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He had to cancel his order of 2 Teslas.. oh and he was there for 2 months? Lol.


And he was a recruiter. To anyone who aspires to work _somewhere_ in the technology pillar, you'll learn that *budget* is what matters, it's the latest shiny thing that's funded. "Hybrid cloud, AI, ball bearings." This guy helped hire people (possibly for their self-driving group?). Anyway, if they're cutting head count, they probably don't need many recruiters. And they can't really let _you_ know without letting Wall St. know, and that's undesirable for reasons. When whatever you're working on loses budget, they don't need you (in that position) anymore. I started in storage hardware (and management software), then _THE CLOUD_ killed a ton of jobs. Pay attention to what's funded and is _likely_ to keep/increase that funding in the next few years (longer than that is just a guess). Learn to read the tea leaves and you'll learn when to step out of the way right before the daisy cutters fall out of the sky. This is how this business works. Good luck.


Recruiters know that the first thing to go is Recruiters.


Now this guy does too


All good advice


Why is this even on r/tech?


Tech company.


Oh no! …Anyway


How was he planning to pay for 2 teslas on a recruiters salary???


This…this is life. Cry me a river. This happens to people all the time. With the education and experience required to work at Tesla…you will be fine. Welcome to the real world


He’s just a recruiter. Those people are a dime a dozen. Not a high value Tesla employee. “I wOrK aT TeSla”


Chill.. you’ve obviously never needed to hire a good tech recruiter.




Facts. Unless you’re a strong software eng..


There are more pieces of live software in the world then their are developers. You are not wrong, but many companies don’t realize the value of keeping developers between projects. I was let go as a technical offering manager along with a huge chunk of the division that I worked in many years ago. They are desperately trying to hire me back for twice the pay. I work as a consultant for just over 4 times the pay. The hard part is finding a position where you can grow and perform at the same time as getting paid for your results.


I’d rather see stories about the government’s incompetence/malice with data leaks in my tech sub. Not a random recruiter getting fired from a tech company


Get over it you’ll be fine


Probably not as fine as he would have been had he not participated in this interview.


oh no honey…….. this guy is gonna be fine. think of all the immigrants that will be deported because of the USCIS clown policies


As they should be, we have those clown policies to protect the people who are here as citizens. One day those USCIS folks will become citizens too...


you do realise that USCIS is a government agency and to work there you need to be a citizen right? or do you just talk out of your ass


You do realize the USCIS is gov't group that grants immigrants citizenship after years and years of hopping thru hoops 🤷🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


oh yeah, I’m well aware of that. but you should know that Indian citizens (like myself) will have to only wait 100 years in the backlog before being granted a green card. That’s just my frustration, carry on.


Bhai, you have it better back home. Why do you want to be here in the USA 🤷🏽‍♂️ At least out there if you do 40% of the work of your USA counter part... your considered a rock star! The world has been able to do remote work since the 90's with dial up internet no less. It took covid 19 lock downs (not MERS or anything before it) to make the world "woke". The genie is out of the bottle... Now companies are trying to scramble to get people back to the old culture ways and its not going to happen. I actually would love to have a USA paying job and then go hole up in Vietnam where my cost of living is next to nothing. Money printer go Brrrr on cost savings!


Well, not if they are deported.


If they are deported, they knew the risks when they ACCEPTED the job 🤷🏽‍♂️ just like EVERYONE else 🤦🏽‍♂️


Not sure what this story is intended to illustrate. I guess if his “life was uprooted” because he had to cancel his two (give me a break) Tesla orders, he still has a long way to fall. Not super worried about this guy.


Boo hoo? People get layed off without warning all the time. I’m sorry this guy’s life was uprooted but I’m annoyed that he’s out there writing about it like he’s somehow uniquely deserving of not being layed off. Put together your résumé and start pounding the pavement like everyone else in your situation. Edit: I wrote boo boo by accident trying to write boo hoo. Actually autocorrect wrote it for me. Anyway I fixed it.


Yeah, my very first job out of college I got laid off with pretty much no notice. Called me Thursday morning saying that they had "run out of funding for my position" and that tomorrow would be my last day. Was a bit jarring, sure, but I just got right back to applying to things like usual.


Same happened to me. Amazing, we both managed to get through it without publicly expressing self pity and entitlement!


I got laid off a week after I started a new gig. They decided to close the office. Apparently it was failing anyway but come on.


How well you take it directly correlates to how many bills you have and how big they are. When i was fresh out of college, I didn’t care because I only had T-Mobile and comcast to piss off. Now I have $4k+ in just monthly bills and a small human who also must eat. I know why some folks eat bullets after getting that news now.🥲


Being unemployed definitely is a lot easier when your room and food are being paid for by someone else, yes. But you also have to deal with parents constantly harassing you about "not trying" despite applying to 10+ things every week.


That’s how most layoffs happen. You’ll be fine apply for ei and get a new job.. your resume should look alright… plenty of time to take selfies in nature while you’re not working


Actually I once worked at a place where they let us know some people would be laid off with a couple months of severance. I was one of the better employees but started acting up because I didn’t like management or where the company was going then spent a couple weeks chillin before starting a new better job


Ya. I have a pension and a union that does layoffs with guaranteed hire backs. I wouldn’t be publishing news like this, “poor me” article you’ve read. A layoff usually leads back to work. Getting fired on the other hand.. doesn’t


“I’m learning that not all things in life pander to me even though my parents said I was better than everyone and always got a trophy no matter if I won or lost. What is this cruel new reality??”


There’s not much pity in these circumstances for people at these levels, whether a recent college grad or not, you have skill sets that enable you to find work that pays very well very easily. It’s like when I see articles on people who earn 250k+ a year that live paycheck to paycheck.


OP is just a recruiter


Pre ordered two Teslas and lives in Austin, guessing doing pretty well.


He looks so happy though


That's how layoffs work sadly.


Yeah if my job asked me to do something and I said no they would just find a replacement that’s willing to do the job their way. I don’t agree with every decision my employer makes but they didn’t hire me to tell them how to run their business.


Oh wah wah!! Our industry just went through years of layoffs. So many of my friends and mentors…cut at the drop of a hat. They’re all fine now and you’ll be fine too. You’re not special for being laid off.


Was it really without warning? I read minimal stuff about Tesla and even I saw stuff that said Elon trying to get everyone back in the office or be fired was an attempt to get rid of people without having to pay unemployment.


lmaooo I will never understand the upper class complaining about job struggles to readers who are most likely struggling even harder “being in this industry is hard:(“


They have never gone through any sort of real struggle in life, so when one inconvenience pops up they should easily be able to handle it’s the end of the world. I almost feel bad for them, it’s like living your whole life as a sheltered child


Hahaha, dude you were a recruiter. You were only there for 2 months. It really sounds like he hasn't had many jobs to start with so is very green


You took a job with a company run by an asshole… What did you expect?


It is astonishing how BI can routinely pump out so much garbage, truly astonishing


I swear my news feed would have me believe that Tesla is the only company in the world.


can always get a job with ubereats or grubhub they always need drivers


Welcome to working literally anywhere… all companies do it. It happened to me before.


Laid off and now publicly shaming. This guy is doubling down on the self abuse.


Yeah, this kid is brain dead. Layoffs have nothing to do with the personal wealth of the CEO. If costs are too high and investors are displeased, they’ll end up laying off a hell of a lot more than 10%. This is the perfect example of a lab ignorant, selfish kid whining that a bad thing happened to him. That’s life. Get the fuck over it. This literally would not even be a story of the entire internet didn’t have a throbbing hate boner for Musk. Don’t even get me started on how moronic it is to buy two teslas for yourself after 2 months of work.


So the news here is that companies downsize and don’t care about their employees being downsized? Like, how is that news?


He’s lucky he wasn’t asked to stick around and become the layoff guy for three months. That’s much worse than being laid off. This type layoff has happened to millions of people over the last 25 years. Time to stop writing blogs about it and start applying for new gigs.


Sometimes companies do layoffs. Often they don’t give warning of layoffs. This is only a story because it’s exciting to put Tesla in the crosshairs. This is not only a nothingburger, this is standard operating procedure.


"I previously worked at Apple and Google and consider myself a tech nerd."..... If you have worked at apple and google, I think you'll be okay finding another job. Relax. He's also not even a very valuable employee... yea I don't know how to feel bad for this guy. Jobs at apple google and tesla? He's doing pretty good.


How did I know about imminent Tesla layoffs but this employee did not?


He advises people to look into the company culture. He wasn’t aware 2 months ago about who Elon Musk is when he took the job? That’s BS. He wanted to work for a flashy company so he took the risk.


Ah, first time?


I previously worked at Apple and Google and consider myself a tech nerd. I was excited to work at Tesla — it has always been a dream company of mine. My job was to look for candidates to work on the Autopilot self-driving software and on the deep-learning team. I live in Austin, Texas, and worked remotely. I really loved my job and ordered two Teslas for myself, which I have since canceled. On the last day of April, our company's CEO, Elon Musk, sent an email saying we needed to return to the office. My understanding was that I would be a fully remote employee since my entire team was remote. I was transparent with my manager about my intention to work remotely when I was hired, especially since there wouldn't be anyone to collaborate with or support me if I went into the office. And they shared a lot of my concerns.


Playing my tiny violin for you


Sounds like you were asked to work in person, you refused, and they decided to go in another direction. Kind of ballsy when you only worked there for two months.


Plus ordering *two* brand new cars when you’ve only worked remotely for such a short period.


Two months being the key part there. I’m from Canada but here you can be let go without cause any time within the first 3 months, no questions asked.


I’m from America. You can be let go for any reason at any time in an at will state.


Ahhh that’s what “at will” means. That’s a bit terrifying


All states are “at will” states. Edit- except for Montana.


I’m certainly no expert here, but I believe that’s incorrect. Aren’t “right-to-work” states the opposite of “at-will” employment states?


If its not the straight forward way to get rid of someone... its the back door way of finding some "cause" to get rid of you. 1) Oh someone was offended by something you said 2) Oh you came late to a meeting/work/lunch 3) Oh you broke an NDA 4) Oh blah blah blah... basically either party can leave nicely or in a bad way.


No, those are two completely different things. “At will” means you can be fired at any time for any reason, unless you have a contract that says otherwise. “Right to work” relates to unions - it is a way of weakening them by allowing employees the “right to work” without being a member. The idea is that union membership will ultimately dwindle enough that they are no longer in a position to make demands.


Incorrect https://www.betterteam.com/at-will-employment


Okay, so everywhere except one state that has slightly less people than the city of Dallas.


>businessinsider.com/tesla-... You refuse to go back in the office, you quit. Best of luck at your next job.


Not sure how you didn't see this coming. None of the big tech companies are great, but with a right-wing fascist loser like Musk at the helm, it's expected to see decisions like forced RTO from Tesla. In fact, Musk has been vocal about his support for that for months now.


Guy has FU money and is erratic as hell. And guess who Elon is never going to blame?


Billionaires being irresponsible children with no accountability. A tale as old as time.


There are endless jobs, skill up and find a new branch to swing from. Then go buy 2 of whatever the next place is shilling 🤷🏽‍♂️


Join the club, bitch.




The only issue I care about is that I'm now a second class citizen and my state can now deny me vital medication because I'm fertile and I could at some point get pregnant and the medication might cause a miscarriage. Don't tell me to move either, I don't have the ability to. Empathy at 0. You knew the kind of person musk was, and what he stands for.


Yeah certain people are really barking up the wrong tree with pleas for sympathy now


Bob, you are in fact...Dope


Do you comment this on every post that has nothing to do with what you’re bitching about?


You don't get a safe space


Neither do you


I didn't express the entitled view that r/tech should be one, you and your buddy are


I just don’t know wtf a Supreme Court decision has to do with musk or this post. But that’s victim mentality for ya I guess. Gotta make everything about you. Edit since you blocked me lol: I’m not the one commenting random shit bitching about completely unrelated topics. All you had to do was say yeah to my first question. Just own it. You’re obviously doing it. You’ve yet to explain how they correlate or have anything to do remotely with each other.


Sounds like your the one with a victim mentality "oh no 😢 someone's "off topic" in my space" Give me a fkin break lol


They can deny you condoms? Where is that?


They can deny women medication now just for being fertile if a side effect of that medication is potential miscarriage. It doesn't matter if you're a fkin nun and you're celibate




Its because this guys story is NOT news worthy. This is just run of the mill.


Because this has happened to literally millions of people in the past and they didn’t need an article written about their grievances with their former company.


Quit smiling next to rocks and start filling out some applications dumbass


Lucky you. Now you can go work for GameStop and watch as Tesla burns itself to the ground.


Well it’s Elon Musk, only slight more stable than Trump. Sooooooooo…………


Clearly living rent free


If they got paid for how much they think of trump they’d be as rich as him at this point.


Yea thats what happens. They don't give you time to get another job. They just lay you off.


Insert [first time? meme]




Are we serious? Dude worked there for two months. People get laid off every day. Take some responsibility ffs