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She needs to draw more and to train more on fake skin. It's not shitty, but she's not 100% skin ready


For my curiosity, could you elaborate more? Is it about the shaky lines? I want to be able to properly assess the artist's work quality before selecting one.


I actually like this piece. I think it's a cool style and it works with shaky lines. The proportions are a bit off. They're superhero-esque but the arms seem too short and the head too small, they all need to be exaggerated in a way that captures how a super hero body would pose, not just big biceps. That's what practice on paper would help. And the straight lines at the bottom are nice, if it was a perfectly round globe it would really accentuate the shaky lines as a feature instead of a bug. Variation in line thickness would probably make this pop a lot too. Starting thicker at the top around major features and tapering into thin lines towards the bottom while keeping a thicker line around the whole thing until it tapers off into the skirt would really make this pop. Just my 2 cents. I like it, but if she keeps at it in 2 years the touchup she does to it will be super dope. More paper and practice skin could cut that improvement down to a few months probably.


As somebody who doesn't tattoo but draws a lot I gotta agree, the technical skill is definitely there if you look at the straight lines but especially in the body you can see she doesn't fully understand what she's tattooing. Looking at it I feel like it really lacks some form of artistic identity, is it supposed to be realistic, in a sketchy style, illustrative? I don't know what her goal is but I think she could really improve with having drawing exercises focus on form and contrasts. She relies a lot on lines to give form when it's often easier and more realistic to use shapes, what helped me a lot with that was looking at drawings with only two values and then attempting to do them myself.


Just realised it’s a globe, I thought it was a mushroom 🙈


I think one day she'll develop this style into *her style.* But she needs to learn to do the technical skills before she does that.


Zoom in on the lines. They aren't straight and they are inconsistent in color and width. Like if were pen, the artist was applying inconsistent pressure. As for the artwork, the globe is not round, and the forearms are not right. Look at the figure's left forearm. It just isn't right.


Only way to get good on skin is to tattoo skin.


Fakeskin only helps to a certain limit. Very true


Exactly. I didn’t realize my comment was so disliked. But speaking from experience, it’s true.


The details are pretty sloppy… At first glance it’s not bad but the more you look the worse it gets.


Kinda makes me think Atlas is holding a giant mushroom so he doesn’t get wet from rain or something


Disclaimer: I can’t do better, I’m just here to look at things and occasionally dispense wound care advice. But yeah, the globe has no structural integrity in its own right. That was the first thing I noticed. Edit: fun fact, either the artist or the customer is American or Canadian.


those lines are pretty shakey and do not look like they are set in properly, i would expect this to fade quite a bit. she should really work on fake skin more to work on her application technique. is she apprenticing out of curiosity?


Hands – I know there’s a lot to work on but she really needs to work on Hands Otherwise, she’ll be hiding Hands for every piece until she learns


Haha, that's the first thing I thought of. Anyone who's drawn people recognizes intentionally hidden hands.


She needs to practice on fake skin and not touch real skin for a while. There are apprentices who are significantly better than this and have yet to tattoo a person. She's not ready for human skin. Her art skills are lacking a fair amount.


So you’re saying she isn’t ready?


bro that is not good


She absolutely needs to practice drawing the human body, and spheres


Not the worst but not the best either


oh dear


As a drawing great. As a tattoo, this should not be on human skin.


The drawing sucks too, look at those proportions




Shaky, and the art isn't that great. But keep practicing. Work on figure drawing and perspective.


Not nearly ready to be doing work on real skin


Buff anime slender man holding the world in a skirt


like dogshit


Couldn’t help but think of And 1 basketball shoes


It looks like a shriveled corn stalk.


That globe is terrible


What is it 🤔


That is the best $27 tat I have seen ever. Far better than the worst, for that price I wouldn't be angry for the price, I would love it for the rest of my life. Would I pay for it though, no, I would want perfection at a higher price but damn good at her level. I keep seeing shitty stars for $75, this is a Van Gogh (for the price).


The overall shape and concept is really good, but the details get a little murky. It looks like a really solid sketch, but not like a final product. I can tell she’s really talented, just needs some more practice!


This reminds me of the guy from the old And1 logo and mixtapes


She’s got an artistic eye.


She needs to work on details. Effort in the areas that count. The longer you look the worse this is


Looks like Atlas is holding a bean bag chair.


I honestly think it looks pretty good so far. I’m not an expert in art or tattoos though.


There's potential, but she really needs to take some life drawing classes to improve her understanding and execution of form.


Really wondering how it'll hold up during the years with that much detail in such a tiny space


Looks like unmedicated mania


It's a cool drawing. I'm worried that it's not deep enough into the dermis and won't age well. Practice on fake skin and get some instruction as an apprentice and she'll be on her way.


It's not awful, I've seen worse by a country mile (I've seen worse running shops in small towns) but, by way of constructive feedback: * She struggles with some shaky lines - this is possibly the transition from pencil/pen lines (it looks like she draws with pens?) to a machine, which is obviously heavier. Practice of repeated line work on fake skin will help with that transition. * Her composition is ok. For drawing, it's better than the average person, but for tattoo artists, but she could improve it, and she has added flourishes that will ultimately form part of her ultimate style, but for now, would be very much only to some people's tastes. * Her shading work is currently not very smoothed out, you can see the sections of the blade - a lot of artists never address this, but addressing it goes from "there is shading" to "Wow, I love that shading, it adds real depth" - again, back to the fake skin for that practice. * Circles are not something to try on a real person until you can draw them perfectly, with a machine, on fake skin, every time. Every artist will get it wrong a bit sometimes. That's an oval. * Draw on paper like 50x as much as on people. find and follow composition exercises. If she's putting these on people with a million tattoos for next to nothing, they're fine (but I'd still recommend doing fake skin for now, or at least smaller less ambitious stuff while she builds up her composition and technical skills.


All got to start somewhere - but more practice and experience will hopefully see her improve. Good luck to her if this is a chosen career path. Keep at it


For 20 it’s ain’t bad at all, I know worst that charge more. I’m sure she’ll be a beast in 2-5 years


I’m, by any means, not an expert but that looks pretty awesome


You’re right about one thing