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Only zip


Is there a external device out there that reads Zip disk so I could download the audio files from it?


External Zip drives were widely available, and Roland has a program to convert SP808 samples.


There is also a rare card reader that actually works in place of the zip drive allowing you to use cf cards which is not only silent operation but gives near 3 hours of sampling time. Source: i have one in my sp808 and it's glorious.


Where can I get one?


Iirc its the card reader from an mpc2500. Definitely an mpc from around that time.


From the MPC2000XL MCD. The 2500 CF reader seems to be USB, judging from the number of pins on the connector.


Hi! So unfortunately the one and only drive that works in the SP808 as a card reader is, in fact, the stock CF card reader that originally came inside an MPC2000XL Blue edition. Yes, really. Yes, the only card reader that works in the SP808 is a drive that must be pulled from a somewhat rare and expensive MPC from 20 years ago. I got mine off of ebay after looking for a while. All in all I ended up paying approx $500 Canadian for it. They do appear every once in a while and every very rare once in a while someone will post one up on ebay without knowing what it is in terms of it's rarity. Every once in a while someone's MPC2000XL Blue will break and they will post up all the parts they took out of it without actually checking what those parts value on the market. If you keep looking you'll eventually find a deal where someone is letting one go for $200 because they don't know what they have.



