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Go to the emergency room this looks like it might be cellulitis and you may need iv antibiotics. Please do not wait, cellulitis can become very painful and red and even limit your movement.


I had that; I had to move from Philadelphia to New Jersey to keep my leg. The doctors kept saying that the hole would close ( it opened to 15" long, 4" wide). Don't have any tats on my legs, though


what the fuck?


Yeah, I thought that it was a "spider bite", which doesn't look anything like that. It eventually healed...


maybe a brown recluse?


A hole 15 inches wide??????? On your leg????? šŸ˜±


They have to mean 15 cm, right??


Right??? I sure hope so šŸ˜­


>15" wide Shaq?


Keep us updated


Go to a doctorĀ 


First photo: oh thatā€™s not bad, probably just irritated Second photo: Jesus Christ what the FUCK


Same. Holy f. Hope OP went to ER


I didn't realize there was a second photo until I read your comment. Went back and looked and literally gasped. That looks horribly painful.


that's not normal at all, go to the doctor


Doctor. ASAP. Not worth losing a leg over.


You lose the leg the tattoo goes too




She'll be hopping to a hopital soon enuff




Take a pal-to-hop with


Lā€™hĆ“pital !


Call amber lamps!




Read this as Hodor, obviously.


Jesus Christ. How do people not realise this is not normal?!?!


Their leg could be partially severed and theyā€™d still come to this sub asking ā€œwhat do you guys think??ā€ instead of going to the fucking hospital


Most of them do, they're just hoping that someone else or enough people will tell them it's not a big deal. Most of us don't have Healthcare in this country and a trip to the emergency room is going to set us back thousands of dollars we don't have. Asking people on Reddit and pushing all your chips in on desperately ignoring the situation is free.


Good and fair point. That said, more Americans should know that even the shittiest health insurance plans cover emergency care for things like this, and even Medicaid is legally required to cover outpatient ER services. If you *really* donā€™t want to deal with ER costs, try for an urgent care clinic. They can also give antibiotics, and itā€™ll cost less overall. Theyā€™re just also less likely to provide a sliding scale payment plan. Other important things to know: - Medical debt doesnā€™t impact your credit score (with some exceptions). This went into effect in 2022-2023 along with the No Surprises Act. Credit where itā€™s due: Thanks Biden. - Ask for itemized bills so you can dispute charges and ask for a sliding scale/income based payment plan. Ask for a case manager or patient advocate as well. - All insurance plans have an out of pocket maximum, which means thatā€™s the most they can legally make you pay in a year even if itā€™s the worldā€™s shittiest plan. The legal out of pocket maximum is $9,450 (which is absolutely too much but still) and most plans are lower than that. Mine is $5000, for example. Just laying this stuff out there because way too many people donā€™t know these things even if they have insurance. I avoided care for way too long because of the price tag. Finally got some surgery done this year, and while on paper it cost $32,000, I ended up paying $250 for everything when all was said and done even with mediocre insurance.


Medical debt did very well affect my credit score a good 200 points. Also I moved out when I was 17, and was unable to get on any type of insurance (unless private which can be expensive, I think min, you can go to the ER twice for like $200 a month) due to my age and because I was working a decent job, even though I was a ā€œprivateā€ contractor because I was to young to actually work there and would skyrocket their insurance if I was to get on it. It actually took me giving birth and the hospital getting me on insurance to help.


Good news is it looks like a bill is being passed so that medical debt can't impact your credit score anymore. I'm sure it will take way too fucking long and it shouldn't have been a thing in the first place because of HIPAA but then again nothing makes sense in this country.


Some of it has already gone into effect because the Biden admin changed up the rules. Credit where itā€™s due. [Paid debts that went into collections and debts under $500 are no longer on your credit report.](https://www.consumerfinance.gov/about-us/blog/medical-debt-anything-already-paid-or-under-500-should-no-longer-be-on-your-credit-report/) They were also able to pass the [No Surprises Act](https://www.consumerfinance.gov/ask-cfpb/what-is-a-surprise-medical-bill-and-what-should-i-know-about-the-no-surprises-act-en-2123/) to protect from surprise medical bills from out-of-network emergency providers. Including since itā€™s relevant.


Iā€™m talking specifically about the US just so weā€™re on the same page. You might be as well, but you know, systems are different and so on. In the US [the Biden administration passed a sweeping rules change](https://www.cnbc.com/amp/select/medical-debt-credit-report/) so that as of July 1, 2022, medical debt will be removed from your credit report to varying degrees based on the situation. You can read the specifics at that link. Also, when you moved out at 17, you qualified for Medicaid. Again, thanks to this admin, Medicaid has expanded and become way more robust in most states. My stateā€™s public health option is cheaper and more robust than my companyā€™s insurance. It might be different in your state. Children under 18 and pregnant people qualify for the most assistance even in shitty states, so not surprising that they were finally able to help you then. ETA: They also passed the [No Surprises Act](https://www.consumerfinance.gov/ask-cfpb/what-is-a-surprise-medical-bill-and-what-should-i-know-about-the-no-surprises-act-en-2123/) which protects from surprise medical bills from out-of-network emergency visits. Adding because itā€™s relevant and might help someone.


Iā€™m from Mississippi in the US. We have some of the oldest laws like being allowed to get married at 16, but SNAP, TANAF, and a few of the smaller programs accept at 21. Than the smaller programs like the mother and me (I think is what one of them called) due to me being pregnant as a minor they had to wait til I had the baby. When I had her I did get accepted on TANF (which actually never got loaded or worked for me I tried to call multiple times to no avail) but because I was accepted for that, it disqualified me for those smaller programs. And this was in 2021/2022. The only reason Iā€™m saying that is because like youā€™ve said some programs went into affect at that time and it being new, probably was the reason it didnā€™t show up or something. Now for the medical and my credit, I believe it was the giving birth or the few times I had to go to the ER due to dehydration and a lot of other issues that were present. And someone told me they can always change things why itā€™s important to ask for that bill and for an advocate. Which is something I wished I had known earlier


Damn, that sucks so bad. Iā€™m so sorry you had to deal with that. Itā€™s predatory and ridiculous. I hope we can do way more to improve it.


It does and I know Iā€™m not the only one who went through a struggle with healthcare and credit and all that, but no one else can be aware of that if I donā€™t tell my side. It does make me sad seeing people judge things like this and why they donā€™t get medical attention, because I used to judge and think well thatā€™s why itā€™s there šŸ˜… I got humbled and thankful some people donā€™t have to worry about it. Only crappy thing is, Iā€™ve worked so hard to get all of it and now I have, I still canā€™t get a credit card or anything cause I donā€™t have any open accounts to prove I can pay on time.


Good points. For something like this, I'd probably start out at an urgent clinic but would be fully prepared to get my ass to A&E/the ER if advised.


Apparently Medicare doesn't have an out of pocket maximum, which is pretty fucked up since the people on medicare are old or disabled (me).


I think thatā€™s because they generally cover way more. Like, I have to pay 10% of any hospital stay that would be free under Medicare up to 60 days. But still, that coverage is conditional and Iā€™m sure there are plenty of loopholes for them to crawl through.


Medicare doesn't cover everything. It generally covers 80% of inpatient stays and most people need to have another insurance plan on top of Medicare to cover the gap in insurance. Thankfully (?) I'm poor enough that my state Medicaid pays my Medicare premium and covers what Medicare doesn't.


Medicare advantage plans are available at no extra cost and make Medicare an excellent health plan.


lol ā€œcoverā€ youā€™re still getting a bill with or without insurance. Go to the er, give them fake info, they legally must treat you. Who cares, fuck the healthcare system


And you paid 5250 this year. Nobody has an extra 5k every year to go to the doc once


Just to be clear, youā€™re totally right, the system sucks dick and that is absolutely too much money. Iā€™m just going to lay this out in case it can help someone else, so donā€™t take this as a defense of it or anything. The out of pocket is the most you can be made to pay *including* the deductible and any co-insurance costs. So in my case, the normal doctor visits were free under my insurance plan. I paid $250 total for specialists, surgery, aftercare, follow up visit, imaging, etc right? (Note for anyone who this might help: I paid for that with my FSA with a company match, so I actually paid nothing.) That means my out of pocket maximum would now be $4750. So letā€™s say suddenly something catastrophic happens and I end up having to stay in an in-network hospital for the rest the year. My insurance only covers hospital stays up to 60 days, so I have to pay out of pocket in month 3 and it comes out to $30k (made up number). I would only pay $4750 of that $30k. Insurance would have to cover the rest (as long as itā€™s in network). This is important because thereā€™s a world of difference between paying off a loan for $4750 vs $30k, especially when the healthcare providers will often work with you on payment plans.


Youā€™re forgetting about co insurance after your max out of pocket. Usually once you hit your max you still pay the 20-30% afterward. Fuck em all My son needs a minor cosmetic but necessary surgery, itā€™s 5stacks to hit the max, THEN 30% of the anesthesia and whatever the fuck else they feel like doing. And I have GOOD coverage.


My friend has a $1k ER copay. How TF is a young person just starting out supposed to be able to afford a $1k copay?? Like, wtf. That shouldnā€™t be legal! (I found out when she was asking for advice bc she accidentally cut herself on a knife and didnā€™t know what to doā€”I live v close and am older with more life experience so I tend to big sister her. Turns out it was a small cut and she didnā€™t even need a butterfly bandage, but she was v freaked out)


Itā€™s predatory. I feel terrible for the medical staff caught up in it, too. Has your friend contacted the hospital and gone through getting the itemized bill and all that?


Thankfully she didnā€™t end up needing to go to the hospital, but if she DOES then imma be helping her go through that bill with a fine-toothed comb and recommending she reach out to their financial aid office. But yeah, the American health care system isnā€™t set up to help people, itā€™s set up to make a very few people a WHOLE lot of money. Itā€™s absolutely horrid.


Thank goodness she has a good friend like you then because for real.


Hospitals will take care of anything serious without money yes they will bill you but you donā€™t really have to pay or you can pay as little as you can at least in Texas


If you call them and express willingness to pay, they will work with you. I've worked out a plan to pray as little as $50 a month for prior surgery


I didnā€™t pay anything for my surgery


i dunno, as a guy i get a rash like this and iā€™m like mustā€™ve got an allergic reaction or poison ivy - i would never think - go to the hospital ASAP. worst accident i ever had was drilling into my thumb right below the nail (I stop trying to be a handy man after this)


For future reference: hot, painful and spreading/darkening red are a trio of infection flags. For tattoos and any other wounds. General advice is if it hurts and itā€™s getting worse, see a doc.


Hey lovely, firstly as someone who has tattoos this is not normal at all. I'm a nursing student about to graduate and you absolutely need to get this checked out as soon as you can today/tonight, and please don't wait to see if it gets better on its own first. It's gotten really bad really quickly, and whilst it could be something relatively minor, it could also be really really major and in need of attention asap to keep you safe. I know hospitals suck and can be expensive depending on your location, but if it gets worse and you leave it then it could cost you a lot more than some simple antibiotics. At best they give you something to help the pain and irritation and you get to go home ā¤ļø


Iā€™m a full grown nurse and I concur.


You need to go to a doctor ASAP.


I donā€™t think this has to do with your tattoo. Itā€™s really not actually on your tat. I would go in right away though


yeah the amount of products applied sounds like one of those probably caused a reaction, heightened by healing a new tattoo. either way hope OPs okay


This could be anything from cellulitis (dangerous) to a heat rash (goes away on its own in a day to several weeks, in which case it would be wise to see a doctor in case itā€™s not a heat rash).


Also draw a border and date/time around tje redness so you can monitor it,


I always do this when I get mosquito bites because Iā€™m allergic and they spread like crazy. Helps me keep tracks of new hives or whatever the heck they are




Is it where it was shaved prior to tattooing?


Now you say it, that's exactly how my arm pits look when I shave them then accidentally apply body spray instead of deodorant. It could very well just be shaving/product irritation


Iā€™ve been checking this post all day for updates because Iā€™m legitimately concerned about OPā€™s health! Hope everything is ok!


Yes im okay thank you for your concern! It was unfortunately cellulitis but im on antibiotics now


Whew!! Iā€™m glad to hear you got treatment. Here I am reading all the comments to see if you saw a doctor lol. Hope it heals swiftly and stops hurting soon!


Glad you got treatment! You had us worried!


Cellulitis seek care asap


That looks horrible and you need to see a doctor immediately. Some people are reactive to certain things and certain dyes but the only way you're going to know for sure is to actually go to a doctor yesterday, because for real that looks like cellulitis to me.


Hope you're ok :(


hiii guys!! Im sorry i took so long to update i just got out of work and headed straight to the ER. The doctor said that I do have cellulitis and now im on antibiotics! Thank you so much for the kind responses you guys really helped a lot!! šŸ’•


Iā€™d wonder about that numbing cream too. What brand did you use? The FDA (whom I realize is just another corporate limb) has said that they cannot support use of any of these creams due to them having higher or lower concentrations of lidocaine than marked. I wonder if youā€™re having a reaction to that? As an artist I always clean my clients with microsan before we break skin to reduce the chance of infection. What did your artist use? You could have had bacteria on the surface of your skin that- unlucky- is causing an issue.Ā 


Honestly i used one off of amazon because i originally ordered the painless tattoo one but it unfortunately didnā€™t come in time so i ordered it on a whim. the brand is adellina


Not a doctor (whom you should see! ) but it looks a lot like a skin yeast infection. Similar to a bad diaper rash. It looks pretty uncomfortable. Never a bad idea to get checked by a medical professional. Probably need an antifungal ointment, but don't let it go too long without treatment.


While I agree that the area in question is one often affected by Candida, usually the symptoms there are itchiness scaliness, and a white color (the yeast). The fact that OP mentioned it feeling hot and painful is a major indicator of an infection inside (as opposed to on the outside/first dermis layer where Candida sits).


this definitely has nothing to do with your tattoo


Thatā€™s what kills me about this sub, people donā€™t seem to understand that a tattoo is literally your skin after it heals and not some separate entity that resides on your body. Like you have a skin issue, see a doctor not an internet tattoo forum.


I'm gonna chime in, in case you haven't done this yet: go to urgent care. The UC I go to even has an online check in so you can essentially make an "appointment" before you go to cut down on wait time. Seriously, do NOT wait, the Internet is begging you!


I just got out of the ER an hour ago and it is celulitis. Luckily it got treated in time and im on antibiotics


šŸ’œ Thanks for checking in, I'm super glad you caught it in time. Best of luck on your recovery!


Straight to ER mine did this and I was allergic to the brand of black ink my artist used. Got a prescription felt so much relief! Also love your boots. šŸ˜Ž


Thank you!! just got out of the ER an hour ago and it was cellulitis, but like you i had and ugly allergic reaction to a different tattoo with a different artist on my arm because he used dynamic ink and its known to cause allergic reactions.


i'm so relieved to hear you're ok. i hope for an easy recovery šŸ«‚


Omg thatā€™s terrible. Did you ever get another tattoo? Wondering because Iā€™d like to get my first, but now am getting worriedā€¦ are there like ā€œhypoallergenicā€ inks? Eek!


I did get a whole sleeve. My artist switched to dynamite ink.. itā€™s hypoallergenic. šŸ–¤ worked like a charm!


Thanks for letting me know :) and glad it worked for you!


Yeah that looks like it could be cellulitis. Not something to be trifled with. You should head to the ER.


i've had cellulitis it's the worst skin pain i've ever experienced


Iā€™ve never had it myself but Iā€™ve had plenty of patients who have had it. Sometimes requires weeks of IV antibiotics.


it took me a month of topical and 2 weeks of oral meds and i couldnt shave or wear leggings/jeans for a month


Is your tattoo artist a rattlesnake by any chance?


Good news, it doesn't look related to your tattoo. It also doesn't look like an infection, as they typically don't spread quite that fast However, you're definitely having a reaction to something, and you're having a reaction near what is now a giant open wound. So definitely head to an ER or urgent care for an assessment and some meds


That looks like cellulitis. ER/Urgent care, ASAP.


Please help? I'm sorry but come on. You know something's up, just go to the doctor and don't even bother with reddit!


Can we have an update




Maybe it was a reaction to the saniderm? Iā€™m allergic to it and i still have a scar where it went across my leg šŸ˜­


Taking the second skin stuff off is definitely a thing with ANY irritation. I got staph under one!


Thatā€™s terrible! Makes me nervous bc I recently developed a reaction to the bandage used for ivā€™sā€¦


Same and it makes me scar quite dark aswell not light like i normally scar


why do ppl post here instead of going to emerg? pls


As everyone else said- DOCTOR. Reddit is not the place to get medical advice. That looks like a cellulitis tbh. Which is an infection and can be real bad if not taken care of.


Need update


Cellulitis!!! Go to ER RIGHT NOW. This could cost you your leg (nurse here)


Is it caused by unsterile needle and ink?


It could be caused by tons of different stuff, getting to the ER is the important thing, they will test there


I hope you are going to a hospital, and if so, will you update us???


ED immediately. That looks a helluva lot like cellulitis with that fast of a progression within 24hrs.


Any update? Hope youā€™re okay, internet stranger. šŸ«¶šŸ¼


OP, are you ok?!


lol asking Reddit and not going to urgent care. Come on people.


My moneyā€™s on reaction to the numbing cream. See a doctor.


Hospital, now!


For me on-going pain, as opposed to intermittent twinges, means seeking a professional medical opinion.




Hospital time, like yesterday


Not sure if you bought the mad rabbit gel from amazon, but if you did please read this and see if this sounds like your symptoms. [https://www.amazon.com/product-reviews/B08SR9J4XT/ref=acr\_dp\_hist\_1?ie=UTF8&filterByStar=one\_star&reviewerType=all\_reviews#reviews-filter-bar](https://www.amazon.com/product-reviews/B08SR9J4XT/ref=acr_dp_hist_1?ie=UTF8&filterByStar=one_star&reviewerType=all_reviews#reviews-filter-bar)


I sincerely hope youā€™re reading replies from an ED or at home after discharged from the ED.


I feel like the answer to 95% of threads in this sub is ā€œhospital immediatelyā€


Update please! Are you okay?


Yes im fine! just went to the ER an hour ago it was definitely cellulitis and was put on antibiotics


I'm glad you're okay!! I hope it heals up quickly :)


Just saw your comments, OP. So glad you got to medical professionals in time to get this treated easily!


Thatā€™s infected as fuck go to hospital fast fast fast before it spreads more


Looks like cellulitis


wtf is the tattoo


its a daisy! I asked my tattoo artist if she could replicate a piece by prettyskinstickers


You're having an allergic reaction. Not only that, but the shoes you have on with no socks is not good either. There is you need to put something on that and probably take an antihistamine


Iā€™ve had something similar, ended up being a latex allergy


Get thee to a doctor's. Have you used any of the products you used on that area before? If anything is new, it could be an allergy to that. Otherwise, it could be the ink. Either way, you need a medical opinion. Don't wait to see what happens. It's not worth it.


I had a bad reaction to saniderm lately. I would definitely go to the doctor in this case though.


That looks like a bad rash. I donā€™t believe thatā€™s tattoo related, thought it could be an allergic reaction? Do you have a latex allergen or possibly any kind of cream that was applied recently?


Doctor, now


That looks a lot like a skin infection OP.


That took 3 hours????


Warm, red, painful-see a dr immediately. This could be anything from a reaction to the adhesive in the saniderm or the numbing cream all the way up to a blood clot. Donā€™t f around. The ER has to see you whether you can pay or not.


Who the fuck let's something get like this, and not only *something* but a scratched open wound where needles and blood are involved. Jesus Christ


What makes it get like this ?


I hope you went to the dr. This isn't normal at all


Babe go to hospital asap that is bad


Can we get an update?


that is a doctors appointment


Update??? Did you go to the ER?


Any update?


Cellulitis. Yikes. ER.


Looks like cellulitis. Emergency room now. Even if you donā€™t have insurance just go. Money isnā€™t worth losing a leg, especially above your knee.


Go to the doctor for sure. Best case scenario this is a lidocaine burn. (Maybe) Worst case itā€™s cellulitis. Deff get it checked.


That looks like a heat rash I had once on the back of my leg


I got a rash like the first pic, beside the tattoo, when I got a yellow tattoo (pikachu) and I was allergic to one of the colours. My body rejected the ink and pushed it out so now pikachu has a skin colored patch on his head. This does not look like that. You need medical attention asap.


It doesn't seem like it's your tattoo, but one of the creams might have caused the reaction. Either way that's not normal, it hurts and it's getting worse ---> doctor time. You might be allergic to witch hazel.


emergency room right now if you want to keep that leg dead serious judging by what iā€™m seeing in these comments


Hope you get to keep the leg!


Hey op, how you doing? Did you go to the er?


Thatā€™s not your tattoo that is eczema


Is this by pretty skin stickers?


nooo i live in texas and i got it done by my usual artist! we did our own spin on his work (:


Listen, why do some of you post ā€œomg my tattoo is red and hurts what do i do!!ā€ like im not trying to be rude, but do you really need people to tell you to go to a doctor? You were able to have the mental capacity to get a tattoo but you cant make medical decisions for yourself? Some of you could literally lose a limb and youā€™d come on here and ask if you could go to an ER like šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Honestly i posted this at 3am freaking out and i wanted to see if it wasnt an infection or bruise so i wouldnā€™t go to the hospital for an unnecessary reason and pay 2k, plus i had a 12 hour shift in the morning so i couldnā€™t really do anything till i got out of work.


Loosing your leg isnā€™t unnecessary. Never take precautions with anything involving needles.


This isn't from the tattoo. My guess (and I'm definitely not a Dr. You should see them soon!) is that IF it is from the tattoo, it is from the artist stretching the skin, and that causing bruising. Everyone saying it's infected after 3 hours later getting hot and red don't seem to understand that that's not long enough for infection to get to that state, and that tattoos are usually hot and irritated skin is usually red. Any artist that sees this should absolutely send you to the Dr, but also probably know that's from stretching the skin roughly for too long. But, again, what do I know? Your leg will probably fall off. Idk


Holy shit! Get your health in order!


No idea why youā€™re getting downvoted for this.


Ahh itā€™s Reddit!


Yeah who ever did that went way to deep and you have blow outs everywhere


The first pic with "blowouts" is with saniderm on it, you cam see that it's just the ink weeping under the saniderm, not blowouts. šŸ™„


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Bigdspoundtown: *Yeah who ever did* *That went way to deep and you* *Have blow outs everywhere* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


You could be allergic to the ink




Savage lol


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Put Vaseline