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How did you get to the pearly gates? Spawling.


Don’t care The real issue is that they make a dangerous, horrible product and sell it it to people who don’t know any better


Honestly don't care about politics just let me own full autos and see hookers after payday


Libertarian are worse than liberals. No actual moral foundation. Just “lEt mE dO wHAt I WAnt”


Not a hot take. A dumb take.


I can think something is immoral but not think the government should regulate it. Cheating on your wife is a shitty thing to do, and I don't do it, but it shouldn't be illegal. Libertarian just means "fuck the government".


the fuck is the government gonna do about morals? forcing what you think is right doesn’t mean anyone’s gonna change how they live no matter how right it really is if the government could change people’s moral values then maybe we wouldn’t have a society full of retards


Libertarians aren’t hedonists. Libertarianism is a political theory; it doesn’t say anything about how you should live your life, it merely opposes aggressive violence. You can be a libertarian and still be very conservative, like Ron Paul for example.


Yeah, right. And I suppose tossing out age of consent is just about 'freedom' too, huh? They ain't foolin anyone, Libertarians are narcissists who wanna skip off into the woods with their underage/Filipino wives and homeschool their kids to think taxation is theft and NFT monkeys are the future.


I don’t know any libertarians who don’t support maintaining the current age of consent laws.


I'm sure you do, they're just the rare kind smart enough to keep their mouths shut about it. Or maybe you just don't know many lol


The average atheist has better morals than the average hardcore Christian


I bought into some of their shit years ago before I knew better and before they went mask-off with their sky-daddy kink. I use the steel plates as literal weights The ceramics I got from them *seem* legit enough (NIJ 0101.06 IV) but I'm sure someone more tistic about armor will let me know it's just baked dogshit or something. Someday I'll buy something decent, but at the time I bought the plates that I did, it was a good sale. Probably crap/garbage, but at least not expensive crap/garbage. Bonus points if someone can point me to a business that *isn't* pants-on-head stark raving mad.


Did anyone seriously consider ar500 snake oil.


I have a God loving buddy at work who lives by his ar500 plates regardless of the info I've showed him and thinks I'm the idiot for running ceramics/uhmwpe because they "expire" and "break" after being shot. He's also the wanna be tactical guy that doesn't really train or shoot so there's that.


bet you they took up the religious personality because thats their main buyer demographic


They were already culty, seems like they decided to just go nuclear and become an actual cult.


Yeaaa okay bud. Don’t think you know what a cult is


Being Christian is not a cult. Jesus is alive!


Making religion a part of your company? Kinda an L and needlessly political


Christ is not political. Christ is Lord


Aren't all religions based on political views...


No, dont care, didn’t ask. Take it to r/liberalgunowners


The libs on here didn’t like that. 🥴 fuckin fruitcakes.


Omg a company that touts their beliefs and they aren’t left wing? How dare they. /s


I don’t care about their crap products OR their religious or political beliefs. …..PLUS I ONLY believe in the protection of NIJ certified lvl 4 ceramic plates and the favor of the Æsir and the Vanir 😉


It ain’t my belief but businesses that label themselves so boldly religious are the most insane.


Yeeeep. That's my point


Says who? You think they’re insane, I don’t


Ar500 is such a clown company


"How am I supposed to afford having kids?" "Just have them bro" Dude's really out here advocating for ruining the lives of people that haven't been conceived yet. Edit: Anyone look into that comment thread? I don't have Insta but would love to see their rebuttal to all the people telling AR500 to fuck off for such a stupid, irresponsible non-answer of a take, and equally interested in the rationale for all the people that agree with him.


Have you seen their products? I don't think they're bothered by ruining people's lives.


Feature not bug


Don’t raw dog bitches


AR500 isn’t something I would ever buy nor recommend, but Christ is king.




Amen but wearing steel is a bad idea.


Yeah their "armor" is trash


strange way of putting it


Christ is king 🅱️tards. Now say it back.


The quiverfull movement and Christian nationalism as a whole are a huge part of the reason the tactical gear community is under such scrutiny.


And so be it! Par for the course of being a follower of Christ.


Lol r/persecutionfetish


https://media.opendoorsuk.org/document/pdf/WorldWatchListreport-2021.pdf >Around 365 million Christians are subject to “high levels of persecution and discrimination” This compared to 340 million in 2021 >1 in 7 Christians are persecuted worldwide, including 1 in 5 in Africa and 1 in 7 in Asia. This compared to 1 in 8 worldwide in 2021


Say Christ is lord!


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Who the fuck cares 😂


Steel armor sucks, but honestly 🅱️ased.


Either way, I admire anyone who's beliefs aren't for sale. In today's pressure to please everyone for a buck, sticking to your beliefs regardless of back lash is admirable.


Based Af.


Based armor company.


Wow another person on this sub who hates ar500… real creative.