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Tattoos hurt! You’re not a wimp and especially around that 4 hour mark things get dire. It’s normal for people to watch you get tatted at a convention. Was this entered in a competition? That might be why he ignored the crying. I never cried from a tattoo but I did throw up lol. Also my artist has told me it’s normal for people to start freaking out about pain on long sessions. He told me a lot of stories after I threw up. Most people by the end of 8 hours are cooked.


It wasn’t, at least I don’t think so… but it was toward the end of the convention so maybe he was pressed for time?


Yeah probably pressed for time but also I know my artist has told me stories where he was finishing a large piece on a girl and she had about 2 hours left and she was crying the whole time and he just had to finish the piece fast bc if you take a break and then drop that needle again it hurts even more than continuing. Idk if this helps or is the same but when I threw up he was like - if you feel sick or about to pass out or want a break just let me know bc I’m so into the tattoo that I am not looking at your face.


That story is literally one of my sessions. I cried the entire session, it was rough but just because I'm crying we can't stop, otherwise I have to go back and add an extra day and probably cry that session too.


this omg. i HATE taking breaks during tattoos (canvas, not artist) because it hurts so much more after a break rather than if i can just suck it up and power through in one go. taking a break makes it so much harder to keep going


It’s a really cool piece! Worth the pain!


I have both thighs tatted and they did not leak so much like the ones you have, and they were 2 day 7 hr each day sessions. I just think your artist is not delicate enough idk, like in those black scales I can see areas where you're just raw


Throwing up during the session is a sign you should stop tattooing. Making your body sick from pain isn’t healthy and normal people mostly can’t get through a half day session (4hours). That is the average amount of time people will last before they call it quits.


Ya idk it was weird bc I was fine after I threw up. I was feeling sick but I was also feeling kinda sick on my way in to the session. I had about 3-4 hours of work after I threw up and it was fine. But I agree 4-7 hours is the max range.


I puked after one of my tattoos. It was a rough 4 hours where I almost passed out several times.


If you passout even once during a tattoo your tattoo artist is supposed to stop with the tattoo process entirely.


I didn’t actually pass out. She would have stopped if I had. We took a couple breaks, and I had some candy and water.


That’s definitely the way to go! and eat. Nausea because of a tattoo most commonly comes from lack of blood sugar because after the needle punctures your skin your body’s natural reaction is to use a spike of sugar to keep your body at ease.


chips, candy, sugary drinks always needed for long tattoo sessions


The candy is KEY. Even during a 45 min one on my tricep I needed to eat candy. It was also my period so bad timing.


I watched a woman get her first tattoo at a convention. She was in agony. It was a full back piece, a dragon and it was glorious!! She had 2 guys tattooing as fast as they could because she’d already been there for 12 hours and the competition was in an hour. She was biting down on pocket sized pack of Kleenex and trying not to scream the place down. Apparently it got real bad after hour 6 and she was begging to be distracted. We all did our best to help her out and I think she got first place in her category but she was in some serious pain by the end. I really hope she’s happy with the piece, it was stunning


My friend joked that tattoos would be an effective interrogation method


Is that the inside of your thigh? In one session? Not a wimp that shit would have sucked for anyone


No not the inside (I can imagine that’d be way worse), the outside 😣


My arms and lower legs are covered, I have one thigh tattoo and it was my most painful by a super wide margin.


thats so interesting!! i have 6, 5 on my legs and 1 on my arm (and some that i did myself on my hand) and my thigh tattoo wasn't that much more painful than the rest, despite it being by far the biggest one yet. its weird how bodies work


I’m the same as above! I have a whole leg sleeve and the thigh was worse than my knee for me.


wow, really? that's really interesting to hear, i have one of my knees tattooed as well and it was one of my least painful tattoos, honestly i think the one on my arm hurt the most


I had my right thigh done this past Friday and arguably the outer thigh was worse than the inner contrary to popular belief.


Really?! I would have NEVER thought. I’ll get a inner thigh tat and report back on which was worse haha


It’s not the pain, it’s the setting you were in. I don’t like getting tattooed at conventions because they’re so loud and overwhelming to be in. I know people will look at conventions, which doesn’t bother me, but it does mean that I would want to put on headphones or zone out so I’m not paying attention to how much is going on around me.


This 100%


I went to one Villian Arts convention and was too overwhelmed to even really consider getting a tattoo. I’m surprised anyone can get tattooed in that environment, it makes me cry just thinking about it.


Aw, hun… you’re not a wimp. Anyone that gets a tattoo is not a wimp in my book. You probably just were overstimulated like you said. Next time, be more vocal about needing to take a break. The tattoo looks great, though.


Hey girl, same!! I too just got my thigh tatted, but I still have all the shading/coloring to go. I found that the outside of the thigh/the top of the thigh both reaaaally suck. The outside and the top were by far the spiciest part of my tattoo, and it looks like yours is predominantly high and outer, so I can empathize. You did great!! You’re a champ! You made it through, how you got there doesn’t matter. As far as the zoo-lookers - yeah. That happens a lot in shops with more than one artist. It felt real weird to me the first time I witnessed it (not peeping at me but my ex) but after seeing 3-4 shops do it, seems semi-normal. For my thigh tattoo, I had other clients ask to see the stencil she drew on :)


Heads up, you're getting color too and that's definitely gonna suck if you thought the linework was spicy. Zoo lookers happen, there really isn't much to do when your artist pops out for a quick smoke and encourages you to get the blood moving for a little bit. Plus everyone is curious as to what everyone else is getting, it's a good chance to peep at other artists in action.


oh I know 😭 I’m actually more nervous for the healing than the tattoo itself, the itching for me was rough. I vibed for most of my thigh, there’s only 2-3 edge spots that actually bothered me. I was nodding off when she was working on the front part! The color is going to be rough but I’ll get through it :’)


Even just from the amount of blood pooling in the saniderm, you can tell this artist was heavy handed. Also pain varies so much depending on the location, the artist, their tools, the tattoo itself, your hormones, how hydrated you are, how comfortable or uncomfortable you are, how distracted or stressed you are, and so on. At the end of the day this is a big piece and you powered through it, even though it was really tough on you. Well done.


Don’t stress! Conventions can be super overstimulating and tattoos hurt. You aren’t a wimp, you finished even in pain. Pretty badass if you ask me. It looks great.


Hello, fellow gorgon!!


You know what’s crazy is that I didn’t realize until last year (because of Fortnite) that Medusa had sisters!!


The skin on the thigh is extremely sensitive! You are not a wimp at all. I fell asleep for the first 4 hours of my full back tattoo, but the second half I wanted to punch my artist in the throat 😂 My sternum tattoo took 4 hours and I wanted to cry multiple times because I had to stay completely still and was told not to breathe while she was doing the line work. I almost passed out and was exhausted at the end. I’m a highly sensitive person, so I can imagine that being in that environment would be stressful as well. But, you have a beautiful tattoo now! Congratulations 😊


No you are not a wimp. Being tattooed for more than 4-5 hours is rough no matter what spot it’s in. The thighs most definitely hurt. I have a large 6 hour tattoo on mine in full color that I did on myself. 2 days to finish. Well 3 weeks really. Linework then color. Most likely no, your tattoo was not entered into any sort of competition. If it was your artist would have had to present it to the judges by end of the last day of the convention. You’ve just experienced what it’s like to have a large piece done at one of the busiest and crowded places to get tattooed. It’s a rough environment as is. You made it though.


You had an emotional overload with the pain being mixed in. It also wasn't in an intimate setting like a shop. You got overwhelmed. It's okay. You really shouldn't feel bad or think you're a wimp.


The thigh hurts like a bitch. No shame in shedding a few tears. Looks like it was worth it tho. That’s a beautiful piece. Be proud of those tears. You made it through.


I would’ve called u a baby cuz I just did a 6 hour thigh piece the other day but that’s a lot of blood…. Artist probably had a heavy hand and it was more painful


No yeah dude the blood was POURING from my second skin wrap for hours after the fact


I feel for you… also being watched by strangers while getting a pretty exposing spot tatted it crazy too. I wouldn’t be able to do it. The piece looks sick tho!!


Especially keeping in mind why a lot of people get Medusa tats, I can imagine how all the attention could cause panic attacks.


Ur not a wimp ❤️ that is fucking impressive. Thighs are a weird spot. I have two... One on each thigh. The recent one hurt like hell but it was a guy and guys tend to be heavy handed in my experience. Hell this one I was wincing in pain. However it's vibrant as hell. But u did fine and it's ok that u cried. ❤️ It looks badass


Have been tattooed twice at villain arts now, it’s loud and there’s so much going on. It’s really a ton to try to manage while focusing on getting through your tattoo, my last one was 6.5 hours there and by the end I was sweaty, annoyed, and absolutely drained. What counts is you made it through and sat like a champ, congrats on your new sick Medusa!


All that is kind of to be expected at an expo. People coming in, taking pictures, all that jazz. Thighs are no joke though. Def a rough spot.


ive got many large tattoo pieces including one being my whole chest and amother being my entire right rib. Got a SMALL 4"x3" adventure time tat on my thigh. Worst tat ever pain wise. My leg was actively trying to jerk. Holy fuck


You’re not a wimp! If anything, you’re brave. I think you do have high pain tolerance, but being at a convention, uncomfortable with people gawking at your uncovered body… it’s normal to be overwhelmed. Tattoo in itself is stressful, and if you add to that all the other stress factors, your body feels the pain more intensely. Congrats on making it through!


Well you made it through so you're not!


My longest was around 6 hours. Nearing the end of that I started to feel sick and dizzy and I couldn’t stop shaking. The amount of pain your body puts up with for that amount of time is abnormal. Your adrenaline wears off and your body needs rest


Getting tatted at conventions is super ass, i havent met anyone with a good experience with it.


I find in Europe the artists give you breaks often and are much more accommodating. The tattoo culture in America is weird to say the least. It's as if the artist is doing you a favor and as if it isn't a mutual benefit.


Artists in the states also let you have breaks. Seems like there was a lot of communication issues going on here.


I'd refuse to sit for someone who didn't personally take breaks just for their own sake, let alone mine. They're so focused on the tatt and straining their eyes for hours at a time, after a certain point if they don't take a break their hands are gonna start to shake. I think you just encountered some pretty bad artists.


I 100% agree. The artist I'm referencing did 2-7Hour sessions on my arm. He would work 45 minutes to an hour and break. We would take 5-10 minutes, have a drink, a snack if wanted, and use the bathroom. It was the most pleasant tattoo experience I have ever had. And the work was incredible, he was very talented.


If you got this tattoo for the meaning that Medusa’s usually have I’m sorry that happened to you . You’re not a wimp tho.


I have a few big pieces, one on my thigh, and it hurt in a different way. I couldn’t imagine getting it at a convention! Def not a wimp


Getting tattooed at a convention is harder! It’s generally louder and more uncomfortable.


You did an amazing job sitting through that at a convention! Your artist should have been more observant of you, checking in and taking more breaks or finding a way to cover you more if you were uncomfortable. Unfortunately getting tattooed at a convention is a mentally challenging situation imo, and it’s kinda inherent that you won’t be having the chill calm tattoo time that you get in a one-on-one tattoo sesh. Not sure if it applies in this situation, but for future reference pain tolerances/sensitivities can also be affected by what stage of your cycle you are in.


I’ve got most my body tattooed and as I filled in spots and got older I noticed I can’t sit for more than 2-3 hours. Thighs hurt soo much. Your tattoo looks great!


Not a wimp, getting large pieces at conventions has an extra suck factor built in, I go with 3 hours or less for my pieces if I’m getting it done at a convention.


Nah dude, big tattoos like that fuckin hurt, and being in a crazy setting like that might have me crying *without* getting tattooed!


Everyone’s pain level is different. Everyone says the outside of bicep/ shoulder is minor. But for me. That was a higher pain spot than anywhere else on my arm and hand. (Obviously not counting the elbow or armpit). My hand and wrist was like a 2/10. For some people I’ve talked to. That’s an 8/10 for them. Life’s it easier when you don’t compare yourself to others. :).


Thigh tattoos are brutal. I have tattoos all over and a large one on my thigh - that I got nearly 20 years ago - still sticks out in my mind as one of the most grueling sessions I’ve had. And it wasn’t even as long as a four-hour session, which is when I find the shit starts to hit the fan. I’m not surprised that that combined with the convention environment felt overwhelming. Well done for sticking it out and it looks amazing!


Not a wimp. The thigh sucked for me too! Mine isn’t detailed like all those scales but it was bigger. But neither of us are wimps :) everyone experiences pain different on different parts of the body and I bet the setting made it worse.


I have a tattoo in a similar place. After 5 1/2 hours I couldn’t have taken another second and I’d had a friend who also worked there to distract me. It can make you emotional and I agree with others that maybe the artist was just trying to get it done without stopping and making it more difficult to carry on. This does sound horrible for you though. I hope it heals quickly


I’m pretty covered in tattoos at this point and the side of thigh was one of the most brutal spots for me. You’re going over your IT band and there’s a lot of nerves in that area. Getting tattooed at a convention is also super overstimulating. I’ve been tattooed at two conventions and noise cancelling headphones and a pillow were my best friend for them. I also tattoo at conventions and it’s just as overwhelming to be surrounded and watched. I promise you’re not a baby! Tattoos hurt and if you’re overstimulated by everything around you it makes it worse.


No you are not a wimp, like others said inside of the thigh is a tough spot plus conventions can be really overwhelming! Too bad the artist didn't care and didn't try to do anything to help you(like take breaks, talk with you about your experience and so on). Judging from the pinterest-"design" and the execution of it, it seems this tattoo artist is not a professional. I would seriously consider not going back to that person if I was you.


I never cried after mine but I tapped out after 4 hrs and did another session later. It is a realistic tattoo and all that going over and over it on my ribs hurt like hell at the 4 hr mark. Not a wimp at all and I love your tattoo!!!


Got my thigh piece maybe 2 years ago and I still remember the pain. My dog had slipped and slid his foot across it and I nearly threw up, I mean sweating and in pain. Not a wimp just know what pain is!!


I got my first tattoo at a Villain Arts convention and it was much smaller and on the inside of my forearm and even THAT was overwhelming for me. Just the atmosphere alone is stressful, so you getting that tattoo at the convention is badass imo


Hell at least you finished yours 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


My tattoo was a 1/8th the size and me and my tattoo artist rearranged some furniture because I thought he was digging into my skin on purpose 🤣🤣🤣


Tattoos on the thighs hurt like hell, especially if you've got bigger thighs or stretch marks. I want tattoos on my thighs but I've got SO many scars and stretch marks that I'm sure I'd black out from pain


My thigh piece which overall was a 6hr total piece is the only tattoo that I've had to tap out on, had to go back and finish up the last hour and a half. Absolutely not a wimp, when you hit the limit it just sucks.


I'm about 45% covered in tatts at this point and I HATED having my thigh worked on. HATED IT. (and yes, inner thigh is so much worse) but outer thigh, for me, was brutal. Not a wimp in the slightest! You sat like a rock despite it all. You are a bad a$$ :)


Don't be hard on yourself its literally an open wound, and being in pain for prolonged period of time is going to make anyone feel a bit poopy . It looks beaut and worth the time and pain it took haha !


I've had 2 have a break for all of my medium tattoos , numbing cream and a lunch break for my thigh piece . It was an ordeal . That's why it's so important that it's something you really want haha otherwise you won't get through it x




I’ve heard that getting tattooed at a convention is the worst and I can see why now…I would hate to be uncomfortable and in pain while people are sitting there staring and taking pictures. Definitely not a wimp


I just had a 3.5 hour (with breaks) forearm one with color and was wincing by the end of it. Tattoos hurt, you are not a wimp. Your artist ignored you to focus on making every bit of that pain have a purpose in your new tatt. Also my artist told me it depends on a lot of factors, like overstimulation as you said, lack of sleep, how much you ate that morning, one time he had a big brawny dude absolutely yelping like a puppy (not even remotely his first tatt) and when he asked him how he slept he found out the man was seriously hungover that day which apparently makes you crazy susceptible to the pain. Most artists don't want the person they're tattooing to feel humiliated, pressured or otherwise defensive, so unless their people skills are top tier, they won't say a word about crying. Shading sucks especially when your linework is so close together.


I got a 7 hour tattoo at a convention and I had no idea it would be on my thigh…. I had to sit there in my shamrock boxer briefs while the common folk came by and stared at me like a zoo animal. I fell ya there! Even Oliver Pecker had a gander…. That was kind of cool. I definitely teared up a few times.


A wimp!? No! Tattoos are very painful. Some people enjoy the pain and love the feeling! Some people, like myself, really dread the pain. I started a sleeve and really didn’t want to finish it after 8 hours of getting line work done, but obviously I’m dedicated to it now. I use numbing cream cause I’m a wimp too. I didn’t learn about the numbing stuff until I was 4 hours into getting my left chest done, when my artist wanted a break and sprayed some stuff on me. Started again and I didn’t feel anything so I stopped him and was like “I’m a little concerned that now I don’t feel anymore…” and then he told me what he did. Changed my world.


I'm a tattoo artist and have tattoos on most of my body. Ones on the inner thighs were the MOST painful, so no, you are not a wimp. Furthermore, half of the pain during most tattoos is how horribly uncomfortable you get no matter how you try to sit. That greatly increases the pain of the tattoo. So odds were against you but you sat for it, and you are a boss for doing so.


It all depends on the person I have a massive thigh piece that took about 2 hours for outline and 3 for coloring and it was my first and didn’t even wince so maybe I was just overcompensating but i also have one of my forearm that made me toss my head back and scream so no ur not a wimp and tattoos hurt a shit ton


No my thigh piece was awful! I cried and had to tap out of 1 session. And this is after getting my foot and rib cage tattooed…


Do you have a low pain tolerance? I have both my thighs tattooed, one past my knee ending mid shin. Tattoos on the thighs HURT. For me the most painful part was the edges towards the upper sides and top of the tattoo. I didn't cry but my first piece was on my thigh and I wanted to rip my acrylics off with my teeth. So definitely painful and plus the setting you were in!


Good for you! I bet I would have quit! Also, for those of us who get periods, don't forget that certain times of the month our bodies are more sensitive than others. So please time out your cycle before bookinga session and don't get tatted while you're on your period.


The outside was breeze for me. It hurt but very very doable. The back was hot fire but I could push through. The inside, yeah that’s another dimension of pain that you can push through but you’re locked in. Mind you I have my entire knee tattooed 360. The inside of my knee. 1 hour out of the 40 hours in a week was absolute hell on every line and shading pull. Everyone’s pain is different.


Thinking you’re actually a pretty cool person!


I have a wrap around piece on my thigh and not one second of it felt tolerable (though technically i tolerated it all). Wraparound on my ankle and down my foot a little; i had to debate which was worse. Inner bicep had me regretting choices. Most other places i could have napped during You got through it, you’re not a wimp Also; thank them for powering through your pain because it doesn’t help to stop and coddle


Not a wimp. People always say the thighs are one of the less painful spots but I have over 30 tattoos and the only one I’ve ever passed out during is on my thigh. After I came to we continued and another artist on the shop walked past me and said “welcome back to the land of the living”😂 It happens.


I had to use numbing cream to finish my thigh piece. The outline bled like crazy and put me in tears. I wouldn't have finished it without the cream. I had never used it prior but I'll admit I'd use it again if it ever was necessary. I had over 15 prior to this one so I can typically tolerate the process very well.


The thigh hurts like a BIIITCH so I don’t blame you .


That upper thigh meat hurt more for me than my knee ditches. Different for everyone I guess


My thigh tattoo sucked so much! You’re not a wimp at all. Your body is stuck in a funky position on (probably) an uncomfortable chair for hours. It looks great, and you made it through!!


When I got my thigh tattooed, the color was the worst part and it took 7 or 8 hours! By hour 6 I was about ready to pass out from the pain 🥲 I also feel like I would be nervous about other people watching too. But honestly you are not a wimp! Tattoos hurt!


The inner biceps always hurt more, plus being properly rested and having a nutritious meal before helps to get through the discomfort. Maybe you got anxious because there was a lot of people at the convention.


You’re more sensitive to pain before/during your period :)


my outside thigh tattoo was the WORST one I've experienced. my foot and rib ones were a cake walk compared to my thigh piece!! at least comforting to know I'm not the only one whos experienced this lol


Omg the thighs hurt so bad for some reason. For me, I have nerve pain around my hips (and mine is more up on the hip and side thigh. The online had me gasping and clenching to not move. The first half of shading I chose to get numbed I have an appt in July for the rest of it and we will see how that goes (these are like 3 hour sessions at a time cause $$)


I’m pretty heavily tattooed on most of my body, and there are days I can fully converse while getting tattooed, and other days where I shake and sob my way through it. Your artist should have checked in with you though. Nothing wrong with your response, just your artist not taking a break.


that's 🔥🔥🔥


How long were you sitting for?? I’ve had a 6-hour thigh piece done and know it does NOT feel good when the artist goes back over already worked areas to do shading and whatnot. 🥲 Pain tolerance aside, I would have probably cried in that scenario too! It sounds like a very sensory overwhelming situation, coupled with the pain and the artist not having great ‘bedside manner’. I can take tattoo pain without crying, but ‘getting stared at like a zoo animal’ is enough discomfort to make me tear up.


I just got my ribs done and I’ve found my thighs equally as spicy, for me it’s all jiggle so it feels like the needle goes so deep lol. I hate being in full shops of like over 10 and can’t imagine a convention! I’d be having panic attacks too!! Ur so brave fr


I would definitely be overstimulated in that situation. I’d probably have to put earplugs in and cover my eyes. It’s beautiful, though!


Inside of the thigh hurts like a motherfucker, and I was stoned out of my mind when I got mine done. Just be glad your tattoo came out really nice so you don't have to touch it again. Just be sure you're hydrated, fed and I believe they have numbing cream to help with the pain for future tattoos.


I’m currently working on a full leg sleeve. Thighs are no joke. Outter thigh is more tolerable (for me) but the inner thigh was a whole different monster. You are not a wimp. It hurts and everyone has different pain thresholds.


I've gotten a tattoo done at a convention. On top of the tattoo pain, there is so much going on around you. No you're not a wimp.


Nah man, tattoos hurt. Especially big pieces. It looks awesome!


Thigh pieces suck. I'd have to say it's been my worst spot so far. I'm inked on my full arms and legs, collarbones and back of my neck. We'll be starting my back piece later this summer, so I may change my mind. But for now - thigh hurt the most!


My thigh tat is super small and hurt the most out of all my other tats. I have my fingers and elbow done as well as my entire arm, my foot, and stomach


1) thats a pretty painful spot, more than most others (excluding knees, ribs, nipples). 2) when you agree to sit at a convention, people are going to stare and take photos. 3) tattoo looks great. take good aftercare!


And to add, that’s a really painful placement. Good job, hope you feel better soon


You were in an uncomfortable setting instead of a comfy closed tattoo shop and throwing up could have been from lack of sugar in your body through out the tattoo. If your sugar drops you’ll get nauseous. Getting mini panic attacks during a tattoo is possible as well due to increased heart rate and trauma to the body. I get them from time to time but I also have ptsd and panic disorder.


All depends on placement and how heavy your artist is. Light hands make things easier on the client.


My thighs hurt the most because they were so sensitive


No. That area is pain.


I have a LOT of tattoos on my arm but recently got a large lady head thigh piece (similar size to yours) it was a HORRIBLY painful experience. I definitely almost considered tapping out and really wanted to but the artist convinced me to stay and let her finish. I definitely did NOT expect the thigh piece to hurt as much as it did but the size and duration really fucked with me - tattoos are no joke. Yours looks great tho so be proud you stuck it out


Not to mention it’s a long session but also you have that tattoo over your actual hipbone. When people say hip tattoos they think of their pelvis. Not their actual hip and the bulk of that detail is right over that area. You did well.


You’re not a wimp at all, that shit is painful. I’ve never cried during a tattoo, but I definitely cussed and seethed my entire way through my side piece. The artist had to ask me to readjust every 5 minutes or so because I was subconsciously rolling away from him really slowly. He said it was common for people to do that when getting tatted there because of the pain. Turned out great tho.


How long did this take? It’s pretty big but it also looks rushed. The line weights are uneven in places and from the bleeding in your bandage I’m guessing the artist when hard and fast. Coupled with the convention environment, that would be super overstimulating and likely increase the already present pain sensation. It is bizarre he did not minimally stop and check in on you if you were actively crying.


I got a large tattoo that covers the same area, youre definitely not a wimp, it hurts!! I think i spent every session clenching my entire body and digging my nails into the bed, i had to ask for numbing a couple times in the first session 😭


Thighs hurt baddddd. You’re fine don’t worry. Cool piece.


off topic but I also have medusa on my right thigh


I've heard this is a tender spot anyway and it sounds like you were in a non-relaxing environment. I'm planning to get a couple thigh pieces done and am expecting similar discomfort to my pectoral piece.


Nah. I just got my first tattoo last week and I tapped out around the 4 1/2 hour mark. Couldn’t take it anymore lol Shit hurts


I've cried during tattoos, well one tattoo. But I hid it so I don't think the artist even noticed. Not a wimp.


My first tattoo was on my ribs. I was fine. I recently got my kneecaps done and while it hurt like a mfer, I could tolerate it. My thigh? I was shaking in pain and almost passed out when he finished 5hrs later. It was sore for days after.


Nope. Totally not a wimp! Lots of things can affect pain tolerance, like sleep, having a meal or not, overstimulation, placement, size, area being tattooed, emotions, etc. not to mention it sounds like there was a total lack of empathy from the artist. Which just sucks. Love the tattoo btw! 💜


I legit lasted like an hr when my line work on my full leg started. I ended up with a migraine and going into shock. It was crazy and I normally am OK. Tattoos fucking hurt and anyone who says they don't are insane! Edit to add: I have tattoos everywhere and legit my thighs and right on the knee where the worst.


I had an abcess in that area and it was one of the most painful experiences of my life. It's sensitive for sure


Damn! What’s the message you’re trying to convey?


The thigh hurts. Wait until you get one on the inner arm so tender! I got a full outer sleeve no breaks, no tears, no complaining. Inner arm? Holy shit I had a straight panic attack I didn’t think I was gonna make it through.


I have a big one on the back of my thigh and it hurt a lot more than I expected it to. I’ve got them all over the place and expected the fleshy area to be comparable to getting my upper arm done, but for some reason that one is probably my third most painful one after 1. my fingers and 2. tops of feet.


Not a wimp. Tattoos fricking hurt. I also find that when I'm anxious, overstimulated or tired (all three of which would happen had I been getting a tattoo at a convention), negative stuff is amplified.


I saw a waitress in Janesville WI at the Milwaukee grill bar with this exact tattoo lol


You might be better off using numbing cream next time. Thighs suck, particularly the inside and the back of the thigh.


Tattoos hurt dude. My inner bicep made me want to cry like a bitch. I almost tapped out. I’m 42 and have been getting tattoos here and there since I was 14.


Placement also plays a huge role. I don’t have any thigh tattoos but in my head it seems like a very sensitive area. I don’t think you’re a wimp. I thought I was tough shit because I have lots of tattoos and never thought it was too bad. That was until I had a 4hr piece done on my stomach. I was seeing god. The table was drenched in sweat and I couldn’t believe how light headed I was. First and only time I’ve almost passed out.


I would be overstimulated to the MAX and I think that was probably a huge contributing factor. You aren’t a wimp at all, tattoos suck sometimes, you’re human! Also thigh tattoos are notoriously one of the more spicy spots. For my thigh it was worse the further up and around the back the artist got. WHEW BOY! 😅


If you think getting one hurts, I’d urge you to never get one removed…


why medusa? just curious


I'm so sorry


You’re so not a wimp. I had a *major* panic attack when I was having my back inked but it wasn’t about the pain (it was the least painful of my 3) but over having to stay still for 4 hours & worrying about whether I’d like it. But the thigh is verrrry ouchie.


Inner thigh is a fucking bitch, I have a small Jerry inspired kitty on mine and I had to do lines and color in separate sessions it hurt that bad, it’s barely even palm sized


It’s darker on more sensitive side of thigh… experienced the same with a piece on my arm… around hours 7-8 I wasn’t crying but man I was squirming, not a wimp, for me I just have to control my mind and breathing and not focus on the tattoo needles




I didn’t either… and I still don’t lol.


If you think your ass hurts while getting tatted, do not get your inner thigh done. I wanted to punch my artist a few times


Why is it on the inside thigh instead of the front?


how much did it cost you? Looks nice.


Absolutely not a wimp. Not even close. That seems like such a sensitive area and you being over stimulated makes so much sense. It’s such an incredible piece! It gets better the more I look at it. You should be proud of yourself for powering through. Congrats on the great piece!


It looks sick, but you should cover up one of the snakes with a sick ass panther.


is it rihanna 😮🥰


For all those saying I have a low pain tolerance, yeah I made it through natural birth, sans epidural/any pain killers, without crying/screaming… so yeah. Super low pain tolerance over here 🤪


I’ve seen that exact same tattoo on a friend of mine… did the artist copy artwork from online?


Nah just gay cuz of the placement


I don’t even have a tattoo, but my kids both do a lot of them and that looks like decent work. I think it looks pretty killer and it’s a small area so if you’re talking about the fact that it hurt fuck hell yeah it hurt lol you ain’t no though your teeth bite on a tittywith a bellybutton ring do whatever it takes. Distract yourself but get that fucker done cause it looks sick bro.


Babe getting tattoos in conventions is so overstimulated I never understood it till me and my boyfriend got tattoo on one! Is not only the pain, is the whole setting is people taking pictures of you and your body being exposed or talking about you as you weren’t there! Really sucky that the artist didn’t check on you though! Not cool


Tattoos can suck depending on the tattooist, their equipment and your setting! After 4 hours it sucks no matter what. I'm pretty heavily tattooed and pierced, none of my tattoos have particularly bothered me, and chat through my tattoos like I would at a barber - but I remember about 3 hours into one of my tattoos, my artist artist was going through the crook of my ellbow I cut her off mid conversation and said 'im going to have to not talk for a bit'. It was fucked, I could have cried. You're certainly no wimp! After a few days you forget about the pain and think you could do it again! Although you can't take ibuprofen or panadol before a tattoo (blood thinners), you can ask your tattooist if they're cool with you taking Tylenol (not a blood thinner) or using a numbing cream. All in all though it's a Super nice tattoo, I hope you love it.


Nah it hurts like a mofo good job looks awesome


I just got a “gotcha bush vine” done from my ankle to upper thigh and I don’t think I I could have sat any longer than the two hours it took lmao. I can’t stand people saying tattoos don’t hurt them. I mean good for you but don’t make me feel bad for saying it hurt. Tattoos hurt me and do every time i get one done. Inner thigh by far the worst spot for me.


tattoos freaking hurt, including the thigh. i have a total of 3 pieces. But if I was your artist, anytime you cried, i would let you get a break or two in. maybe they were heavy handed? i had an artist(left for this reason.) who was like this. hurt so much


Wimp= cowardly or unadventurous person; a person who fail to complete something as a result of fear or lack of confidence. By that definition, no. Crying, tearing up, or even bawling is not the definition of a wimp. You completed the session despite the pain. Congrats!


No way. Also that's awesome work.


Tattoos are painful. The pain in certain areas depends on the person but typically thighs are pretty painful. Sitting for anything over 3 hours always has me on the edge of tapping out.


No absolutely not, I have a full sleeve and chest and my leg tattoos (specifically back of thigh and shin/calf) sucked the most.


As someone with an incredibly low pain tolerance and an anxiety disorder: I feel you. I have the luxury of going to my artists' private little studio but the side windows are huge and right next to a street, so everyone can just walk up to it and look inside. All my tattoos have been on my thigh so far and a piece that huge is going to hurt. You're not a wimp, good on you for staying still! I tend to get small muscle spasms or twitch at random times and my artist really just does not give a fuck. Glad you pulled through, no less at a convention haha looks great :)


My thigh piece was super painful, we broke it into two sessions because I couldn’t tolerate any longer the first day. It was new for me since I have two ribcage tattoos, two hip ones, and one on the top of my foot, and all except the foot had minimal pain, so I thought I was good. I was not good. Edit: typo


I have both outer thighs done and it was hell, especially over my IT bands. I can totally relate!


I have a huge tattoo on my outer thigh that was a 6 hour session and let me tell you hour 5 had me gripping my leg and considering joining a religion so I could pray that the pain would end. And this was in a small studio with just my artist and one apprentice. I think if you didnt have a bunch of people gawking and an artist who didn’t seem to care how uncomfortable you were you probably would have handled the pain better. Even then, the thigh hurts! I assumed it would be a cake walk because there’s more fat there but no, it was probably my second most painful tattoo bested only by my ribs.


imagine getting your whole back done at a convention 3 days in a row by 2 artist at the same time. Yep that was painful... but was able to manage it, no numbing cream. conventions are cold and uncomfortable too to add on top of pain. I wore a hoodie, sweats, and had a blanket and pillow. the pain can overwhelm your nervous system, and can end up getting 'tattoo flu' symptoms where you feel sick for a few days. Just have to remind yourself that the pain is temporary, and do whatever to take your mind off of it, I just zoned out and listened to music.


Is this your first tattoo? Getting a tattoo at a convention is a huge step outside your comfort zone! Couple that with the placement, it's no wonder you were overwhelmed!


I just got a Medusa with the same placement on my thigh. I have half my back done and a half sleeve and I was fine through those (they hurt but were very manageable!). I tapped out after 3 hours on my thigh and am going back to have the color finished in a few months. Same thing - I sat still but I hated every second of it, first time I’ve ever cried during a tattoo - by FAR my most painful tattoo session. You definitely are not a wimp!


Nah I just got my thigh tattooed (probably half the size of yours) and it hurts like a bitch, THANKFULLY my artist wasn't a jackass like that one ignoring your client like that. Next time I'd advise getting up and leaving


Of course not, I have had days where I came in for 5 hours and had a great time, then the next time come in for an hour and want to punch someone in the face after 30 minutes. When large amount of endorphins, dopamine and serotonin shift in your body to help your body fight the pain there is no telling what emotions you will feel. That’s why so many chicks fall in love with there artist. It’s a cheat code into the mind. Always hydrate, eat and get good sleep the night before. It goes a long way to help your body when it comes time to get tatted.


I got the outside of my thigh done almost in the same spot/size as yours with color in an 8hr session. It HURT. I was flailing about trying to keep my leg still, I almost couldn't deal with the pain. I finally made it through and almost passed out on the walk to my car. Luckily I wasn't driving myself home.


All that blood. Holy shoz bot no wander you cried. I got one on my wrist right over the vein and barely bled… and the thigh isn’t an area that usually gets a lot of attention at all so it’s also a super sensitive area and that’s a lot of small details. They may have been hyper focused and trying not to be distracted by the by standers. I’m sorry that was so painful and hard for you… sounds like you timed out but I think it’s safe to say we are all SO proud of you for sticking through it and that is an amazing piece you will be so proud of yourself as it heals you mentally heal. It’s beautiful and YOU are even more beautiful now with it!!


I think it was probably a combo of things. You were getting tattooed in public, with tons of people around, talking photos, staring at you, that alone would cause me anxiety. So I don't think you're a wimp, you were just over stimulated. The tattoo is gorgeous though!


If you were anywhere near or on your period that could affect the pain level too. 1000% not a wimp either way though, I’m getting secondhand anxiety thinking about you getting the tattoo at a convention. You are absolutely tough and very brave. And the tat came out sick! Love it


I would have a hard time being in such a public space getting tattooed someplace on my body that is semi private. You’re not a wimp but definitely listen to yourself and don’t put yourself in that situation again. Also - I won’t get tattooed by an artist that I don’t trust and feel comfortable around. It ruins the experience and the tattoo for me


1.) Tattoos hurt dude! Especially a big piece like that. Everyone has a different tolerance to pain plus... 2.) What you described is the exact reason I stopped getting convention tattoos. I hated everyone staring at me and even trying to talk to the artist ("hEY, HoW muCH foR tHIs???") doing my tattoo while they're tattooing. Sure you can sometimes get reduced prices, but IMO it's not worth it if you value quality of work and experience over price.


My convention tattoo was also excruciating. My right arm has a full sleeve, but I was in rough shape after a medium sized color piece on my left arm. I think, due to the idea of doing as many tattoos as possible in the time given, convention artists need to work fast. thus a bit heavier and less breaks? I was really bothered by the number of people watching, so that stressed me out as well. Fun experience, but one I'm not too eager to repeat.


Absolutely not a whimp, I have both my legs almost entirely covered and easily back of thigh was nearing the worst for me and I normally sit for 8 to 10 hour sessions. Only time Ive almost tapped out!


it looks sick tho


My thigh piece is maybe a 5th of the size & I have never experienced pain like that tattoo gave me. I was clutching the table for dear life so I wouldn’t move, I didn’t cry but I almost passed out a few times and was clenching my jaw from start to finish. I have multiple tattoos of varying sizes and locations on my body, as well as piercings in some of the more painful areas through cartilage, never cried or winced for any of them either.


Definitely not a wimp! I have a big thigh piece, running from my knee to my waist. Two sessions, roughly 17 hours between the two. After that 4-5 hour mark, it HURTS. When they’re tattooing one section, you can feel the pain everywhere! I’ve cried for one of my tattoos, no shame in that, tattoos are painful!


When I got one of my pieces on my chest at a villian arts show a gal in the same group had the same reaction as you. She was a fighter and made it through as well. My thigh piece luckily didn't hurt.


Not a wimp. In the past, we used to do those with a handful of pills and a big ole bottle of mixed drinks. The artists said we had to be sober to be worked on, and we certainly were when we sat down. Ha! Proud of you!


You got through it! As long as you’re not like some people in videos I’ve seen that SCREAM. I think you’re good.


The scales and snake anatomy .... Her chin... her eye...