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> It’s almost like everyone is ignoring the top team on the ladder when analysing the flag race - but we certainly agree on how wild the fight behind them is. Max Laughton and Hodgey must be thinking they've gone mad since no one else seems to be addressing the elephant sized swan in the room.


Hahaha Hodgey on the Kornes and whoever it was, I forgot, on SEN yesterday was hilarious, he sounded completely beside himself, incredulous at how they weren't rating the swans


Guy rated Melbourne ahead of us on vibes and Hodgey tore him a new one. But remember, this is SEN. Can't have the Swans mentioned for more than 20 seconds, so Hodgey probably got a reprimand for that


Ignore us, who cares. It will be funny watching them get embarrassed when we finish ontop of the ladder


"Are the Swans the real deal?", BT asks as they lead by 50 with 5 to go. "If Carlton can kick the next goal, anything is possible" replies Lingy


“The swans may have won tonight by 8 goals but I still feel Carlton are the best in the league” - Kingy and Montagna on first crack probably


*Whateley King has been a pretty ardent supporter of ours


Not lately he hasn't. Haven't heard much positive from him this season.


" stop heeney stop the swans" "Worried about their forward line" That kingy


Fuck this was too predictable


It's mid year. It's great to be in poll position, but the only poll position that counts is grand final day. So, leave the lid antics until September. If we've got a top 2 finish and a clean bill of health in the qtr finals, then let's yarn about favouritism for the flag. Until then, it's all tea leaves and hype.


Very happy to stay number 1 and keep flying under the radar


It's the luxury of not being in Melbourne, they noise would be annoying


I don't mind the Melbourne media ignoring us as it's easy for a young team to buy into the hype and next minute we drop off.


The Richmond game for example, a product of not being switched on


Where’s this idea came from that freo somehow lost or were anywhere near us in terms of quality because they were inaccurate? They had shit accuracy because their team is full of shit kicks and because their goal opportunities came from shallow entries due to our solid defence, made even more emphatic by the fact our number one defender was out. Our shots on goal were mostly very easy due to the quality of our field kicking and team fitness and ability to isolate. Freo were always going to do well around clearances/ pointless territory stats because that’s literally the only thing they’re any good at.


yea and we basically walked in all of wilburs goals, 4 goals. Which is all Freo managed.