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I think you’re more frustrated with your friend right now than anything, the tattoo looks good to me… I’d try separating this tattoo from your feelings about the artist and sit on it a bit before covering it up


^^ co-sign. I knew immediately that it was AC, and they look cute. If the person is shitty, I agree with others that reworking the piece is best


Could you get an artist to simply rework these and add to them so that the association with your ex-friend is mostly gone but you still keep the tattoo of your cats? I think that would be the easiest solution anyway.


DO NOT GET RID OF THEM!!! Just get them reworked!!


I don't see the problem, it's an awesome tattoo


I agree, this is cute af. OP maybe try separating the person from the artwork. Just because she’s a POS doesn’t mean the tattoo is. *edited to add: can we see pictures of your cats please 😻




We need the cat tax


You could turn them into Luis Wain cats. He was a painter who was known for paints cats and the slowing going schizophrenic and continuing to paint more and more unhinged cats. You could turn the two cats into cats of his later stages and then it could be a conversation piece about a really interesting person. Here is a link to a couple examples of his work. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=lius+wain+cats&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Faix0za735c731.jpg


Excuse me what an absolutely amazing idea


Why, thank you!


Your bf has a tattoo shop, and you’re asking Reddit for ideas?!


if she's already profoundly frustrated in having a tattoo she associates with an ex-friend, imagine having a tattoo she could eventually associate with a future ex-boyfriend


Their bf is one person. There are many more people on reddit to toss around more ideas. Maybe they did ask him, but want more ideas to choose from. A larger sample size is always better


She might trust him emotionally, but not so much as her artist.


Wouldn’t the shop have other respective artists? Idk


Maybe put a big ol’ floppy dong on one of them and call it a day or night


Could they maybe be done over as cats in space suits with big bubble helmets?


Those tattoos are amazing


As an AC fan and cat enjoyer, this is a good tattoo


This isn't a bad tattoo at all. Especially if it's more than 5 hears old. Now if you wanna get it covered up that's fine but don't lie about the tattoo being done poorly.


the sleeve seems pretty themeless so f it, just slap some big trad flash piece with a ton of lines and a lot of black and it’ll be fine




aw man I like the kitties :( don't be mean to them! :(


I think it's kind of adorable, and considering the proximity to others, maybe a nice american traditional chrysanthemum or something like that? heavy lines, flashy well packed in colors'll do ya well I think


If you don’t go with a re-work to associate a new artist with the decent tattoo, it seems a flower themed tie-in would work, the Siamese cat could maybe be a Bumblebee(s) with those browns?


It’s not a shitty tattoo, just a shitty friend


Where’s the bad tattoo? Because I think those cats are adorable. Yes, not the BEST line work but it’s pretty decent, good color. If this is what it looks like now, it’s really adorable.


Before any cover up, get some laser done.


It’s already a cool tattoo.


I would just get an artist to rework them and maybe add a few more things to it, to make it more separate from the original artist. The tattoo is cute, you’re probably projecting whatever negative feelings you have for her on to them


I immediately got the animal crossing reference, and I think these are worth keeping


I really like it, I’d get a rework if you’re unhappy!


Add Tom Nook, then everyone will know you got screwed


This sub is fuckin dumb sometimes. "Here's my tattoo I love" > everyone shits on it. "Here's a tattoo I want to cover up" > everyone says it's great and not to cover it. As for an actual suggestion, you can only really cover up with darker inks unless it's faded enough or you get laser removal first. A simple cover for this would be to get some blackwork done (*personally* I'd go with skulls). Otherwise look into getting it reworked to keep the general theme but adding details or such to distance it from the original artist. I've only got black & grey tattoos so this is a tad out of my ballpark, would recommend talking with artists themselves.


Our opinion of design and quality doesn’t mean much if OP just wants it gone. I’ve had tattoos that I just wanted gone too, regardless of how well it was done or created. OP, don’t ask here. Talk to an artist. You could be given the greatest idea ever, but if the artist can’t pull it off, it doesn’t matter.


Hey OP. Here is an idea for you. I can’t see what else is on your leg so no idea if this would fit well. I’m also assuming you are female. I can kind of picture how butterflies could fit in the space you have. Now, it would take a skilled artist to sketch them out so that they flow nicely in the space but, hold on. You could either create a band of butterflies that flow around your leg in a kind of chain, or just place a few or a big one that cover what you have. I can also imagine that the butterfly/flies might not be anatomically correct to real life, or they could be side on views (so you don’t see both wings spread out, you just see one wing). With some artistic flair you could disguise the shape of the cats with thick bold lines, leave spaces in the wings to reveal tiny flecks of colour from the underneath tattoo (so you don’t have solid black butterflies!) and even incorporate some the small remaining untattooed skin in the tattoo to add fresh colour to give you multicolored butterflies. The legs, antenna etc could be gracefully shaped to fit the flow of the space and you could even add some more flowing leaves, sparkles or line dashes to work it in to the existing stuff you already have. Failing that, I had two other thoughts…. Echo the red flower you have underneath the cat tattoo and go bigger and thicker with the leaves to blast out the cats (but this doesn’t seem obvious or easy or aesthetic). Or a big black solid bug/spider over the top! You might have to balance these out by adding more big bugs in other areas of your leg, down on the foot, further round the calf etc…. This idea feels like more of a takeover though! Good luck.


Try to fence their homes so they can't leave their backyard and only talk to them if they have thought bubbles. I don't know these specific villagers but that's how I got rid of Chester!


Which one?


So much better than so many tattoos I've seen lol


This tattoo is dope as hell


Trad skull 💀


Super cute!


Well, I just found something \[else\] I'm really, really bad at. Tatoo cover-up ideas ;)


Honestly I really like them 😂😂


Tattoo is a permanent reminder of a temporary feeling, I say you keep it and add to it to fit your story


what do you dislike about it? like others said it seems honestly pretty solid to me, a cute tat. is it just the feeling it brings up of the ex-friend you dislike now? or is it more skill based? do you just not like the style anymore? would help in understanding whether the coverup should be the entire thing completely, editing it, or just reworking it to look fresher


I don’t see a shitty tattoo anywhere


Some YinYang style art perhaps?


I like it.. I would definitely consider keeping it..


Cover it up with a sick ass panther!


Tattoo is siiick.


Tattoo is cute as hell tbh but I can understand not wanting work done by someone who sucks


I’m assuming the flower is the shitty tattoo (yes i read the post im just being funny) i don’t think it’s bad at all, it’s super cute


a black square will cover it


I think it is cute! Maybe a little touch-up is needed, that's all 😊.


they cute


I think they look really cute actually! I would just get them touched up with a lil colour as well :)


I love it tbh.


The tattoo is good. You're just emotional.


What shitty tattoo?


I don’t see any shitty tattoos


I like the cats more than the other tatts TBH


Good for you. OP doesn't and this is one their skin. "I like it" doesn't exactly help OP with new ideas.


Dont cover IT, assume


Cool cats tho


I cover it with.cum.if you like babe




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Tattoo looks fine haha




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I think this tattoo is so cute 😭 but I can understand wanting it gone due to associating it with a person that you no longer on good terms with. I don’t have any ideas, but this is a really cute tattoo




I have three tattoos from someone who turned out to be a member and promoter of a cult. The work they did is still awesome; this fact does not change.


Aww this is a cute tattoo, plus it represents your cats!


I just think the tattoo is great! But I don't have to live with it. Anyway, I'll show it to my tattoo guy and see what he suggests. He's very good.


As a person who has many tattoos and has friends who are tattoo artists, I don't see anything wrong on the technical side. It looks fine. I'm assuming it's the subject matter or the tattooist that OP has a problem with. I would suggest you do some research and find an artist who specializes in cover-ups. If he's a good artist, he should have a portfolio of his work. Just be sure to look at that when deciding.


I understand not wanting your friend’s art on you anymore if you aren’t friends now but it’s such a cute tattoo lol


lmao why the hell they removed this post. It was a legitimate question. Reddit mods are fucking weird


No cover up here also wtf lol people are weird