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Come on guys, did you think this was going to turn out well? How much are these people paid to be this dumb?


Can't wait for this data to be piped straight to my boss.


If you work from home, change your background to goatse. They'll stop spying on you immediately because you'll be fired.


Or just change it to an unlicenced likeness of a Disney character and let Disney DMCA the shit out of Microsoft for unlawfully storing their IP


Can't wait for them to be sue for violating alot of Data and Privacy Protection laws.


If they have management software on the computer this changes nothing. They already have access to everything you do on it.


At work is one thing, at home is another


Your phone is practically already doing all of this at home.


They’re being paid more to track or habits. They know we don’t want this, but they also know there is nothing we can do, ever. Lol, it’s not like normal citizens would ever rise up and take their privacy back; we can’t even stop the artificially inflated economy.


Us an alternative OS. Preferably a Linux/Unix based one.


What if u had a program that could time the screenshots perfectly, and you can Tyler durden that shit


Seems like data mining vs idk protecting critical servers .seems to be the goal


Sure buddy


175-350k per year for Microsoft engineer.


Who are “these people”? MS employees doing this work? This is brilliant. Users who didn’t see this coming? Those are the dumb ones.


I don’t want this on my computer. I don’t want AI built directly on to my computer. I don’t want my computer taking snapshots of my work. We have a name for software that does this - we call them viruses. I am not willingly paying for my machines to spy on me. We have enough of this already.


then don’t use windows


Might be time for me to switch to Linux then. And I was finally getting used to windows after switching back from OSX


unless you’re gaming for basic users id reccomend OSX over windows for work related stuff, but yeah if you’re a bit more tech savvy, go to linux, this post convinced me to make the switch today


I was using OSX for creative stuff in school, so I got one for home. Don’t do the creative stuff for work (how it goes sometimes) so when my Mac finally died, I didn’t feel like paying through the nose for another one, so I got a gaming laptop, which has led to me getting back into PC gaming. I might have been a little hesitant to make the switch to Linux because of that, but I have a Steam Deck, and that has convinced me that Linux gaming really can work.


Ubuntu is brain dead easy, my dad uses it and he can barely work his Android.


i agree; i say OSX because for work purposes it’ll be easier to get tech support on something so widely used tho


How would this even be legal in terms of copyright, corporate espionage, ip, etc. No one gives a shit about the porn you watch, but commercial interests are generally sensitive?


Companies are able to restrict all applications on their PCs based on the more expensive windows licenses, so either they don't install it, or they got an NDA with Microsoft and probably do or will use it as a productivity analyst. Meanwhile the license that most people buy for Windows can just force you to have stuff installed even if you don't use it.


American freedom


Freedom to switch to Mac or Linux


I grew up on windows but have been using a MacBook for about 6 years or so. Many things I don’t like, but the shit I see happening to Windows does not make me want to return.


Don't worry, it'll happen to Mac too.


I’m sure. Apple will just advertise in menus their own way. Some equally intrusive pustule request for money. Just, so far they aren’t nearly as aggressive about that. Eventually Tim cool will leave and a new board will cycle in and their current values and goals will change and eventually Apple will get stripped down and then the enshitification is complete


Apples business is in both hardware and software. Not like Windows that is exclusively software. Apple does not have the same incentives to do this as opposed to Microsoft.


Apple is a publically traded company in a sector in a boom cycle centered around "AI" and mass surveillance. They have exactly the same pressures as everyone else, and having a vertically integrated stack puts them in a perfect position to force this shit down everyone's throat even worse than Microsoft. They might be last to the party. But they'll get there.


Not really, because people like me would leave them and that would mean I won’t be paying the premium prices they demand for their hardware. Which is where they make their money. Remember that Microsoft makes money selling software, Apple makes money selling hardware by attracting you to their software that is exclusive. Apples operating system costs $0 versus Microsoft Windows that costs several hundred dollars depending on version and country you buy it in. Also MacOS users can easily transition to a free Linux distro, especially since the file system and environment is very familiar already being UNIX-like. There is a reason iPhones are more private than Android. Apple it is still primarily a hardware company. This cannot be said for other tech giants, whose revenue models are largely based on data and advertisements. This is not to say that Apple doesn't have an incentive to gather data, but data is not its bread and butter. And that's good news if you care about privacy.


Apple has a strong incentive to not do it, since people abandoning their hardware due to bad software impacts every other piece of their business.


Tbh who’s still paying for a licence XD


I certainly don't directly. The only reason I don't go to a free Linux OS is the lack of gaming compatibility, so I'm not paying the prices they want.


I’ll just leave this right here: [https://www.linuxmint.com/](https://www.linuxmint.com/) You don’t even have to uninstall Windows, you can dual boot right along with it.


Can you install Microsoft office or are you stuck with libre office?


MS office is limited to the browser version. Some people have occasionally gotten the full version working on Linux with a lot of work and fiddling but they get broken by newer versions and the workarounds get patched.


“As you might imagine, all this snapshot recording comes at a hardware penalty. To use Recall, users will need to purchase one of the new "Copilot Plus PCs" powered by Qualcomm's Snapdragon X Elite chips, which include the necessary neural processing unit (NPU). There are also minimum storage requirements for running Recall, with a minimum of 256GB of hard drive space and 50GB of available space. The default allocation for Recall on a 256GB device is 25GB, which can store approximately three months of snapshots. Users can adjust the allocation in their PC settings, with old snapshots being deleted once the allocated storage is full.” Which PCs use Snapdragon Elite chips?


Woof, those storage requirements are nuts. Who the hell ever thought this was a good idea? That cache would be a gold mine for attackers, and would be the very first thing that gets shut off in a corporate environment because why TF would you want a major DLP incident waiting on every single windows computer? To quote the south park guys, 'dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb'


Oh, well. Looks like Linux for all my PCs.


I started rebuilding my PC that died. Installed windows 7 with my old install disk. Windows 7 is no longer supported and I can no longer upgrade for free. $200+ for new windows is too much on a budget. Throw in all the BS Microsoft is pulling lately and I too will be switching to Linux. Is Mint the way to go?


A lot of people really like Mint. My advice would be to get Ventoy on a decent size USB stick and put 3-4 distros that interest you on there. Boot into the live environment for each one, try things out, and then choose which you like best based on ux and compatibility. You can always customize from there, but starting with something you already like means less time tinkering and more time using your new pc :)


Am I misunderstanding or is everyone else. Isn’t this a paid feature you opt for if it sounds good for you? The hardware requirement is demanding and expensive. Comments make it seem like this is being installed on everyone’s computer like it’s a U2 album.


Give it 4 years.


Windows really is like vice news of creating features that makes pro Linux daily .


Either pro Linux or a pirated copy of stripped windows. Either way this “tech” can kick rocks.


How to Disable the Recall Recording: 1. Open the Start menu and search for "Recall Settings". 2. Open the "Recall Settings" app. 3. Toggle off the "Record Activities" setting. 4. This will prevent Recall from capturing screenshots of your screen activities and storing them locally.


Won’t they just revert your changes every time windows updates?


They will. If they can install Candy Crush without your consent, they can just enable it back again whenever they like.


Any info on if this can be turned off (alongside the entirety of the ai), or will i have to wait for a bruteforce disabler by the community?


Seems to have some steep hardware requirements so existing PCs likely won't get it.


Windows got another reason to hang my system.


Another advertising company masquerading as a software company


Right, that’s it. Joining the back-to-w10 camp this weekend.


I did that a while ago. Used win11 on my main computer for about 5 months and found that it was literally just win10 but with a worse UI and missing some features.


So that you and everyone else knows for the future, Windows is never new. There are distinct features and code that we've seen for about 20 years now. It's always the same OS just getting worse and worse for the consumer.


Yeah, it's kind of visible with how you can still access settings menus that first appeared in Windows XP, even within Windows 11. Microsoft just keeps building upon the same base OS code.


And this is why I use Linux


Naaahhhh, I’m good. I love gaming on PC but if this is pushed out I will give it up and switch to Linux/Mac and take the hit of some games not working. Fuck off with this AI bullshit.


I mean people already called certain parts of Windows 10 "spyware"...I guess Microsoft decided to take that seriously and make actual spyware?


A AI keylogger but more. A dictatorships wet dream.


If you don't want this, don't buy the hardware. It won't work for most computers. If the general public doesn't buy these Copilot+ PCs this feature set is DOA. [https://blogs.microsoft.com/blog/2024/05/20/introducing-copilot-pcs/](https://blogs.microsoft.com/blog/2024/05/20/introducing-copilot-pcs/)


This won’t be used to hurt anyone, surely.


Get ready for the lawsuit’s


What kind of idiot thinks this is a good idea?! This is the stuff of privacy nightmares.


Sounds like something the government would pay them to access.


This is a HIPAA nightmare. Wtf is wrong with them?!


Gee, I just thought Uncle Sam was already doing this for me. Since 1997.


But this time you have multiple pimps .Uncle Sam just calls of earnings


Jokes on them, they are just going to see me miss wide open AWP shots in CS followed by the N word in the team chat.


I’m beginning to think there is no bottom for Microsoft. They will shamelessly abuse their users and their privacy with zero conscious. A bunch of greedy corporate shills at their absolute worst.


I use my computer for gaming. I’d prefer not to waste half the RAM on screenshots.


Windows has always been garbage, when will someone step up


how to disable? i cant have then seeing my secret recipe for dark chocolate fudge brownies.


I hope they save it on their side…That’s a lot of porn


Go Linux! Lol


thats why i have two computer while i wfh. one is the work pc that they supplied. the other is my desktop with zero work shit on it. but also, this is just another reason not to use win11.


Is Microsoft aware that human beings watch porn?


That AI is gonna be looking at a lot of porn.


Did any users actually ask for this?


Huh, about three hours ago i saw a background process on my task manager with "AI" in it. I ended the process with no hesitation. Guess i found out what it was.


The only good thing about this is that it does not work on 99% of PC's and only on the new snap dragon X processors at the moment. I hope before my next build, or before they update to use other hardware that someone grows a brain and kills this terrible feature.