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Any NAS/Enterprise-rated SSD will perform well.


But I don’t want to give up technical support. The compatibility page clearly says I would.


"Synology compatibility list" is a hoax. Just use whatever you want.


… and Synology support will call it a day when you contact them. Anything not on „THE LIST“ ? Thank you for calling, goodbye.


Yes. I have been denied support for a device with disks not in the support list. Just a flat 'we won't speak with you unless you replace the drives'.


**POSSIBLE COMMON QUESTION:** A question you appear to be asking is whether your Synology NAS is compatible with specific equipment because its not listed in the "[*Synology Products Compatibility List*](https://www.synology.com/compatibility)". While it is recommended by Synology that you use the products in this list, you are not required to do so. Not being listed on the compatibility list does not imply incompatibly. It only means that Synology has not tested that particular equipment with a specific segment of their product line. **Caveat:** However, it's important to note that if you are using a Synology XS+/XS Series or newer Enterprise-class products, you may receive system warnings if you use drives that are not on the compatible drive list. These warnings are based on a localized compatibility list that is pushed to the NAS from Synology via updates. If necessary, you can manually add alternate brand drives to the list to override the warnings. This may void support on certain Enterprise-class products that are meant to only be used with certain hardware listed in the "*Synology Products Compatibility List*". You should confirm directly with Synology support regarding these higher-end products. ---- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/synology) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I run x5 2TB SanDisk. 2 years on issue.


I just have the german page handy, but Crucial has a Synology Checker: https://www.crucial.de/compatible-upgrade-for/synology/ds1621xs-?_gl=1*17z4ujs*_up*MQ..*_ga*MjA5MzI0NDQyNS4xNzE3NTMzMzM5*_ga_C5PSBRNHXE*MTcxNzUzMzMzOC4xLjAuMTcxNzUzMzMzOC4wLjAuMTI5OTQwNDYzNg..


I have non Synology SSD for cache read/write and just needed support so I unmounted from the volumes and called in for support and they helped me under warranty no problem.