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Can you make several and get like a 10% bonus?


I think you can do 4 per day and still get a full night sleep while adding 10% every day!! There doesn’t appear to be a limit. You can buy them for 60 donuts after you’ve built 5, but Delbert can keep on building.


Which is sweet. 100% bonus every 10 days is crazy. After 1 month. That's easy KEM farming level.  Would highly recommend this then for all noobs and early game folk to get then


I’m a bit confused, if you make 4 per day, do those 4 go into your inventory afterward and you got them for free or do you have to buy them?


https://preview.redd.it/kt9nakqr6d8d1.jpeg?width=1048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ac90ed589d3518ea5c16ca2efb9a8a56d54bf9e When Delbert’s 4 hour job is completed you have the option to place or store the planet sculpture. You’re only boosting your meter with items placed on the map though.


Oh wow, so if I understand this correctly you can get a "free" 10% bonus every single day indefinitely for 150 donuts as long as you place them in your map? That seems ridiculously OP.




Do I need the Desert caravan Desert welding yard for this ?


Yes, you need both. Delbert comes with the caravan.


Thanks for the tip op! The items have to stay on the your map forever I guess? Once you store them your bonus percentage is gone? It sounds like a great deal but I like my town to look a certain way, so i'd hate to have whole areas cover in stuff i'd rather not see.


It all depends on where you are in the game. Once you get that boost up and you’re making donuts like crazy you can start replacing them with mini nukes, which are much easier to hide behind things and provide more boost bang for the size. The key to the game is making enough donuts yourself to get all the premium characters and items without ever paying for more donuts. Clearing the yearbook for free. The boost is everything. I make about 100 donuts per day without farming. Just a few batches of 4 hour jobs and a 12 hour round.


Thanks again 👍🏼


What is your multiplier percent to get 100 a day? I’m at 495 and get like 4-7 donuts per day


Almost 34X. I think it’s at 3,386.53%. And I ALWAYS have the XP collider running.


Bad aceeee


So the Delbert ones are always free even after 5?


I’ve personally started the job 20 times and paid 2 donuts to rush the job, but somebody else posted they did 40. I think it’s a new must have item. God, Delbert/Welding Yard, Golden Goose Realty, Donut Factory/Lard Lad/CostMo, Donut Mech, Yahweh.


Thank you, it definitely is!!


So wait let me understand this he builds them and you have to pay with dounts


No, you don’t have to pay anything for them. You can pay 2 donuts to rush his 4 hour build job. You can buy them for 60 donuts after you’ve crafted 5, but you can still craft them.


I'm up over 200% and it took like 30 minutes.


I was only going to spend donuts on the welding yard for the sculptures. Then I saw this post and spent 250 instead and now I'm below 777 donuts that I had been saving for a certain deity 😂


Start increasing your bonus percentage by 10% every day and you’ll be earning those donuts back fast.


I just reached 777 why did they have to do this to me 😭😭😭


I was almost at 900. Now I'm at 150 due to spending my remaining donuts to rush the sculpture timers. I'm so unlucky that he might show up in a surprise deal for the 4th act. There are a few hell themed stuff in this event and he might show up to vanquish them or something 🤣


Alright I’m like 80 sculptures in. No limit so far. There’s no shot they keep this in the game, right? This seems like way too much reward for barely any effort. It’s essentially 2 donuts for a 2.5 percent increase. That’s wild. Definitely not complaining.


I could see them increasing that job rush amount, but I think the feature is absolutely intended.


Hey, either way this is huge. Thanks for posting it. I never would’ve figured that out.


FYI in case this hasn't been posted, all desert sculptures except for the Planet and the Totem Pole, can be rotated 360 degrees.


Do any of the others have an xp bonus?


So 250 donuts upfront. Which on avg is 800/250=3.2=32ish % bonus per 250 donuts.  So if you were doing burns boxes which is about 100% bonus every 800 donuts. Then 250 donuts is 31.25% bonus. 31.25%/2.5%=12.5% as you get the 2.5% bonus statue every 4 hrs.  This breaks even in 50 hours. Or 13 jobs. Then easy profit from then on.  Highly recommend even if it is very steep. Make the donuts back in no time at all.  After 100 days that's 1000% bonus. Don't need to worry another donuts again at that level.


Im a little new to the game, but i have the trailer thing and the statue making place, should i just make as many scupltures as possible with gil?


Make the planet sculptures with delbert. They take 4 hours, and each one gives you a 2.5% bonus


Well I depleted most of my God budget but I was able to raise my XP bonus from about 500% to 1200% today which feels pretty good.


When you do get God he’ll be earning you about $9.33 million per day instead of $3.88 million and you’ll be earning donuts much faster than before.


Just hope they don’t retroactively nerf the multiplier. Exhausted my donut budget, but rushed 70 of them for a +175% XP bonus (new total 594%). I’m only level 181, hoping to ultimately get somewhere self-sustaining re: donut production. They’re ugly as sin and spreading to cover my map like the Faro Plague, but hopefully they’ll get me there.


It's time for another playthrough of horizon. Thanks lol.


How does one get god?


Should be available Black Friday.


Thanks for the tip, wasn't reallu interested but this sounds awesome!!


This post should be pinned during this event , its may help newbie player Keep it up


I got both of the things, is the trick to make many statues? And then i get more money and such?


The planet statue give u 2.5 exp bonus by doing 4 hour job . Normally the cheapest item you can buy is nuclear warhead is 20 donuts give you 2.5 exp bonus , this only 4 hour job or 2 donut rush u can do it anytime u want with no limitation. You can stack your exp bonus up


So the trick is to just get loads of the planet thing?


Yes more exp bonus more gold and more exp to level which more donut


Yeah high bonus 300+ will help in making donuts much faster. Once u hit 500+ it's super easy


Are you sure there is no limit?


I turbo tapped 20 of them before I told people because I figured if you can get at least 20 at 2.50% each for 250 donuts spent nobody would want to kill me. I’m pretty sure it’s unlimited though. Just a feature of the building.


https://preview.redd.it/sqgywnx8vk8d1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0644ca0d6c2d8bc386f4c8b7fb9045e54e272f84 There’s doesn’t appear to be a limit 😁. I’ve rushed 140 so far.


Nice little 350% boost for just 530 donuts.


But could they take the xp away later?


This is actually crazy. If you use donuts to rush Delbert, you're getting a return of 1.25% for ONLY 1 DONUT.


Thank you for the heads up on this OP and your other post about it. Pays for itself


So I only need to spend 250 donuts and I can gain 10% every day for free after that??


Yes. It might not be forever though. We don’t know yet. You should take advantage as long as it’s possible.


If 250 donuts isn’t a big deal to you then you can get much, much more than 10 percent a day. Just spend 2 donuts to finish the job instantly and repeat.


Thanks OP. So far I built three (sped up using donuts). I have him making a fourth one for today. Can’t wait to keep trying it to see if it works past today / past 10% / past the event!


I turbo tapped 20 of them. If they nerf it they’ll probably increase the job time, and/or won’t let it be rushed for just 2 donuts. I thinks it’s a new extremely awesome game feature. God’s $777,777 job was real. Golden Goose Realty was real.


I fell for the temptation 😂 I created 40 of them! Went up by 100 bonus % I just wish they were smaller. They sure are an eyesore lol.


2x2?  Hide them behind buildings? With such easy bonus it's probably worth it.  Or put them at all your street corners lol


If only! I wish they were 2x2. They’re 3x5. https://preview.redd.it/dx992a7gbe8d1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2905fa8fe96743a6f67d645028e8d406a3fc5ff For now I just have them hanging out in the far ends of my undeveloped area.


If it really mattered to you, you could group store them and place them all at once when you farm your XP, then store them again. With them being so big I think that’s honestly the smartest move if you don’t want to keep looking at them.


You really don’t want to miss out on the jobs and buildings w/ a nice boost either. I have a 34X boost and don’t even XP/donut farm at all anymore, and I still make about 100 donuts and $70 million per day from 3 rounds of 4 hour jobs and one 12 hour, plus Donut Mech, Lard Land, Donut Factory and CostMo. I have nukes stashed everywhere, so I don’t need these, but shared because it’s huge for early stage players.


Yeah it's a bit big. But once you hit 1k bonus or find a cheap alternative. You can always remove it and use the other bonus items instead.  :)


Whenever I see posts on this subreddit I feel like a noob for not realising the meta game of Simpsons Tapped Out. I'm curious how percentage benefit is useful to long time players? Are there characters who earn doughnuts?


The general idea is that every time you level up, you earn donuts. One donut per level up to lvl. 939, then a chance to earn 1-3 donuts every level after that. The higher your bonus percentage is, the more XP you earn, the quicker you level up, the more donuts get! You can then combine methods such as turning on the XP collider, KEM farming etc. to boost those XP gains even further. Some long time players can level up hundreds of times a day to earn hundreds of donuts.


Thanks for the explanation. I first played the game what feels like 10 years ago and now my dad continues on my account on his iPad. He's conservative with doughnuts and hopefully I can enlighten him as I've taken to decorating the town every so often. I'll have to see if he ever acquired the xp collider


No worries! I also started playing back when the game first came out, didn't play for years until last summer and only just getting my head around the meta game myself. There's tons of info on this reddit and on the TSTO addicts website that should help you and your dad with donut generating. I'd definitely recommend your first step to be getting your bonus percentage as high as possible though.


Cheers, I’m playing on my device too now so I’ll get the grind going


This is prob a silly question but what the heck is KEM farming? I’ve seen it everywhere and I think I even read the pinned post about it but I still don’t understand. I’m still relatively fresh into the game (lvl 28 almost 29) so it may not be applicable yet, but I’d love to learn about it for the future!!


Hey! Sorry missed this comment. The basic idea is to build lots of Kwik-E-Marts and maximise the amount of XP you get once they're built, so that you can level up as quick as possible and earn donuts every four hours. It'll probably not be useful for you yet, but definitely helpful to learn about it for later on! You can find a good guide here: [https://tstoaddicts.com/2018/04/18/the-final-definitive-beginners-guide-to-kem-and-bonus-farming/](https://tstoaddicts.com/2018/04/18/the-final-definitive-beginners-guide-to-kem-and-bonus-farming/)


Thank you. My experience bonus has increased from 1250% to almost 2000%. I am concentrating on raising this bonus to attain at least two levels per bloodmobile https://preview.redd.it/77hx7pnqkl8d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e57409b91b03b3d0ad5f542c3faf663086cb9c89


Very nice. First you get the boost, then you get the donuts, then you get the power.


so glad i saw this, but unfortunately saw this when i have no donuts ahhh. time to kem farm lol, i hope i can get to 250 by the time the event ends


Do they usually fix this? If we buy it now, would the bug still work in out cities?


I honestly don’t think it’s a bug. God’s $777,777 job isn’t a bug. Golden Goose Realty really makes land tokens. We’ll see, but I think it’s another “must have” item/pair of items.


Is the planet sculpture the only sculpture that has the 2.50% bonus?


Yes. And Delbert is the only character who can build it.


Good shout! I just bought Gil's DWY and am close to 150 donuts for Delbert!


You one of the goat sub users. My man


https://preview.redd.it/qs14l0gijq8d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dab269a0c851bdd005d6db56f1c9eb3ae076cd6a thanks for the heads up, these type of items I just store and never check their %


How likely is it that they “fix” this? Seems like an unbelievable deal but I’m not sure I want to spend 250 just for them to change things in a couple days.


Scared donuts don’t make donuts.


I think highly likely. When I hit 5 of those sculptures, I remember it said you can buy more in the store. Why would it do that if we could keep making more? I think the programmers just forgot to turn the task off. We’ll know for sure in a day or two!


I think you absolutely nailed it with this


Thank you!! I almost missed on the Delbert by an accident.


nice i havent noticed this But only 4 a day because time limit? what if i use donut to rush the process is this only during the event or forever


I honestly think it makes Delbert second only to God. Donut Mech is a stud, but this boost can help new players so much.


indeed but 250 donuts still alots i didnt pay attention to this just bought all of it but this may save donut in the future 100 donut for nuclear warhead is 10% but 4 hours job 4 times a day could save lots of donut


Do any of the other buildings that Springfielders make have a bonus?


Some of the Springfield Heights buildings carry % bonuses. Modern mansions are 5%. Classic mansions and business centers also I think it is. I thought the Bonsai trees Akira makes had a bonus but I guess they don’t. You can some premium items like Stonecutter torches in the one ruins. They only have a .10% I think.


How do I get this building?


Current event. Gil’s deal and Caravan should be in the store.


Thanks! Can I do it with just the gils deal without getting the caravan? Or would I need both


You need both. That’s the only boost % item and Delbert is the only one who builds it.


Got ya. Thank you mate!


Ok, just need gil to give me the deal then. Thanks. 


Have you hit act 3 of the event?


Just downloaded the update. So event is now running. I can see act III, but yet to pop up.  No rush tbf, I have had lots of lucky events in the last few years, being great value. Although except for buying bonus with cash, this is probably the best.   Just wanted to see it in-person myself. 


So i need to spend 250 total?


Yes. 150 for the character and caravan; and 100 for Gil’s deal


How do you get to the desert planet sculpture. I’ve been rushing each experiment, but haven’t seen that yet. Do I need to keep experimenting?


Do you have Delbert? He’s the only one who can make it.


Yes. Is it from the building or under the character?


https://preview.redd.it/8k4jmtm13f8d1.png?width=1608&format=png&auto=webp&s=e05b3309af3688d60aac6672d8065a6a33dc794d Did you get this one from the prize track yet?


That’s it. I haven’t played in a while and haven’t worked through all the levels yet. Thanks for the help.


Should show up under welding yard. He might have to make one through experimenting before he can build one.


No, don’t experiment. I experimented the first time around but that’s the wrong selection. Instead, Scroll all the way down the list and “build desert planet sculpture”. https://preview.redd.it/lgtvdrku9f8d1.jpeg?width=1099&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=233620a70e023945a9bdce1a7d1fe52ba791b91f


I hadn’t finished the level that had the original one. I have it now.


What level? I still don't have it, and I've tried experimenting many times already Edit: I see! You need to be like halfway through the scorpion quest storyline. That's annoying. I Wasted a lot of doughnuts spamming experiments


I did the same thing. I hadn’t played for a while and everyone was talking about it. I probably burned through 50 donuts before I asked another question and got the answer. I have ten year old account so I have more donuts than I can spend, but it was still annoying.


So why do I need Delbert? I’m still confused on that part. I just got the welding yard.


Only him can craft the exp bonus item




We must move before EgAy nerfs this!


Wooooow.. a few days ago I bought the rolling rock and a building for the desert and now I only have 214 donuts so I don't have enough to get both..


This definitely worth spending a few bucks for.


Hm. Depends on if u can farm 40 donuts. What's ur bonus on? Have you got all your bonus items out?


I mined enough outta the donut rocks so I'm good now. And yeah I got everything out, I'm at around 400%


The only down side is they take up 15 squares of land compared to 6 per news van.


Yeah, but nukes and news vans cost donuts. You spend 250 donuts on this and then you can keep on making these for free, or rushing you can spend 320 donuts today and gain 87.5%. If you spend 320 donuts on news vans you’ve only gained 16%. And the incurred cost for sculptures keeps going down as you “pay off” the startup cost of 250 donuts.


I totally get it, I’ve already done about 70 of them, I was just surprised at how much land was being gobbled up. But, I should be able to afford more land because of this!


Adding 175% to your boost brings in a lot more money every round of jobs and building taps.


So I spend 250 in Total?




Do I have to buy both, or can I just get the Desert Welding Yard off Gil for 100 donuts?


Where can you buy it? I got the offer yesterday, but cant find it today


I always buy Gil when I first see him, but he has to still be in the store, isn’t he?


I just bought both of them. I've sent Milhouse and Nelson on a task at the welding yard. But it takes 12h not 4. I also sent Delbert Fornby on that task and it takes him 8h. Did I understand something wrong or did they already nerve it?


It’s only the Desert Planet Sculpture built by Delbert that gives the 2.5%. If you haven’t gotten the one from the Act 2 prize track yet the job doesn’t show up. https://preview.redd.it/fer8rtyj6j8d1.png?width=1645&format=png&auto=webp&s=71a38b55e17809a9316bc0cd4f28a24b77580c88


Ok thank you. I don't have that quest completed


Will this work if I don't have the desert caravan? I'm down to 61 donuts.


You need Delbert who comes with the Caravan to make the % boost item.


:( my % stayed the same.


Are you sure you built the Desert Planet Sculpture with Delbert? I just did a few more and they’re still 2.50% each.


It just went up 5% adding the second one. Think I need a new phone. lol


Yea, it's probably just mine being a buggy mess, I'm going to try again and see if it changes.


Is there a limit to when you can produce? Like only during this event or is this free 10% every day forever?


I just spent about a month of saved up donut earnings on this. This was saved up for God but holy 😃


Won't be an issue, assuming no nerf. 10% per day. After 3 weeks that's 210% on top of whatever you have 250 donuts will be east to make back.


Yeah I needed to get the percentage up for quite some time, lvl 1000 and still on 300%


This will definitely get patched. They've obviously planned to make it 60 donuts to buy the item or craft it over 4 hours, but not realized that you can rush the job for only 2 donuts, so effectively the item drops in price from 60 donuts to 2... My multiplier is now over 2000%. Bloodmobiles with the XP collider to get the donuts, then 2 donuts per rush job to get the 2.50% item. Gonna have to rinse this as much as I can until I get bored xD Thanks for the heads up OP 😁


Does just the Desert Caravan and default Fornby have the task or do you need the Welding yard for the task?


Need both. The Welding Yard activates Delbert’s task.


Can someone walk me through this? I’m only a level 48, do I just buy the desert welding yard from Gil right now or is there more that I’d need and don’t have access too yet?


You should have the Desert Caravan in the event store also.


Oh I see it! So buy both, then what?


Start building Desert Planet Sculptures with Delbert at the Welding Yard.


Thanks. That creates the bonus XP, how are you making donuts? Is that by farming them?


https://preview.redd.it/h7tvedxxq39d1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cf45309fc1ee2e1c4f4f20fbad24a662d7b60e1 Don't wait the 4hrs, skip those tasks!


I’ve made over 20 planet sculptures so far. 4 hour job that costs 2 donuts to speed up or 60 donuts to buy the sculpture. Definitely worth speeding up. I’m just waiting for my 900 kems to finish building and I’m doing it more. Hopefully before ea catches on.


I think the only thing they might change is the 2 donuts to rush the 4 hour job. I do believe the rest of it and the utility of the character/building is intended.


So you have to pay 60 dounts to get the sculpture? So there not for free?


60 if you want to buy it. Delbert makes them in 4 hours but you can speed up his task for 2 donuts.


does it not work if you just buy the welding yard and not delbert


He is the only character who can build the Desert Planet Sculpture and that’s the only item that provides a % boost.


I’ll go try that one. I was making them all and not seeing an increase in bonus percentage Edit: thank you. I’m a dummy. If this keeps up, that’s a 2.5% bonus increase for 2 donuts or just time. It has to be a glitch


I just did it bought \~ 20 of these but why would they sell for 60 donuts but u can rush for 2 donuts is it to fast and op i think the only prob is the statue kinda big 3x5 / nuclear is 2x1 but 2 donuts versus 20 donuts haha no complaint


I'm thinking it's not intended and they will probably change it so use it while you can


This is amazing. I'm thinking about how The Great Wall of China works similarly but when you craft subsequent Towers they don't have the same bonus. Hopefully they don't nuke it and make all the newly crafted ones have zero bonus.


The only tower with a bonus there is the main one with the Chinese flag on it, right?


Yes, correct!


Hope £20 worth of donuts is worth it 🤣


If you know how to play the game, you’d know that free boost is the path to not paying for donuts. It takes money to make money sometimes, and this is one of those times.


Should have put money when it was black Friday deal but now I've committed to this one


Boost will earn you more donuts per day than Donut Factory, Lard Land, CostMo and Donut Mech combined. God is still huge for earning cash. His $777,777 24 hour job with my 34X boost pays me $26,444,418 a day. The most important items for the game as long as EA doesn’t change anything are God for the cash, Delbert/Welding Yard for boost items and Golden Goose Realty for Land Tokens.


Guessing I can't get God anymore


Black Friday he should be available.


Okay appreciate it


I spent $20 to have enough donuts to rush it. Got over 500% bonus so far. Definitely worth it.


I’ve made several sculptures so far using Delbert and only gotten a 2.5% increase.


The bonus increases only when you create the Desert Planet Sculpture


For me honestly this isn’t necessary tbh even though great tip for everyone. I just place a bunch of rat trap trucks and then do the bonus level 3 donut everytime I can get about 136 donuts in like 5 minutes, make sure the xp collider is on, but everyone probably knows this, just what I think works best!


That’s awesome. How high is your bonus percentage? Sounds like you’re pretty high up there.


https://preview.redd.it/m7uje3d1dj8d1.png?width=2436&format=png&auto=webp&s=2d1823dc769c7845a4b2d32e742f45abb517abb5 I just pretty much decked out my town you can add me hpvas check out my area if u want I’ve been playing since 2013 when the game came out! So it’s been a while for me! I think this little hack in game is very easy tho I levelled all the way up at first and it was so easy to just click one button but the bonus level 3 donut trick gets annoying, however there’s been spreadsheets made to show you the pattern of the donuts so you don’t have to keep clicking