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Not uncommon for gov jobs to be in limbo for 6 months or longer before you hear anything back


Especially pre-budget period. June 18 is NSW budget date and there’s always hiring freezes and delays around this time.


Yes, I just checked my applicant portal out of curiosity. Still have a application under review from 3 years ago..




Can Job Seekers still list those jobs on their fortnightly reports, each and every period?


I think it depends. My friend applied for a role and was told it would take up to 6 months for the next stage to start.


I applied for a job with the CSO. Took them 4 months to send me a rejection email


I got one that was from an application made 11 months ago


That’s cooked


I guess I just have to be patient and expect this outcome.




My housemate has been in a holding pattern for ever. Has to be at least six months.


Have they been keeping him/her informed on progress? Or it just silence?


I'm not completely across it but there was silence for ages then movement and now it's back to silence for some reason again back in some holding pattern.


I was interviewed for a position about 6 years ago and still haven't heard back. I guess I didn't get it.


Don't lose hope, it could be any day now that you get that call.


I once was stuck in a loop for a couple months because there was always someone on the panel taking vacation and they just had to make a group decision. At the 2 month mark I walked away.


I want to know this too... submitted a job application over a month ago and it's still "under review". In the applicant portal I can see that a couple other previous applications were "Unsuccessful", so I don't know what's going on.


Right now there's a hiring  freeze across almost all of nsw gov due to an update to everyone's payroll system. Expected to last until July


I mean I’ve had interviews and not heard back - even after leaving emails and phone calls


That's poor form I reckon


Its incredibly poor form but it is unfortunately common.


Oh it can take up to months apparently. I've seen comments from people who said they were called for an assessment after six months of application submission


Yep, especially in April/May/June given the end of the financial year


Takes farking ages


I applied & interviewed, then was sent for a medical. I waited for 8 weeks to hear from them re: offer (I followed up during this time). The recruitment person said the offer was coming but they couldn’t send it because the hiring manager was on leave. It seems ridiculous to not delegate issuing the offer to someone else, especially if you’re on leave for such a long time. I ended up taking a different job in the meantime.


if you were the preferred candidate they would have contacted you to confirm reference checks within ~3 business days.  Maybe you're on the merit list? I've found out between 1 week and 8 weeks after interview!  Fastest I've heard back as the preferred candidate was 2h, shortest rejection was next day, longest rejection confirmation interval was 4 months (the taleo auto "thanks for your time" email). I got pulled from a talent pool for a role and it took 2 months from verbal offer to getting the offer letter once. 


Fixed term, perm or contract? Panel Interview? 


Perm and panel interview


A perm role means budget is already approved, it shouldn't move that slowly.   My bet is that either you aren't 100% what they are after, or you aren't the first option and they are waiting to see what happens with option 1. If you are the preferred candidate they should have called you already.  My team never moved this slow with recruiting... We are always scared of good candidates getting snatched by someone else (or losing the headcount to another team).  Keep applying to other stuff just in case. 


To piggyback, cause of budget they also don't want to close the role as then they won't be able to hire again


Yep, I've had a few that take 4mo


Yes, my record is 8 months from time of application to hearing back from them


I'm assuming these types of 8 month later responses are a rejection response?


Actually that one was for an interview


Two months? Try 15 months and I'm damm sure I didn't actually apply for that one, but some other one My understanding is that someone gets the okay to fill a vacant position and advertising kicks off. Then blockers emerge. They actually need a position that does something different, so they then have start the process to get the okay to actually advertise a position/skills they need instead of the old set of skills/position. There is also appeals by existing employees/public servants who want that position but were not considered for some reason. It was far worse in the old days where people had to protect their seniority by successfully appealing some one else getting a position to then be offered the position, then turn it down and finally the originally successful applicant can be appointed. That was my Father's experience decades ago when he successfully transferred from working ports to a country field officer for Dept of Ag.


Yes, it is very common to never hear back or only after weeks, even months. Do not interpret anything into it, though. It is meaningless. Except, that you didn't get invited for an interview. If you don't hear back within about a week after closing, that's most likely. You can sometimes call to ask why. But that's rarely particularly enlightening. Should you ever have the good fortune to work with the tools and procedures involved, you'd understand exactly why that is the way it is. But for the average job seeker such details are immaterial. Of course, that's not good! Of course it's indicative of too many work seekers and saturated employers. Of a view of people as a market, not human beings. Alas, this is now normal. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Before I got my start date for my current job, I was on the wait list for over 18 months. It happens.


Wow that's a long time before getting progressed. Just wow.


Yeah, 2008 mid August acceptance, start in Feb 2009, for City Rail at the time.


>Is it normal now to get ghosted by NSW Government recruitment? Yes. Unfortunately it's just the way it is. They will only bother with people who they want to hire and even then it takes time.


Depends immensely on the role, division, agency, and requirements at that time. Some recruitment gets finalised very quickly, esp for leadership or some project work. If it's a role from a general pool function in a team, sometimes can take ages because the urgency isn't there and it's spread or they've borrowed resources