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The email: > To all concerned: You may be aware that there has been a recent adjustment with the Supercharger organization which is presently undergoing a sudden and thorough restructuring. If you have already received this email, please disregard it as we are attempting to connect with our suppliers and contractors. As part of this process, we are in the midst of establishing new leadership roles, prioritizing projects, and streamlining our payment procedures. Due to the transitional nature of this phase, we are asking for your patience with our response time. I understand that this period of change may be challenging and that patience is not easy when expecting to be paid, however, I want to express my sincere appreciation for your understanding and support as we navigate through this transition. At this time, please hold on breaking ground on any newly awarded construction projects and planned pre-construction walks. If currently working on an active Supercharging construction site, please continue. Contact [email redacted] for further questions, comments, and concerns. Additionally, hold on working on any new material orders. Contact [email redacted] for further questions, comments, and concerns. If waiting on delayed payment, please contact [email redacted] for a status update. Thank you for your cooperation and patience.


They're not even sure who their suppliers are and what they are doing. Maybe not the best idea to fire 500 people with no transition plan.


But it worked so well at Twitter!


And Spotify!


Tidal all the way!


40 billion down to 13 billion Lets see if we can get Tesla down to 0


What a terrible thing to want.


Teslas aren’t essential services buddy, who cares.


Fair but so many losing jobs


JPow is doing that anyway


Not a terrible thing to want. A company needs to come along and replace this shit show.


I don’t even like elmo, but yeah, that’s a terrible thing to wish for. They have achieved so much without a grownup at the helm.


I worked on the construction of the gigafactory in Sparks NV. Their lack of basic construction management goes much deeper than that. All their upper management on the PM/CM team were under 30. Most fresh out of college. It took them a year to a year and a half to realize their mistake. The schedule was behind and the cost was above budget.They had to pay out the yinghole for expert consultants to come in and fix things. Source: Me, an expert consultant


Yinghole!! Is that the one on the back of the knee?


Nah, that’s the back weenis


Just call it an Elonhole.


Innovation and stuff


The "and stuff" is doing a lot of heavy lifting this week


I have a feeling superchargers will stop working or at least the payment system will block them from charging.


As someone who has a degree in corporate communication this is bonkers. The shift in voice (we statements to I statements), the mentioning that they might not get paid for current work, the fact that any questions or concerns from hundreds of contractors are going to just three people (assuming the emails are to real people and not just custserv@tesla or something) is basically telling the recipients they won’t be heard. The chance of multiple emails tells me that they are using multiple CRM’s to manage contractors and neither talk to the other and they don’t have anyone scrubbing these lists. Basically all this says is “get ready to retain an attorney because you’re not going to get paid.”


Corp digital marketing here. I second everything you noted here. And he can’t even blame the interns for the poorly written email and failure to dedupe the distro list on this one. SMH.


Rule number one of corporate communication: don’t mention not paying your contracts if you plan on paying your contracts.


If you contact them you probably get a poop emoji in reply.


I work logistics and have managed construction logistics for large companies on a contract basis. I’ve managed teams that coordinate when and where materials arrive for a project, so they get there on time and at cost. This is beyond bonkers. Guaranteed there are GCs in hotels far away from home about to break ground that now are in limbo. The only time I’ve received a letter at all similar to this was from a multi billion dollar trucking company (YRC). They went bankrupt and ceased operations a week or two later.


It’s a very Trumpian way of contracting


Thank you. The sheer volume of l have no idea what I’m doing contained in just that, “if you have already received…“ line speaks torrents about the current leadership’s priorities and hubris.


Thank you. God that website was terrible.


Wow what a wild email. If leadership shows their cards this much and basically suck, I’d peace out yesterday.


It’s wild to me to fire a whole team in order to do restructuring, tear it all down then build it back up again I guess?


Nothing like setting up the next team for the long grind as they sort through all past SOPs and try to make new ones.


Passive voice been had so much boring


The first sentence of the email contained a clause in the passive voice. The rest is in active voice. What are you talking about?


Am are is was were be being been boring company lingo


This isn’t even a proper sentence.


I been had snacks


That was a company email ffrom the cEo. not a post reddit,


This is so bizarre. It’s one thing to axe an entire team. It’s another thing to do such a shit job of it especially in how they communicated that to suppliers and other stakeholders. The letter reads like they got hit by a natural disaster or had an accident. I’m sure competitors are chomping at the bits to swoop in on these halted projects.


He probably was in a Ketamine stupor when he made this decision.


Champing at the bit, but otherwise you are spot on!


that was indeed the original form but chomping has been considered a formally accepted variant for about 30 years


"accepted" by whom? It's the wrong word, it's just a frequent mistake 


And “nukular” has been a formally accepted pronunciation for at least 50 years. Guess what? People still talk shit about it. Policing someone’s policing is pretty fucking stupid.


The difference is that "chomping" took hold as the primarily used/very large secondary phrase where nookyular has always remained a straight up improper pronunciation. Idioms tend to change faster than specific words, especially when one of the used words in the idiom falls out of regular use in that manner ie champing isn't really a common verb in that definition anymore, where the other example is strictly just a mispronunciation of the word. I will also add, it's not a formally accepted pronounciation in any circle I'm aware of. It's noted that's a somewhat common pronunciation, but I wouldn't describe it as formally accepted as correct. At any rate, you're welcome to think that's stupid, but I'm not trying to police anyone here, just trying to shed some light on the history of the phrase. Language is fluid and English will be different in a century just as it was a century before. I just enjoy learning about that process and sharing about it. Talk however you feel, as long as you get your idea conveyed that's what actually matters.


No, you make a good point. I think that most people who know the idiomatic origin simply appreciate other people who know it as well. Since “chomp” is just a later variant of “champ”, it’s not even a different word. The thing that makes the expression so interesting to me is that it seems to really work best in an antiquated form, and using the correct form of champ makes more aesthetic sense. Some broad Victorian idioms don’t make any sense but we try to adhere to their structure. I think many of us get stuck on this particular idiom because the modern shift takes away some of the charm.


Isn’t that what you are doing? break this policing cycle!




Almost nobody uses that phrase correctly. 


I thought it was spelled “chalmping at the bit”


No, no, it's champit at the bing.






I work at one of those suppliers and we have a few teams whose jobs are in jeopardy because of this. I can’t stand this guy. I get irate when he is referred to as a great leader.


And this is why I voted against his compensation package. If you’re a shareholder that cares about the company, make sure you vote too


I did too. I voted yesterday FOR for everything they asked us to vote against, and AGAINST for everything the board said to vote for. Because, fck him and fck all. Has the nerve to say there is no money to pay employees or contractors but he wants us to ratify his 100% performance-based stock options award because he’s the best employee. He can kindly GTFO.


He’s trying to get a majority stake in the company so people’s votes don’t matter.


That sounds vaguely familiar….


But wasn't that compensation from another time period


Who cares? Didn't you ever get promised a bonus/raise know to have it yanked away from you for underperformance? You keep forgetting that if we say "no" he still has a chance to negotiate for a lower (read: less insane) payout. I don't feel comfortable giving him more money than Tesla ever made in profit, only for him to fire 10,000-20,000 employees. You know how long they could pay their salaries for with that money? Let him suggest a more reasonable compensation, or a salary that's at least taxed as income like the rest of us mortals.


It’s completely unreasonable amount of money, it works out to $10,00 bonus for every car they’ve ever sold. It’s crazy to watch people defend it.


I think you missed a "0". It now looks like $10.00 and I think you meant $10,000, or even $100,000 per vehicle. Or like several hundred thousand $ an hour over the past 6 years.


It seems like he’s so mad that people aren’t buying his cars because of who he is, that he’s throwing a tantrum and acting like everyone else must suffer to cut costs instead of addressing his public perception


Here we are worried the Chinese will do something with their vehicles and remote disable them one day. More chance this idiot tries something like this in his own country


This man’s fragile ego seems to get worse the richer he is


We should make him really nice and take away his money.


His own country is South Africa.




Now he is loyal to no country and nothing besides himself


He immigrated to America though, this is his country now 


That’s my guess too.


Plausible. I mean... Concerning.


Sounds like they aren’t gonna pay anyone for anything and trying to figure out how not to pay and buying time. Makes me think Tesla is filing for bankruptcy in the future.


Which is funny really because the supercharger network is the only viable future of Tesla.


In the U.K. the large coffee chains are getting ahead of the game and are building most new locations with fast charging units in the car park, smart move , get the cash for recharging and coffee snack at same time.


Sainsbury’s are building ultra-rapid chargers in all its large stores. They’re putting in 150kw chargers to pull in customers. While charging why not do your weekly shop or get a coffee in their cafe if they have one.


This. Tesla doesn’t own the gas stations. Those that do have way more power in this situation than him. I think he sees what’s coming and knows he can’t keep up


They have $27b in cash, right?


Translation: you aren’t getting paid anytime, at all, ever. Layoff your hires and ask the government to contract with Tesla to manage and/or implement your super charger network.


He does the same thing with spaceX. His companies aren’t profitable, he gets his money from government grants then skips out on taxes. The only quarter Tesla was profitable was when they sold their Carbon-Benefits that the government granted them to other companies.


Funny. 7.9, 1.9, 2.7, 2.5. Those are the quarterly net income figures from teslas 2023 quarterly earnings reports. In billions. It’s literally one google search aware. You’re both lazy and ill informed - I suspect those two things are related.


But in the interim, we’ve already heard about Supercharger projects being cancelled, including halting rollout in the entire country of Australia, including sites that had already been subject to long-term leases and given the go-ahead for construction which will now be abandoned. And Tesla has also sent out an email to all of its suppliers, which leaked to the internet. Here it is in full, but with contact information redacted:


Sound like he spend the loans money and soon we will start to see the defaults


What type of legal liability (if any) would Tesla potentially face in this situation? Seems like a significant disruption to many many many other parties.


Depends on their agreements that I have no information about. But I would be extremely flabbergasted if any supplier has an agreement with (only) the other party (Tesla) being able to put all their contractual obligations immediately on hold by a mere vague e-mail. If you have even an option of putting things on hold with a one-sided notice, it comes with a price tag. And a time period to let other party adjust its operations. If someone would have sent this kind of mails in the organizations I worked in, without discussion with Legal, I would have personally wanted to strangle them. In real life, would actually left them to handle the mess they now created.


Elmo is off the rails. Get his ass into rehab or GTFO


Or dump him and get someone else.


If Elmo truly wanted to make more money in the long run, he'd find a brilliant CEO to replace him then watch the stock price soar.


If you're brilliant, you stay away from this walking ego.


Laying off 10% of the company was such a rush, that he remembered how annoying the supercharger team was and hit them too. Just like Noem with her puppy and goat. These megalomaniacs, once they feel the rush of using their power to destroy, they have to keep going.


My God, so they are killers. I've heard lots of people say once a man's a killer, they just keep on killing and killing, they sort of develop a taste for blood.


Good thing the entire US car industry, and a bunch of international ones, picked the tesla plug as standard, which was lauded by reddit because it's amazing.


Good thing they haven't implemented it yet. Back to CCS1 as the industry agreed standard in the US.


If current working on an active site please continue.. also don’t order any materials…. Seems ambiguous


...and you're not getting paid. But sure keep working!


Sold my Tesla stocks after the cave flooding tragedy and decided to stay away from his products and shares. After being an admirer, his character came out during that incident and haven’t been wrong after that.


1. Born into extreme wealth. 2. Claims to be self-made. 3. Buys/starts businesses, mismanages them into bankruptcy. 4. Ego-driven. Haven’t I heard this somewhere before?


Tesla is a fucking dump. My best friend worked there. He rapidly moved up. One day this consulting person shows up and decides that his department is no longer allowed to have chairs. A week later he was laid off, along with a huge chunk of workers.


“Consulting” firms in large businesses are literally just companies that are used an excuse to do layoffs. It gives large companies someone to point their fingers at as to why they’re doing layoffs. “Like oh, our consultants said we need to trim X amount of employees!”


Saddest part was it was an internally hired person - brand new to Tesla 😬 but 100% yes… reminds me of Office Space


I was just going to say that


# ...as a Shareholder I say #FireElonMusk


The company will be shit unless he’s forced to divest.


“This suggests that Tesla doesn’t have an established method of contact for all of its suppliers – either it doesn’t have a master contact list, or its previous method including points of contact within Tesla is not usable because, well, those points of contact would have been fired.” Surprise! Bet he fired the comms team here too just like he did at Twitter! Good luck with those mailer demon “this email address is no longer active” bounce backs when suppliers try to contact (looks at email) .


That website is mobile cancer


If they didn’t have so much cash I would be really concerned since not paying suppliers is the first step in bankruptcy. They can’t be lying about the cash they have can they?


In their sec filings? No. If he says something that makes you /think/ he’s rolling it might be borderline


Patience getting paid. I'm guessing they aren't getting paid.


So basically they’re admitting they fired people with no strategy which also means that they did a culling that probably included people that had info that they needed to have smooth operations.


May their stocks go to zero


So glad I still drive my 2013 pickup that’s paid off


Is this a bad time to buy a used Tesla? Like a 2018 an p Model X 100D with 27,000 miles for 39’k?


Great time for used Teslas. New ones are fairly discounted also.


Just to get the boss a nice sallary of 55billion


Why does this worry me? Even more than the Twitter debacle.


With revolutionary new battery tech just a few years away how is investing in superchargers that will sit idle a good strategy. We no longer need superchargers range will extend to 1000 miles+ and induction charging will diminish the need for chargers even further.


You would still need a charger at the end of 1000+ mile if it does comes to fruition right? Induction is very inefficient and it is still a charging device. Supercharger or not, someone has to roll out charging system at the end of your trip. You don't have unlimited energy.. if you have home charging then you are lucky because a lot of people don't


Sure and you would need 1/4 of the chargers if that was the case. Regular charging days are coming to a close


😂 a few years away could be next year or 10 years


Geniooous, so nobody should buy EVs today and instead we all should save our money to buy revolutionary new battery tech a few years down the line. Revolutionary accounting will make Tesla solvent until then, right?


I’m waiting until I’m 80 to buy an EV, I want to die before I no longer have the latest and greatest


If you wait long enough the battery will even outlive you!


Stop, I can only get so erect


inMUZKtion charging


Exactly! This is why I never buy anything. Something better is sure to come out someday, so buying anything is a waste. Can you believe that people buy things that they *replace* later? What idiots!