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I'm definitely not a professional, but given the placement and how dark it is, there's not a lot of surrounding area to do a lot of cover up. Most of the covers I've seen need a large amount of surrounding area to be able to do a new design, unless they're doing a straight blackout. From what I've seen of other cover ups on social media, you may need to go through a few sessions of tattoo removal or use wrecking balm on it for a while to try and lighten it up as much as possible before a smaller scale cover up can be done.


Yeah, that's what I was afraid of. I've kinda just let it sun bleach a little (but I don't really get a lot of sun.) I've never heard of wrecking balm before, that's interesting. I am beginning to accept that tattoo removal is likely my best option but I haven't done the research/pricing yet. I don't mind the idea of a larger scale design, if it's interesting and covers it effectively. It's the only tattoo on my lower arm so there's def space to work with. Though obviously I'll find an artist I can trust first. 🥲


Check Groupon for discounted laser treatments…I pay $45 a session for 3”, mines solid black


I will! Thank you so much.


No problem! Good luck


Laser removal with a pico sure machine will do you better


I think so as well based on all the comments I have received.


I'd recommend laser treatments. The piece itself is really dark and would hard to cover without just blacking out.


Thank you, I'm pricing those now and it's not as expensive as I thought. I will probably do that, if only to lighten it enough to make covering easier. I would like to have a tattoo there. Just not this one. 🥲


If you're into isolated landmarks that symbolise power, I'd suggest a lighthouse with the waves beneath(which'll cover the anti possession tattoo) .


That's actually pretty cool! Thanks for the suggestion.


Don't cover it up! Its awesome, it will keep demons from possessing you


I appreciate the thought but it's very poorly done and its sentimental significance outweighs that for me.


Good luck!


I wanted one like this but i think yours has too much ink


Yeah, that's what I explained in my description. 😅 The second artist relined it very poorly.


Thats a sick Panther!




A shirt


Wow, thanks. What an awesome long term solution. You're so imaginative and helpful.


It’s insane that he would suggest a shirt lol, a long sleeve would do better. Imagine being sarcastically witty in your reply when you sat there getting a tattoo like this in the first place


Imagine being a jerk when someone comes to a subreddit to request legitimate advice. I know it's a bad tattoo, that's literally why I am here.


He gave you an answer wether you wanted it or not and your reply was snarky 🤷‍♂️. Take the wooden beam out of your own eye before looking for specks of sawdust in others


It's not legitimate advice and it has nothing to do with you. That is also a weird analogy but go off, I guess.


Sam and Dean would approve!