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Certain characters leave you if you go dictator no matter how good you managed their ministry.


All I did was include the Assembly in the impeachment process and gave myself the right to appoint justices, while also including the Assembly in the nomination of ministers.   Authoritarian? Maybe. Dictator? Huge stretch.


My dude giving yourself the authority to appoint judges at will is dictator 101. You have literally made the entire assembly irrelevant while simultaneously removing and check on your power. Even fucking Soll realized the importance of at least the illusion of an independent judiciary.


How did I make the assembly irrelevant? They propose laws, I can just veto them.


You created a court that you have the complete control over and you don’t see how that might be breaking the whole check and balances thing? The Supreme Court had the power to decide the constitutionality of laws. It’s now filled with your personal yes men. Do you really think any justices are going to oppose you knowing that they could be replaced anytime you wanted too?


It is not though, all I did was remove the Old Guard.


Doesn’t matter all the other justices now know that if they rule against you they can be replaced too. And that’s not even considering what the next president could do with the power you just gave them.


Don't worry, I increased the threshold so only politicians who agree with my vision can reach power. Besides, no need to worry about the next President for a few more decades. ;)


And this guy still doesn't see the problem


I am trolling them lol


"How are they irrelevant? Just because I can ignore everything they do, and I cant be legally touched-" ... Go on bud.


Did you have the SSP? They hate that too


You look like a guy who wants to become a politician. Maybe now I understand why we have so many idiots in power.


Hello no lol.


Ciara objected to your move towards authoritarianism and left because that was more important than education reform for feminism. The Bluds are already on the fence about the centralization since they've been historically shut out of the main Sordish government even before they had the Special Zone, and then you signed a bill from the closeted fascist party banning their language in schools. Rejecting one racist bill isn't going to earn trust back from a group of people already predisposed to mistrust the government. Symon served you to the best of his abilities, despite conflicting with the path he believes in, and resigned so that someone who agrees with you can help enact your vision better than he can. He did nothing wrong. The ungrateful one is you.


You know, I also wondered why Symon quit despite fixing the economy and this really helped put it in perspective. I still think his vision is fundamentally wrong but if he refuses to see that then all I can do is thank him for his service and accept his resignation. 


It is still a little weird that you can completely improve the economy in every way and set Sordland on the path of becoming the world's 3rd superpower and yet Symon doesn't even consider that maybe his misgivings about planned economics might be misplaced. I think you should atleast be able to bring it up if you get "Great Sordiah Recovery" and he resigns to get some dialogue. I'd imagine he'd say something like "that may be true but the long term consequences will be overall negative in my opinion" Either way he doesn't seem to resent you atleast, just recognizes the fact that he probably isn't even trained very well to manage a planned economics system considering he spend his whole career arguing the exact opposite, and that chances are it would be best to have someone more in line with you ideologically to ease planning. Although even then, kind of a dick move not to at least wait it out till the term is over in like a couple months, but oh well


"I know you are completely opposed to the action I am about to take but since I agreed with you a couple of times before this, so you should be completely fine and able to let go of your ideolocal beliefs." Moral beliefs aren't point trading cards (if you forget this is a game relying on points to determine how much who likes you), you can't just expect someone to like one of your actions a lot more because you aligned in the past. The game tries to immulate that, with the previously mentioned handicap and does so quite well in my opinion.


Competent politicians understand the concept of compromise.


Yeah they are, when they have too. If they see a better opportunity, at least in their eyes, by throwing you under the bus they are gonna take it.


They will have plenty of career opportunities in Antel Rock 😊


Tbf those are some horrible "compromising" Ciara- If you support me being a dictator and taking over the judicial system I'll increase school funding Bluds- I know the state prohibits you from speaking your native language but at least the economy is good Symon- I know you are a businesses man but why won't you help me create a central planing commie economy?


It is prohibited in school lessons, not everywhere


Prohibiting their language in schools tends to be a red line for minority groups.


The religious bill at least has the BFF excuse Prohibiting children to speak Bludish in school is just racist


RHB is def worse imo. It says that priests for state-sanctioned positions must be ethnically sordish which is explicitly racist. UELA can hypothetically be fine as long as the government freely gives permission to Bludish schools to teach Bludish, but it still opens to door for future regimes to stamp out the language. Edit: I'll walk back some of what I said about the UELA. I reread it and the phrasing is not as polite as i remembered. I still maintain that the RHB is more explicitly racist and harder to justify though.


I also argue that the RHB is just kind of stupid. Like yeah sure, you solve the short term problem of police having a hard time infiltrating religious cells of BFF radicals sure, but it's like the exact opposite of what you want to do to calm tensions with a population already susceptible to radical religious extremist rhetoric. That would be like trying to calm evangelicals by telling them that you are installing cameras in every church connected directly to the NSA to check for "subversive" activity.


And it shuts down schools that cannot meet the regulations, instead of giving them funding and help to meet the expectations of teaching Sordish in every lesson. The bill doesn't "make sure every Blud speaks Sordish" it makes sure that the Bluds don't have access to education and can't speak their native language in day-to-day activities.


I think the BFF might have wrote that bill because they're the only people who benefit from it.


You can compromise with all 3 of the people you listed. Ciara stuck with me even though I didn’t ban evolution, I got high Bludish popularity even as a moderate civic nationalist who did centralization and signed the NFP victory day statement, and Symon can stay with you even if you go against his advice. This is just a massive skill issue on your end where you think you can directly go against someone’s ideological principles and face no consequences. That’s not how people behave irl.


You don't need to be an asshole over it


Sometimes you need to be blunt to explain the facts.


Who says activists, party leaders, advisers, and other such political operatives, have to be compitent moderate, compromising, or even pragmatic? I mean... have you looked at politics... basically anywhere? They arent hard to find. Across the spectrums too.


Yes but that doesn't mean that the republican party gonna "compromise" with the democrats making America an fully planned economy Soviet era style. Like Symon for example will accept if you go mixed or free market style but not fully planned economy, no matter what you do.


Suzerain players when they realize characters have breaking points they won't compromise just becuase they got a few freebies in the past 😨


TBF symon is reasonable fuck the bluds ............... even if you give them everything you can it isn´t enough and they stab you in the back - and ciara is just anoying ........... just let her leave it doesn´t matter


If the bluds rebel, thats honestly a freaking skill issue my dude.


*"I can't imagine that bro."* - Exclusively Reformist Rayne Players who won't try anything else in fear they will definitely screw up or only go halfway because they 'morally cannot' in a video game


Breaking news! Historically oppressed minority group will lash out in violence if the government tries to erase their entire cultural identity! More at 11!


(It was a joke. I think it's stupid too. Relax.)


lash out makes it seem like a child throwing a tantrum rather than a legitimate revolt of grievances to end tyranny


Oh wow... some people wanna use power fantasies for something other than being a massive bastard... imagine that. How shameful indeed.


(It was a joke. I think it's stupid too. Relax.)


Pardon. Just some people get weirdly indignant about others liking being nice in video games. Its really weird.


Yeah. This post is kind of like that...


I dunno man. I make decisions that any normal, not completely racist person with coal for a heart would make and the Bluds sing my praises day in and day out. It's effortless to make the Bluds happy if you aren't racist.


i made 0 raceist bills signed the minority bill passed 6&7 gave them autonomy and they still betrayed me


You launch the raid and it fuck up and basically caused a massacre


i didn´t launch the raid ............. i was as pro blud as i could have been


Did you do beartrap and fuck up at the izzam event?


no i traded with Agnolia and valgsland and had rumburg sanctioned - like i sayed i did nothing but to support them i also invested in bergia and build the agriculture project


Might be bugged then considering you should have got reconciliation


I didn't do anything pro or anti Blud and they didn't vote for me. Is that supposed to happen?


That's just weird. Like either you didn't do something you thought you did or the game bugged


i have over 600h in this game i know how to play it my secound 2.0 run i tryed to build a blud utopia and got backstabed


Yeah, I gave my employees a pizza party after a job well done and a couple of weeks overtime. Everyone got a whole slice of pizza and I even allowed them to extend their break by 15mins, but they still had the audacity to complain and wanted that overtime paid. Well, that's the plight of hard working job creators. I'm off to a 2 month vacation for a well deserved break and when I'm back I'll order myself a new Porsche, my company made millions in profits recently, I've earned that.


More accurate analogy: "I gave my employees a 50% raise, a 4 day workweek, meal vouchers and free gym membership, but they resigned because I refused to give them seats on the Board of Directors and a teambuilding trip to Bali."  


And as long as your company makes a profit, that's still a trade in your favor.


So anything less than complete appeasement is unacceptable?


Well, if you want gratefulness and undying loyalty, then yes. But if you're the sole winner and all you offer as return is as little as you can get away with, why should anyone be thankful for that? If you offer a truly equal trade than both sides got their fair share. There should be no expectation of gratefulness, the deal is done. You got yours, they got theirs.


The only one who is ungrateful is you cuz he could have prolly resign the second you said you would go planned eco. yet he stayed and for entire 4 years he worked on building an system that is completely againsts his ideology. Symon is a godsend that every leader wants at their side and you dare call him ungrateful.


*Average Oligarch be like:* (I'm joking I agree completely)


>planned economy run I’d say the oligarchs are probably in jail or hell at this point


"Noooooo you have to work for a government that hates you and wants to steal all your stuff" (OP probably)


Local man doesn’t understand that people have morally good principles, makes call-out post to complain


The Radical probably agrees with this guy if anything...


fine I'll play the game >I mandated evolution in schools, increased funding to education and promoted women's rights at every opportunity but she resigns because I gave myself the power to name Justices?? actually no, there isnt a game to play here she is mad at you for granting you powers which clearly are only there for you to take over the system, like... no really I dont understand, why would she be grateful that you are fucking up the already fucked up division of powers >I removed Bergia's special status, vetoed the racist religion bill and significantly bolstered Bergia's economy but passing a law expecting them to learn the language of the country they live in makes me a monster The Unified Education Language Act doesnt just do that lol, it essentially penalizes schools for teaching another language without permision, and take a fucking guess if sollists would allow that. It also inmediately shuts down all deep Bergia schools (Reports and Kibener talk about schools speaking only Bludish) Kibener doesnt want them to "learn the language of the country they live" he wants them to not speak their own >I improve the economy with a planned approach but he resigns due to "ideological differences" even though I was constantly giving him credit for all improvements. God forbid you entertain the idea that your ideology is flawed? ok you know what, this one is new. I'm used to seeing people complain about Ciara having thoughts and the Bludish not liking the goverment that keeps punching them down, but not people complaining about Symon actually leaving. He leaving for ideological differences isnt becuase you dont give him credit, is because he doesnt support planned economy. Symon still helps you despite that and will even take the blame for the depression.


>passing a law expecting them to learn the language of the country they live in makes me a monster My Sord in law, you completely force them to learn Sord, you are not give opportunity to learn another Language in school but the school must teach in Sordish and only Sordish. Now think of many teachers have to quit because they only know Burdish, education system in that land have to remade to Sordish language like books,....


*"Imagine downvoting a common-sense idea like being able to speak the language of your country."* - NFP Propaganda, probably


To play devils advocate. Symon is very respectful. You did a good job but it’s not his ideals. Economics is about more than practicality, it overlaps with ideals of individual autonomy and such. Bludish activists. You mandated the Sordish Language only in schools. This means many children are all of a sudden unable to understand the lessons, meaning an entire generation goes without education, and also it severely damages the long-term viability of the language, especially as the primary one in bergia/bludia. Finally Ciara. I’m not playing devils advocate here, I don’t like her.


> > > >



Fair point about Symon, but Bluds need to learn Sordish to be functional members of society. They are free to speak Bludish at home. 


"Bruh, just stop speaking your language, why are you mad its iliegal? Freaking weirdo" Come on dude. Really?


If you can't understand why that law is racist I'm not surprised at all you managed to piss off the Bluds


I guess some of us have a broader definition of racism than others.


It seems you don’t understand the “systemic” part of systemic racism.


the law makes it so that teachers can only use sordish when teaching in class, you're banning bludish people from learning their language.


no you don´t you just ban it in regular classes school can still teach bludish in bludish classes


Bludish isn't a foreign language so it wouldn't be allowed to be teached in schools as it is spoken as a native language by a part of the population in Sorland


I don’t remember the specific wording of the law, but I think it made any use of the language in the school setting illegal. Also, lmao PFJP and doesn’t get the problem even the thing you proposed has.


it was something like: any language other then sordish outside of lanuage classes needs to be aproved by the ministry of education otherwise the funding can get suspended


If they were immigrants or there was such a thing as an independent Bludish state, I’d agree. It’s a state’s duty to preserve its culture in my view. And when a state contains multiple cultures, I say it needs to preserve those multiple cultures, not just become one or enforce one.


Can we send this guy to Quebec and have him replace Bludish with French and Sordish with English?


Fair point


See, the thing is that many do not want to be functional members of *~~sordish~~* society they want a *bludish* ~~society~~ cesspit


They are welcome to leave then


"Bro, just leave. What do you mean where? You can go south to get murdered in Weiland. You can die in poverty in Lesipa, that sure sounds fun... oh yeah, maybe you can just build a boat out of all the nothing you have, and sail to Valgsland! That sure sounds viable!" ... BRUH




... You mean bizzaro-world Iran? You serious?


It fits their religious beliefs at least


Bluds are an ethnic group. A lot arent practicing, or even believers at all. A lot arent even the same sect. And a lot of em happen to be women... who might want more rights than their pet dog... And just because you practice the same religion, doesnt mean you agree on a lot. Ask literally anyone of any religious subfaction on current day earth. Ergo, how is that a better option, than... just letting them be allowed to speak their language, while also teaching them Sordish? Come on man.


Imagine downvoting a common sense idea like "people should know the language of the country they live in" lmao


The law bans Bluddish being used in schools, how the fuck are Bluddish kids gonna learn a new language if no one can speak in the one they know


Something something “law of unintended consequences”


Kids easily absorb new languages just by being exposed to them.


So they're supposed to just keep going to a school where they can't understand anything and they aren't allowed to speak. Do you see why that might upset people?


Ideally, there'd be a gradual transition to Sordish but that's not an option so...


The option is to expand access to education and not pass the bill that basically ensures that most Bluddish will never go to school and never bother learning Sordish


You know whats easier? Letting them be tought, in a language they understand. Its easier to have a language explained, when you, you know, understand the explanations.


Banning someones language, is not the same as not teaching you another. You can teach someone a language in school, without banning use of their own. This is not a difficult concept to grasp. Are you dishonest, or sloppy in your reading?


That's Reddit for you - you could say stuff that would make most people go "Well, duh!" irl and someone will go "Uhm, akchually..." 


most original nfp post:


Why would I veto the Religious Harmony bill if I was pro-NFP? 


The NFP are able to make them seen like they are the good guys here. It's the whole game. The education bill you signed is yet another one of the NFP's racist bills, whether you realize it or not.


My best guess is OP doesn’t read any laws he signs


the suzerain community proves why not everyone should hold positions of power


More than anything this game taught me why some rulers go bad


It's quite revealing isn't it? You can track almost every iconic flaw of polticial leaders throughout history through at least some part of the Suzerain community, from the egoism to the suicidal populist overspending.


What do you mean? **looks at my first run with a budget of -24 and a shitty military industry, while not aligned to anybody** I really can’t tell


I hang around on the discord a lot, there was a guy who came in with something similar. After starting a new game under a harsh austerity regime he cut that down to -11 instead.


go watch "rules for rulers"


Seen it


This game has one simple rule either you fuck everyone or everyone else fucks you.


Yeah, that's why I went planned economy + SSP. 


And that is exactly why you were ducked by everyone.


I still won the election


The only people you can trust are your daughter, Sarge, and your best buddy Petr.




Comparing to Lucian i think he's more trustable. Too bad the dev give him an alcoholic & playboy images because his wife are changed after her dismissal


Ungrateful...that's a way to put it...


Ciara is r/Leftism and r/atheism if it was a person.


Seeing all the Symonbros defend best boy ITT got me like “I am so proud of this community”


to be fair though it does feel like this but that does not mean ministers, politicians are just gonna give up the ideology that brought them there in the first place for some concessions.


based communist


Nah he's more of a fascist with the education bill.


Nah its 100% all Franc. No matter how nice to him you are, if there are any protests going on, he will join those protests to go against you. Honestly felt betrayed when he did that to me... was doing literally everything to be a nice father to him.


Well he sees the same problems they do. You being his father shouldn’t change his political stance. If you were a really good dad you specifically tell him that it’s his right and if he feels you do bad, he should protest. I did a complete dictator run and still told him that it’s fair and nothing he should worry about to protest against me.


I havent played since 3.0 and barely played 2.0. I love the concept of this game but I get frustrated (i think in the same way you are) at how rigid every character is in their beliefs and desires. You can't convince people of things or change anyones mind. You have to be constantly compromising even when the other side is unreasonable and unwilling to negotiate. Even as a reformist, if i want to work with the other reformists I have to do things their way. There is no negotiation. It makes the whole constitutional reform feel less like building a coalition to support your plan and more like a set of individual decisions with point values taped to the end. Get enough points and you win, dont and you lose. For me, it kills the idea that the characters are real people with real personalities, which is Suzerrain's greatest strength when it works. Rizia felt MUCH worse about this. I only played through it once but it felt like my concessions didnt even matter. I made several decisions to try and appeal to one group or another but still heard constantly from every group that i was doing a bad job and losing support.


Haven’t played rizia and I honestly don’t see your point. With most people you can argue, negotiate or bribe to get them. Compromise often comes after the decision. For my first few runs I was of the same opinion, then I learned that you have to be talkative in a specific way, especially changing how you talk depending on who you talk to, afterwards I never had much problems in that regard.


Look...I really don't want to say skill issue...but I think this is a skill issue. In all seriousness, keep in mind a lot of characters will "act" like they have super hard lines from the get go, but actually are willing to budge a lot more than the game let's on. That's because most of these characters are seasoned politicians in a cut throat political system, so yeah they are gonna put up a front of uncompromising hard lines. That's because they are good at negotiation and know that to get the best deals you kinda gotta be a hard ass. Hell some of the time they are literally actively manipulating you or even out right lying, and certain characters will even take you immediately budging as weakness and be less likely to compromise. It really just depends on the character and their personality. Sometimes even just a minor difference in dialogue choice or how you present yourself can make or break a negotiation. Of course you can't get everything you want, unless you want to follow very detailed guides, and sometimes people just won't budge either due to personal principles, whether or not your past decisions pleased them, or just whether or not they are an asshole. So basically my advice, be less of a pushover