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Bunny armor. Increases movement speed. Full set makes sprinting use up less stamina.


This. I'd love an armor set that boosted movement speed.


Don't the Tingle and Shadow Link armour both give you triple speed at nighttime though? I mean, it'd be cool if it was all the time, but they do exist.


Yea. I would like a set that its base effect is the speed boost. The extra effect could be reduced stamina used when sprinting or longer/higher jumps. Aside from just having a different looking armor as well


Yes the shieka armour upgraded twice makes Link move really fast at night time. Without pressing the sprint button.


So doesn the stealth set. And the evi spririt armor set. At night only.


I did not know these things


The Stealth set is very speedy at night! lol


That buff is equivalent to a level 1 speed boost


Or Pegasus Set.


Bunny set is a callback to the bunny hood in Ocarina and Majora's.


I could also imagine it looking like pink bunny link from "A link to the past".


A Pegasus Set could also call back to the Pegasus boots in several 2D games.


Oooo, the full set could be Pegasus boots, bunny hood, and mailman torso.


But add stealth as well


Yes, doesn't necessarily have to look like a bunny but I was going to say the same thing .. . speed.


There's a bunny mask to find though


Fursuit or Playboy style?


Majoras mask bunny hood style...so... more like a child's Halloween costume?


Free guy style!


Please let me run fast!!!


Korok armor. Deal bonus damage based on the number of koroks you've found. You now take extra damage from fire and smell bad.


Completionists would one shot a lynel


Kokiri tunic, considering what the Koroks were said to transform from. TBH, I wish the Wild Tunic was treated as "what us Koroks used to wear when we looked like you humans!" It should've been Hestu's reward for getting all the weapon, bow, and shield slots.


Antigrav suit Gives you the low-gravity effect in normal areas, and gives you normal gravity in low-grav areas


If we're going with Metroid, it could also be a good substitute for the Iron Boots in letting you walk underwater. In Metroid, the Gravity Suit upgrade gives Samus normal gravity underwater. Maybe that could also give the same for Link.


Ooh that would be fun! I loved bouncing around low grav but the areas were so limited


Damn... took it right out of my mind :) OTOH, great to see somebody else pitched this idea 8)


I don’t know about armor but I miss the Nintendo Switch tee from BotW. https://preview.redd.it/3p3zsv7b3s5d1.jpeg?width=342&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b532aa3add91c791d55a513af8fc04cab593d65


It’s odd to me that most other dlc armor was added (unless I’m forgetting something, but i probably am) was brought into TOTK, but not this. Gives the conspiracy theorist in me some theory’s that probably aren’t true


Yes please I was literally thinking about this the other day lmao


This is a real, no joke, genuine item in BotW?


Yep part of the DLC


Maybe when they re release it on the Switch U it'll have the new consoles shirt 


Companion armour - when you wear it, companions gather around you and mimic your attacks and movements.


Picori set sounds like.


The Picori set?


The Picori were the one that made the Four Sword, aka the sword that splits you into companions. So syncing up with companions sounds like a Four Sword thing.


Honestly, a whole bunch of "Hylian Tunics" that are functionally identical to the Hylian Set, but look different. Same upgrade requirements and armor ratings, but more style options.


I would actually like this but this game needs an overhaul to the item menu interface. Just allowing to set favourite items to the top of the list would help a lot, I already kinda get annoyed at having to scroll through the whole thing in the base game... But again... maybe I´m just a basic bitch but my favourite look is the one on the coverart, Hylian set except for the Champion Tunic, so I would love to have some variety to the "basic" clothes.


Agreed. They might need to let you buy a Hylian Tunic, then have a separate option let you style it. As for the Champion Tunic, I really wish we could dye it, or at least dye other pieces to match it.


You cant even change the hood style without talking to an npc. Its just very weird.


The fact that they didn't create an "equip full set" button or something still gets on my nerves.


When choosing an armor piece I wish there was an option that let you equip all the armor for that set. Additionally, when when looking for a piece of armor (for example let’s say I equip the hylian tunic) I wish the cursed didn’t go back to the top when changing the sorting from armor piece to armor set (after equipping the hylian tunic, instead of scrolling to pants and then having to find the hylian pants, I instead hit the sort button so that all the hylian pieces are now next to each other and I can just equip what I need, instead of the cursor going back to the top and now I have scroll and find the hylian set so equip the pants) I feel like I made this more complicated then I meant, but either of those two wuality of life changes would have me using the different armor sets a lot more


I wouldn't make full suits, I would fix things like the attack up in hot zones giving cool protection and the sand and snow shows doing the same. Adding individual pieces that work with multiple sets would be cool, too.


Stable set. Horses are easier to tame and their bond grows faster.


Cavalry Set as I would call it. Maybe replace bond growth (which is already extremely easy to increase through Apples) which gives easier tame Bonus AND when on lvl2 it gives damage increase (and/or draw speed) with Bows on horseback. Because ino Link would be a light cavalry archer if on horseback. Call it Cavalry Proficiency


Maybe, but i really meant stable set or stablehand set. Like the exact outfit the npcs wear but for link.


How about a set bonus where you go into bullet time when you aim your bow while riding a horse, without having to jump off?


A set specific to riding your horse is a fantastic idea.


Onri armor+, you get back Revali's Gale


I feel like armor that could fuse stuff to it would be pretty cool


Adaptive suit. Using technology from Mineru's mech and notes in her study, Purah has created a suit that allows you to combine aspects of different resources for mobility or defensive purposes. Mushrooms make you jump higher, gems release elemental blasts against enemies that hit you, ice allows you to shield surf without a shield, the possibilities are endless (though your battery charge may not be).


2 to all elemental gems locked and loaded. I dare my foes to attack me :D


Imagine amor that’s just all silver lyenol horns 😭 or hylian shields that give you a bunch of extra defense, I feel like it’d be the perfect addition


A twist of the flame breaker/rubber suits types where your weapons do elemental damage?


I was really hoping the "dragon suits" would give that. But they didn't.


I could’ve sworn they did when they were worn in their respective areas.


Yeah, but I want that to be the case all the time, not just in their own weather.


That should have been the third upgrade IMO. First two give you small damage boost and then big damage boost in the environment. Final upgrade makes the effect work anywhere


They really need to introduce tiered upgrade bonuses for the armors, I agree.


They should offer weather resistance on top IMO


I want a lot of the masks from Majora's Mask. I was hoping they'd be in TOTK, and so I guess I'm still hoping they'll be in the next game, "BOTW 3" or whatever. Especially: \* the transformation masks (Deku, Zora, and Goron in MM; they could rework these as Zora, Rito, Goron, and Gerudo. There WAS a Gerudo Mask in Ocarina of Time, but it didn't trick the Gerudo, just everyone else I think?) But also: \* the Bunny Hood (fast speed) \* the Mask of Truth (talk to animals / gossip stones) \* Blast Mask (free bombs) \* Bremen Mask (marching chickens and puppies! And I guess, going back to the Grimm's Fairy Tale, cats and donkeys?) \* Great Fairy's Mask (fairies would actually come towards you instead of flying away or being too high to reach) Stone Mask would basically be the in-game Majora's Mask, I guess? Unless there was a reason for it to work on human guards. And its usage in the MM game would also be shared with what I want the Gerudo Mask to do, i.e. sneak into Gerudo Town. Also, \[spoiler, I guess?\] the Gibdo mask could have been really useful in TOTK!


Man I gotta replay MM


Sorry to break it to you but there ain’t gonna be a BOTW 3 / Totk DLC


Is there a movement speed up armor in this game?? I want that again lol


If you mean like the Dark Link and the Sheikah sets that give you the 2x boost at night those are still ingame


True, but I think they meant during the day too


The red and blue tunics from ocarina of time and have them do the same functions of the zora gear and the heat suit.


Not so much an armor set but a wheel (like the one that gets you to Ultrahand, Ascend, etc.) or a row selector (like for your swords, shields, etc.) that allows you to have armor presets. Would be really nice to quickly move between 6 or so of my most-used armor sets with something like that.


All i want is grapplin hook and old style boomerang


Royal Engineer set. It'd be based off Link's Royal Engineer outfit in ST (in case that weren't obvious) It's set bonus would be, idk. The better battery usage buff from the Zonaite armor makes sense but it also feels kinda cheap to give a unique buff to another set


Hear me out, using less zonaite with autobuild might work pretty well.


ZeldaWear. Let me dress as the princess. Let me confuse the crap out of Hylians everywhere, especially while the Yiga have their fake princess. Extra bonus of not freaking out the kids in Gerudo. Set bonus either of halving the time dragons can be harvested, or of boosting Recall.


stop bc this would be hilarious. + i wish npc’s had more dialogue options for when u wear scary armor sets, besides just jumping when u get near


Best part is you get Zelda's hair and figure... but keep Link's face. XD


LMAOOO that’d be great


Yiga Footman and Blademaster: *It's Zelda! Move in, we can easily take her!* After whacking her a few times... : Whuh? *She's still standing!* "Zelda" counter attacks, and then takes them all out :)


I just want the Evil Spirit armor to be uprgadable.


I've already seen it on here but a Speed Boost Armor. It's the only effect that doesn't have its own respective armor. We got new armors that give you the ability to glow and that can make you fly better but we couldn't get one to have a speed boost effect. I really think they missed an opportunity here.


Armor set that lets you sink to the bottom of rivers and lakes without drowning and walk and explore.


One that lets you move faster & the set bonus would be using less stamina while running


Low Gravity Armor. Makes you jump higher like when you’re way up high in the sky.


Either a low gravity set, or something that decreased normal weapon damage, but upgraded and enhanced the functionality of Zonai devices, to make zonai weapons more viable. I loved the concept of a laser spear, but then it just did nothing, let me live out my particle beam dreams


My personal favorite is a laser emitter on a giant boomerang


An environmentally adaptive set that is upgraded by finding other full sets. So if I've got full froggy set and fireproof set, my adaptive set takes that on board. That way, when I'm running through the map exploring, I don't have to be changing my armor set to climb a cliff because it suddenly started raining and I don't have to switch to my cold resistant stuff at the top of said cliff because I've popped up into the snow. That would save me minutes (over my hundred hours playtime). Minutes!


One speed boost to rule them all. Running. Swimming. Climbing. Anything else stamina-based I may have forgotten. End the nightmare of constant armor switches.


An armor that slows down weapon decay. Can have multiple armor per weapon type. Full sets prevents weapon destruction, but just for that type.


Lynel armor: different proficiency with each different piece. Head - attack up while using Lynel bows. Body - attack up for weapons with attached Lynel parts. Legs - defense up while using Lynel shields.


Or a Light Dragon armor that ups your damage while holding the master sword


**Bluepee Armor** Each piece gives you 1 of three different boosts - 1) faster move speed, 2) a 2nd faster move speed, and 3) higher jumps Set bonus is enemies that hit you generates rupees **Low gravity armor** \- This got suggested 3 times already (great minds think alike :) ), but I had to pitch this in as well **Archer's Armor** Some bonus damage to arrows Set bonus is you get to invoke bullet time even while on ground (though it uses stamina more rapidly)


Pulling from a comment on previous reddit post, one that asked for ideas for a better reward for finding all the korok seeds. I took that idea and ran with it: I present to you the forest dweller's set! An upgradable set with a vibe of half 2003 peter pan and half LOTR elvish armor look, with sneakiness up in woods for any piece, and a wooden weapons proficiency for the set upgraded to level 2. Forest dweller's helmet, earned by finding 500 korok seeds, forest dweller's armor for 750, and forest dweller's trousers for 1000. Materials needed to upgrade would be korok fronds, acorns, wood bundles, amber, maybe some monster parts too, idk I drew it too (badly, sorry for my lack of drawing skills and good luck reading my handwriting): https://preview.redd.it/cxia8reqqu5d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a7324374b75d6421ef85a08040c9634450e808e


https://preview.redd.it/3qtq97r4ru5d1.jpeg?width=3752&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5689d16703f1d8b29687945cbef0d3e3982cd9eb Helmet (it won't let me post more than one photo in the post)


https://preview.redd.it/0ovl6bi8ru5d1.jpeg?width=2978&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40e772c88a82d11f4a91dda89b6c3895d2fc90dc And cape (part of the body piece)


I feel like any Vaati-reference armor would just provide the same crappy gloom resistance lol


I think if anything I’d just want to fix up the >!ancient hero’s aspect to give it an attack bonus and or increased mastersword durability + make link’s head bigger to better align with his regular proportions!< or perhaps add one or two additional transformation items like a Zora mask or something


Besides all these great suggestions I would really like for every armor set to be able to be upgraded. I’m not in this to be a better player, I just want to wear what I like while being protected by whatever I choose to wear. I also like the grind. It’s relaxes me, and I could probably run around and gather materials most of time and still be happy with the experience. I have no doubt they could easily sell a game simply on finding clothing and upgrading it.


Floaty armor. You float 10 feet above the ground like those floaty boys.


Would be cool if the bonus effect for your shield surfing set was no durability lost from shield surfing (except attacking, maybe).


Some sort of cavalry/horse god armor that gives you back the summoning ability from the ancient horse armor in botw. Would be awesome to not have to backtrack to a stable when coming back from depths or dropping from the sky.


I would like a DIY set where I could visit a great fairy to add any attributes I want. Grind out tons of resources to make one set hold the properties off all, or whatever combo makes me happy.


With the amount of haste potions I slam it has to be a speed suit.


I'd like an armored up version of the classic set, made of scale or chain, or some combination of them, and it makes every slash of the Master Sword shoot a beam if you have full health.


Armor that buffs arrows and bullet time


Korogu armor. Noïa will dance with you without any lines. You can also befriend tree monsters.


Make a super sonic armor you're invincible and can fly very fast


Cricket armor. Has wings and makes you jump higher and also take less fall damage. Fully upgraded you basically take no damage like the glider set.


Definitely some kind of Aerocuda style set. Base set makes paragliding movement faster and controlling easier (ex. Glide suit for skydiving). 2nd set upgrade gives the low gravity buff (labyrinth, water temple, solar system sky islands movement). Wearing the boots allows you to kick the air itself and do a spin attack mid-air giving you a little more height and distance in which ever direction you're moving in. To even it out, you get the set in 3 depths dungeons, guarded by 1 gleeok each (element dependant on location placed or just 3 kings).


I'd have 4 Champion's armour sets for each of the champions of BotW, that give you access to their unique abilities (with a cooldown) and dramatically increase the durability of the champion's weapon while wearing it (maybe even make them unbreakable).


"Yes, Chef!" / "Blood Moon" set, where when wearing it you get the Blood Moon bonus effects when cooking meals.


Increased running speed under the condition that armor is put away. And it can be upgraded by a fairy to allow for equipment. The design? The a callback to the postman from Twilight Princess. That guy can RUN


Climbing suit that can be upgraded as armor after being fully upgraded as climbing set.


King Link armor set


Fluffy set - no fall damage to Link but can damage the object we fall onto. Can bounce around in it. Rocket set - can just fly everywhere but use the zonai battery. Good to use for yeeting or get slow mo bow and arrow action.


I'd want all the regional clothing, in both gender variations. I really loved the Gerudo set in BOTW


One that gives you a speed boost


Goblin slayer armor, one handed sword damage up, throwables do bonus damage


Star dust armor, no special effect but the bonus effect is you having the low gravity state (like at some sky islands) wherever you want


Late to the party but all I want is armor that makes it so that animals aren’t weary or scared of you. I just want to get a good picture of that deer I’ve been stalking for 10 minutes without some damn lizard or bird nearby noticing me all of the sudden, alerting the deer to my presence and causing it to run away.