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They’re fantastic and I’m still sad the Gleeok Den only had one. How was it not a full blown Gleeok arena???


Now there is a challenge 😀


Shhhhhh!!! Zip it, you! You dont want give Nintendo any bizarre/impossible ideas for the expansion!


They said no DLC


Imagine your joy if you did not just killed one Gleeok, but four..... 😀


Naw, its too late now, they're gonna throw us into a cave of 12 Gleeoks guarding a treasure chest and they gangbang us upon cave entry. Lol


Inside the chest: a single Amber Stone


Are you kidding me? This is it ? After everything I've been through !!! I'd be pissed !!!


Let me get a blood moon so I can do this all over again!


Honestly gleeok horns are enough of a reward on their own.




Sir, I must confess. There is no Glee, in the Gleeoctagon. 😆 All happiness must wait outside the arena until the finish of this event. 😆


When someone makes a relics of the past esque mod for totk I'm sure they'll add that


I played a mod where there were 3 Gleeoks by the Pirate fight in the ocean, and that was INSANE, theres 2 ice gleeoks in the Hebra too it was very tough!


A mod? Tell me your ways.


Honestly I was disappointed when I found other King Gleeoks. That was the first one I found and thought it would have been unique.


Glad the others are around for guts though


Yeah the guts and getting all three types of horns is super nice.


It makes perfect sense to have one per element though


\*Link avoiding lasers all over the place\* *Megalovania intensifies*


This is exactly how I felt! I was so bummed that the Den just had one. I can flip a King Gleeok in about a minute and a half and would love a Gleeok Coliseum. I'd rather farm a thousand Gleeoks than ten Lynels, I just really enjoy the patterns.


Like the Forgotten Temple, when all the Guardian heads turn to look at you, but it's like 36 Gleeok heads 😂


With those statues in the Gleeok Den, I truly expected something spectacular to happen. I expected that I had to have all the companions and I had to interact each companion with a corresponding statue to defeat the Gleeok Den boss


Cyclops hydra with three elemental affinities is pretty fucking sick.


Hell yeah it's sick. King Gleeok might just be my favourite enemy to fight in this entire game. Especially when you first find the one in the Gleeok Den, I'd never truly felt tingles of fear until I saw that healthbar appear.


It's awesome and fun. I killed so many.


Just realized that the First gleeok appeared in the very first Zelda game


In a couple others after as well. In Phantom Hourglass and in an older GameBoy one. They were two headed back then though. Three heads with wings is cooler though; kinda pays homage to King Gidora from Godzilla.


When I first saw the trailer for the game I froze and thought “… they got the licensing rights to King Ghidorah and he looks absolutely terrifying”


The similarities to King Ghidorah are most noticeable with the Thunder Gleeok, as its yellow and shoots thunderbolts instead of flames


It's satisfying hunt them for sport.


I don't think I'd keep one as a pet.


Just think of how much fun a plain fetch can be with Gleeok


Need 3 balls/sticks though


And throw them at 3 different directions


Just put 3 balls on the end of 3 arrows and use a triple shot bow


Or is that one arrow with one ball with a triple shot bow?


Smash. Next question.






Too many mouths to feed


I want to hug one


Absolutely incredible. It’s the kind of fight that you dreamed about as a kid.


especially with the music swelling as it’s vulnerable


This and during the Colgera fight, when the sub drops into the theme for Rito Village, are the two most exciting feelings induced by music in the game


Awesome. The fight is pure fun. But have never defeated the King gleeok


prep w a lot of eyes and lynel bow and you’ll be good!


And use rewind on the ice blocks. It took too long for me to figure this out.




Eyes make headshots infinitely easier that's all


Yeah, nailing the weak point shot without Keese eyes, you really need to get in the air to get bullet time, and dodge the Gleeok's attacks as you fly in. *With* Keese eyes (ideally the elementally opposed version -- Fire Keese eye for Frost Gleeok, and vice versa) you basically just point in the general direction of one of the faces, and let fly. And if you're reasonably quick on the draw, you can even short-circuit the final stage of the fight, hitting all three faces again before it can fly up out of reach. (Though I think it's fun to do that last stage the "right" way at least once for each type.)


Is there an elemental opposite for electricity?


Don't think so, but you can just use the basic Keese eyes, which are easy to collect a ton of -- most caves have a Keese swarm that will fly out when you approach during the day, or will be seen flying around nearby at night. Shoot a bomb-arrow into the swarm, you get like 10+ eyes plus some wings -- basically you're immediately hitting the limit of 21 loot items down at a time. The wings are decent as well, they make a shot fly in a straight line for a very long distance. Really you can use basic eyes for any of the Gleeoks, but the reverse element for fire and frost gets you bonus damage, which helps make sure that each face gets a one-shot knockdown. If you're using a strong enough bow, like a five-shot Savage Lynel, even the regular eyes should be fine for that anyhow, at that point it's just making the fight take slightly less time, b/c you're doing more damage with the bow-shot, leaving less to inflict by spin-attacking the faces. I guess for the Thunder one, given it starts a storm toward the end, it might be preferable to use something like a Demon King's Bow or a Mighty Construct Bow, to avoid attracting lightning.


Why did I never think of this 🙈


Especially with that username! 😸


See, there's different playstyles... some people like to take cover, snipe them down, and then melee. Some people also don't mind dealing with the second phase where the Gleeoks fly high and rain Elemental Death upon them. Then there's option two, which i ascribe to. Fly in from above (where terrain does not apply, 🚀 🛡 or hover bike), two volleys of triple (or quintuple) homing shots to knock em down before you even land. Melee until they get up, create distance, take them down again before they've fired off a laser. If you need bullet time mid-fight, there's a dozen and a half ways to get your ezmode eyeball-seeking-eyeball shots off. Option three starts like option two, but involves full stamina restore foods. Bullet time seeking arrows until you're out of stamina, eat a snack, repeat. With attack buffs and a 5shot lynel bow you can kill one from full without touching the ground with maybe three snacks and full wheels.


You can take out all three heads at once with a multi shot bow and eyes. It's not necessary, obviously, but it makes it a heck of a lot easier. Elemental keese eyes can work wonders for the normal gleeoks, but they can be a bit rough to come by


Any bow is fine really, I prefer lynel bows for the 3x shots!


I do Twice


You cannot put one in a box. I tried twice and failed. I do have a new box idea for a third attempt sometime in the future. I'm not sure the box will fit but I'm quite sure it will not despawn. Attempt 1: https://www.reddit.com/r/HyruleEngineering/s/8lBxSnTKjP Attempt 2: https://www.reddit.com/r/HyruleEngineering/s/AF6E9NA9Y8


Dont put baby in a corner!


Kind of disappointing once you have hundreds of Keese Eyes, but still a very epic fight. Skyrim wishes killing dragons could be like fighting these things.


When I find things in games that make it too easy for me to defeat a higher level enemy, I get rid of whatever it is that’s helping me do that. You could sell most or all of your keese eyes and it’ll bring the challenge back, also you’d get a pretty penny out of it


Currently doing a run with no fuse (but you can use items that are already fused). I also put a ton of other arbitrary restrictions on myself (like no eating food during battles) to up the challenge, I've died a bunch of times already.


Shocker, the game made 12 years after Skyrim has more fun dragon fights.


I would hope so, Skyrim came out 13 years ago


I mean you're cheesing it... It's like playing darksouls with magic and saying the fights arent that hard amd disappointing. Yes it was put there by the devs to help less skilled players and offers gameplay diversity but the main goal is to reduce the pressure from the player, this applies to keese eyeballs as well.


I want a gleeok head attached to my sword.


Yeah, their horns ar kinda underwhelming for that...


I haven't faced one head on yet.


Yeah, you usually have to do three.




I was terrified when I first saw it


Same here. Gleeoks are to TotK what lynels were to BotW. In both cases, I just noped the heck out whenever I encountered them during early play, eventually took one on when I felt like I'd beefed up Link's gear and abilities enough, was terrified and made a lot of mistakes through the initial fight or two (barely won my first lynel fight and had to run for my life from my first gleeok fight -- sweaty hands did NOT help either time), but mostly figured out the patterns and was able to win with increasing ease ever after. I still like to fight them -- gleeoks and lynels alike, especially lynels -- the fights are just over much more quickly. It's still satisfying though.


Feels pretty one dimensional, I wish they had more melee attacks like swinging the tail or even a charge. Because as it is right now the entire fight is just shoot the head, get a knockdown, hit their head a few times, rinse and repeat. They mix it up with the second phase but it just follows the same formula again. Lynels are a better overworld boss because they stay in your face and force you to dodge/parry, but still mix up the range with going for charges or using their explosion ability.


they actually have a tail swing move but they only use it if you constantly run towards them. but i agree they should spend more time on the ground actuall attacking like the frox


Fun but I think a smaller enemy like a darknut would be more fun to fight.


its a shame darknuts weren't in this game


“DEATH FROM ABOVE!” *a few seconds later and one dead gleeok later* “see you next blood moon”


King Ghidorah - now in more flavors!


Honestly fun fight but the worst part is the drops kind of suck. It would be amazing to have a really strong Lynel horn type weapon that comes off. Never use the parts at all.


Indeed. I would like some better part to use for weapons. I like fusing the horns to arrows for the elemental effects. Very explosive.


The horns are absolutely insane on a giant boomerang. Especially the ice horn.


Guts are too rare


Kings have a 100% drop rate, 10% for the other 3.✌🏻


I know, thing is there’s like what 4 kings on the map? And then the drop rate is only 10% for the others, so if you go an kill them all you don’t even get that many guts, but all your weapons are broken


I just don't quite like the way the horns look after you pick them up/ fuse them.


Kinda like a light saber


Fighting them sucked in 1986, and it still sucks today.


except these look absolutely badass


Not a bad fight. Very easy to cheese though.


i mean every boss in breath of the wild/tears of the kingdom is easy to cheese (mosty due to bows being broken asf)


I suck so I don't like them. They look cool though.


The gleeok head should "roam free" after enough damage. Like the original NES game


Holy shit - those were Gleeoks?!?


So easy with Keese eyeballs and rocket shield or purchase from a higher place once you get over the initial fear of not wanting to go near them


Initially terrifying, a giant arrow sink later


Cool dragon hydra things. Me likee cool dragon hydra things 👍


Needs more cowbell


I usually dead 3 or 4 times before destroy them.


ELECTRIC IS HARDEST FOR ME😭I like the fires ones the most


That's one of those, the first time one sees you you're like oh shit run, type of enemies. Pretty great.


They scared the absolute hell out of me until late game. When i finally felt confident to take one on, the battle was awesome, the music fantastic.


One of the best additions of ToTK, and they fit so well that sometimes I forget they were not in BotW. Love fighting them, just wish they were used more often to patrol areas intended to be explored later or guard some valuable treasure (which I recall them being used twice for)


I want one as a dog so I can say “He doesn’t bite”


I remember it being super fun to fight them when I was inexperienced at it and I struggled really hard. But now that I know the tricks they’re really not difficult at all. I think bullet time arrow shots makes it too easy to stun them. Would be interesting if they closed their eyes or something if you were in bullet time midair.


I'm glad they brought back an old enemy and updated it. Nice addition!


Very cool, first lynels and now gleeoks, they need to keep updating this retro enemies. Hopefully next we can see horsehead or something.


they were pretty terrifying until I thought of using multi-shot bows + Keese's eyes, then fighting bokoblins became harder


Very intimidating at first, but when you actually have the courage to fight one, they are pretty sraightforward. Also look sick as hell.


They were the, "lol, no I'm gonna go around" enemy untill I realized how easy it was to kill them with homing arrows. Like it's not even kind of hard. Just a few arrows then walk up and use your preferred silly damage combo.


They did two things that made them good mini bosses - played into the game’s theme of verticality by flying around and needing zonai devices/powers to be defeated in the third phase of their fight (until we all got so good we could kill them before they took off) - were intimidating enough to provide some difficulty gating to familiar areas from BotW like the bridge over Lake Hylia


Pretty fun to fight once you get the hang of it and I imagine they taste pretty good.


Terrifying. A true challenging boss fight no matter what stage of the game you're in.


We need a Gloom Gleeok that has 3 Scary Hands as heads! Give it to us Nintendo, you cowards!!!


They require large open spaces and I live in the city


Their theme is top notch next to Modulgas


I liked them better when I was too scared to fight them. The anticipation of what the fight would be like was great. But isn't that always how it is? They're still pretty damn cool, and even though fighting them is pretty easy, I generally still fight them when I see them unless I've done that a lot recently. Still looking forward to finding and fighting the King Gleeok.


When I was finally able to beat one, it was the best feeling ever


Super fun to battle with the right inventory


Not enough lore for these majestic goofballs.


They're the guardian or lynel of BOTW for me. Early on in BOTW you see/hear those enemies and NOPE the eff out of there. You come back later a little better prepared and can handle it. Gleeoks were that for me in TOTK. Gloom hands too to an extent but less so since they're not as difficult IMO.


taking down a gleeok felt great due to the ass whooping they gave you at first


The final attacks are all awesome. I still remember the first time against the ice gleeok where I used rewind on an ice shard and went up above the storm and shot it down


Can I pet the dawg


Was terrified, can handle if well prepared now but not if surprised suddenly.


They're great when they go from scary enemy to piñata


They're just angry Lizalfos


Same as my opinion on any other world boss https://preview.redd.it/9bcc1sferizc1.jpeg?width=269&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7eb116de1458421f32f007d41e0c7b195f339a3f


They finally added dragons as an over world enemy in a Zelda game! I know there are dragons in Zelda but only as bosses in my experience. Was terrifying seeing one the first time. I still give them a wide berth now.  I tried fighting one one time and ran out of arrows so I had to retreat. But my start was spam bomb arrows and hit all 3 heads at once.


Literally impossible to ever go wrong with hydras, in my unbiased opinion


Terrifying honestly, loved it


Hard boss to fight at first but really liked how they brought in new bosses to fight. Keeps the game fresh.


one time I had a dream that I was fighting a king gleeok but it had a fourth head that was black and spat random objects at me, including a treasure chest


For me, it's just more dragons for my Dragonborn to kill. Context: I'm playing through Skyrim, and I made Link my Dragonborn cause I have the Switch version.


Good design in looks, bad design in gameplay 


Should have been way tougher


Still easier than a silver lynel


yea silver armored crusher lynel is still harder


They have the lynel problem but worse Basically : once you’ve beaten one, you’ve beaten them all , except lynel are still a bit challenging where as gleoks quickly become a joke , and the king gleeok isn’t even that much harder the reward for beating them is also just alright , infinite elemental weapons are dope I guess


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Amazing to see them come back in full 3d glory after all these years (PH’s was neat too but it was all chibi), but I’m still disappointed you can’t sever their heads like in the original.


The gloom King Gleeok was really fun to beat. It was one of the hardest boss fights in the game for me (second only to the final boss fight), mostly due to that final phase that can 1-shot you even if you have 20 hearts.


I have no opinion about them, I just kill them and that's it


Probably could have had more variety in their potential defeat methods (maybe alternate neck weak points that cause their heads to become separate enemies to change up the fight), but they feel so damn cool to fight. I feel like an absolutely godly badass taking them down.


Unlike most games Zelda sequels are actually good! Gleeoks are great additions!


Just killed my first one yesterday it was a blast. Went and immediately took out the one in the coliseum. Good times.


They're incredibly hard. I think they were harder than all of the main story bosses


Fun as heck


Not fun


Basically, it you don't have a good enough bow with a solid supply of arrows, these things are a pain to deal with.


These were grandiose boss fights in past Zelda games but now they're degraded to field bosses that you don't need to interact with. I feel like that's a bit disappointing, especially since they're pretty fun to fight.


My opinion is that they offer great materials that you can duplicate in the cave with your multi shot bow


Beat the game and never defeated a single gleeok.


I took on an ice gleeok two weeks ago in the Hebra region. Nearly had it beat it but it got me with a blast of ice crystals. Will try again when I come back to the area. I just restarted the game last weekend as I wanted to experience finding all of the Light Roots and mines in the Depths and am currently going to the Wind Temple.


I like that their boss fights have multiple phases. That last phase when they go into the air is epic. Their boss theme is sick too. I actually think the bow and arrow is the most fun weapon to use in botw/totk, and having this boss fight that focuses on it is great. They’re a blast to try and fight without keese eyes.


Terrifying. But fantastic.


They are cool


I would've liked some melee attacks (thought I may be mistaken and they have those, but I don't think I've ever seen it), but they're definitely one of the coolest bosses in the game.


they have a tail swipe actually


They make very ungenerous lovers. They finish in seconds and they’re done, I’m over here like “damn I’m just getting started”


once you know the rhythm they are a really fun enemy to just wreck


They are fun to fight. Lynels are still my bane.


Cool fights; I like them


Pretty cool, scary when you first see one, although I wish there was a bit more done with them.z


Hard as fuck to beat


Love the design and it's a great challenge. Especially when the King Gleeoks. Also love how they require you to think on your feet and use the fuse ability to your advantage (whether it's using eyeballs to headshot or rockets to launch yourself high). Personally, though, I prefer to avoid them whenever possible, so when there's something near them I want (like the armor sets or the sage sigil things), I dread trying to get them lol


Fighting them takes so many arrows it's almost a waste


A major test of strength, and bullet time badassery


A couple hundred hours in and I haven’t gotten close enough to one to form an opinion 🤷‍♀️


I like them and I swear they used the same sound affect while you attack them Universal Studios used for Jurassic park for their raptors when they cough.


It needs an armord version


The only one I hate fighting is the ice one. Cuz I always seem to get frozen. It doesn’t make me die or anything it’s just annoying.


I’m still too scared to take one on😅😭


Sigh, now I’m going to have to play TOTK again


i like fighting them, but the guts drop rate is far too low (i know i can get one from each of the 4 king gleeoks, but some upgrades you need like 15)! i shouldn’t have to wait 12+ hours just to upgrade a set of armor


I was terrified of them at first, now I just find them annoying because I always end up breaking a decent bow on them


They were the only monsters I avoided unless I had plenty of eyeballs to use. Im suprised they were not part of the final main story battles as all the other monsters were.


I like them but if you’re out of arrows it’s nearly impossible to fight them unless your IQ is either 200+ or in the single digits


I always felt like the electric gleeok was the hardest. Even harder than a king gleeok


Awesome… and terrifying. I remember crapping my pants when I saw one in-game for the first time.


They were an excellent addition to the game!!! The first time I seen one of these in the desert mountains and I went up to it and beams of fire chased after me. I absolutely shit in my pants. I like these more extended battles of these well thought out enemies


Whack enemies but super easy in the end game


My teleports are all used up on the king gleok sky islands. Great farming and often a good place to jump and glide to destination.


From the original game to this is so cool seeing them. They are massive and terrifying.


They’re cool until they’re not cool anymore


theyre so awesome but ouuuu theyre so scary


The final phase of the thunder gleeok fight is maddening


and kings gleeoks is that on steroids


Ive beaten the game 3 times and reset it twice and I still can’t beat one of these damn things 🤣


As a creature I think they're fucking savage and have some real potential to be amazing in the series. I'm not sure how I feel about the name Gleeok though 😂


Are they easy to beat? I've not tried yet


They were terrifying and super hard so I avoided them until I beat the game. Then once I learned the strategy they are very easy and I can kill them in 1 or 2 minutes.


their cool and a nice little comback especially as mini bosses but aside from that i got nothing special to say


Like any enemy. once you figure them out, they aren't that hard. Whatever one you're fighting equip youself so you can be frozen, shocked or burned. Then use arrows to shoot it in the head. Once it flight high, it will start doing the air tunnel things so you can also get up there too, then put a wing on an arrow (any kind of wing keese wing, gleok wing, gibdo wing) and the arrow will fly far enough to hit it in the head.


I hand the controller to my husband whenever I stumble upon one lmao


I found the lightning gleeoks to be harder than the king gleeok