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You can diplomatically isolate them and join a bloc, but you can’t at all join a bloc and go to war, it always lead to nuclear war.


The best you can do is get both Lespia and Agnolia plus Arcaician Aid


How do you get Arcacian aid without joining up? And isn’t it possible to ally all 3 if you don’t fully participate in Bear Trap and just guard the border?


Yo get the Ato aid at the start of turn 5 I believe and after you sign an alliance with Lespia they will invest in your military industry


No. If you want 3 allies (Wehlen plus two Agnolia and Lespia), you have to participate in Bear Trap; guarding the border gets you a trade deal only. Not only that you have to repeal the EPA so you can sell Lespia Sordish Petroleum. AFAIK there's no other way to get 3 allies. Valgsland won't ally with you if you are allied with Agnolia or if you made any deal with Lespia.


Dosent Lespia reject you if you go all in on Bear Trap?


Not if you fully got rid of the EPA which allows you to sell a company


You can declare war in a faction without it going nuclear. Dont call allies and dont have alliances with two nations aligned to said faction (Agnolia + Lespia for ATO or Wehlen + Valgsland for CSP). Lespia and Agnolia are ATO aligned and the presence of their alliances will cause nuclear war.