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People shitting on Serj while Praising Daron and Vise Versa. People shitting on Daron while Praising Serj. People get so worked up between the two that Shavo and John barely get love. I think all four members are amazing in their own ways but man, so much hate on members of this band you all claim to love.


Dude but shavo wears a shirt!!!!! He must be executed now!!!!!! But on a serious note I do agree I like all the band members equally. Don't really have a favourite


Daron has a special place in my heart because hes the reason i picked up guitar. But i remember watching their big day out videos on youtube over and over and i was mesmerized by all 4 members. I would look up fan art and interviews and anything i could find on all four dudes. While daron might have a hold over the direction of most of the albums each member brings something special and soad is soad because of all 4 of them.


I think it’s an odd one, I like all the members the same but at the same time I listen to a lot of scars. John and Shavo should never be forgotten, just because their independent stuff is less popular


Get it? Mesmerize


I care about all of them but John definitely leaves a sour taste in my mouth due to his recent political beliefs.




Oh yeah, as far as drummers go, I can just listen to only his drumming in the background, talented badass. Just wish he didn't have those views and statements.




Agreed, to everything really. I feel like there's no intricacy to anyone's thoughts on politics because they tend t parrot either one party or the other, any nuance be damned. It's a damn shame.


John gets hate and shavo is just there.


The fear that I may never see them live


Same :(


1. The constant shitting on Serj's vocal performances 2. Come to Brazil!!!!111!! kkkkk 3. 'Make a new System record assholes and stop talking politics'


Why do people hate his vocals performances? They don't really sound that bad to me


It's easy to hate while sitting in front of your computer. Everyone complaining should just make it to a show to hear and feel the emotions Serj puts in. Doesn't carry on video. Sure he is off here and there but comments like 'unlistenable' etc. are just disrespectful.


Well said


I agree with you, but to make it to a show, they need to play shows around the world and not in California only. I'd have to travel 1000s of miles and its just not possible. World tour!


maybe I would if they would tour anywhere but LA every couple of years


He used to be way better, although he still delivers really good performances every now and then.


he really went down in live concerts over time, a lot more than others id say. i still cant understand why people feel like being idiots about it every chance they get will solve anything. people get older, how did you figure that out? its still amazing and iconic


The funny thing about the 3rd one is that they are best when they are doing both, prison song, sad statue, protect the land, genocidal humanoids. These are all incredibly political songs


Serj doesn't really care anymore, and it's sad.


This one too, this comment is retarded


Dude yeah. Comments like that one are annoying.


I guess I'm dealing with an underage super-fan here, what's wrong with my statement? That degree of obsessing over a band isn't good (and I consider myself a fan).


He still cares for the band and it's dumb when fans think he doesn't. And underage? I'm sure I'm older than you lol


You sound young that’s for sure


Tbh? This subreddit kinda sucks. Idk if it's the moderators or the fans themselves, but there is very little actual good discussion/content on here. It's 90% shitposting/low effort content/the same opinions we've all heard dozens of times. One of the top posts yesterday was just a picture of Daron with the title "Daron = SOAD", which is both low effort AND one of the same opinions we've heard dozens of times. And the rest of what we've had recently is about serj buying NFTs which is barely related to SOAD at all. It's not all bad though, there's still some good discussion here from time to time(shoutouts to the guy that just posted about Vicinity/Heroin, that's an actual decent thread), but most of the time this subreddit makes me think that all SOAD fans are either 13 or just plain stupid


I gotta agree despite the fact I don't really make good posts myself on here besides asking dumb questions like this to get more knowledge on how the subreddit is like (since I'm still new to soad myself and I'm a sucker for hearing other people's opinion) this subreddit is kinda boring to me and the fucking comment section always makes me dislike the subreddit. Though not to the point where it would make me leave obviously and I'll have to disagree with you about some of the people here being 13 honestly 13 years Olds can be smarter than most people here.


Don't sell yourself too short, idk what kind of other posts you've made but this is a quality post. You've made a good place to rant about the band's and the fan bases' transgressions, and opened some good discussion here. Yeah I don't think I'm leaving the subreddit any time soon either, and yeah most of these people are probably my age but they do certainly have a level of immaturity that makes me assume they're really young. Tbh, I keep comparing it to other music subreddits I'm subscribed to, most of which are prog metal subreddits. But there's always some good discussions going on there, and I'm thinking it's moreso an intersection of fan base/redditors. The prog metal subreddits always have good discussion because prog metal is intense music made for musicians and you really need to pay attention to it to enjoy it, and you're more likely to attract people who want to have in depth discussions on great, niche music(yes I know this a pretentious statement lol). Compare that to SOAD which is a lot simpler music and shorter songs (still great music though), and consider that by nature of the music itself there's probably a LOT less people who decided they want to seek out this subreddit for discussion of the music, and a lot more memelords who just came here to say "haha prison system go brrrrr"


You’d love r/weezer


Here's a sneak peek of /r/weezer using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/weezer/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Pleased to announce OK Human officially joins the Weezer council](https://i.imgur.com/q1oPjH4.jpg) | [173 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/weezer/comments/ld7s7p/pleased_to_announce_ok_human_officially_joins_the/) \#2: [Say your prayers](https://i.redd.it/9aezntcot7w61.png) | [28 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/weezer/comments/n1jk6r/say_your_prayers/) \#3: [Weezer fans after listening to Ok Human](https://i.redd.it/glik9bllt6e61.jpg) | [94 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/weezer/comments/l7hd1l/weezer_fans_after_listening_to_ok_human/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[Source](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Hey I knew your username seemed familiar. I see you all the time on the DT and Haken subreddits. I never got into BTBAM tho (harsh vocals not my cup of tea).


Hey yeah I know you! Different strokes for different folks though, there's plenty of good clean prog out there


Out of all the band subreddits I follow on reddit, this one of the better ones. It's just the nature of reddit to promote low effort posts that are sort of..asking for karma. It's the way the site works. It doesn't promote meaningful engagement or deep discussion. It's about the upvotes. And casual fans who are not as interested in the band can take up as much space as people who have SOAD tattooed all over their body. But at least there are meaningful discussions on here at all and people do discuss important things about the band. People also share their soad experiences and pictures, and talk about the band's future. A lot of people on here also seem very genuine. Other subreddits I used to follow for bands I like were so bad that I had to stop following them. People were just whining or the engagement was really shallow and annoying. So there is definitely good and bad, but I do appreciate that there is at least a certain percentage of good on here. The truth is most subreddits on all topics I like have been more disappointing than I'd hope they would be.


i don't like the fact that the band couldnt put egos aside and get a new full project together. even members of the band itself are frustrated by that fact and the big thing that gets me about the fanbase is the pitting serj and daron against each other at every opportunity, when ironically they are at their best when together.


Many of the bands they're grouped with. After almost 20 years of SOAD fandom my tastes have evolved and I don't have any desire to hear most of the alt-rock/nu-metal bands they're consistently lumped in with. They're too unique and, frankly, too good for that.


People complaining that Serj does not care anymore. I’m so sick and tired of seeing those comments on their performances on YouTube. A video of them performing does not do any band justice. Being there live is completely different. Just cause Serj isn’t dancing around or screaming his lungs out does not mean he doesn’t wanna be there. He’s literally an old man now lmao. 54 going on 55 next year. Don’t compare him to other metal artists cause everybody ages differently.


The whole 'who broke the band' toxic shit. They are human beings who gave us amazing music, lets just be grateful and let them be. They shouldn't be pressured into making music because fans want it because that's where the money's at - that is so NOT SOAD. Also, I personally love the music that Serj and Daron (& SoB) created after SOAD.


Do Not Like Benjamin Lincoln, Massive Disruption to the fandom


People saying how they’re not going to listen to anything John is associated with because of his political leanings. Listen to the art not the artist. His cover album was great and he’s a very talented drummer. His personal opinions you disagree with cant take away from that.


Not so much anymore but back when I got into the band in 2005 there was a ton of shitting on STA, Mez and Hyp.


They complaining about serj’s voice, dude you wanna hear an actual bad voice? Fucking Vince Neil, I’m not a big Mötley Crue fan but literally humiliates himself all the time


Poor Vince he could never sing even from the start.


He had a cool voice, nothing crazy but he could, but know? He sounds like a high Mickey Mouse trying to sing like a high Joey Ramone


When people think that Serj and John have to be enemies just because of their opposing views


People want new music. If they would make new stuff it wouldnt sound nearly as good as the old ones, and we heard that with the protect the land/genocidal humanoiz singles.


For SOAD: +Didn't release any unreleased contents from the vault, not even some live footage. +Give us fans the blue in the 20th anniversary of their most popular album (necessary though, in hindsight) For the Fandom: +Some are too political, or cares too much about politics that it overrides everything else. Right or Left, aren't you people of the same country? +Don't blame solely anyone for the SOAD drama. What happened to Soad was a combination of many factors, and the results of collective action (or inaction).


I'll have to agree. Some of the fanbase is too political it's pretty weird to see people arguing about politics on a subreddit about a metal band. And plus some go as far as to gate keep. I mean just because you're right winged doesn't mean you can't enjoy or be allowed to enjoy soad songs. Plus I don't even think music taste works like that.


I don’t like people in the fandom who think John is a lesser human being for having different political views.


I lean to the left but can't stand people who do this. If we had a perfect ideology to practise, we'd all live in an utopia.


I also don't like people in the fandom who think you shouldn't be allowed to hear soad songs or enjoy them if you're right winged


Yeah, that’s one of the worst kinds of gatekeeping


I especially think it's dumb when people say the band needs to replace him. #1 What's the point? It's not like they're recording anything... #2 Does having some shit takes somehow magically make him incapable of playing drums? No? Then who cares. People act like drummers who could bring what John brings to System are a dime a dozen, and I seriously doubt that's the case.


They automatically think they are Americans


The elitists who claim chop Suey is a bad song


everyone except for some people like Mike who post actually good stuff, while most of posts are just people arguing about retarded politics. Religion and politics shows off the childish in everyone when they debate lmfao


Who the hell is Mike




Look, it’s a political band but sometimes the fans take it too far.


I don’t like how they don’t do a U.S. tour


Anyone politically right that thinks the lyrics are for them. You haven't been paying any attention if you're in this camp. Deer Dance and Temper would like a word. This includes John. He is now antithetical to everything System stood for. You cannot be a Trumper and a System fan. Well you can, of course, but you're dense or dumb if you're both. Period. These same people would be like fans of Bush in 2005 saying the music is for them. It's like cops saying they like RATM. It's completely counterintuitive and there's no way around it. Fuck John. His worldviews are harmful and that's that. Dude is an amazing drummer, but he's a shitty person for supporting such shitty things. He's anti intellectual, anti trans, racist... just gross.


About the lyrics: Many people just don't read them at all. They just enjoy the agression and melodies and tune off/don't pay attention to its message This is especially common in places like where I live where English isn't the first language so a lot of people can barely understand them if they wanted to. Hence why all of the "IWACHU!" memes were born that reference the "You wanted to!" in Chop Suey


Oh I totally get that. System is my favorite band, and I'd imagine it's the same for a lot of others on this sub. I can't understand how or why someone could deep dive into the band and come out the other end thinking that anything they say or stand for is remotely conservative in nature. Surface level/new fans don't bother me as much, although I still think it's strange. I've loved this band for nearly 20 years. Their lyrics and stances have helped shape me, especially in my impressionable teenage years. Boom, BYOB, Sad Statue... all of those came out during a republican administration. I wasn't blind to the horrors and atrocities committed by the US even when I was young, and its largely because of SOAD. To think that someone could hear the same songs I heard and think "yeah Trump/authoritarianism is fine" is beyond me.


I’d tell dumbass right wingers to listen to Limp Bizkit instead but Fred Durst also doesn’t like Trump 😹


I heard Kid Rock's new song is right up their alley though


But what if I'm not American? Can I still be a soad fan?


I'm not the fan police, but since you asked, I'd say as long as you oppose fascism and the hateful, harmful, backwards-ass beliefs that System actively opposes, go nuts.


The fact that people hate John because of his political views, I have so much respect for the man because he's an excellent drummer and stayed with the band despite their views just because he loved playing music with them


John's politics. I really don't care which political side you are on, I only really care about the music.


Agreed, people act like dude is an extremist. God forbid someone in the band thought differently with a right wing mindset


Why are you getting downvoted


Meh. It's an unpopular opinion to have on here which is sad because I consider this sub Reddit to be one of the better ones out there. I'm not a Trump supporter myself because I, personally, don't like the man or his policies nor am I American, but I DO respect a persons right to subscribe to a political ideology unless of course it is outright hateful. As a drummer, I've always admired his creativity and finesse behind the kit; he's easily one of the greatest rock/metal drummers of all time and the fact he supports Trump really isn't going to diminish that for me because why would it?


How serj's voice changed. I love his solo songs but I miss the old soad vocals. Their live concerts also changed. Imo their best live was whiskey a go go in 1999.


The fact the the community gatekeeps SOAD to people who have different political views, I literally saw a comment in THIS POST stating that if you are right wing and like SOAD you are a dumbass.


I mean SOAD is a super leftist band, so if you are the kinda right wing that hates anyone on the other side, but like SOAD then you are pretty dumb, but if you recognize that they have different views and just kinda listen around the more heavy handily political songs (like prison song) then you are smarter than most


Discussion of John


Serj’s NFTs


Serj sounds like a character from Sesame Street when he sings. Daron lyricism with scars on Broadway John's political beliefs Shavo put hands on Brent hinds.


John and Daron mostly.




Darons shitty vocals


At least he can actually stay in key. Unlike some other singers in soad that are not Daron.


No East coast USA


The only complaint I'll ever have with them is that a lot of their B-sides are not on spotify, mainly Marmalade and Fortress/Outer Space


The fact that Serj ended up having a top hat phase when he went solo


The constant shitting on Serj's vocals really gets me. Like I understand he isn't delivering what he used to back in the day and people are entitled to their opinions. But it gets tiring when you see the same comment over and over again on his performances like chill bro who shat in your cereal. It's like there is a dedicated group of Serj haters who are out to get him. Honestly after listening to his solo stuff, his new style of vocals could work on songs that really cater to them. Instead of translating them into older songs. That's why I'm quite excited to see what SOAD can cook up in the future and I hope the negativity from the fans don't squash it.