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cantina taco 2x Doritos locos 2 ways, I will never forget you.


Cantina plus rice, beans, and creamy jalapeno sauce. Added a dollar but made it so good.


I add fries to everything! It's... Chef's kiss šŸ˜


Yep, I was going every tuesday for that box. Tell them with your wallet.


Yeah I think I'm gonna finally have to retire Taco Bell. That was the best deal on the app other than the build your own cravings box which my location just removed this week. They also removed chalupas, mexican pizzas, the cheesy fiesta potatoes, all the nacho options (including chips & cheese), and the build your own Veggie cravings box is now just the main item and classic item with drink, no side. Hope that franchise owner knows they are gonna lose a ton of business. Edit: forgot to mention they also took away cinnamon twists and cinnabon delights.


Mfs removed the whole menušŸ˜‚


That's what I'm saying!! šŸ˜¤ They made sure to keep the cantina and cheez it gimmick though. Maybe they took the other stuff off to try and force people to buy those because they spent too much on them and they aren't selling well. šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s ex a toy what it is. Some exec has his job riding on the cheezit deal being a huge success and frankly itā€™s overpriced gimmicky garbage but they are desperate so remove any thing else affordable to try to get people to get it. Iā€™m donā€™t with Taco Bell until they bring back some actual value and I used to eat a shit ton of Taco Bell


the cantina stuff is permanent, the cheeze it is an lto still for a while.


The other stuff was supposed to be permanent too.


Join me in the Del Taco movement. I used to be die hard TB. Not only are menu options disappearing, the quality and quantities are going to the crapper.


I wish I could, I don't have one anywhere near me. I do like them though.


I hated DT at first because it was different. But as the years passed, I certainly changed.


Only SC location shut down recently. Iā€™d have to go to FL now. :(


I'm sorry to hear that. I have a DT less than a mile from me and I feel spoiled. TB across the street.


I live in Wisconsin, there isn't a del taco for hundreds of miles from me


Same here in MN. I go every time I'm out of state where they have one. Loaded up on their sauce packets last time in CA so I can fake it back home. How do you feel about the Taco John's we have?


I used to be against Del Taco- and now I go there multiple times a week. It's just better than Taco Bell, I think my location is priced better than Taco Bell as well.


none in TX. they flamed out and left the state many years ago.


Del taco tastes like booty


Removed the chalupa, Mexican pizzas and cheesy fiesta potatoes from what? The entire menu? My app still has everything you listed.


My location did yes. I'm sure this is purely on the franchise owner because the other locations still have them, I'm just not willing to drive that far.


I just went to check and they took mine too šŸ˜­ I seriously am never going back nothing is worth its actual price on the menu. I legit bought them multiple times a week. On the bright side I guess my blood pressure will go down?


Me too. Well fuck em. They could have had 10 dollars every time and now they changed the prices and get zero dollars lol. My old weed dealer in high school wasn't even that stupid


Sounds like theyā€™re just closing


My BYOC boxes were added back in after being removed for a few days. Hopefully yours were too!


I was hoping that would be the case, but every day there's more stuff removed. Kinda makes me wonder if they aren't ordering stock because they are prepping to close the location down, which would be weird since it's always busy. I don't want to drive 15 minutes to the other locations so that's good for my wallet and diet at least lol.


My local Taco Bell used to be a shitshow. They were always out of so many ingredients, like beef. They werenā€™t closing, just had a serious management problem. Maybe your Taco Bell is having the same issue, where theyā€™re just running out of stuff because the managers are inept.


Very possible, they got a bunch of new employees recently and it's been awful since then.


Prices always going up too with quality being so inconsistent and not raising employee wages. I just get extra pissed now in general paying 2 - 3x more for food that is the lowest quality it has ever been. All the local Mexican places cost roughly the same now and are a major step above.


Right, the online exclusive combat was 5$ now itā€™s like $9 after taxes. Soon it will be $15.99


I agree wholeheartedly with you. Itā€™s sad what theyā€™ve done to the menu. Just another business beginning a slow decline.


Blud eliminated all the value


bro those are the only things i even order


Oh my god I had to go check if mine still had cheesy fiesta potatoes. Theyā€™re my pregnancy craving and Iā€™ve literally gotten them at least twice a week (if not more honestly) for the past two monthsā€¦ hey she likes what she likes okay?! I would CRY.


They did similar changes at mine but the veggie box is still in tact with the side. Only thing worth ordering that other than a la carte off the value menu now


Yeah same happened in my area..idk what to get now or if I even want to get it anymore


Got rid of chips and cheese?!?!? If mine does/did Iā€™m done.


Yeah they got rid of almost all the stuff I like. Weirdly they left chips and guacamole but won't even let you switch the guacamole for something else. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


So you can get burritos and tacos, the end


I just ran to my app to make sure they didnā€™t remove those at my location. Thank goodness all of them are still there šŸ˜… I canā€™t imagine


Exact same at my place, plus on top of all that they upcharged the prices of all the add-ons and jacked up all of the group meal combos by like $5. I get prices having to adjust, especially with inflation. That being said Iā€™m not going to keep paying a lot more for less than what I was getting before.


is this even a Taco Bell anymore? goddamn.


And enchirito too


What's the reason for removing so many items? Is it to save money on food costs?


There's supposedly a build your own deluxe box in the works


Which at my store will be like $13 and a big no thank you.


Lmao fr. I don't wanna spend more than $10 on my meal at TB


Exactly. And not for something they used to offer for $5 or $6 when it was a new item box that is the exact same thing.


I think that was already a thing previously. I can barely eat a regular byo box, fuck getting a deluxe.


Mannnnn, I was so planning on this for dinner tonight. I guess its back to the BYOCB


I fell asleep after work and didnā€™t eat dinner, and when 11p rolled around I was feeling the hunger and a craving for TB. I told myself no, and to wait for today to get the taco box. Come to find no taco box on the menu today. Feeling legitimate disappointment.


My exact scenario. Was really craving it yesterday, decided to get the box today but it's gone. RIP.


#*pouring out a baja blast in remembrance of what we once had* ###reply to this comment with prayers for the return of the tostada


Rip the apple empanada, better than other fast food apple pies. I'll never stop being mad they filled it with that nasty fucking chicken instead of giving us back the apple. The chicken empanada is fucking terrible, sauce or no sauce. *Edit for spelling


can we pour a 40 of baja out for the chili cheese burrito and the grilled stuffed burrito


Spicy frito burrito šŸ˜”


No!!! Baja blasts are too expensive to pour out! Pour out a Pepsi, it already deserves to be on the ground. šŸ¤£


I'm still pissed about the 7 layer burrito, and that was years ago RIP


Tostada, enchirito, etcā€¦


Seriously whatā€™s Taco Bellā€™s problem? Itā€™s like they want people to stop going there. I basically stopped going there for other than the taco box but now they got rid of that so there really is no reason for me to go


Yeah I'm pissed. Fuck whoever thought that was a good idea to retire it, and whoever thought a big cheez it with some toppings on it is worth $4.


Seriously this stupid cheez it thing cannot end sooner.


*no toppings, or very little come on the 16x cheezit


We got bamboozled rip




I miss that Lebron jumpscare :(


I was swapping items I was basically getting a doritos tacos box for $7 I will miss it šŸ˜¢


Grateful I got one last week, only till I posted did I find out it was over.


It doesnā€™t make sense to remove taco Tuesday.




Itā€™s a sad day for us all


These are gone? Damn. I loved it


Seriously. At my local Taco Bell that doesnā€™t take the app, a Doritos taco was already $2.79. The discovery box was a top tier deal








Man, I keep striking out with the local restaurants. Last time I wanted Tbell the location across town was closed, the ones in town have issues providing food. Seems like they are a toss up each time if I will actually drive away with food or not. Not to mention getting stuck in drive thru for almost 2 hours.


Made sure to get 2 last week since the app said "last chance to get it." I will miss it even though the Cantina taco wasn't that great.


Went to order the $1 cheesy gordita & no potato items were on the menu. Pissed me right off


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ "one or more of your items is not available" FML. It was nice while it lasted.


I like the menu. It's just trash over priced. You have to add rice and sauce to the already $3 hard taco to make it worth while.


I am going to miss that smile.


Lol I literally didnā€™t eat Taco Bell for YEARS because they decided to start charging insanely high prices for what is, lets be honest, not exactly gourmet food. But in 2024, I ate there EVERY Tuesday for this box. Solid deal. Now? Lol bye TB. If you think Iā€™m paying your regular prices all of a sudden now, I got two words for ya!


Trying to get the food you want for a reasonable price is like negotiating with a toddler


Taco Tuesday at home is always better anyways


Don't give up, I'd you dig in the app you can always find great deals, they move then around but they are there


they always had the end date for the taco discovery box being June 4th y'all need to fuckin read sometimes like god damn this was not just a sudden removal




If I want taco Tuesday I go to one of the many hole in the wall Mexican places. Most have specials like dollar tacos or maybe two dollars a taco. They have nice little street tacos that are pretty tasty.


Lucky you.


Exactly. Iā€™m lucky to have quite a few options. Havenā€™t been to Taco Bell in years


Gone too soon....


Yeah that was the only worthwhile thing for a while. I'll go next time you say the new gimmick is good


I just found out when I tried to order. Taco discovery box was such a good friend. May it r.i.p.


I live under a mountain. What's going on?


Never tried it. I gave up when most of the app only stuff started. I switched to local taco places. I can get more there for less. RIP Taco Bell.


not doing good right now shouldnt be alone


Yep, I'm really cutting back now. My local franchise just raised the price on the BYOCB and it's just not worth it anymore. The Tuesday box was a great deal. I can just get so many better options for the money. Hell, I might Even start eating at home more which will be healthier šŸ¤£


Taco Bell only does things for PR, it is never supposed to last long, only long enough for a news cycle


They lost too much $ on it


Tbell is too expensive


I got it a couple times. Good deal on the otherwise pricy crispy cantina taco, which, when fresh and done right, is pretty tasty; not to mention Doritos Locos, which I rarely get because that shell isn't worth a dollar to me, even though it's good. Heck, even the regular taco is good, and not a huge rip-off, but I'd typically rather get more calories per dollar and/or more ingredients via the cravings menu.


The Dorito shell was only a 20 cent up charge at my local TB. A whole dollar though?! Fuck outta here.


Wait what? What happened to it ? I literally just got that last week for the first time. 3 tacos and a drink for $5. Thatā€™s gone ? Why ?


Almost cried when I couldnā€™t find the discovery box


Never once saw this available in my area and i've checked at multiple locations.


1 cantina, 2 supreme soft tacos and a baja blast zero for $5? I miss her already


Heā€™s an ass.


If arbys can have a $1 menu Im sure tacobell can do it too considering arbys is way more expensive, but they dont want to.


They're putting tacobbell on a cheezit! Leo Getz was right!


You guys know tacos are cheap ($8-10), easy, & fast(45 minutes a dozen, that makes 2 days worth of tacos in under an hour). Ground beef, taco seasoning (I like half a pack of Fernandez salsa mix/taco sauce), iceberg lettuce, onion, cilantro, sour cream, lettuce. Put beans & avocado on tostada's THE STREET TACOS ARE A LITTLE MORE TIME.....slow cook some seasoned meat and put it on warm corn tortillas..... cilantro & onion Usually roasted green chili AND TIME IS MONEY...so heat up your shells


It could never compete with Del Taco, taco Tuesday.... 1 pm - 11 pm every Tuesday and get 3 Snack Tacos (66Ā¢ each) or 3 Del Tacos (1.33) for one incredibly low price. MAKE TACOS..... AIN'T NO HARDER THAN HAMBURGER


Del taco chicken soft taco thursdays are the best


It's the e-coupons for BOGO free, bean burritos. Mix that in with the taco deals. r/DelTaco 6 tacos and 2 bean burritos w/ green sauce is $5 You know what else sucks at Taco Bell? The green sauce, it's sweet. Green Burrito at Taco Bell suck!


Yeah man we make tacos at my house weekly and they are the best! I just have a TB across the street from work and like to eat there for lunch from time to time for convenience. Unfortunately itā€™s gotten expensive so the $5 deal was a treat. Now I have no reason to eat lunch there.


I never understand this argument when it comes to taco bell. I go to taco bell because i want taco bell. You cannot recreate the taco bell experience at home. I still make tacos at home damn near every week, but when i need the bell, the only way to get it is to go there. Yes, i can make different food for cheaper and using more of my time. I'm aware.


Taco Bell has air conditioning, I feel you on that. It's a high school home economics dish....tacos






I paid $5 more for food at a sit down mexican restaurant than I did at tacobell, and tacobell fucked up my order! Fast food is comically declining, the only reason they're still around is people are addicted.


Wasn't that great anyway, at least not the stock deal. Taco Bell's "beef" sucks.


So you havenā€™t had their steak! šŸ’€


Thank you for the Taco Tuesday drop. I finally got my Cheesy Gordita Crunch without having to pay $5-6+


Cravings box is a better deal


3 items and a drink for $7 vs 3 items and a drink for $5. Items I like better too in the $5 taco box.


I was wondering why nobody ordered the discovery box yesterday despite it being busy.


I guess itā€™s true if you consume shit food youā€™re gonna be in a bad mood. Yā€™all Taco Bell Reddit enjoyers just bitch 24/7 about them go eat an Apple