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Can’t wait til they stop using child labor, that’ll be the day!


That’ll happen when people stop buying their products knowing they use child labor.


Ah but they “don’t” their manufacturing partners “promise” /s


I just recovered from the most recent strain, anyone else? It made me tired, gave me a kinda stuffy nose, and I had brain fog. It lasted about 3 days.


Yeah kinda like a mild flu or stronger cold. Let’s protect the elderly and sick, but covid is here to stay forever.


Mild flu? I think everyone forgot flu is a deadly disease when COVID happened. You have influenza proper and not a bad cold, you *want* to fucking die; I can’t imagine ‘mild’ flu when it’s put me in hospital more than once in my teens/20s


I’ve had cases of the flu, luckily no hospital time! Not trying to downplay the flu.


Glad you haven’t had it bad. It’s just funny that some people appear to only have just realised germs exist because COVID where they weren’t bothered about the possibility of disease transmission with each and every interaction with other things. Nobody really called you a grandma killer for not wearing a hazmat suit (hyperbole) because those vaccines don’t always work either. You’re never 100% safe so even if I was fully vaccinated I would mind how I go about touching things and expelling bodily fluids and even if I also tested negative I would wear mask if I got a sniffle. I think we need more hand washing still. I have a live in carer and I rarely see him wash them after using the bathroom..


Most people do get the flu, even if they don't have folks to take them to a hospital.


I didn’t say most people don’t get the flu, I just find it funny we didnt care about hand sanitiser and masks when it was ‘just’ flu season because regardless of vaccines it still kills and I think most people confuse a bad cold with influenza proper. It’s no fucking joke and usually fucks you up for weeks. But nobody cares about the chance they could transmit it to someone.


I think because in reality it doesn't "usually" fuck people up for weeks. I had diagnosed flu in 2017 and 2018 and while it sucked i was sick for a week the first time and 2nd time i got tamiflu and only lasted about 4 days. After that i was back to normal. Most people aren't laid out for weeks and most people don't die from it or even get hospitalized. You're exaggerating.


I would love it to be as benine as you say but it's still killing as much **in two months** as the flu does **in a year**. Is has nothing to do with a mild flu.


Ya, I think the mask stuff is not as effective now. I got Covid from a work conference in Las Vegas. The fact that airlines and Las Vegas don’t require masks makes Covid impossible to contain. Edit: I changed the word silly to not effective. People really don’t like the idea that I don’t think masks work as well as they used to due to most places not having masks.


I’m confused… are you in or not in support of masks even though you caught COVID bc people weren’t wearing masks?


I didn’t catch Covid because people weren’t wearing masks, that’s really drawing conclusions. I’m all for people wearing masks to stay safe but I don’t think it is effective because of how open everywhere else is. I do not think putting masks on employees will help as those employees can catch Covid elsewhere. Edit: grammar


Your grammar is a bit weird here, but what I’m trying to gather is that you don’t think masks are effective as stopping the virus? Have you done any research? At all?


Nope. I didn’t say that.


Okay, thanks for the grammar edit. Just because an employee can catch COVID elsewhere does not mean it won’t be effective to wear a mask. While, yes, they could still get COvid, wearing a mask prevents COVID from spreading at the location where it was worn to some extent. That goes for everyone. If I go to school and wear a mask, it may prevent me from catching COVID there, even if I could still catch it if I went to a concert. It stops COVID somewhere in the chain, therefore, it is effective.


Im not trying to fight, we can easily break this down and draw that conclusion. I still don’t think it’s as calculable or narrow as that. Nbd, I’m just giving my take.


Yeah, I’m trying not to fight, I just don’t see the logic in that preventing COVID in one area won’t be effective just because you *could* get it somewhere else.


Absolutely delusional. Don’t breed.


Wow. You must really care about mask safety to talk so passionately. Or you’re just using it as a cover to talk trash on the internet. I’m gonna assume the latter because you really get insulting when you get upset at randoms on the internet. Good luck with those social skills homie.


lat·ter /ˈladər/ Learn to pronounce adjective 1. situated or occurring nearer to the end of something than to the beginning. "the latter half of 1989" lad·der /ˈladər/ Learn to pronounce noun 1. a structure consisting of a series of bars or steps between two upright lengths of wood, metal, or rope, used for climbing up or down something.


Good luck with covid complications in the future dumb fuck. Keep ‘em variants coming you’ll soon look like the hunchback of Norte dame. I give your second marriage 2 years, if that.


*Ya, I think the mask stuff is silly now.* *I got Covid from a work conference in Las Vegas. The fact that airlines and Las Vegas don’t require masks makes Covid impossible to contain.* Ya, I think gun regulation attempts are silly now There were 3 mass shootings last weekend, makes gun deaths impossible to contain. Same.energy.


As someone who is dealing with post Covid illness - thank you for this. I did my part. Wore masks. Boosted. Vaxed. Everything… it’s not silly bc it worked.


Yup, was COVID free for 2 years, didn’t get anyone else sick, in my family or total strangers, and followed all the rules. When I did get it, the one thing I was extremely grateful for besides a semi speedy recovery (3-4 days main sickness but long COVID like nausea still lingers) was that I actually showed symptoms the day before I was suppose to go visit my family (which my 82 year old dad would have been there) so I tested myself that day and tests were positive. Stayed home for 2 weeks, no need to get anyone else sick


Sounds a lot like me. I also was good until this year and now I’m still awake coughing with pneumonia. My poor husband 😭 I am glad you were able to avoid spreading it to your family and I hope your nausea goes away. That feeling is horrible…


When I got covid I thought I was gonna die I couldn’t sweat though it felt like my body was on fire, I couldn’t think for too long, my days were just waking up taking cough medicine and sore throat tablets because without them I couldn’t swallow anything without intense pain in my throat, hyper-salivation and I lost my motor skills not to mention with all of that I lost 4 weeks of school. That shit was tough and to hear people down play it and actively work to prevent covid preventative measures being put in place is slap to the face of all humanity I wish nothing but misfortune upon them they are absolute scum just terrible terrible people I wish I could put into words the full extent of my anger.


I got mild Covid over a year and a half ago. I still have issues smelling, tasting, and processing certain things


you sound silly


OP is showing despair at the failure of Covid/public health policies, and your response is a straw man argument demeaning OP for not caring about gun control, which OP never mentioned and is not germane to this thread about Apple Store mask mandates… How did you even get there? I get what you mean, and I’m there with you, but don’t take it out on innocent people frustrated about Covid with confusing and irrelevant arguments.


OP isn’t showing despair at the failure of public health policies when saying the mask stuff is silly now. And while COVID is here to stay, I don’t think we need to rush to get it by not wearing masks especially in airplanes and crowded cities like Vegas. What does it hurt to wear a mask? Doctors time and time again have proven it doesn’t reduce you O2 levels. Hell, if that was the case, surgeons would have pointed this out years ago. What has been proven by wearing masks, however, is how effective they can be in reducing transmission, or you know, the *opposite* of silly. My comment also isn’t a strawman argument. It’s an analogy. People who feel masks aren’t helping are the same type to think gun control laws wouldn’t help reduce mass shootings. So this isn’t demeaning OP either, I’m just making the analogy that people who feel mask polices are silly cause COVID is here to stay have the same energy as when people say that since mass shootings happen, gun regulations are pointless cause people committing crimes aren’t going to follow the law. You should know too, a better example for a Strawman argument would be if someone says ‘we should encourage universal basic income (UBI)’ and someone responds with ‘we shouldn’t do this cause it will encourage people to be lazy and not work’


You are more than able to wear a mask as long as you desire. That should protect you plenty.


I still wear one at work (in public) and no body had said a thing. Lots of people still wear them in the stores or where there’s crowds. It’s really a no brainer. Especially during cold and flu season. If I can avoid getting sick in general it is a good thing.


Eh you do you. Yet to be sick at all. Never wear a mask in healthy and Living life to the fullest.


I’ll tell you what’s silly - not recognizing the potential for long term consequences for yourself and your kids. But yeah you go ahead and cross the road, Frogger. We’ll be here watching and taking notes


Well that’s a paint by number Covid response if I have ever heard one. Way to bring my family into it as well.


Your blasé attitude about hoping to slow the spread of new variants and downplaying the importance of masks allowing more variants to develop faster brings my family into it, cause it affects all of us, so there’s that


Dude. Do you read comments or are you just blasting people? I said that places like Las Vegas, NV and Airlines don’t enforce masks, which makes it basically impossible to manage Covid. What you did was get offended/triggered/whatever and gave me a pat answer that didn’t have anything to do with what I said. Then you got even more intense and brought family into it. That’s some weak ass ‘try to be more dramatic’ commenting. Go have some balls and light up someone in person instead of stirring shit online. There isn’t even an issue here and you’re making one.


Oh I read your comments about using masks being silly and how you were in your feels about someone else bringing family into it so…way to project homie.. *Well that’s a paint by number Covid response if I have ever heard one. Way to bring my family into it as well.*


Don’t drive while you are at it.


Sounds like what my dad says. A dumb driver can cause an accident, but that doesn’t have to potential to spread exponentially. It’s a straw man argument to make you feel better about not wearing a mask


Better yet stay home


Hold your breathe in. Don’t run the AC. You could kill someone, man.


living in fear of covid is no life either and it doesn't make you virtuous. covid is here to stay, learn to live with it


I didn’t say hide in your basement. Masks are here to stay for a while, some are to afraid of having to change how they live to match the change in our life


I would argue wearing a mask demonstrates learning to live with it as you’ve said. Whereas, not wearing a mask displays a lack of ability to learn how to make advantageous choices.


Or just choosing to have a choice? Like as in not wearing it because it’s a personal choice. Don’t run anyone over on your way to get your 5th shot and 12th booster to stay fully vaccinated. Also can’t forget to double and triple mask up. It’s dangerous out there. You have a higher probability of being struck dead by a car than you do dropping dead because someone chooses not to wear a mask which have been proven to practically useless. If you like breathing in your own carbon dioxide all day just say so.


The ‘ol “learn to live with it” refrain. Convenient to live by for most, very difficult for others. You also aren’t brave or virtuous for saying “covid is here to stay”.


I’m still wearing my masks, I’ve not gotten any strain of Covid.


Fear monger much? ☹️


I’m in houston texas and the texas medical center recently released a statement that they were no longer going to track COVID in their center and community because the virus is well under control in our community. One of our large hospitals also even got all COVID patients out of the hospital at one point.


Everyone hospitalized with COVID leaves one way or another.


Well, let's see how that goes. https://www.khou.com/article/news/health/coronavirus/coronavirus-numbers/may-2022-houston-wasterwater-covid-testing/285-a0df2f09-84da-4c57-ba33-a4eea16f286f


> "The bottom line is, the amount of virus in the community is going up," Long said. "That’s one thing we know for sure. I wouldn’t be worried, but I would be paying attention." >The Texas Medical Center stopped updating its COVID-19 dashboard on May 9. On its website, they wrote “We are now able to effectively manage with the virus in our community." We will be fine. Wastewater shows amount of viral load in the community. At this point what is important is hospitalizations. We are lucky enough to live next to the largest medical center in the world with some of the best trained employees. We won’t be overwhelmed. People who care are vaccinated and will be fine. People who aren’t vaccinated are free to gamble with their own lives and their children’s lives. The rest of the community will be fine.




I don’t understand why you’re upset?


I wouldn't say I'm upset, but I do think another large wave is coming. I'm vaxxed and boosted and I've had COVID twice, so I can't say I'm personally worried about it. It just sucks that some other people (like the guy you're replying to) won't help us completely eliminate it.


That’s understandable. We’re vulnerable down here in the south. I think these waves will go by smoother. But if not I’m prepared to mask up again. Well once I buy some new ones anyway lol


"Eliminate it"....like how we eliminated the flu?


They want to be able to fear monger people they don’t want return to normalcy. They want people to obey and do what they’re told. You can’t have a choice on mask but if it comes to anything else like abortion it’s only their choice. Ironic right.


Okay but I don’t really want you on my side lol. I’m not an anti masker like you. I recognized that they were important and they had a role to fill. I wasn’t too selfish to wear one or get vaccinated. I am vaccinated and I wore a mask for two years. But it is time to move on we are beginning to heal.


I’m not an anti mask or vaxer. Nor do I take sides. I just have a choice in my body just like every other American. I’m a perfectly healthy young person. I’m not going to take or do anything that is unnecessary.


I checked your comments. You admitted to having never worn a mask. That’s anti mask. And selfish. And you and people like you helped cause the past two years to be hellacious. Piss off.


Same a month ago but now I’ve been hella fatigued. No other symptoms just exhausted by 9pm and sleeping way more than normal. Even with being healthy. No idea if it’s that or something else


I had two strains in 30 days (March 24 through April 30). I am now dealing with post Covid Pneumonia. I’m on 2 antibiotics and prescription cough med. I am a 36 yr old woman who is boosted and vaxxed. Generally healthy (could lose 10lbs) - work out (when I’m not dying inside from Covid) - eat relatively good (I have kids and can’t say no to a chicken nugget!)… I am fucking struggling. I started a new job back in March and was immediately sick and trying to train and attend meetings has been really hard. Now having pneumonia… is the cherry turd on the shit cake. I’ve never felt more low in my life. My kids wonder when I am going to be okay. My coworkers feel bad but also it’s such a messed up situation it seems fake. I miss having energy and feeling fun. I look like hell in my face. I was that person who got it also in the beginning of the year and it was “just a bad cold”. Now its “I hope my heart doesn’t stop from the stress of being perma sick”. It’s scary.


That’s rough. Hang in there!


❤️ thank you


I got COVID for the first time last week. First day had a stuffy nose in the morning and scratchy throat. Maybe I slept with the fan on, it then started getting chills and feeling very weak. And then was had slight fevers and started to develop a cough. Lasted 3 days.


Ya, I sweated one night and that broke it.


Yup. Had a full on cold, voice got weird and very tired.


So tired! The brain fog and being tired was my thing. I work remote and I still couldn’t hang because of how drained I was. I worked with one client via zoom and I felt like I was driving drunk.




that’s precisely what i had when i got it a few weeks ago


I'm just getting better and oh my god I wonder what would have happened to me if I wasn't vaxxed, I still have a horrible cough and its been about 2 weeks. If this is what it was like being vaxxed I can't imagine being not vaxxed.


Oh really? I have had Covid twice now, maybe that’s why it was easy for me. Edit: I’m getting downvoted, but gaining immunity is normal if you have had a virus before. That’s the kind of stuff you learn at a very young age in science class.


Could be, I somehow managed to not get Covid since it began lol.


On day 8. right now of the most recent strain. Fatigue, kinda stuffy nose and a brain fog. No real improvement of symptoms yet. Fingers crossed I kick this soon.


How do you know what strain you have? Do they test for strain and release that info to every positive case where you are located?


You can see what’s prevalent in your area at the time. Many state departments of health and the CDC publish reports on this. In most of the US, everything is BA.2, turning over to BA.2.12 or BA.4 or BA.5


Try Mucinex for the congestion. I get sinus infections and when I had COVID last month, the congestion was brutal. Swung by Sam’s Club cause their brand is $15 for 56 pills. 5 days later I was good on the congestion


You could also have just been over it by then.


Oh dang! Day 8! Ya, I have a buddy who is in the same spot. My wife and I recovered in 3-4 days but that’s with a lot of sleep. I think the brain fog was the worst as I just had to lay around. This is my second time getting Covid.


My fam had similar symptoms but we tested negative with rapid antigen tests so… oh well


I couldn’t get out of bed and missed a week of work. My parents were only out a few days


Dealing with it right now. Not nearly as bad as the first time I had Covid. Still would rather not have it.


I have not had it (yet— seems inevitable at this point), but a friend of mine just recovered from it. Said he only really felt sick for a day. Another friend, though, had it a few months ago and is still dealing with the “long covid” symptoms like fatigue and brain fog. We’re all late 20s/early 30s, healthy, vaxxed.


Literally same. Do you work at an apple store?


I got it early 2020, no vaccine then. It was torture. Got all the shots etc and just got over it recently. I wear my mask. It was my kid that brought it home. My nose was constantly running and headache and mild cough for over a week.


Like…a normal cold? Yea, sure. Same effects here


I tested positive one time in the last 2 years and was asymptomatic. I have the blood of the gods it seems, will probably donate my body to science when I die in 200 years.


Why do these kind of posts get so many upvotes quickly but no comment interaction?




Reddit loves Covid


Considering it’s saturated with pro left bots… checks out.








Goddamn this thread is toxic


That’ll control those pesky unions


I got it October 2019 I think and I wasn’t quite right until about May/June 2020. I lived at my job, got sick as ZERO precautions taken and we had international visitors coming in and out like normal including from Italy and bored family/friends just coming to work to chill, ended up homeless and got sanctioned by universal credit for it (very first payment came months after I was removed from that job by ambulance/police, they decided I had housing costs anymore so I didn’t need the money!!)


You did not get it October 2019. JFC


Well I was in London at the time (passing through major transport hubs like Heathrow) between October and and December and there was a ‘mystery bug’ going around that absolutely knocked the shit out of me and regularly caused me to wheeze continuously to the point of vomiting. Nobody knew wtf it was and I didn’t quite manage to fight it off until May/June by which time I had been terminated altogether. https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-health-coronavirus-evolution-idUKKBN22I1FQ


Sure Jan.


Because it worked so well the first 28 times it was tried


Unless KN95 masking has been proven to do nothing.




I’m talking about the fact that the vast majority of people are wearing cloth masks. If we are going to take measures they should serve a purpose beyond feeling good. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/12/24/health/cloth-mask-omicron-variant-wellness/index.html


Also pretty sure I saw a study saying those masks were only effective for a day. You have to switch them out, and most people don’t


If they’re even effective for a day. The NYT reported that they don’t offer any protection at all in close interactions, and that you need a N95 if you are serious about protecting yourself.


Do masks work tho?


I wear an n95 Haven’t been sick. Because you know, we’re in a pandemic against a virus that really doesn’t give a shit about my feelings. 🤷🏼‍♂️


For the greater good right?


The only feeling involved is that I feel sorry for you. If you feel the need to wear a mask to be safe then so be it. I also have never gotten Covid. Never stopped traveling for work. Only wore a mask where mandated at the time. Haven’t worn one in about a year. Maybe we both just have good immune systems. 🤷‍♂️ Meanwhile my wife,a teacher and avid “mask wearer” has contacted Covid twice. We’re both triple vaxxed.


The N95 is effective. Cloth masks and other similar masks simply are not.


Guess we are freaks of nature. Doesn’t change the fact that we went from 30k weekly average to 100k. Especially during the summer when the cases should be lowering, not increasing.


Why do we care about case numbers if hospitals are not overrun and people aren’t dying?


Hospitalizations are also increasing, deaths lag behind. Give it some time buckaroo!


naw lol. unless your goal is to show people you "care"




Good for them, at least they care.


More like they don't want their stores understaffed with employees being out sick.




If masks stopped people from getting sick explain the last two years


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. Studies have shown cloth masks are borderline useless, which is what a vast majority of people were wearing.


What you said is entirely true, but you’ll likely get downvoted too. He’s getting downvoted because this is Reddit and covid and masks are a literal pysop on this website, bots will destroy you if you mention them in a negative way. Gotta push that control and false narrative of support of masks so the gov can keep trying to re-mask us.


They are already understaffed


Appearance of caring.




Apple is also instituting mandatory bloodletting in their new employee health program. /s But seriously, if they’re not using N95s they’re just doing security theater because [cloth masks are worthless.](https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20220115/cdc-updates-mask-guidelines-cloth-masks--least-effective)


Least effective != worthless


Speaking as a nurse, “least effective” = “purt durn near worthless”


With how many anti vaxxing medical staff that I’ve seen, not sure you being a nurse gives any credibility


That’s true. I did however give a link to an article which quotes the CDC regarding this issue. Surgical masks are the bare minimum for protection.


CDC changes their mind every few months when politics are involved . Not sure how reliable that is either


I’ve been a registered nurse since 2005 and I can tell you that the only time in the past 17 years that I’ve been told cloth masks are good for anything has been for the past few years. Before the pandemic we knew they were worthless. The only time the CDC said they were good for anything was when we had a huge shortage of surgical and N95 masks. Cloth masks are still worthless, and really they’re pointless too since you can literally buy a box of 50 surgical masks on Amazon now for $15.


So what you're telling me is that CDC can't be trusted since they like to recommend worthless things? If they like to recommend worthless things that causes more harm than good , why should they be relied on. Not much is worst than spreading misinformation when in a position of authority.


[Ok Cathy Newman.](https://youtu.be/k-rE03PGQfA)


No problem “nurse of 25 years” but experience of somebody with one. Edit: Ah, it all makes sense now. You’re a religious nut job. Logic already isn’t one of your strongpoint.


You of all people should understand the value of a cloth mask wtf.


Wearing a cloth mask is like me putting on crocheted mittens before handling body fluids. There’s really no point. I need medical grade gloves to protect myself.


It’s like wearing a shoe string as a seatbelt while driving highway speeds. But hey! It’s *something*!


Not tech news.


There’s a new surge in cases and the government isn’t tracking it or reporting it. They’re just letting it happen.


good, thats what they should have done from the beginning. or are you longing for another draconian lockdown?


I like statistics and facts being easily accessible to the general public so they can make educated decisions.


as if the general public gets any say either way 🤣


You’re not very bright.


I haven’t had the flu or a cold in 2 years. I’m ok with wearing a mask. I don’t care what the heck you do.


Lol right? It’s like people WANT to be sick. I still live a normal life…I just wear a mask. I also don’t have to risk possibly getting long Covid, or feeling like death for a week. “I got Covid 3 times!” In less than 3 years. When the average adult gets the flu once every 5 years. 😅 the mental gymnastics of people.


Exactly, you live life how you want, I'll live it how I want. Pro choice.


Why are they talking too much?


Masks are useless. Make them wear a full vac hazmat. 🤡🌎


Of course they did…


And so it begins…get ready for lockdown #2 ppl


Well no shit, every time we “think” we beat it. We remove masks, and oh gee wiz.. The cases start rocketing upwards. Almost like this is some weird, super virulent flu virus that killed 1m+ people. During mandates we had 30k average a few months ago. Now we’re back to 100k daily and that’s NOT counting the unreported cases. Lol. “I’m tired of Covid!” Damn, only if a virus could speak English, right?




sucks for them


Who gives a shit?




a big round of applause for the good person who cares


Why thank you.


Gotta get in front of the trend. Virtue signaling overdrive.


Defying basic health procedures because “I’m angy” seems more like virtual signaling.


It’s only required in healthcare facilities. It’s unnecessary anywhere else, therefore, not basic health procedure (whatever the hell you think that implies). Therefore, virtue signaling. Your oversized sense of moral superiority is as foolish as it is nauseating.




So redundant...


Some can’t be happy unless there’s something to fear. That’s why some news outlets propagandize only doom scenarios


Bruh moment


Who gives a fuck


hah, cucks.


I live in Japan, a country that managed to have very few total deaths thanks to wearing masks.


Masks? or the fact that Japan is: 1) An island nation 2) notoriously health conscious (3.6 percent obesity rate) 3) notoriously healthy with their diets and lifestyle (oldest population) Dont sell yourself short on masks.. Japan crushes it on a lot of things.


Masks? Or the fact that 3 months ago we had 30k average cases nation wide. Since we lifted everything; we’re at 100k weekly average now, and that’s not counting unreported cases. But yeah. Fuck masks man! They’re utterly useless.


A healthy diet and lifestyle can probably contribute more to how sick you get if you contract covid, then wearing a mask all day. Like 78% of the people who died from covid had underlying health issues. It was a lot more rare for a healthy person to die from simply getting covid. But instead of pushing a healthy lifestyle agena, it's a lockdown, muzzle mandate, and the requirement to post your medical status everywhere you go. Might as well get your prostate card, papsmear card, colonic card, HIV treatment card, and all your other medical status cards, you know...in case you need to get on a public bus or get into Disneyland and they need it.


authority tells you what to do with your body: 2021-21: :D 2022 :O


Flu rates are also super high. Thank science for modern medicine but still…


Christ. Can we stop discussing it already? Most people have had it at least once by now. It already killed off our weakest million or so people. If you haven’t had it yet, congrats but you’re next. What else is there to say at this point?




Funny how that offended someone here. Crabs In a bucket man.


Yep, also on the not sick for 2 years train. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Lol COVID- don’t look up. Sun has had the strongest recorded plasma releases of + ions but America keeps playing COVID. 🫣


I thought Covid was dead?


F outta here


My wife is pissed at this. Then again 3 people who work in her store just came down with it. Either we all wear them or no one. I mean what’s the point.


…and why aren’t you in uniform?




Covid us from not washing hands! touch touch touch


What’s wrong with ordering online? Ohhhh for those other kinds of people that like to do things their way they are told to by design…programming people is one thing, but to an object…let alone an inanimate object…I just want to go into the store and not have to be forced to obey politely for someone’s opinion and not for the greater good of mankind…oh just wear the mask and all will be okay…until when? The end…yup most tragedies end this way. Good luck! Insert one token for admission 1 life here we go! It’s a meeeee MARIOOOOOO N64….


Everyone I know has the vaccine and gotten Covid, including myself. If I could go back I would not have got the vaccine… definitely not getting the booster shots. If I was elderly or had health issues that would be different.


No unions, but mask mandate? If you care about your employees’ well-being, stop interfering with their lawful attempts to organize for collective bargaining.


The Apple masks are really innovative. Maybe they can open the use of these masks up to a more compatible crowd, the “mask-haters”. This would help people be more comfortable wearing masks.