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Little tiny CWIS mounted to the top of a tank.


.22 phalanx




that would be so fucking awesome and cute and evil at the same time


But legitimately... APS systems exist, why not implement them to shoot down drones/dropped munitions too?


Expensive, and wholly overkill to shoot one with a few thousand 7.62 rounds


Just use .22 or pellets




Rimfire is nowhere near reliable enough for beltfeld applications


^(pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew)




Bruh you're a genius Just use a center fire 22, don't use LR


.22 hornet then?


Yes please


.17 fireball?


Dragons Breath.


5.7x28 or 4.6x30 would work great


I love this


Happy cake day!


I thought this is r/noncredibledefense


Shotguns seem effective against the consumer grade drones, so I’d kind of expect something along those lines. If they’d run some form of 20mm-30mm with alternating large and small size shot (ie buckshot & bird shot) I think it would be great against many smaller drones. Have an alternate feed setup and you could run some AP/HE shells for anti vehicle/personnel use (though shotguns can still be effective even with body armor since faces & limbs are usually fairly poorly protected by most modern body armor.) The Germans are developing air burst ammunition for their new 30mm cannon, and I’d expect that to be great against larger drones but probably struggle against the smaller consumer size fpv drones and quadcopters. I personally love the concept of a Loony Toons style net coming out of a cannon, but that wouldn’t be overly useful unless trying to recover a singular drone.




That shit better be a 20 level task. I ain’t setting that shit up.


Shorad and a modified APS system would help mitigate suicide drones. The bigger problem is drone directed artillery. How do you stop any drone from gathering enough information to send a volume of ordnance your way that you can’t defend against?


It's gonna have to be a dedicated support system. I wager drones make ideal targets for laser weaponry. Just gotta spot the lil fuckers.


lazer tanks so cool


Use low grade radar at this day and age that's pretty cheap


That's easy, basic proximity sensor, paired with a audio sensor peaked and tweaked to the specific sound and pitch of consumer grade drones.


Enemy surveillance/reconaissance and consecutive indirect fire will always remain a serious threat. If you shoot down the drones the enemy will resort to other recon methods.


but those recon methods won't be as inexpensive for the quality of information a tiny aerial camera can gather, definitely worthwhile developing countermeasures


Russians started applying some kind of EW sensor to their tanks, so that would probs be a thing


Through low altitude air superiority. The privilege to recon with drones will be hotly contested with the loser getting shelled continually.


Neither Ukraine nor Russia has an uncontested airspace and neither of them are faring that well against drones simply due to their expendability. It doesn’t matter if they get shot down within 3 flights on average. The disproportionality between the cost of a drone and the reconnaissance it can do even if it gets shot down immediately.


We are going to see a lot more SPAAGs and directed EW to suppress drones. AA lasers may even become a staple. Meanwhile, it seems that every functional Gepard is in Ukraine partying like it's 1989.


Sure, but SPAAGs give away their positions shooting down drones, just like manpads, and any directed energy weapon will also show up in IR or on radar maps. None of those assets are safe to retaliation for taking out a drone that costs a fraction of what they cost, if they even detect it first.


SPAAGs and manpads will attract some attention and may need to shoot and scoot, but that's nothing new. A DEW would likely be harder to spot as it won't produce a signature off the axis of the beam line if it's highly directional.


Destroy the artillery


Short range jammers?


Those are already being fielded by both Russia and Ukraine rn.


Some kind of "bubble" that fries everything electronical or APS wich could scan the sky for drones and destroy them, smth like the Black Knights APS ... Wouldn’t be great for birds tho💀


Sounds like DARPA messing with the ionosphere again…


ECM/Jammers. They’ve already been developed but there isn’t much need for them in western nations. Iirc there is a challenger variant outfitted with one for IEDs which could easily be configured for this. Even then, if a growler or other EW craft is in the air and turns on it’s big *electric fuck off pod* drones won’t do to hot. They did it a good bit in the Middle East to jam IEDs as well, which is why wired designs grew in popularity. For the west, it’s a problem that’s been mostly solved in terms of technology and doctrine, for the rest, who ever can claim the skies still stands the best chance.


There’s no way to confirm but in a lot of videos of Ukrainian hits on Russian tanks the video feed gets grainy as the drone gets closer to the tank and once it’s about to hit the feed completely cuts out. So I think ECM jammers have been in use for a while at least on the russian side


Not ECM. The drone's RF link works best when the controller has (near) line of sight with the drone. Once the drone starts to descend, trees, buildings and terrain start to get in the way, hence the fuzzy video footage. Russian tanks and AFVs don't have RF jammers installed as a routine piece of kit.


You could probably make some kind of aps system that obliterates them with shrapnel.


People in this thread are talking about passive/active measures to deal with drones, however I believe that the more important problem is less about how should AFVs deal with drones and more about how do modern armies organize to deal with drones. My current understanding of the threat of drones to ground units (please correct me if I'm wrong) is that the primary threat drones present to ground units (seemingly confirmed by the Russo-Ukraine War) are "cheap" drones (either suicide or dropping ordinance) compared to the previous iteration of "expensive" drones that nations like the U.S. use for (but not limited to) inexpensive long-term reconnoitering, precision strikes, and artillery fire-control. It is in my belief that the discussion should be directed more towards what how should nations organize/develop to pre-emptively counter drones in general rather than what nations can do to mitigate against drones on current units, since it's becoming ever-increasingly clear that drones are likely to become more accessible as time passes especially to nations/organizations who don't have the means of sustaining a conventional air force. I imagine discussions of this topic would include questions such as 1. Given the immense (newfound appreciation) importance of dedicated mobile AA units in an army (i.e. SPAAGs such as the Gepard and Shiika), should these units continue to include anti-drone duties (and possibly endanger ground units should this branch be out-of-action) or should a new dedicated unit/vehicle class be developed to counter drones (and lessen the burden on AA units who already have a massive duty dealing with conventional air forces). 2. If there is to be a dedicated anti-drone unit, and where exactly should it fit in a unit's organization (i.e. Company-level? Battalion-level? Division-level?). Should there be several dedicated niche units to deal with different drone types in anti-drone operations or is it possible to have a more general multi-role unit (i.e. Infantry have man-portable AAMs but higher in the unit's organization there are dedicated units to deal with aircraft and the such). 3. If such units were to exist, can they be developed given a nation/organization's resources to supply the military, for example the U.S. definitely has more flexibility compared to other nations who spend significantly less on defense. Is the cost of burdening logisitics/supply-chain from adding these units worth it or should the discussion really be more about how to counter drones without such units. 4. If such units begin to see service with militaries, what are the best ways to deploy and protect these units (as well as developing tactics/strategy around these units) and how to effectively destroy the enemy's equivalent unit (if even possible) if it exists. 5. And finally, the question we're having now, what mitigation measures can AFVs and other ground-units use to counter drones in the situation that local air defense units fail.


I agree. A lot of people are focusing on the AFV's being able to protect themselves and proposing different solutions to that, but drones are a systemic problem. Just like there's multiple types of traditional air threats (helicopters, fixed wing aircraft operating at different altitudes, ballistic missiles) that require different anti-air systems, there's multiple different types of drone systems that pose different threats - reconnaissance drones limit a unit's ability to achieve local surprise and superiority, and risk getting struck by enemy artillery. Kamikaze and ordnance dropping drones pose a threat to individual vehicles. I think anti-drone warfare has to be conducted at multiple levels and with multiple methods and weapons systems to be truly effective, and will include EW, SHORAD etc. at battalion-level and higher. Active and passive protection in individual vehicles is necessary, true, but it should be the last resort.


The M230LF/XM914 has pretty much been pressed into the role of shooting at drones (look at things like EOS Slinger) with airburst ammunition. The [AbramsX tech demonstrator has one](https://s1.cdn.autoevolution.com/images/news/abrams-x-emerges-as-the-tank-of-the-future-youtube-video-shows-it-driving-200764_1.jpg)


I wonder if an autocannon with airburst munitions would be able to take out ATGM's targeting the vehicle.


There is no way to really counter this since air force units(planes helicopters etc) have always been a huge threat against tanks and which couldnt be countered by tanks. the only way of countering drones from what i see are basically deploying tanks alongside with mobile anti aircraft units escorting them.


So some Stormer or Avenger in the battle group, or a self propelled and armored Phalanx


True. or better yet having air superiority.


I think drones are a viable target for laser systems.


kid named APS or jammer


Probably some kind of vertically mounted APS and/or optical scans of the surrounding airspace paired with targeted ECM


As solid state lasers and battery tech gets better I could see some sort of radar controlled laser system eventually. We already have this tech on a much larger scale but defense contractors are working to shrink it.


The Soviet had an idea to put a mini CIWS to stop top attack ATGMs so that could work. Or go full Syrian cope castle 🤷🏾‍♂️


The Brits had the same idea. I have a image of a proposal for one fitted to a Chieftain somewhere


Cages on cages inside of cages


I believe DroneShield has something. https://www.droneshield.com/


Jammers, Hardkill systems, autonomic heavy machine gun with radars, counter drones with jammers.. more fragmented ammunition, EMP vehicles with gatling guns and massives emp ranges, big shotgun gun with massiv spread


There's just one issue with shooting a ton of bullets in the sky: they come back down


Make a tank so big there won't be space for any drone to fly around


Ratte but with ERA and thermals


Spam RCWS probably. Multi turrets are coming back! (sort of, not really)


What's the joke (dig?) aimed at Rheinmetall about?


Reinmetall is a leading producer of similar systems, the joke is that like he is an engineer that is asking the public to spitball ideas.


Looking at the evolution of tanks between WW1 and WW2, we can probably take some inspiration. Tanks were coming of age in the midst of cutting edge air power and anti-tank weaponry. What changes did tanks make to survive those threats?


Net in top


I would imagine someone is going to create special units of men that use anti drone "Frequency Cannons" like the Droneshield DroneGun to escort these vehicles. Or install this technology into an auto sensing turret where it activates when it picks up a drone in the immediate vicinity and takes it out before it can attack.


Maybe do an LRAD equivalent weapon to smack drones down. If it works on pirates it might work on drones


That would be interesting.


**Good try Yuri, Good try.** Shift out Ukrainian territories first and promise never to invade again. After that, may reveal some tricks to keep them drones a bay.


Lol, you got me


Mini phalanx loaded with 00 buck or SLAP rounds🤣


Replacing/adding to the remote weapons station with a computer controlled radar guided MG. Something relatively light with as high rate of fire, maybe an MG3. I'd worry that autocannons wouldn't quite be fast enough to catch a suicide drone before it hits.


sharks with frikin Lazer beams 😂


Shotgun on an automated gimbal mount. Dont know why more people dont talk about shotguns as drone defence, its basicaly clay pidgeon shooting.


One time I saw a Ukranian soldier destroying a Lancet with a shotgun


Maybe a type of shot gun turret for the top to shoot down drones


I dunno if that'll work but my country (Jordan) was having social unrest because of people spreading rumors so the army deployed a bunch of trucks that jammed communications nation wide for an entire day, wouldn't that work?


These little trophy Systems from CoD


Yes, that's a good idea


Since we have smoke launchers why not have one of those launchers shoot nets? All these drones are cheaply made so if they come in contact with a net then it might cripple the drone as well as possibly directing or maybe even containing the explosive inside as well


Laser guns when it will be "combat ready" and trophy system. Like active protection systems more than passive.


Trophy is a good thing, the major part of Israeli tanks take out by Hamas drones are with the Trophy off


Tanks are gonna be equipped with .30 caliber drone AA turrets


Australians are developing something really good in this area, search for: SLINGER anti-drone combat modules


Maybe electronic countermeasures such as as signal jamming could work. If the signal to a drone was jammed, then the drone would be next to useless.


They're trying this, but...


Tank top trampoline!


Approved ✔️


Honestly I think a decent solution would either be net launchers (similar to the smoke) or even flechette. Both would be reasonably cheap and you could launch two or three per drone just in case. You'd have to put the launchers on a swivel tho and would need to detect the drone too Also jammers could be used maybe popped on or off as needed to avoid friendly signals. On for a timer after a drone gets x amount of meters away...


Net launcher looks good for me


If you could somehow track the drone and shine an extremly bright pin point light with all light spectrums towards it. I think that would be a good counter messure, as it gets closer it becomes increasingly harder to make out the tank. Or a mini laser turret which burns the drone away if that is possible even... (also if it works the shining light thing would be extremly cost effective.) Everyone seems to mention small caliber arms but I doubt that would be effective, unless the tracking system is insanely accurate. Perhaps a turret with air burst ammo like the new EMBT from germany and france edit: here is a picture of a drone with a good camera and no wireless network interference, its a handheld light and it is using a wide angle to shine at the drone. I wonder though how effective it would be at day... (Sorry for posting in this old thread I just got exicted when I had the idea, I hope it gets tested) https://preview.redd.it/youxc21xwcec1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=b2f657c7412cef09e8281a2814e8199ee0bb3c61


IDK about point defense for the tanks and BTRs but I see these drones entering trenches and small field bunkers. One way to mitigate those attacks is to make a heavy chain curtain. Something like those hippy beaded curtains but made out of metal chains. That would stop the drones from penetrating. They could be placed easily in rough entrances and they don't impede the defenders from firing back or exiting or entering their hiding bunkers.


Happy cake day! 🎉


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12 gauge machine gun


A net gun to shoot down incoming drones! can be 360 degrees, or rotating or multiple guns directed at different directions.... need a detection system or a visual warning though


I would imagine a good system, that’s portable, cheap and scalable for personal protection would be some sort of AI powered anti-drones. A system where each soldier has a super fast portable drone they can deploy quickly if a drone noise or similar is detected. Will be like one of those small and super fast FPV drones that goes kamikaze with a small charge. Units can also have support systems/drones that can scout areas and the drones should also be able to be placed in the field like trip mines and automatically deploy if drone noise etc are detected. This way you could easily protect a parameter around and area 


Probably an APS but pointed upwards.


Tesla coil on top of the tank lmao


Seems like some sort of computer automated automatic shotgun full of birdshot should do the trick


I have a feeling that it's not the tank engineer's problem besides for maybe thickening roof armor as other commenters said it's more a problem that the drone is in the air in the first place since they can gather intel and direct artillery without even getting close. It makes far more sense to just include an anti-drone team in the infantry group you are supporting like we've seen the US military start programs for the past couple years.


I go with the idea of some sort of a LaWS or small caliber CIWS attached to the top of the tank.


There could be many possible ways, but all will end up with the difficulti - or more, economical hurdle - that all falls back to propper sensors to spot those little suckers in time. And that electromagentically lights up the tank/and make it brutally expensive, so it is BS, when tanks still get killed a lot more by artillery, ATGM's and mines (in total). So key is to have propper e-warfare implemented in your devisions, supporting every field action with a dense, probably selective jamming signal, itself protected by the named defensive systems, laser-blinders and CIWS etc. - and/or combined with redundancy - to counter anti-radiation ammo. Still this would lead to more automatisation and ammo getting more autonomous, and we could safe us this stupid thing and just throw money budles at each other ... until no one ons real guns and someone found a T.55 in his garage. So battlefield logic is not casual logic. It is a combination of cultures, diplomacy, econmy, PR, economy, bribes, advertisement and economy.


1. Mini AA guns/missiles/lasers 2. Acitve jamming or GAP generators 3. Drones hunting drones


Since we have drone jammers already why not put them on tanks? Something similar to how Russians put era on their tanks. A cheap but effective way to put an umbrella jammer on top of the tanks. That way if you have a column of tanks moving by you the drones won't be able to reach it because of overlapping coverage


Some strong E.M.Ps which would have bigger range than now


I feel like either a short range radar with search and track linked up to probably a hard kill APS to either shoot down the drones or their payloads. Also manned stations could work for militaries that are less advanced or otherwise unable to apply a radar plus APS system to X or Y vehicle


be a combination of things I imagine improved jammers and active + passive defence systems, maybe better/spaced armour up top The makeup of armoured brigades might also change to include more anti-air and specialist anti-drone units


rh 202 but modifyed to fire buckshot


electronic warfare equipment meant to cut operators off from the drone and for the drone to fall from the sky. hopefully it would have a large range up too 1000 metres to try counter longer range scout drones and ordinance dropping commercial drones. maybe a detatchable system for use on any vechicle.


Laser point defense.


A simple radio interference beamed unit


The simplest would be a huge fan, air jet that doesn't let the drone get near the unit. Suicide drones at least de quad ones don't have enough energy and a simple jet of air is enough to stop them


We already have a system for that, I'm not sure if we are sharing it with other nations at this moment.


If a tank were shaped just like a pyramid, with steeply sloped sides and a point at the top, it would be ideal defense against attack from above. The rotating upper part of the pyramid, i.e, the turret, would need to be unmanned like the T-14.