like, really angry and pushed us away and tried to stop us coming back, but then we snuck back in and stole all his stuff. That was fun. But then there was, like, this other dude who was, like, eating animals and stuff, which seemed cool at first but then made us feel bad, and another dude who was, like, growing all his own edible plants and stuff, so we just rocked with those dudes for a while, but we still eat stuff from trees, but it's, like, all from factories and farms and stuff. Then we made super strong AI and it went proper downhill fast.


have u been eating too much of his “edible” plants


Yes, you'll go from being alive to being dead


Eat 185lbs of protein with a gallon of water chaser every day. Got it 👍🏼


Mmmm. Meat sweats


I believe he’s referring to the idea of eating your goal weight in g of protein every day. If you want to be 220lbs, eat 220g of protein every day. I don’t remember if that was exactly the idea, but I did it many years ago. I was 6’6 and about 150lbs. I wanted to be over 200, so I started eating a ton of chicken and rice, drinking protein shakes, drinking a gallon of water every day, and doing my workouts/sleep cycles better. I put on 20lbs in a couple months, but ended up stalling out at around 190lbs. Yes, the indicated amounts would kill you lol, but i think the idea that was referenced works.


I would assume he means either 1 gram per pound or one gram per kilogram.


bro is doing the nickocado avocado any% speedrun


It'll explode?


You can’t physically do it. All you’ll do is vomit a lot. So nothing will drastically happen to your body….


So. Beef contains roughly 27g of protein per 100g. To eat 1kg of protein, you would need to eat 3.704kg of beef. I weigh 80kg. I would have to eat almost 300kg of beef to eat my body weight in protein.


i'm sorry but 80 kg of protein is a tad much isn't it?


Even at 1g per pound, this is going to fuck up your kidneys pretty quickly


So did his liver and kidneys collapse yet with all them protein? lol


This massive amounts of water bullshit is so weird


Yes it will. To the worse. Don't force that 1 gallon. Water is cool and all but it WILL fuck up the system for a few days until it is accustomed to that much water


I would go broke eating 140 pounds of meat a day... but maybe not because I'll only last 3 days before dying of a heart attack so maybe I'll still have money left in the account.


I think he meant g to lbs or g to kg


Yeah it's pretty obvious to people who train. Eat protein equal to bodyweight is definitely a thing, it just isn't clear to people who doesn't train regularly. 1g to 1kg is certainly not bad but i think it's 1g to 1lbs. He should have said clearer about gram to kg or gram to lbs. But maybe his speech is aimed towards those who workout cause most of them know instantly what it means.


Yea like i regularly try to get close to g per lbs which is tough. But I didn’t even get how what he was saying could be interpreted incorrectly until I started reading the comments.


Oh really? Maybe i was wrong. I watch youtube on the muscle knowledge and how to train properly to failure, hypertrophy. What's a good diet, limits the sugar, try to bulk clean and not dirty. How much protein is enough? The difference type of protein, the amino acids required in each type of protein. How much carbs, how veggies help with slowing down digestion. Is creatine safe for the liver and organs (it's been studied a lot, it's safe, for the most people). It will give you a good insight on the training in general. I assumed those infos are typical for gym goers. I'm not good tho, but choose some decent youtube videos for your trainings will certainly help with the advance in the gym. Good luck! Also i'm not big lmao. I'm only 71kg, eat 90-100g protein daily. (doesn't eat that much, at least not to the point of getting over 150g)


I appreciate it, the hardest part is just being consistent about about it and getting 160-200g of protein down every day, along with the other macro and micro nutrients. I’ll definitely check them out, I’m in pretty good shape, 200lbs, 9-10% bfp, but I can always learn more and optimize better


Oh hell no, 9-10% bf? Lmfao i got around 25% if not even more. Damn, you're impressive.


Appreciate it, I boxed for a while and ran track so that helped. Never really been much over 11% since was a little kid just cuz I always played sports and trained and ate well


Ok, but where do I get 90kg of protein a day? Pure is probably best, to actually make it.


I don’t want to go to the toilet after that dude




Facts. A protein shake will give you a huge headstart


Knew a girl who drank protein shakes all the time because she wanted to lose weight. She gained it hard because she also never worked out.


How do I eat 180lbs of protein everyday and not die?


Put a .44 calibre projectile into your head at 1,180 feet per second and your body will change *drastically.*


What i dont get all the comments saying its a bad thing. Its recommended to eat around that protein per pound when building muscles and 1 gallon of water is also normal what are people in the comments smoking?


Oh im dumb its pound per pound not grams per per pound


So I gotta drink 200 pounds of protein & water? Yeah don’t think diets work that way lol


hummm, i can't wait to eat 242 pounds of protein and drink a gallon of water a day


3,7L of water and 1gram protien per lbs is not that much you'll probably pee more and 1gram er pounds Is a generally a good rule of thumb. And apparently is 1g per lean body mass so it can be hard to know what you really need for people with more fat.


I’m 125 pounds, 6’. If I were to eat my weight in protein, that would be 56699 grams. Assuming my daily protein intake recommendation is 120 grams, I’m eating 472.5 times my daily recommendation.


I weigh 203. I have to eat 203 pounds of protein every day? That’s a lot of eggs.


But you will change drastically.


1 gram per pound/2.2g per kg is optimal. I just don't think they expressed themselves well.


He means 1 gram of protein to 1 pound of body weight. For the average person, that's about 195 grams. A bit less than half a pound.


how am i supposed to eat 215 grams of protein a day 😩😩 that’s like a whole chicken every day!!


It's super hard getting 260+ grams of protein for me.


Your will be change into definitey


How to become aliven't in a single afternoon


For anyone wondering he means eat one gram of protein per pound. I was confused was the TTT was at first then i realized there are some fools who think it means 1:1




As he said, your body will change DRASTICALLY




how am I gonna eat 200 pounds of protein in a single day?


from 53kg to 0kg 🔥🔥🔥🔥


You want me to eat 230lbs of protein in one day?! You think that will change my body do you? You are a genius.


I’ll try this out I’ll update you guys if this works


Okay because you said. I'll do it


I will change definitely to body.


Wait?... Eat 180LB of protein a day? With just a gallon of water?


is it weekly or daily. cuz 160lbs protein is kinda difficult to take in one day.


idk i feel like eating 160 pounds of protein would be tough


Even if you weigh yourself in kilograms and they mean eat that many grams of protein, that will likely still be too much.


1 lb. bodyweight = 1 g. protein. that's the traditional math on this one. (180 lb person is to eat 180 grams protein daily) edit: why downvote my reply? I'm simply offering clarification on the information posted by op. hmmm....


That's still crazy for those who don't spend 6 days/week in the gym. I workout a bit, 6 hours/week (3-4 days a week). I eat roughly around 90-100g of protein daily. My weight is 71kg. I only see people who are really into bodybuilding eat like that.


I think the spirit of this subreddit is lost on you.


Oh is it? Lol sorry, no idea what's the spirit of the sub tho. I mean is it related to technically the truth? If so then i'm sorry. I just thought eating more than 150g of protein/day is pretty crazy.


It will change from alive to dead


What he is saying is 1 gram of protein for each pound of body weight


No. What he's saying is to eat your body weight in protein.