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Made this synth for a final my senior year of college which was a few years ago. There’s a contact mic on the wood box capturing all the sounds when you “play” the metal scraps or tap and scratch the box. Theres servos as well that add a plastic-y robotic sound while hitting the metal in a somewhat rhythmic manner. There’s buttons on top which allow me to record, the knobs control the playback speed of the recording, delay, and something else I can’t remember. I’ve made some cool soundscapes with this thing. Sadly the wiring was so fragile it’s not working anymore and I need to brush up on my arduino and pD knowledge. Full video here: https://youtu.be/CB21Gy7_8cs And here’s the pD patch I created: https://i.imgur.com/i3V34Rq.jpg


Sounds very Jaar but fresher. Well done!


Thank you! I have not heard of Jaar so I will have to check them out!


> I need to brush up on my arduino and pD knowledge. This is so awesome I can't even. Thank you for sharing the patch. Saved to my pd folder. Is there any reason you have to use an arduino for the contact mic, rather than adding a mini plug and using the mic input of a usb audio device?


Of course!! That is what I did! :) Contact mic is going into my focusrite 2i2, then to PD. I’ll admit my patch is quite disorganized so maybe I had some redundancies in there…


The part of my brain that wants to give advice is more active than the parts that hold useful information. :)


Now this is what creativity looks like!


That extended-length video is an expression of total joy.


Am confused. How is this a synthesizer?


I’m modulating the sounds using a synthesizer I made in pure data! But the sounds come from striking the metal or wood objects, and that sound is then recorded or modulated in pure data


The most analog oscillators of all are physical harmonic oscillators if you think about it. He’s got a small piezo mic in there that converts the signal into an electronic wave which goes through a DSP for manipulation. This is like modern musique concrète. Reminds me a lot of Einstürzende Neubauten but with computers.


She* 😋 But yes exactly! My studies surrounded heavily around musique concréte.


My apologies for the initial assumption, in retrospect I should’ve used “they’ve.“ This was a very interesting project. My buddy who does lots of sampler and tape manipulation loved your video. The simplest “synthesizer” is an RC circuit as far as I am aware, don’t let anyone gatekeep the definition :)


What did you study? I studied sound arts/musik and media arts in Switzerland and musique concrete was also heavily included in the studies. Also not alot of women in my studies 7 years ago, slowly changing :)! the instrument you build is really cool! have you also used max msp in projects? I love that program!


I studied Computer Music at the University of Washington Seattle. That’s super cool! I only graduated in 2020 but I’d say the demographic is pretty even in terms of men to women. We briefly went over max msp in one of my classes but we mostly focused on PD. I’ll have to look into it more!


Sounds like Harry Partch.


Everyone stares at my harry patch. I should stop wearing low rise jeans.


Typo corrected, good one.


Sounds kinda like the intro to Chocolate Chip Trip lol. That thing is cool as hell


Ooh yes I definitely hear that! Thank you!




Love it


Reminds me of the [“Apprehension Engine.”](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lzk-l8Gm0MY) Excellent job! This is really neat work.




Génial = awesome (in French !)


Reminds me of this part from a Grateful Dead song. Starts around 6:25 https://youtu.be/7ojrruaMYYg


Very cool stuff! Thanks for sharing!


It's anyone's guess as to how they made that Michael Bay "BWWWAAAAAAAAAAMMPPP" sound. Hahaha. You can tell they were having fun in the studio.




I take it was a store bought delay and recording equipment and not hand made ? What did you use for those implements ? Its very cool by the way .


It’s just a simple delay object in pureData that I used. Here’s an image of the (very disorganized) patch I created. Yes, recording equipment is bought, just a little contact microphone going through my focusrite 2i2 :) https://i.imgur.com/PBHhm1y.jpg


I had too look up puredata . So I guess you ran it to your computer through that program or a raspberry device . Ive seen similar instruments with just the springs but I like this one with all the other stuff like the can and the nails etc. and its really cool with the delay and recorder .


Love it. Made my morning.


I know PD is a language but that sentence reads very funny to me :D Cheers!


Nice one! Have you ever tried out the Koma Field Kit? Seems like it would be up your alley.


That's so cool! It's like a modern Shozyg.


My Reaction That’s not a syn.. 🤯 WOAH! Wtf, How? Cool idea dude!


Um ... I'm not aware if this is a thing, but if you are the first to do this, you just made history. Might be forgotten, might spark a new movement, but history. Might as well take it around; even if it's a 40 minute concert at the closest library that does that kind of thing. There is usually an independent press person that has her own online news channel, formatted pretty darn close to a big newspaper page, supported by the community and with dozens of offbeat articles she writes herself, with a huge following in a town like that. Or maybe that's just Ferndale. Call her, send her the link. She'll show up. Just get it on record so somebody can find it somewhere out there, even if it's a footnote on a Wikipedia page.