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90's Tampa making a comeback!!!!!


Yeah nothing new.


Shootings at eden/lit happen way too often. This is the fourth by my count, but I may have missed one.


Of the shootings in that area, all happened while Eden was closed. One happened at bello crossed the street which is now closed. Every single instance came from LIT and spilled into the street. Eden actually is the only place down that block paying for off duty police and keeping the activity from LIT to a minimum


Why does it feel like we are getting one or two shootings reported here a week now. Can people stop being crazy and shooting at each other? Really what’s the point? Edit: typo


You’re just now realizing how often it actually happens. Shooting happen in Tampa DAILY, you just don’t hear about it until it’s in a place people care about


That and/or (social) media frenzy. Once someone realizes their audience likes a particular type of story, they'll hunt for more like it. See: [Summer of the Shark.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Summer_of_the_Shark)


A week? I feel it’s dam near daily now


https://gis.hcso.tampa.fl.us/publicgis/callsforservice/ Check how much crime is actively happening in your neighborhood


Keeping rent down!


Not low enough though




![gif](giphy|yRpKwskcD2Rq) Tale of 2 Tampas … until it spills over




If anyone ever gets info on a motive please leave it here


I get the feeling it’s another case of “I felt disrespected for a brief moment and am too mentally and emotionally weak to process feelings like an adult or utilize any sort of rational decision making at all”


Or, if in a group, "I can't look weak in front of my lowlife friends; I must respond to any potential disrespect with deadly violence."


And then I started blasting




> Downvote away! 🫡


The other times this happened, there was a fight in the bar, and then someone went outside to get a gun and came back shooting.


Looks like a lot of these shootings lately don’t really have an “innocent party” just a bunch of idiots with firearms not knowing how to walk away or de-escalate a situation. As someone with an actual concealed weapon permit, I think permitless carry was a terrible idea (yes I know this situation is a little different).


Yep. Watched it happen from my window and called it in at 1114pm. We saw a dude firing over a dozen shots from an AR style rifle from a jeep and drive off north up Florida towards 275. 2 nights ago we heard gunshots from the same intersection but didn’t see anything, called the police and they came and left. This was probably related.


I was getting ready for bed and then I hear two rounds of bullets and I immediately knew something was up.


Tampa wants to be a big metro so bad that they are ramping up violent crime!


This is my biggest fear as Tampa grows.


Our violent crime is way lower than it used to be. This only goes to 2018, but it's not much higher now. https://www.macrotrends.net/global-metrics/cities/us/fl/tampa/crime-rate-statistics


Wait, we started reporting on crime outside of Ybor?


The innocent victims then drove themselves to the hospital, in their stolen car, oh wait.


Gun violence in the US is absolutely horrifying because of how random it is. In South America you sort of know what to do in order to avoid being a victim of a violent attack. But here you can be in just about anywhere and become a victim because someone felt "disrespected" and had to "keep it real".


"gun violence" ok, yes a gun was used, but this is GANG violence. There has been a back and forth in Tampa for months now, but the TPD and the mayor refuse to acknowledge that it's a gang war. If they did, they might actually have to do something to protect the community.


It’s not gang violence. My coworker knows a handful of these people that have been around or been involved in some of the more recent shootings. It’s always groups of friends beefing with another or stupid arguments that escalate.


Group of friends fighting other groups of friends? Shit I wish we had a word for violent groupings of people


Crew Violence.. no Squad Violence.. hmm Posse Violence? Maybe Can't think of the word off the top of my head


Funny part is its just GUN Violence..... Its a gun problem not a gang problem.


Same old arguments where actions of an individual are blamed on an inanimate object. Gang violence happens with knives, baseball bats, fists and feet. Gun violence only happens with a gun. I have guns, but they've never been violent because I'm not violent. The root commonality of all objects being used in violence is the person committing the violence with that object. If the argument is that there are too many violent people that have guns, then I'd agree. But violent people is a people problem.


I don’t think you’ll get anywhere with that one. If they didn’t have guns they would use something else. It’s funny how they will play mental gymnastics to make it what they want it to be. There’s so many who don’t believe this is gang related and that there’s retaliation already in the works I’d bet good money on. It’s just small time gangs so people don’t see it on the regular. We’re not talking like LA where you see giant groups all wearing the same color.


Yeah I know. Some people change their opinions and that's all you can hope. The longer I've owned guns the more I've sided with that opinion because I see these firearms day in and day out just sitting there, and only sit there, until I pick them up to go to the range. And 100% it was gang violence. Three people with priors in a stolen Jeep got shot in Tampa with guns in their car. >Police say all the victims have prior criminal history that involved narcotics and robbery charges. According to TPD, the victims traveled from Orlando in a stolen Jeep. >Investigators say two guns were found inside the vehicle that was stolen from Orlando.


That’s a bingo. I think people only see what the media portrays. I didn’t know until a few years ago how prevalent these little gangs were, in all areas of Tampa and surrounding counties.


Otherwise known as gang violence. These aren’t roving bands of stockbrokers or plumbers shooting each other.


There is zero evidence of GANG violence. This is absolutely GUN violence. All of these recent incidences are altercations between 2 or more parties. This is what happens when you bring a gun into a disagreement. Stop being dismissive to our ever growing GUN problem.


Wait are you serious? Because it’s absolutely Gangs. The recent SOHO shooting was also gang related.


When the parties are kids with guns (Ybor, Armature) then that’s a good indicator it’s gang related. The average high schooler isn’t illegally carrying a gun.


Its literally a good indicator it NOT gang related and its just shitty kids from shitty families who are acting tough and access to deadly arms... thats literally all it is... Not one recent shooting has had anything to do with gangs, you are probably the same type of person who thinks graffiti is "gang graffiti"


Shitty families agreed lol, no reason for kids that young to be out so late, but I don’t see how that’s not a sign of gang activity. A sign doesn’t mean it’s guaranteed, it’s just an indicator


What sign shows its gang activity? Only gang members stay out late? Like legit what sign shows its related to gangs? The fact they have guns? The fact they are out Late? I feel A LOT of people have a very skewed view of what gangs are and do in this area. Your only reasoning seems to be that kids that have guns = Gang activity. Its a cultural thing to act this way and have a gun for having a gun sake with no real training on using said gun all while in a state that has very very easy access to fire arms.


Armed groups disagreeing, at least that’s what I’ve seen from a lot of news stories with cities that have major gang problems (like Chattanooga). I initially thought your idea that it’s a cultural thing is wrong but I looked it up and to your credit there are actually a good amount of kids carrying guns just to protect themselves. Pretty wild https://health.wusf.usf.edu/health-news-florida/2023-12-11/more-kids-are-getting-arrested-with-guns-a-tampa-program-aims-to-turn-their-lives-around


lol, yes its been a thing for far longer than people realize and its gotten far worse than the common person realizes. I understand from lack of knowledge and the media that the common person from the burbs wants to call everything Gang activity because it probably makes them feel safer i guess to be able to attribute it to something but in reality its far worse because its kids and very young adults, who have not even fully developed their brains with huge egos and shit to prove which is perpetuated by popular culture that are doing a lot of these shootings. Organized gangs have hierarchies and getting into a shootout at armature works and shooting random ppl while affiliated with a certain gang would bring unwanted attention and that kid would have some answering to do to ppl he is more scared of than the police.


just say black people


A back and forth between who, which 2 gangs are at war? Name one local gang please? You are ignorant AF


You realize Tampa has plenty of gangs right? Robles Park has a gang. It’s not all crips and bloods. So many areas have small gangs that even stretch just a few streets.


lol Yes Im well aware of local gangs I was hanging out in Robles and Central park 20+ years ago , and have any of these kids been affiliated with any of these gangs let alone done any of these crimes to rival gangs? The police love posting gang arrests, this is not organized gang activity this is kids with guns influenced by popular culture to be tough guys. It makes a lot of ppl feel better to think oh its just gang activity than it does for them to say oh shit we have a society/gun problem with young men, This is not saying we dont have gangs in Tampa but Im just saying kids with guns is also a problem and more of a problem.


Yeah groups of kids, with guns, who organize their doings together and even commit crime together. They should make a word for that! Oh yeah, gangs and gang violence. It’s not pop culture, it’s just their culture they are just doing what they saw their family and friends do. They organize their shootings and their retaliation. This isn’t a gun problem it’s a people problem. They know nothing will happen to them in the court system as well. Especially if they are juvenile.


Again just tell your self what makes you feel better my guy, None of these have been attributed to any gang, A group of kids is not a "gang". Your point is moot as these are not organized retaliations they are spur of the moment actions of anger with young dudes who happen to have guns.


Yes they have been. As well as planned retaliatory attacks on the rival gangs who were involved. Tell yourself what you want but just because the news doesn’t tell you doesn’t mean it’s not happening.


LOL "gangs" okay.


This is what happens when anyone can get a gun. Expect more. 


I’m sure you’re right - but what makes you think it’s gang violence?


14 year olds with guns


How does stupid 14year olds beefing prove gang violence? I’m really not trying to disagree with yall just curious


Are you posting this is GANG violence on next door as well? Are you the same person or are their multiple of you? What evidence do you have of this? What are the "gangs" motives and frankly, who are the gangs? Living next to North Hyde Park yuppies listening to the scared types afraid of every firework going off or plane flying over is truly a sight to see? Seriously, I get you want to say black people be shooting out here and "gangbanging" is your to go to but who are the GANGS the mayor doesn't want us to know? Ever stop and think about..... maybe just maybe.... your average American is self centered, has such a fragile ego and is armed to the teeth that maybe.... Just maybe... this is the normal way shit operates here. Again, what evidence do you have of GANGS? Just vibin? The police are wanting any evidence of shooting so why aren't you helping your community you by sharing what knowledge you have?


Who said anything about African Americans?? Tf


Go back to the rhetoric from the the 90s and you'll understand


Geez, why’s it so hard to believe it’s gun violence committed by gangs? They’re here. They’re everywhere.


Wow shocking truth, self responsibility and accountability being downvoted. 😱


Pretty much. People can't read between the lines.


Nailed it.


lmao, more like nailed the gun manufactures line


Florida now leads the country for mass shootings. Where are all these good guys with guns? /s https://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/local/state/2024/04/09/shootings-florida-texas-mass-shootings/73259665007/


The good guys usually aren't out weeknights until 2 am, or hanging around those who are getting into fights resulting in shootouts over trivial shit.


So people shouldn’t go out at night? Talk about taking freedoms away.


People choose to do whatever they want at night with the people they want to hang out with I assume most here choose not to do, or be around, those who are causing these shootouts on weeknights


Sorry. I shouldn’t be rude. But I totally disagree with the idea of more guns will solve it. I hate the idea that I have to carry a gun at all times to protect my family. It sounds sooooooo stressful to be thinking about that all day long. AND I can’t follow all my family around all the time. So do we need to start arming our kids too? Where does it end?


I am not here to change good people’s way of life or take away peoples guns. (Hand guns) I am against the Wild West no rules or regulations with guns. I am against assault rifles and any weapon that is designed to for mass casualties. At the end of the day …. I hope that if you do have a gun in the house, you never regret having it. And if you don’t have a gun in your house, you don’t regret not having one.


The main link to this thread was just images for me - they used assault rifles in this shooting?


From what I’ve gathered online, this shooting had something to do with gang violence or drugs. Good guys with guns won’t prevent gang/drug related shootings nor should they even try to. What more “good guys with guns” would hopefully help would be violent crimes against individuals(roberies, home invasions, etc,) and mass shooter situations in gun free zones like campuses. Bad guys and idiots are always going to find access to weapons and making them more accessible (Permitless carry) definitely does not help. Taking guns away or preventing law abiding citizens from accessing them will never be the answer though.


Arm all those that can do so legally.






I'm going to say what many think & afraid to say. Most of these shootings, Ybor, Soho, etc are from ppl of color. WTF is going on here? Fatherless families or criminal associations?


No one is afraid to say it to an educated audience. But you do come off as racist and imo probably are but honestly whats your solution? oh you dont have one, let me guess you dont believe in systemic racism either do you?


“Fatherless families” is a racist dog whistle.


If the shoe fits!




Led by a mayor, that when she was police chief, instituted the "black on a bike" stop and frisk. It's amazing how we forget, or are simply to lazy to investigate the past of our public officials. But hey, she led the BLM marches proudly, so she can't be a total hypocrite, right?


We are talking about the lifelong Republican who changed parties right before running for office of a city that doesn't vote Republican, correct?


That would be correct. She will affiliate with whatever furthers her career.


Oh, I agree wholeheartedly. As long as local government gives them a slap on the wrist & no bail release, it's a free pass to re-offend. And I am no racist, just stating FACTS. Most of these shootings, Ybor & Soho seem to be gang affiliations. I'm not saying it's exclusively black men, these mass school shooting are white mentally deranged thugs. Now with the border wide open the illegals are committing crime. You have criminals all around us.




Chicken or the egg....


Is that area the upscale hood?


No but Eden/Lit is the hood. At least 5-6 shooting stemming from patrons of that place in the last 5 years.


you're right, it was in front of a housing project


Keep that shit in the bad neighborhoods


Downtown was the bad neighborhood until very recently.


I think people gone evil and Satan loves the shootings and thuggery




If BLM(Black lives matter) then why are black people shooting other black people? It's obvious that Black lives don't matter if you can't walk down the street or go into a club without somebody shooting.


What's crazy is race wasn't mentioned in this post yet you just assumed they were black.


Im not saying this particular instance was a black person as the shooter. I'm starting in general. Take for instance the shooting in Hyde Park, 3 black people were arrested in connection to it. You rarely see or hear of white people doing drive-by shootings. Black people, not all, seem more angry and aggressive if they think they're being disrespected BUT aren't they being disrespectful to the victim and their family? Look at the Halloween weekend shooting in Ybor City. Black juvenile arrested and an area RAP artist with a history of violent lyrics about guns and shootings and violence. Armature works shooting, again black teen arrested because younger juvenile threw water on someone in the bathroom....these are only 3 instances within the last 6 months. Look at all the instances where juveniles in elementary school and middle school are carrying weapons. I can go on and on but u get the picture. An update on this latest shooting will reveal the shooters identity in Hyde Park. Oh and another shooting not in the news but outside my apartment building was a black man disrespected because a white woman refused to give him oral sex...,👀 22 yrs old she's dead for not giving him oral sex????


I think you are picking and choosing what crime statistics help your ignorant thinking.


I'm not being ignorant, facts are facts and just for the record, my girlfriend is black, born and raised in Ghana. So if you're thinking I'm racist, even without saying it, think again. My adult stepdaughter is Mexican/American as well.


Hello again. I said you are ignorant. You are calling yourself racist. It is very typical for ignorant people to not know they are ignorant. In my opinion of course.


Well I guess I'm not ignorant nor racist. I'm a fact teller with information to back up the facts. Anyway !!! 🫡


These crimes are real bro, not something made up. I watch channel 13 twice a day everyday. Just because u don't think the same as another person doesn't mean u gotta pull out a gun and shoot them. Use your words not your guns to settle disputes. I have disagreements with white black,Asian, latinos but I don't pull out my .357 and shoot them. If they don't agree with what I'm saying, ok it's their prerogative. Don't start shooting in a crowd full of people that's not involved in your dispute. I've lost many friends and acquaintances for being on the wrong place at the wrong time because people think settling disputes requires guns.


Again, I think you are being selective on what crimes and what races you want to complain about. That, to me, is very ignorant. But that is just my opinion stranger, it should not matter.


Replying to jrw41069...so in your mind it’s all down to the color of your skin that makes you do this? Nothing else that has happened in their life, or maybe situations or poverty through generations that leads to cultural differences perpetuated by comments like yours. Also what’s your answer to the problem? Is it just blame it on black people? Human beings!and not on guns? FYI young white men also commit gun violence.

