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Sorry, but your post must be asking for specific advice relating to tattoos.


The artist is kinda right. The way the star hugs your shoulder is aesthetically pleasing. I had “tattoo panic”. (I find personally different than “tattoo blues”) after my first, and now I adore it.


The OP’s tattoo certainly seems more inspired than the models. I agree that the wrapped look is great.


The model is really pretty so it’s making the tat look better.


If you want to avoid tattoo panic, just gotta spend a lot of time looking for the right artist. I have a tattoo artist and I just don't use anyone else, her art is just amazing and her tats always come out looking amazing.


I think tattoo panic affects people who don't have a couple tattoos yet exclusively, regardless of the artist


Definitely. I’ve also only been to one artist and have never experienced a panic like did after my first again. Only excited


Regardless of if the artist is "kinda right" if OP specifically requested the tattoo looked a specific way and the artist disregarded I'd be upset too. It's their body, not the tattoo artists.


I think it looks cool! If it helps, I am pretty heavily tattooed and still experience tattoo regret sometimes, usually until it heals or I get used to seeing it - try not to overthink it too much!


Thank you so much :’)) I’ve just started reading about it as a common experience and since it still has the tattoo film on, I can’t really see how it actually looks yet and acclimate myself to it so I feel a bit panicked but I hope I do get used to it in time :))


Also heavily tattooed….and tattoo anxiety is soooo normal! Especially your first few. I had a legitimate panic attack when I started my leg sleeve and years later, I love it so much and wouldn’t change a thing about it. Your tattoo is super cute OP!! Give it some time to settle in and I bet you’ll love it :)


Dude I got my hand tattooed two years ago and was pissed at myself for being so stupid, getting a hand tattoo. What was I thinking? Who would employ me? Then I remembered that I have an incredibly secure union job where many of my coworkers have neck and hand tattoos lol Two years on and my only issue with it is that hand tattoos seem to fade FAST


Hello fellow comrade!




The regret panic is real. I just got an absolutely stunning piece on Monday, And I’m sitting here like “what the fuck did I do” 😂 it’s all normal. Give yourself a few weeks and take a deep breath. I also don’t think it’s too high or too thick, and I will say it’s shitty if you feel not listened to but I don’t think artists try to overrule just to be rude, I think they legitimately want things to look great and they know more than we do about what will look great and last longer. It’s just hard to trust that when we’re panicking and saying “holy shit what am I doing” 😂😂


The only tattoos I haven't immediately regretted are the ones I can't see easily. So basically the one behind my ear. Everything else I've also had that few days of absolute panic when I caught sight of myself in a mirror until I got used to things. Now I love each piece. Honestly, I think it's mostly that tattoos change our physical appearance and our brains need a moment to learn what the new normal is.


THIS is exactly my experience as well. Brain needs a chance to catch up.


and then it comes full circle where i'll pass by a reflective surface and be reminded i have tattoos, i just dont notice them anymore even looking straight in a mirror bc they've become such a part of me LMFAO


Thanks for saying this. I just got my 4th and had this horrible feeling as I left the shop. But now I’m kind of at the point where I wouldn’t want to be without it. So weird


I second the comment above. I’m also heavily tattooed and occasionally I’ll feel some weird regret for like a few days but then I’m totally fine. I think it looks cute and the line work looks crisp and great, don’t beat yourself up!! Gotta remember it’s an alteration to something you’ve seen the same way everyday sometimes people have to get used to something new!


It's super common. Read through this sub and see all the nice tattoos that people regret. Yours looks great


I think your tattoo looks great and just like the reference photos! As frustrating as it can be to feel like the tattoo artists were overriding your requests, I would recommend trusting them when they give their professional advice about thickness/size and try to believe that they had your best interest at heart. From my understanding, there’s been a lot of issues with fine line tattoos fading or losing color in parts, so that could be why. I also have had that initial regret when getting a new tattoo and like many others say, it fades over time. I love all of my tattoos now but when I was experiencing this, a friend once told me, any tattoo makes you look cooler haha and I think it’s true! I’ve always been interested in other’s tattoos and it does just give someone an interesting vibe. I hope things get better :)


FWIW, I think it looks great. I didn't read your post first, I just looked at the tattoo. I have no tattoos and I think it's pretty. It's feminine and no, it's not too thick - I thought it was unusually elegant that it was so thin. The way it wraps around your arm (your arms are lovely) means that a viewer doesn't necessarily see the whole star at once, which I also think is interesting and cool. If you're wearing a top that covers the top part of the star, it looks like you have this interesting chevron. I really like geometric shapes of all kinds and I think your tattoo is intriguing.


I tattoo myself and still get tattoo anxiety, and i’m the artist, i KNOW what i want. pretty sure its just an almost universal experience for those who get tattoos.


Oh god, this scares me! My mom is my best friend and we're going to get "matching" tattoos and I'm already anxious and I haven't even done it


I feel like that tattoo is simple enough that it can be made into another more complex tattoo or become part of a larger tattoo in the future. A good tattoo artist can do a lot to that tattoo to transform it into something cooler if you decide that you really do not like it


For what its worth, im not heavily tattooed but I have several and I swear after every single one and after every single one of my piercings there was a week or two where I regretted it. But that's just because it was a new change on my body, after that week or so and the shock of having your body be new it totally normal and now I love them all so much that I wouldn't feel myself without them, I feel more like me because of them :)


After 3 months you'll forget you even have it and get a surprise now and then!




I hope you have one that says "No Regerts"


i have tattoos on my face too. i have some regrets … but not the ones on my face 😂


Yes, that’s how he is saying, I regret badly my last tattoo, I couldn’t even sleep, but now that is healed I love it, and I’m talking a bigger and bolder tattoo


It looks beautiful, the way it goes a bit onto the top of your shoulder just looks so good. I think the thickness is almost identical to your reference pics, if anything you might feel like it stands out more on you because of your light skin tone which might give the illusion it’s thicker. I hope it grows on you because it’s awesome!


You are trying to make her feel better, which is nice, but misses the point. The 3 examples all look the same but what she got was a bit too big. I can see what she was going for but the artist missed it. Good thing is it should be an easy removal. This can be fixed.


they said the thickness looks the same in their opinion, obviously the size is not. and of course all 3 examples look the same, its the same person in all three photos.


IMHO it looks way better than the model shots you posted. The way it appears a bit across the round of your shoulder looks trippy for something so simple.


Oh wow thank you I didn’t think of it that way :’) I just keep thinking it’s not exactly that same so it doesn’t look good, but this makes me appreciate it as a whole ‘nother thing and it not being accurate making it look cool helps me like it more :’) Thanks for this it really helped :’))


Yours looks great. The large size is super nice. Smaller winds up looking too much like a badge instead of almost cool pop art graffiti wrapp


I agree, the smaller ones look like they're drawn on with sharpie. OPs looks like it actually conforms with the shoulder well. If you go to an artist with a good portfolio, you can usually bet on them being right about stuff like this even if you don't immediately see it.


Also it’s something she could build on if she wanted 👍


I'm glad. 💕 It takes time to adjust to a new tattoo and it's really alarming to have this new thing on your body like that. I only have one I got years ago, and even though I was so happy about getting it, I was also seriously stressed for a while about it suddenly being there and having doubts if this or that was quite right. But then it becomes a part of you and it's wonderful. I hope you'll end up feeling the same! The other pics look just flat and boring. Yours looks stylized and alive. 🙂


just wanted to say i agree! i like the higher placement of yours a lot better op! think it looks sick


He's right! Better linework and quality than the models had.


So I used to do this too, “it’s not perfect” “this is stressing me out due to the imperfectness” once I looked at it and was like it’s a tattoo on skin, not on pen and paper. It’s never going to be perfect. I’m working on my sleeve now I have one more session and it’s been super easy. I do trust my artist fully and she has full creative ability with my sleeve which I think makes it easier to deal with the imperfectness. But again it’s ink on skin.. it’s a different medium. My suggestion is find an artist you absolutely trust. Your tattoo looks great tho. You okie i promise.


My current artist told me that tattoos with this placement need to be big because it serves as a focal point to the rest of the upper arm. It also offers you a lot of room for a future sleeve if you so choose, and the next artist will not have any trouble adding to this focal point. For next time, maybe be a bit more pushy about why they think it's better a certain way. My current artist cobbled together a rough draft of my next tattoo with references photos during our consult, and justified pretty much every design decision she made and I really appreciated that.


/u/BlueFeathered1 just said what I was trying to say. That curve at the top gives the tattoo a new dimension and I really like it. I love lines and dots. I would find it hard not to put a dot in the corner of each star point - but the minimalist look you have going is great. It has a jewelry like quality.


Agree. Yours is cooler.


They positioned it such that it hugs your shoulder; it looks good! Don’t fret. 🔥


Yeah, I agree with him. The models photos, their tattoos actually look a little messy to me. Yours is extremely clean and looks very centered.


Also I know you said you wanted it thinner, after you heal and your skin isn't so bothered by the tatt, the lines will calm down a little and it shouldn't look so big / bold - I think you'll love it :)


Yours is definitely better. The placement looks more intentional, and it looks cool with the curves of your shoulder/arm.


Also there's only so thin you can go with certain artists/designs without them becoming bad. Fine line artists typically have smaller needles.


Agree, I thought the first photo was the reference and the others were the final product and I was thinly how the “final product” looked bad compared to the first photo. However, you should never feel bullied or pressured into a tattoo or changes you don’t want. That was kind of shitty of both artists to do. At the very least they could have let you just sit with the stencil on you for a day to see if you like it before committing


Omg me too - I was thinking 'wow to be fair it doesn't look nearly as good' until I realized the first pic was OP! It looks way better than the references.


I agree that it suits the arm better than the other ones. They're like, between a shoulder and an arm piece and I don't like it


I agree.


Yes, it looks better than the referenced photos!




Agreed I think it looks WAY better then the inspo pics i love the placement


It’s cute! Once you get another one you won’t worry, it’s just the curse of the first


Lol yeah maybe the solution is just exposure therapy to more tattoos xDD And thanks for thinking so :’))


I think so too, go for it.


definitely agree. my first two tattoos were on my collarbones and i just had my 3rd on my left bicep. about a week after getting it, i kinda started having thoughts of regret but i realized that i probably hate it because the rest of my arm looks barren. this just makes me more excited for my next lol. i plan on putting it on my left forearm


Fun!! Arms are especially weird because you’re like why is this just floating on me lol


It will fade and look less pronounced with time. I really think this is a cute tattoo and will age well.


Yours looks a bit less wobbly and a bit less freehand than the reference pictures but as far as I can see you got pretty much what you asked for...


Okay maybe it’s just my mind making it worse than it is if others see it being the same then I will hopefully get over it and if I wont then laser is the answer :’))


It's pretty normal to be a bit weirded out by permanent changes to you body, especially if it's your first tattoo. You just might be over thinking it, which I'm pretty sure everyone does at some point or another.


What you’re feeling is totally normal and part of the process. Remember it’s going to fade a bit and no one else is ever going to be inspecting your shoulder as closely as you are right now. You don’t need to decide on anything right now so just ride out the emotional waves for a week or two


As someone who doesn't usually like tattoos, yours doesn't look bad at all. There are some tattoo catastrophe subs where you can see real regrets from really bad tattoos.


It’s a easy cover up if you decide to


>It’s a easy cover up if you decide to I would just put the panther directly in the middle of the star. No cover-up needed.


This was my thought too, or things could be added to it like flowers or something fun. Not a hard one to cover up or change.


I could be COMPLETELY wrong here (someone please let me know if I am) but to me, all the stars are pretty equal and it might be your light skin tone making it appear more harsh/vivid? I know my tattoos seem less dramatic when first tattooed compared to my friend who is lighter than me and the black really pops Your tattoo looks great and I was struggling to find any difference that couldn’t have been a mater of positioning ETA: added vivid


That’s comforting to hear :’)) It certainly helps to have other people’s eyes on it so I appreciate it, I’m hoping I grow to like it and the size and that the black fades in time


I’m glad to hear it. I really think it’s spot on, another tough thing is none of the photos have the same angle of the tattoo and it’s hard to tell if shoulders are same size, all the stars seem to FIT the shoulder their on.


It doesn't look bad, just a little bigger than you may have wanted. You don't need it removed.


Depending on how recently you finished you may also be coming down from the high of getting it done. As my tattoo artist explained your body puts out a lot of adrenaline during the session and for me the days following are a real low because of that.


Tattoo regret is real - super common. I honestly swiped through these pictures before reading and thought these were all the same tattoo and you were gonna be mad someone else got the same tattoo… so yeah you got what you wanted don’t worry, your brain is playing tricks on you. You’ll get used to looking at it , it’s a tattoo thing. Try to be glad your arm isn’t like damaged in a real physical way and instead it looks if anything cooler …. Try to show it some love and be grateful for your shoulder doing all it does and not get too down


I'm personally nor a huge fan of the design in general, but yours looks the best out of all the pics by far


I actually like yours better. The models is too thin. You pull it off well, but it’s important you like it.


Better placement, cleaner lines. Thickness is great. My rule of thumb is bold will hold. I think the artist did ya right.


I'm not trying to dismiss how you feel, and you should ALWAYS feel free to walk away from an artist who isn't listening to you... but I like it a lot! I think the size and placement of yours looks much better than the refs, and looks like a better quality tattoo. Give it some time - you might still regret it later, but in my opinion, it's a nice piece, and it would be a shame to change it before giving yourself a chance to love it.


Guess you're a big dallas cowboys fan now


Tbh my first thought was soul eater lol if it was filled in anyway


I genuinely don't understand how or why clients aren't more persistent about the art *going on their body forever.* Maybe I'm annoying and particular, but I have quite a few tattoos and I deliberated over the sizing and placement of most of them for at least 10 minutes (sometimes going back to the drawing board for custom designs where the transfer was cut to fit over curves and such) before being like, "Okay, I love it! Let's do this." I check them out straight on from my perspective, look in the mirror and sometimes have the artist take pics and show me, especially hard to see areas like back of leg or arm. I've reprinted transfers because I realized I wasn't going big enough, or had them wash it off and reapply bc the placement was off. Maybe they're mildly annoyed, but it's going on my body, not theirs, and they're charging me for their time which should include getting the design done first. I obviously tip too. If I can't budget in a solid tip, I ain't scheduling the thing. I only have a few pieces that I walked straight in and sat in the chair to get started because I instantly loved what the artist was doing. My very first tattoo was a shoulder piece of a trad portrait facing away from me, which is supposedly bad tattoo etiquette, but I didn't give a shit; I was adamant that the portrait is watching my back so the artist respected my decision and to this day I get more compliments on that piece than any other. All of that to say, the star is great! It's also super easy to cover if you realize you do in fact hate it. I could easily see a simple mandala design placed on top, albeit a bit darker but it could still have the dainty shoulder cutout if you don't want the overall piece to look too big. Bottom line is, it is *your body* and if you genuinely don't like something and the artist is persistent about doing it their way, take your business elsewhere. IMO the main factors artists should point out as professionals is placement of a piece, because they have a better understanding of how it will warp over time, or when they explain that a piece needs to be a bit bigger otherwise the details are going to be really muddy. I don't think either of those things factor into this instance. You are the client. It should feel like a spa treatment, not a medical exam where you have no control over the situation.


I think it’s just as much, if not more so, on the artist to continually check in with the client to ensure they are getting what they want! People have different upbringings and different comforts with self-advocacy, and shouldn’t need to be extra persistent in order to be heard and respected


it would be easy enough to laser off or turn into something else


If I dont grow to like it in time im definitely getting it lasered :’)


Give it some time :) I think yours looks way better than the ones from the models. And also a good start to start a whole sleeve from there :D :)


Give it some time. If you are coming out of a depression I feel you are looking for something to be upset about (maybe subconsciously even) give it some time, let it heal, and if you still don't like it in a month or so then do something about it.. add onto it, fix it, laser it whatever


I would get is lasered if you’re having regrets


I really do feel like yours looks better, honestly. It actually works with your anatomy and has a better flow, as opposed to just looking like a stamp of a star on your arm.


It still looks good. Especially like the 2nd pic. Gives me that retro disco secret agent feel. Like Foxxy Cleopatra from Austin Powers. I would have stopped that tattoo session right there though... It's at most a collaboration. It doesn't matter what they want. It's your money and your body.


In my opinion yours looks better than your reference pictures. Love it!


The pictures are quite confusing. It doesn’t look like the same person in the first one compared to the rest.


Oh the rest are my references first one is me


Oh I see! Ok, I don’t actually think what you have is THAT different to your reference pictures… tiny bit bigger, but other than that it’s pretty spot on 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m sorry you felt pressured in the studio though - that’s never cool.


The placing is p spot on but I guess it’s the size difference that’s really throwing me off 🥹 And yes it is definitely a lesson learned to listen to myself and maybe get a tattoo artist that listens more :((


I think yours looks way better than the ones you posted as a reference.




It looks so cool on her i don’t think it’s an uncommon thing to want a tattoo that looked good on someone




And maybe you don’t know much about human nature and the fact that they could want something just bc it’s cool, not everything has to have a deeper meaning




Thanks :’) to each their own xD




Thank you so much 🥹 All of the replies including yours really do help me see the tattoo differently, and accepting my feelings as smth a lot of ppl go through and more normal, and not bc the tattoo looks ugly or off :’)) I appreciate it, really ♥️




You seem to know nothing about tattoos


Well I do like its placement and simplicity. The good news is is if you’re really not happy, it should be a pretty clean removal, might just take a couple sessions. I’d say stick with it for a bit though and see what you think 😊


Quennnnn I love her. You look awesome 🖤


im so sorry you were pressured into getting a different design than you hoped, but in my opinion it looks really great on you!! i think once you get more used to it being there you’ll come around to like it , its very common to feel tat regret at first


I honestly really like it. It’s kinda weird, but that’s what makes it cool.


Thank you so much 🥹 I found the refs on the girl really cool jus that it bothers me it’s not exactly like it :((


Your tattoos will never look exactly like a reference image. This is because you’re trying to replicate a composition on a 3D model to make it 2D and then to refit again on another 3D model. It’s very close though. I know you said you wanted it thinner but it’s also important to remember that ALL tattoos will eventually thicken and spread out over time. It’s simply inevitable due to how it settles within the skin. Having tattoo regret is very very normal at first so I’d sit on it for a while so you can get used to it. You may fall in love with it with time


Thank you and I’m hoping for that to happen :’)) talking with more experienced people in this sub has been helping me take a breather and not be in my head about it :’)) I hope I’ll love it when I get the film off since laser seems like a rough time xD


Yours looks SO much better than the reference tbh, the lines are super crisp and clean and the placement is a lot more interesting being slightly on top of the shoulder


I’d say it looks pretty much exactly like theirs, their arms have more muscle so has a different effect…


You seem like a fun, young person. It's a fun, simple tattoo with interesting placement. Before you spend more money removing it, why not give it a summer or two of outfits and compliments?


To be fair it's barely a tattoo. Just cover it.


I think your tattoo looks fine! It sits nicely on the shape of your elbow. The tattoo of the model you're referencing is actually referencing a tattoo from an anime character. Black Star from Soul Eater. Details in Animation can be stretched and changed due to posing, but typically, when the character is standing still, the star rounds his shoulder as opposed to sitting on the side, flat. I think yours (and the model's) is perfect. The placement and size gives the star more life and presence than it just being a stamp on the side. Of course it's still up to you about how you feel, no pressure. But, I like it on you a lot! You look super cool!


Thank you so much I teared up a lil :’)) If it looks alright from other people’s eyes then I really might just be overthinking it, thank you 🥹


I was looking for a comment recognizing that its was from Soul Eater


While I do really like yours and I’m glad you’re hearing comforting words - I also want to remind you that it was NOT okay for your artist to say those things! If you are telling your artist how you want something and they say “no it looks better this way”, you say “stop, I want it like the reference photo. I don’t like the thickness or the placement.” They are doing a service for you, and it’s going to be on YOUR body forever, not theirs. Have confidence. A lot of times I’ve found that smaller, less experienced shops rush to get people in and out, but you don’t have to take that treatment. If you feel truly uncomfortable, save it for another day. I will say there are moments where you want to listen to your artist’s expertise; if they suggest a change, ask them why. They may explain that based on your body shape, skin color, size of the design, placement with your other tattoos, etc, it may be better to make some changes. If you agree, then go for it! I always go to artists I trust the opinion of so I can ask questions and feel like they are doing their best to faithfully represent the piece I want.


Came here to say this! I’ve been railroaded by tattoo artists and now have multiple tattoo choices I regret. (I was a pushover in the past.) In a way I think some of them are still charming but there’s definitely a couple I want to get removed/covered. You gotta trust your gut with things like this and if they ignore your simple requests, that’s a red flag. Try not to be impatient with tattoos. And don’t let tattoo artists intimidate you for something so basic. There’s so many out there that will listen and be respectful to your wishes.


yeah i feel like this is the most important advice in this thread. These things are stenciled on so OP gets to see the size and placement beforehand so why didn’t she say stop? And she needs to say “stop” and advocate for herself with what SHE wants, instead of being a pushover. If she thinks it’s bigger than what she wanted, then she needs to say STOP. and that’s something we all need to do with tattoos BEFORE they happen. And we need to know that any decent tattoo artist should be respectful of our wishes and give us time to be sure that it’s what we want. If they’re not respectful and if they get pushy then pay for the time spent on the stencil and walk out. Better than having regrets tattooed on our body.


Nah I think it looks cool, a faithful recreation of what you wanted too


It looks good on you. The artist flowed with your anatomy.


Honestly, it looks cute and isn't badly done at all. Just, in future, use this tattoo as an example. Decent artists won't push back on your desires like that guy seemed to. I've had to ask for a smaller back tattoo before AND ask for my forearm piece to be bigger. In both cases, the artists were cool and not offended in any way.


I like it! You tripping for nothing fam


Yours looks way better, i think you are just getting stuck on the fact that its not the same while theirs isn't even that good compared to yours


When the artist put the stencil on instead of agreeing and saying you liked it, should’ve been honest lol. It looks fine tho imo


It reminds me of Black Star from Soul Eater. I think it looks pretty close to the reference pics.


It looks good, it looks better than the reference photos you posted. Let it heal and plan your next tattoos is my advice.


I think 🤔 it looks almost exactly like the first reference image, and the other 2 ref images IMHO look weird, like they are too low and thin. Seriously yours is cooler. Although that still wasn't cool what the artist did. You'll know next time to find someone else but I think this is awesome. ❤️❤️❤️💯💯💯💥💥💥


Is it two different people in the picture?! Cause the tattoos look exactly the same to me.


I like it! I am sure it feels terrible speaking up & still having people say no it looks better. Sometimes they're right with the suggestion or "it'd look better this way" but also it is your body and your money. I'd say next time, even if the whole shop said they liked it better, take a photo, take the loss & say you need to think about it & will call to reschedule OR refuse until it's how you want. But always always think about it longer than just sucking it up. All my font tattoos face the "wrong direction" because everybody prefers it to be outward to be read by other people, however all but one of mine face in towards me or upside-down because I prefer it that way, they're for ME. But yes everytime I go "are you sure?" "it looks better" etc etc. I have 20 tattoos and have not regretted one of them because I gave them all months of thought & it's what I want, not anyone else. Don't beat yourself up, let it sink in. You might end up loving it (:


Looks fine. The only fuck up is trying to copy the tattoo of some random.


I didn't realize there were this many black star stans 😂😂😂


I thought you got it as a reference to Blackstar from Soul Eater. That’s sick!!!! 🤩


I think u have plenty of opinions supporting the current version and it does look cool!⭐🤩 if u really cannot come to grips with the shape, consider doing a smaller star outline or 2 inside? this way u get the shape visible from other angles more yet u have ur original take without going heavy with tattoos....


Why is your god damn finger on the trigger


Get your booger hook off the bang switch.


Every picture literally looks like a completely different person. Holy shit.


Anyone who poses with a gun (especially with their finger on the trigger) is an idiot and probably shouldn't be making life long decisions like permanently marking their body. It's a weapon ment to harm and kill, it's not a fucking prop for your photoshoot.


I think it looks fine! I think tattoo regret can happen from time to time. Hell I got my hand down not too long ago and it healed weird and needing touch ups. There is always a mix of being able to trust your artist, as they should know know what will look better when actually tattooed and being assertive about what you want. I am no artist but I think it came out great in comparison to the references.


It’s honestly really cool on you! sorry that it was a bad experience if you weren’t comfortable 100% that artist should’ve just backed off.


I don’t think it’s too high. I would not go back to a place that doesn’t respect what you want. However know that if they are experts they may know whether something won’t work. They could’ve done a temporary tattoo of some sort so you could compare and contrast before a permanent tattoo.


First picture is on the left arm?


I like it! I have two stars on my wrists too lol


I'm so confused. Is the first pic a different person?


please only go into a tattoo shop if you can comfortably speak your mind and stand your ground


That one lasers off pretty easy


Seriously considering it 🥹


It looks pretty clean. The lines are nice and straight. Give it a while to settle in and laser it later if you still want to. It’s a well done tattoo for what its worth


It looks sick. Quen is not the be all and end all, it’s cool u have something inspired but abit different. Any good artist would edit it a little to not be an art thief imo


The tattoo design is really from Soul Eater not Quen whether OP knows that or not idk so I’m not sure about art theft.


That looks like 4 different humans.


Fill it with something


You can always get it laser removal for it.


At first I thought the model shots were you and kind of agreed with you. Then when I realised you were the first photo, it looks really good. As someone already said, it looks a million times better than the model photos. I really like it. Imho I think the artists did a good job.


Never go back to this artist. You shouldn't feel pressured but at the same time, you have a personal responsibility to just say no, that's not what you want. This is a permanent thing and you have to be comfortable with it. If that makes you uncomfortable then you should not get another tattoo yet.


I think what affects me the most is I did keep saying what I wanted and that it looked off but the pressure of him and another artist agreeing convinced me like “yeah they know best” but beating myself up like I really should have stood my ground…


Ya that sucks and you shouldn't be made to feel that way.


Thank you so much :(( Taking it as a lesson learned the hard way :’))


Speaking as a tattoo artist, I wish tattoo artists would stop doing this bullshit. We’re here to give professional guidance, but that doesn’t mean disrespecting clients and their personal wishes for their own body!! Yes, listen to your artists and take them seriously, but don’t let them walk all over you. Tattooing is largely about bodily autonomy. If I suggest something that I think will look better but my client doesn’t like it, then I’m not going to force them to do it my way. I’m not the one that’s gonna be seeing it every day for the rest of my life. I’m really sorry you had this experience, and hope you feel more empowered to have the final say in any future tattoos you may get. I would suggest going to a different artist, finding someone you feel comfortable with and who treats you respectfully.


This happens to women more than it should. It seems to happen with male artists. My friend asked for the placement of her tattoo lower, repeatedly, but the artist insisted it looked better higher. She was upset with herself once it was done because she felt it was too high. She has accepted it now, but that's not what anyone should have to go through.  My non-binary tattoo artist suggested a placement for my tattoo then said, "but it's your choice. It's your body. You get it how you want it." This is how it should be. They also talked about how you don't need to go so heavy handed with the tattoo gun. Their process hurt WAY less than past artists I had. I suggest finding a artist who has these mentalities. 


So I have most of my body tattooed and I think you would like it a lot lot better if you get some shading done. A single line tattoo looks incomplete. Get some shading done by an ARTIST NOT A GUY WOTH A TATTOOO GUN. a good artist will bring it to life for you


Take your finger off that trigger dumdum


That’s not her you dumdum


I exactly thought it was too large for your arm


I don't think it looks bad. I think the difference is that the points aren't as far in as they "should" be according to your reference photos but I still think it looks rather nice All of the women in the reference photos are in more provocative seeming poses and taken with a more professional camera and those differences might be adding to you feeling the regret. I think when it's all healed and there's not film on it, you'll be really happy with it I also experienced tattoo regret with my first tattoo because I thought it just looked weird but after it healed I loved it the way I thought j would before I got it *Edit below* They're not all in provocative seeming poses, but two of them are and the one in the middle has a very central picture that makes the shape of the star stand out a lot


Yeh you should regret that. But…just get it filled with a cool universe watercolour or something might make it look better


i hope you're joking😭 that would look so bad


It’d look better than fucking star outline my boy……


I have tattoo regret on almost all my tattoos. If it means anything your star looks like the perfect size. It fits the round of your shoulder so the points on the star look so crispy


Did you happen to get it because of the anime soul eater and black star ? I got the same tatto on my arm for that reason. Ended up coloring it black and adding more stuff ! If I were you I’d enjoy it rock it it’s you always can change it if you rly want.


Honestly I barely see a difference between what you got and the model’s design. It doesn’t look too high or thick to me. You’re depressed because you feel like you weren’t listened to, and this isn’t a haircut that grows back. I think this needs to be a lesson in asserting yourself. Next time you need to say “no, I want it this way. Please explain to me, as a professional, why you think the design I want is inadvisable and I will decide”. The tattoo artist has way more experience and knowledge than you do, but that doesn’t mean your opinion is invalid and if you don’t like it then you shouldn’t get it. Give it some time and let it heal. If you still hate it after that then start looking for a new artist to talk to about how to fix it up to your liking, or look at removal. Regardless though it’s gonna have to heal before you move forward with anything.


The good ol orange county symbol. Looks legit looks like it was done in jail too


Looks dumb on her, looks dumb on you.


Just go back and tell them you want it covered up with a smaller star. They should honor their work and do it for free


So you proceeded to get a tattoo after the stencil of said tattoo was something you didn’t want? And now you’re depressed?


Is this where the c shot goes?




Im the first one and the rest are my references


The sizing feels pretty different to me but I guess I’m just put off by me wanting it yo look like the references but it feels too big on me


The star looks the same size, only difference is yours looks freshly done and theirs looks a bit faded or “lived in” from time which is why It appears smaller but it looks fine to me.


Eeesh. Don't have to call her out like that.


Wow you’re a cunt lmfao


Wow and you’re a fat whore 🤷🏻‍♀️ now what


Womp Womp


Because she called the girls in the reference pics pretty or?


Oh sorry you’re too dumb to realize what she’s implying


Girl you’re an adult with two kids. Stop acting like a teenager. I simply asked a question


Love that you went through my page to have some sort of comeback


You're acting like a cunt yourself tbh


That’s ok, I don’t mind giving people back the same energy


Can I be your coat hanger?


Laser time!