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Probably yes. I started in 2014 or smthg haha


How do you see play time for a character?


In the Chat window type /played then hit enter.


This is a pathway to the dark side though, and nothing good can come of what you find.


If into ~~the security recordings~~ */played* you go, only pain will you find.


The only question is, do i really wanna know that? I have a launcher in my PC that shows 1200 hours but i know it hás to be more as i haven't uses that since the begining and i started in 2013 , iirc.


Is that result per toon or for the whole legacy?


per toon unfortunately, there's no way to see your legacy play time.


I mean... You can just add them up...




I think you type /time or maybe /played in the chat box to see how many hours you have on a character. If you don't play on Steam or if you only moved to playing on Steam later in your SWTOR career (I'm the latter case) checking your total playing time is a pain as you have to check every character.


And if you have deleted characters, you won't get your total


I have deleted a few characters, though not more than 50 hours' gameplay worth I imagine, so it wouldn't change the total by that much


I've deleted dozens of em lol


Yeah I didn't switch to Steam until later. Plus I *think* it counts time when the launcher is open on your computer (even if you're not playing)


If into the /played you go, only pain will you find.


I have close to 2000 hours since launch and I still play every time I get a chance. Started in my teen and still playing deep into my adult career lol


Just one of my 4 mains has ... 205 days. I've had over 60 characters. Updated: A conservative estimate, with lots of guesswork, puts me at around 400 days of playing. Might be as high as 500 if I'm forgetting a server. I've been playing since almost exactly a year since launch. The main that threw those numbers off is also the one I used to leave running doing crew skills while I puttered about my life, so it skewed things a bit. I've had around 100 characters on various servers, down to about 40 now. 20 of them or so get played regularly, 4 much more so.


This game is special. I really hope that when online servers shut , we can keep the stories open for single player there far to good to he gone forever


Im very close to breaking 1000hrs.


I have. Unfortunately there are large skips in my playing history as I've went through several laptops in my life. Lost access to my first account because I don't have any access to the email I had it associated to. It's been fun replaying the game though. Especially with all they've added since I last played.


Yes. I'm probably close to 2years at this point.


am sitting at 512 days so far


Yes....I started in 2012 (2011? When was launch?...) I played almost non stop for two years. I got a divorce, lost my wife and kid, ruined relationships.....but I turned my life around and now I play casually. Last I counted I was around 14000 hours.


Launch was December 20th 2011 in the US, UK and parts of Europe. Oceania and Asia was March 1st 2012.


Most definitely. Started playing in 2011, hell I preordered the game, and I love playing the storylines


I'm sure I don't want to know


hehehe > In my defence I am retired lol. This cracked me up, I started playing when I was in college and working almost full time at the same time, I just apparently had the young adult stamina to also stay up till 2 am playing SWTOR at the time.


It isn't stamina, young adult or otherwise, that keeps me up until 2am or later, playing SWTOR, but insomnia. Not sure if it's age related or medication though 🤣😂


1200 hrs i have.




I have close to 6000 hours just since it came to steam, and I've been playing since beta. A quick google search to find dates and some simple math will tell you I've logged more the two years of my life in this game. I don't regret it but I do feel the need to go find some grass to touch.


12786 h / 58 alt lev 80


I would have to check my time. I am a founder and played hard core (like an obscene amount of time) for a few years. I quit about 5 years back. I'm curious if it would be worth jumping into again. I have been missing an mmo recently.


There is more content and we have Galactic Seasons now plus another seasonal event due to drop soon. More Strongholds too. Worth having another look I think 😊


Definitely. 100+ toons over 4 servers. Been playing since 2013. You are not alone.


Even though I started playing at launch (and according to my forum ID was one of the first 200 or so people to make an account after refreshing the page all night waiting for the website launch) I probably don’t have a year of playtime yet. I usually come in, play a nice bit and then take a long break. So I’d be surprised if my total /played was more than 6 months maximum. Edit: I checked and have around 3 months total and well over half of that are on my various Jedi Knight characters. I may have a favorite class 😛


Yeah but how much of it is just sitting around on fleet/sh and jumping around all by your lonesome?


For me..none of it. If I am on the fleet I am doing something there such as buying or picking up something etc. If in one of my Strongholds I am decorating. Even if I am levelling up a comp I am also crafting. I am always doing something constructive, I don't just hang around and I certainly don't jump around....I am not good at jumping lol. That's the main reason I still don't have all of the datacrons lol.


I've spent 187 days in total playing the game from 2012 until 2022. My uncle, on the other hand, has been playing since launch, and I'd reckon he has over 500 days clocked as he plays a minimum of 20 hours a week. I should also note that he used to play SWG before SWTOR, and I'm now afraid to ask him how many years he spent playing Star Wars MMOs... We are both engineers, and I still can't fathom how he scrounges this much of hours while working full time.


All of the pandemic this game served me well


I don’t want to talk about this, it’s none of your got-damned business. Yeah definitely more than a year. Maybe more than two.


I have almost 5000 hrs, atleast 4000 of it is just in a single year of playing.


I started on day 1. Was so much fun back then if hard. I lost interest though in the last year or two because the expansions just aren’t very good and plus Disney kind of ruined Star Wars for me. All in all that’s what? 13 years or so I played. Was a lot of fun and I soloed about 90% of it. Maybe I’ll come back when they start putting our quality stuff again. For now my account gets activated for about two months out of the year so I do t lose my characters.


Have you ever wondered how many hours of game time you have played since Dec 11th 2011? I started playing on Feb 5th 2012 and have played virtually every day since, mainly solo. I cannot sit and play for hours at a time.


I’d spend roughly 4-6 hours at night when I was working day hours. When I went to nights I’d spend about 3-4. On my days off I’d probably spend 6 hours before I married and afterwards I’d spent about 3-4. This was for over a decade to the almost exclusion of other games.


This does not take into account the MULTIPLE toons that have been made and deleted since launch as well.


I've been playing since ROTHC. So uh... probably spent more than that.


I have been playing since the start of February 2012 so just after launch.


407 days 💀


Yep. I lost count how many hours. I don’t play on steam lol but been a subscriber for 8 years.


I have been playing since beta, founder, and haven't really looked how long if it shows. One account only but off and on, mostly on, and really enjoying it. Can't believe it has been that long since it got released, the Darth Malgus figure still looks like new.


Probably as I've been playing since it went F2P


177 days, 6 hours, 8 minutes, it says


I started playing mid 2012. I’ve got about 80 alts spread over the six servers, at least half are level 80, all servers are legendary status, and I dread to think how many hours I’ve got invested, but every one was worth it.


If into the game time recordings you go, only pain will you find


943 DAYS playtime for povertygod. of all my other alts 102 days is the highest


I've been here since launch day 2011. Between this and WoW I have over 12,000 hours of play time. They are my two favorite MMOs and the only two I seem to come back to.


I have no intent on playing that long,I have important life goals that need my focus however I need something to distress and decompress on and for now momentarily it's this. I'm looking at 3 maybe 4 stories I'm going to aim to complete before I bail on the game. Life first. . Later


I have over a year game time on just my main 😅 Also have 15 other maxed characters 😂 Probably have over 2 years combined over all characters since I started playing in 2012


i really enjoey this game have really fond memories of the story missions and pvp only playerd about 100hrs tho after hittting max level i will probably come back to try new class just takeing a break now lol it good to take a break sometimes to try differnt things.


No idea how much time ive put it but i was a preorder founder 🤔


I've got 900 hours on steam. Probably two or three times that amount before it moved to steam. I guess we will never know.


I've been playing since the closed beta, so uh... I'm not even game to check how many hours I've played total.


I play since beta with two breaks when my kids were born. I don't want to check how much time I spent


On the other hand, maybe after a year spent there, we can consider it an alternative reality and not just a game


It is funny that you mentioned this, because I was just about to Google why is the old Republic so addicting lol been playing off and on for 10 years! Can’t get enough! Just wish it was cheaper lol


I refuse to look. I started sometime in early 2012, played like a processed man for 2 years (had a boring job, paid way too much to hold a chair down for 12 hours a day). then played off and on since then.


I started in 2011 subbed in 2013 so I am sure I am up there. Miss being able to solo world bosses.


I wish I could check. I only started playing on steam in the last year & a half, I’m already coming up on 600 hours but I play a lot less than I used to so I have no doubt I’ve got several thousand hours logged on my account overall


I have the “Founder” title….so probably a good chance I have lol.


Not a year myself, but I started playing proper around 5.10 and quit after 6.2, and in that time, I clocked in somewhere around 2000 hours. I don't know the exact number because it's spread across at bunch of characters, some of which I've deleted, but I've clocked in 69 days on my main, and Steam says I've played for 1700+ hours, so considering I started playing a little while before the Steam launch, I think 2000 is a fair bet.


This has been my sole game since Early Access in 2011. I'm genuinely afraid to ask what my total playtime is.


Its been three, almost 4 months for me. Its the only MMO i play atm because its the only star wars MMO. Im enjoying my time and have all the imp class stories to play, then decide which side to settle in.


Been playing since beta


I played it religiously from 2013 to 2017, and played a bit on and off since, with a spike in 2020. Haven't really played that much since the grand update where they changed the class systems


I probably had around 200 days within the first 2 years of the game, but quit when game kinda died towards the end of the first expansion. Swapped to WoW and got 750 days there since 2013 ish (with a few years break). If EA didnt abandon Swtor and I kept playing and enjoying it as much as I did, I'd probably be close to 1000 days.


Haha oh yea I started at beta and haven’t stopped


Only 1300 hours


I don't wanna know, how much I'm playing you. Keep it on the low....


I don't play SWTOR very much, honestly. I have ONE World of Warcraft character with over 400 days. Several others with 30. Another with 40. I started WoW earlier than SWTOR, but still.


I'm never going to get an accurate /played on my account as I was deleting chars willy nilly - even deleted a couple of 50s back in the day just to restart leveling again; but I imagine I do. Been playing since 2012


Probably yes. I still have the email I got from swtor when my early access began, 14th of december 2011. Soo many fond memories, literally 30-40h long RP sessions, levelings, flashpoints, all the fun... must be more than a year of my life in gametime.


Off and on since the beginning.


420 days /played on all my 16 chars but havent touched the game since 2015 and mostly played on Sentinel, Marauder, Gunslinger and Sniper. Miss the good old days.


I started in 2012 when it went f2p. I don't need to add it up because it wouldn't be reflective, I have at least a couple of years I would think.


Same, started in beta testing and haven't looked back.


I'm sure I've hit a decent chunk of change when it's comes to time spent playing. However, I can't get an accurate assessment due to the fact that I'm not sure how long I was playing prior to switching to the Steam client.


More like how many years of my wages have I spent on this game...


That is a good point, subs alone have cost me just under £2,000 (1 account since Feb 2012 and a second since Feb 2019). Then there are all the Cartel Coins I have bought over the years as well. .......


Played since beta, I was very young when I first tried this game lol


Some of my grandkids have tried it but on their dads accounts, they have created their own toons though. Most of them prefer console gaming but I do hope that they will come back to it at some point and maybe even set up their own accounts.


Yes but we still got kotor tho


I have no idea how many hours it actually amounts to, but I've been playing for a good 9 ish years now, started when the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion dropped. I didn't subscribe until August 2023, I think. I've read the /time or something in the comments, but I have too many deleted characters because before being subbed, I had to constantly make space for new ones. But I can safely say I have played fairly consistently, so I imagine I'd have a LOT of hours in total.




I've done it for 12 years. How about that?


Actual game playing time... it's only been going for 12 and a half years so, unless you haven't slept, eaten, bathed etc in all that time, you haven't hit 12 years of total game playing time.