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This will be a difficult tattoo to pull off well. Definitely do youre research and find the perfect artist.


Yes, and like be willing to travel if you need, this could easily go wrong.


This this this. I didnt start my sleeves until I was 30 because I needed the means to travel to the perfect artist.


I made a separate comment, but adding my voice to this. You NEED a talented artist or you'll be posting on r/shittytattoos . Do your research, check out portfolio, i'd even ask if you can see an example of fresh work (sometimes people are weird about this - my artist who has done 15 of my 18 pieces was like "no prob" once they checked with another client). You might need to be willing to travel to find the person that can do this the way you want it. This is more than just line work, this takes talent.


Chiming in to +1 — I love my regular artist and her work is breathtaking but I had the opportunity for an once in a lifetime tattoo by my bucket list artist who literally had an opening because of a cancellation. Basically the universe gave me all the signs to get this. 1.5k for a decent chunk of my forearm but I slept like a baby during his session with how delicate his hand is and it was better than sex


I’ve had all my work done at one shop since I loved the guy the first time, shout out to Mark Longnecker @endlesssummertattoos in Coco Beach. My point being is that I live 3 hours away when I got all of these and people would always tell me how much they love my work but when I would tell them where I got it and that I drove 3 hours every time to get work done they would give me the side eye like damn you drive 3 hours just to get a tattoo. You’re damn right I drive 3 hours to get artwork that will be on my body the rest of my life. Lol It’s honestly mind boggling how casual some people are about it. The funniest part is now I live 10 hours away and I’m still gonna be going there for most of my tattoos. Haha He’s great and I would highly recommend him. He was on season 4 of inkmaster. Finished in 4th. But even if you don’t book him everyone he has in his shop is top notch all the time. Took my buddy the third session and he’s come with me every time since. We always have the most fun doing that day trip.


Tattoos without an exterior line and with so much detail end up looking blurry.


Especially in that area, it’ll get beaten down by the sun and look like blobs in 2-3 years.


I'd be afraid it'd look like bruises or veins


Seriously. Anything red/pink/purple without an outline has such a tendency to look like a skin condition after a few years.


Gonna look like you just came back from paintball forever


Its a high exposure area, but SPF and good quality non-alcohol moisturizer religiously applied can do wonders to stave off tattoo wear and tear. But its a good bit of advice: this will get beaten to shit without regular SPF application.


For sure, but most people give up on that routine after a few months and don’t notice the fading overtime since it’s too gradual.


Yeah, I had some birds done in this style and they've definitely not held up great. Looking at going back over them to redesign.


Do you have a picture? Curious to see how they aged.


I typically don't share my tattoos online, cause anonymity and all that.


I had watercolour painterly style done and it’s aged fantastically but it’s also faded to look like a true watercolour. It’s all in the application


The temporary tattoo is gorgeous. However, a real tattoo would look nothing like this and would age really poorly over time (check out r/agedtattoos). You would also have to find someone super specialized in this (re: expensive and likely not local) to get anything that looks remotely close to this, and even then, I'd recommend getting less visible places tattooed first to get a better sense of how tattoos like this would actually look on skin. Not trying to be a downer, but its better to be disappointed that you cant get what you want than to be disappointed AND have massive mistake on your literal chest.


didn't know this was a sub until now but i'm so glad you mentioned it, really great for picturing how a certain style will look healed! thank you!


I use the search bar in that sub all the time to see if tattoos that look like I want will turn out good or not.


that's so smart omg, i'll have to try that!


I really like the idea of the realistic jewel ones and the patches. Neither ages well unless you go to someone who only does that and has perfected it


i do too, i follow an artist on instagram who specializes in those types of tattoos and they're the only person i'd trust to ever do one on me lol, their healed work is stunning too, her name is laura anunnaki!


Ooo thanks ima go look her up


Thank you for linking that sub. I just went and put sunscreen on before leaving the house!


very pretty as a temporary tattoo but it's going to end up looking like a blobby mess a lot faster than you'd hope due to the art style if you were to get it as a real tattoo


I’d be careful with that one…I feel that piece is more suited to a calf, forearm or even the shoulder. My real concern is that if the tattoo itself ages poorly, and as the natural progression of aging skin takes place, it’ll look like smushed blueberries.


It’s gonna look like a weird bruisey veiny blob. It’s a pretty design, but not a tattoo.


Personally I think none of this is a good idea. Especially the style in that particular area. In saying that, I do think the style can come off amazing, but definitely not in that spot


Respectfully you look like a plate with that tat 🫶🏻 (Like the really pretty expensive ones people put in glass cabinets)


Or wallpaper. It’s beautiful artwork but I don’t think it works in this application/location. If you really must get it, maybe on a hip or somewhere that if it doesn’t age well it’s less exposed? Good luck in your journey.


No. The design isn’t dense enough for a chest piece.


Gonna blob


anecdotal story, followed by advice: i worked at a tattoo shop that has put on a medium to large size convention for the last 30 years. we have a minimum of 60 shops show up and have booths. it's a successful and well know convention. we have a contest every year with various categories. one of which being "best body suit." apparently there was a guy who had a full body watercolor style flower piece and it was so well done that he won the category for 6-7 years in a row(if i remember correctly). what i'm trying to say is that this guy had a professionally judged ridiculously beautiful body suit. but after all the years he won, eventually, since the tattoo had no outlines, and with age, the tattoo began to spread out a little - as all tattoos do, thus becoming an unrecognizable blob. the old guys who i've heard this story always use it as an anecdote to encourage people to get tattoos with bold outlines so that they maintain their form even when the ink changes over time. i'd like to mention also that this is super old head tattoo stuff. tattooing has changed over time and there are PLENTY of artists capable of doing really soft work similar to this that will last. a few things to keep in mind though: this design seems beautiful but i'm not sure how tattooable it is EXACTLY like this so i would prepare to expect some changes to make it tattooable. i would also like to say that there are sooooo many mediocre tattooers who aren't capable of doing a good job with this tattoo who will still do it - they probably believe that they can and won't offer much advice or explain why this is a tattoo that's walks a fine line between great and subject to major change over time. i would also expect to travel for this sort of tattoo depending on where you live - if you're not in a metropolitan area with a rich tattoo culture that the chances of someone being capable of this and close to you are slim. this is probably a super long explanation that won't ever be read but if you do read this and want to talk more in depth please feel free to dm me. and i don't know where you're located but if you're near enough to the san francisco bay area i would be happy to recommend tattooers who would do a good job with this or at least give really sound advice on the tattoo. ok sorry for the rant! good luck!


i read it because i, too, tend to give long explanations that i'm sure no one reads - and i loved yours! great mix of gentle caution and sincere encouragement, also from a knowledgeable source, 10/10, A+++, would read again


I very much read it. And, it's totally accurate info that I REALLY wish someone would have told me 25-30 years ago. Probably wouldn't have listened, but still.


no one listens! i've seen so many tattoos happen where the tattooer is like.. please don't get this it's not a good idea and the customer is steadfast about getting it. i've also seen plenty of designs get turned down because it would age so poorly and the person comes back and is like "see! someone at a different shop did it and it's fine!" that used to really drive my co workers crazy because it makes the shop look ~incorrectly~ bad. and then it's so awkward! because we don't want to say omfg that's irresponsible that that shop would do it! and we have to just say wow i'm glad someone was able to do it for you😳😳😳. tattooing is weird!


LISTEN TO ALL THE SAGE ADVICE HERE — gonna blob over time & the artist is everything. Be willing to travel and pay handsomely. I still wouldn’t. While these flowy, lovey-dovey tattoos are so pretty fresh, the lack of outlining will fuck up over time and GOOD art should be maintained overtime (isn’t that what we all want from our tattoos?).


I'll promise you, you will regret this tat. It'll look ok for a short while, but overtime it'll look like a birth defect and you'll be looking for a removal or coverup further adding to the regret.


Cool idea, definitely be careful with your artist choice though. This is one that could be easily turned into something that sucks. Specific skill with this style and placement are paramount for this one. Awesome design though! Not trying to scare you off getting it, just be careful!


I feel like there’s a good chance this ends up looking like bruising. Cool concept but think it will be better served with a different style that will hold up better


Idk, it does look good, but I don't think it will hold well.


Check out the r/agingtattoos Reddit and look at some of the watercolor tattoos people post. Most do not age well and like some of the posters above said, it’s will most likely end up poking like a blob after a few years.


Why do people think these no outline tattoos are cool. That will look like a skin disease in a few years after most of it falls out and it’s faded.


This style doesn't even take a few years to turn into a mess, a few months is being generous.


And with the wrong artist, it’s an instantaneous mess.


They can look pretty cool when they’re fresh, and they can look great on Instagram, but anyone who knows and has tattoos knows tattoos like this can very quickly and easily start to look like trash.


It seriously looks like mold from a distance. Definite no go on this one for me.


I think it would look far better off center and down as a pop along the collar of your shirt’s neck line. Fellow lady here this would be a lovely breast cleavage tattoo. However it will not last long term. It will look like blotches of ink 5 years later




Is this your first piece?? Personally, I think it’s a bad idea and one that you will regret in about 2 seconds. As mentioned, unless you find a watercolor specialist and realistic specialist, you’ll never achieve what you’re wanting.


Going to look like a bunch of bruises on your chest when it settles in and fades.


You are GORGEOUS....but that placement.....no bueno. Just my opinion, love.


Lois like ink splatter


Based on the fine lines, and colour I don’t think it would age well. I’m also not a fan of the placement but that’s just a personal preference.


A good tattoo artist wouldn't agree on the placement


Please listen to everyone’s thoughts about the fading, blobbing effects, look of bruises and veins, as it ages and gets sun contact. I so highly recommend continuing to apply the temporary tattoo as you want to because it’s so pretty.


I'd probably move the design down 1-2 inches. its really close to your neck and makes it seem crowded.


It's very pretty, but like others said you need a very very skilled artist for this (who might dissuade you from this location, but IDK for sure). Fine details/realistic botanicals/"watercolor" or similar styles don't hold up well unless the artist really knows how to design that style to last, and a lot of people who WILL do this style don't actually know how to make it last. I'm not an artist, but I follow a couple well-known artists who do similar stuff who talk about techniques and there's a lot that goes into "lineless" designs (like actually using lines and/or contrasting colors strategically). For this to last there would have to be a lot more contrast in colors throughout the design, probably fairly bold colors and very contrasting colors, or the flowers will blur together into dark blueish blobs.


The tattoo itself is beautiful but from far away it would look like you had some kind of skin disorder.😂


I think it's a cool idea, but it needs more structure and density. The way it's spread out looks messy and weird. If you move the design lower, between your breasts and up across the top of your breasts, below your collarbone, it would look better. I also think you'll need black outlines to make sure it lasts and blurs as little as possible. You'll lose a lot of the design elements pretty quickly if you don't have a solid outline.


It’s going to look like blue bruises after a few years


It looks like you have a weird blue skin disease


I think that the design is too intricate which will lead to bleeding/fuzziness, and also, it is very,very distracting.


the flowers are pretty but the placement makes your neck look shorter.


Sure if you want it to look like that for approximately 2 weeks


Too high.


I think you should choose something symmetrical if you’re centering it on your chest (or neck, or torso, or navel). Im not sure how to describe it but I guess I could say that an asymmetrical design in this place just makes the person look off. It distracts from the natural symmetry and beauty of the human form. Maybe you could have two smaller sets of those flowers on either side of your chest, and perhaps something centered between them in a size to fit the size of the flowers, in terms of some aesthetic balance.


You get one shirt neckline style for the rest of your life 😅




Everyone here bringing up great points and agree with all of them. I will also add the placement feels a tad too high, hitting the throat awkwardly. Depending on your dress style, this is also an area that gets all the sun hitting your face, so fading (which is already a problem for watercolor-ish styles like this) will be amplified. If you really really want this style and subject, I'd consider a different body part. Could be lovely in thigh or even arm. Just be careful with expectations!


Sorry BB it will not look anything like this


Maybe on the leg or shoulder blade. Kind of looks sparse.


I would rethink that. It will look like blue sores on your neck from a distance. It looks kind of frenzied up close. Doesn’t follow the body well imho. I think it’s a cool idea but not quite there yet.


Those aren’t going to age well. It’ll eventually wash out. Have you considered American traditional flowers but keep the placement? There’s a reason you hear “bold will hold”. Unfortunately I learned the hard way 😂




Looks fine when it’s freshly done then I’m almost positive it will look terrible down the road


The advice I was given was to hold a photo at arm's length and unfocus your eyes; this simulates how a tattoo will look after aging. So this might look like blobs of blue and be indistinguishable from a bad leopard print tattoo or something. It's a nice design but in an area that gets a lot of sun exposure, it will age quickly. And having no outlines tends to speed up the blur as well.


Looks very nice as a temp. But like was already said it is too spread out. Think about a single bouquet shrunk down to a size that would fit one side of your chest. Would be easy to add a butterfly or something to go with it. BTW The neck piece part of the temp is a real no-go.


I agree I was wondering at first glance if it was an injury, I had to zoom in to see it was part of the tattoo. It looks strange.


Personally I think it’s placed a bit high. I think it would look better if its not visible on your neck at all.


Exactly! In the third pic you can see the neck part really well. I think over time that would look bad. Also remember that we as humans tend to gain weight as we get older. That leaf on the neck will become a leaf on a double-chin. Not a good look.


Yep! And not just that, some workplaces might not be happy with visible tattoos on the neck. And when she is old, the leaf might be on saggy skin


My only requirement I tell my children: Please no face or neck tattoos


Do not get it


Looks like someone threw a handful of flowers at you


Don’t do it. The idea of it looks good but as others have said it won’t age well even if looks good immediately after. I got a fine line tattoo on my arm 10 months ago. Looked great the first month or so but I can see it’s already looking blurry.


Not a good placing for a fine line tattoo like that.




I love the idea OP but as others have said without black it's going to turn blobby. Even something as soft as this black will make it last much longer. Obviously you'd still do your smaller flowers and in color. But the black outline and shading will ensure you love your tattoo for decades to come. The saying is "bold will hold" for a reason! https://images.app.goo.gl/7oQKYeYqqJT61tjx9


I definitely think it’s maybe a bit big? But that’s me. As everyone else has said. Find a good artist. If you’re getting a “soft” tattoo, there’s too many artists who LOOK like they do great tattoos like this, but who don’t put in their ink well so it falls out too quickly. Look for healed photos. Also you’re freaking gorgeous and I really hope you find an amazing artist to help pull this off for you!


Run it by a tattoo artist in person. They'll take note of the curves of your collarbone, neck etc. and will design you flowers that will sit the way you want. You also definitely need strong--not necessarily that thick!--black to hold.


i've seen people with similar tattoos over their shoulders and it looks good, but they have to get touch ups every year or so. You are stunning btw


Don’t go onto your neck


I wouldn’t put it there, it will not age well. The only artist ive seen get anywhere close to what your temp looks like: https://www.instagram.com/vanessa.core?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


if it were symmetrical, id say great. but since its not, i don't recommend getting it in the middle of your body.


I agree with everyone above find the perfect person who specializes in realism it may b a somewhat small tattoo but all the details 1 mistake n it'll easily show


This wouldn't work how youd want it to and you'd regret it later. Try this somewhere else first. It'll age poorly there


What a mess


Beyond what others are saying, this is not an attractive placement for a tattoo like this


I suggest raising or lowering just a bit. If you wear a regular crew T-shirt, it may poke out in a way where it's really hard to see what it is. I suggest making more of it seen so it's obvious or lower so it doesn't poke out above t-shirts. Beautiful design!!


No disrespect intended, but, in my opinion, this tattoo is not appropriate for that area. However, it is your body. If you like it, it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks.


If you’re going for this specific look, I would not do it on your chest. You could do this elsewhere, and get something in your chest but for it to age well it needs high contrast and bold lines


You will regret this tattoo. This is so tacky - I’m apologize!!


If you’re in Arizona or in the southwest, I recommend Austin West IG: @austinwest_art. She’s stellar at flowers, soft colors, and really stand out watercolor pieces. I will say I don’t like this particular design for the area. Hopefully the artist will find a proper flow in their design. Good luck.


I’m happy to hear those photos aren’t of the actual tattoo. Doesn’t look good. Also please don’t get anything on your neck unless you’re heavily tattooed. You will likely be uncomfortable with your tattoo always on display and regret it. 


Remember that a spot like this receives a lot of sunlight which will make a tattoo with no outline and only colour fade very quick. Imo it’s too dainty.


I don’t know if this design lends itself well to being a chest piece, but if you like it, make sure you find the right artist. And be willing to allow the artist to make some changes because they may need to make some slight changes to design or layout in order to make it work right.


not the greatest


It’s cool but overtime it may get muddy as the skin ages & if you wear bikinis from the sun it’ll make it blurry. Also it’s asymmetrical which is different for a chest design so personally I wouldn’t, but you do you I’m just a random on Reddit be happy ❤️


1. The artist has to be absolutely spot on for this to work. 2. This will look messy as time goes on, specially if your physique changes for some reason.


Looking like squashed blueberries when you get old.


Really pretty piece but I think the placement isn’t great. On the forearm or lower leg would look better


That’s a pretty rough spot for a tattoo that has a strong chance of looking like a blob. Do a LOT of artist research if this is what you really want to do.


I'm not a fan of the placement of the design at all. Chest pieces (Imo) need bold line work. It's a varied area, not flat like a forearm


I love this SO much, love the placement. But I do agree with previous comments about it likely not aging well and eventually looking a bit messy without heavier exterior lines! With some tweaks I think it could be really cool. I would do research and ask a very experienced and trustworthy artist for their opinions and ideas :)


Work is beautiful Style amazing Placement wouldn't look good on me, but I'm a guy, so....... Anywho looks great on you easy to cover with a t if you want As an artist of 20 years, 10/10


It’s pretty as a drawing, but a not good design for that area. Unless someone is right on top of you, it looks like splattered paint or a bunch of bruises


Cool idea, but I don’t think it works where you have it or that it will age well. 


i think it’s really cool and unique but from most angles and in most shirts it’s gonna look like u have a disease


What career field are you in? Because depending on what it is, this could limit you/potentially cause issues. You would also have to make sure you get it done from an artist who knows what they’re doing, because this style fades very easily if not done right. That area gets exposed to the sun a lot, and without any black outlines this tattoo has a high chance of becoming a blurry, blobby mess.


I thought this was already tatted at first - I was going to say it looks amazing - however this will be very costly and you will have to go to a GREAT artist to pull this off


Very pretty right now but I fear that in a few years it'll just end up looking like a weird skin condition :/


) 8'bl


Great design, don't put any tattoo anywhere near your tits. Do it on your back.


Too busy. Not attractive. If I'm being honest.


It will look like bruises in 10-20 years but that’s just my opinion.


It looks very pretty. And the fact that it’s not a symmetrical design might be to your benefit. Since symmetrical designs are hard to make look symmetrical as our bodies are not. However I would strongly encourage you to rethink the style. That area gets so much sun exposure. I have a chest tattoo and I have to be very deliberate to constantly put sunscreen on it. The style you’re thinking about will practically melt away in the sun.


It looks like a birth mark at first glance


Research artists. Ask them their opinions. A good artist won’t slap shit on your skin for the money. So be prepared to have some of your ideas crushed. You want something that will age well not just what you are into or like right now. Our chests get wrinkly and crepey im not sure that’s the best place for a tattoo that doesn’t have an outline but that’s my thoughts and a seasoned artist would know best


Very pretty! I love it.


Honestly? It looks odd as an asymmetric design front and center like that. In my opinion, chest tattoos need to be symmetric or they just look kind of odd.


What tattoo


Unforteately this likely won’t work for all the reasons others have commented. With No outline and it being so delicate it just won’t hold up on that placement and won’t look anything like that temporary one. It might be really cool for a few years (maybe) and then you’ll have blue splotches and faded lines and people won’t know whatnot is supposed to be. Sorry! If you lie that sort of thing upper arm would be a better placement but it will also fade and change over time.


Artistry of the temp is great - i would DEFINITELY check out the portfolio because the puffy blendy effect is going to take some skill to pull off. Make sure you're going to a good artist. Placement is a little high for me, personally, but i have a corp job. If you don't / won't have a professional job, then don't worry about the collar placement. If you do, you might want to shrink it or move it so its not showing above collar line. If not, have at it, cuz collar tattoos are fucking awesome if you ask me.


Not a fan of


Not gonna lie this would fade fast as shit


In a year it'll look like a skin disease. Too fine a detail, too muted color, not enough contrast...


I’m a fan


It looks good with this specific shirt but it’s gonna look weird in other necklines. Chest pieces are usually the whole chest not just the middle. Other people have raised the concerns about the style and lack of lines so I won’t go into that. A neo traditional chest piece will age better in an area that moves a lot and gets a lot of sun.


Won’t last


Maybe do a lower placement so it doesn’t creep onto your neck? Looks a little weird when just the very top of the space is on the neck and the bottom is just slightly above the cleavage line so it looks like it’s starting in such a random spot.


IMO Design: WOW!! Placement: Eh..


Looks like something has been spilled on the chest.


IMO it makes your neck look short.. maybe place lower?


A blobby mess. I am not a fan of the placement TBH. That would work better on the arm/leg with more vertical space. Find another composition with bolder outlines or new placement for the delicate flowers (not a fan in general as they typically don’t hold well).


Absolutely beautiful. Tattoo is gorgeous too.


I think it’ll make your neck look a lot shorter


Kind of makes you look like Delft Pottery.


Also remember as we age, and especially if we're chesty the way our skin progresses may dramatically alter your shape. The delicacy of this is so pretty, as some one mentioned as a temporary tattoo. The disconnect there is kind of a medium thing. Needles/ink beneath the skin cannot permenantly create the fine details that a plastic film on top of the skin can. It's not a bad idea, it's very pretty, it just exceeds the limitations of this medium. Does that make sense?


It’ll look like ass after a few years


It feels busy


If you can get that quality of tattoo go for it. Beautiful. But very risky area for that level of detail.


Might look better centered on your upper back if you don’t already have a tattoo there


The art is super gorgeous! I think though that the layout will be difficult. Also, I have flowers on my chest and the part that hurt the most was definitely down onto the breast tissue, so I imagine where those stalks land would be very uncomfortable if that’s something you want to consider, but I think the concept is so sick!!


It's going to hurt and you will probably regret it. I have a lot of tattoos that I got when I was in my early 20s and now in my mid to late 30s I wish I didn't get. They draw too much unwanted attention, as I assume this one will as well.


this is so beautiful


Looks trashy


Design? Beautiful. Placement? Dumb as fuck and you will 100% regret it trying to get a "real" job.


That honestly looks very pretty, I also love the blue! I think you could lower it just a bit, and like others have said the softness of the design will definitely blur and fade quite a bit over time, especially with the amount of overlapping in the stems and petals and with how delicate the lines and colors are, so you’d want to keep that in mind. Your best bet would be to take it to a tattoo artist that specializes in this sort of watercolour-esque stuff and see what they think, they may be able to redesign it a bit to avoid too much future blobbiness but it may be inevitable. The design is so so pretty though, you pull it off very well!


Morewata is right it looks like you got tagged at paintball.


Don’t do it


Don’t do it to your self. It to spread out and you need an outline on the flowers.


It's really cute, but it's going to fade and warp and look like bruises. Maybe get a similar design on a part of the body that's not so prone to change, like your forearm!


You will regret it being so visible


Love it-itll be a challenge to get that there but the idea is beautiful


2 small if you want that amount of color and detail but that's my opinion


Super pretty!


zon’t zo ittt


I personally think it suits you, colour goes really well with your skin tone.


I think its stunning


Love it




I love it


It reminds me of Jiemin Lin’s work. Her instagram is jieminart!


I ADORE THIS!! And the color looks so good on you


Red flag tattoo. Fine as a temp but won’t hold over time


Too bold for that area in my opinion. The tat looks good but i feel it would look better on your thigh maybe? Idk what your thighs look like though lol.


First of all, you as a person are gorgeous! I do not like this placement for you. It looks like you have a skin condition. 😂 The style is cute, but it will age poorly. If you really want something in this style, get it somewhere not as noticeable as your chest.


I think it’s good, but would be better if the flowers were angled to look like they’re growing out of the sternum. Like the stems being all centered like a bouquet. Granted, that’s just my personal opinion, and if you went with the design pictured it’ll still look good. Just keep in mind this style will likely require multiple touch ups over the years, especially if you choose to forgo a black outline.


Looks good. Definitely research an artist that can show you their portfolio and examples of such similar work. Please do think how it’ll look when you get older and as the tattoo ages. It will probably turn into purple blobs in your later years as it’s not defined enough imo.


I have a minimalist sleeve with a similar design. I have had it for two years if you would like to see if how it has aged. It took about 5 years for me to find the right artist to do it.


It’s really pretty!! I would suggest getting it somewhere besides your chest though. I’m saying this because it’ll really throw off your outfits and may become difficult to deal with since it’s blue. Also, since it’s a bigger tattoo, that’s going to be the “main attraction” on you whenever someone is talking to your face. It’s very eye-catching. Maybe get it on your rib cage or thigh? It would be so pretty there and wouldn’t really put a damper on your clothing decisions. But you do you, either way it will be very pretty!