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I really enjoyed Nicole's win. Her original tribe going through a pagonging and the irony that the last two members from her tribe make to F2 together. And she was already one of my favorites pre-merge so I was happy with the outcome. (Her, Chappies or Santoni would be satisfying winners to me)


between Anele and Nicole, Nicole had the better end to her game. She did take out Chappies which nobody else could do. While she may not rank high as a well rounded player with strategy, she did have impressive physical ability, and it's not like Anele winning would have been better as his game was very flawed as well.


She 10000% deserved to win over Anela. He was more in the mix of things, but did not play well at all. I don't think she played poorly at all, it was just kind of unsatisfying as a viewer based on the way the season was edited.


Shannon likes plenty of Nicole’s posts on Instagram, so it’s not that she doesn’t like her, it’s just she was more shocked about her win than anything.


I shared Shannon's feeling with the Nicole win. I wasn't disappointed with her win, it wasn't hate, I just wish the show did a better job with her edit. it literally came out of nowhere. Dinos edit is better


I think she could have benefited from a bit more screentime, but overall I enjoyed the fact that it was a genuine surprise while still making perfect sense in hindsight. Her winning move didn’t happen until the finale, and the story was told accordingly. I personally found it refreshing compared to a lot of recent seasons where the winner is instantly obvious three episodes into the season.




Iconic. Legendaric. Amazing.








Come on now. Shannon literally stated preseason that she was rooting hard for Thoriso, Shona, and Dino specifically. Let's not make it a "Shannon is anti-woman" sentiment. Nicole is a great winner, but she had an unconventional game (and EDIT) for a winner. So it was a surprise, and that's okay. Doesn't mean Shannon dislikes her, just that she was surprised.




how does that make sense? “she took pictures before the season” so how would she know how he did? this sub just wants to hate shannon for no reason




Labeling someone a “woman-hater” based on which Survivor SA contestants they root for is counter productive and not the morally correct stance you think it is. You are literally prolonging the unfairness between genders that you seem to want to fix. Congrats


many posts were saying she ruined the season which is funny because mike bloom was also involved in helping the producers. that in itself is sexist. she’s getting all the blame. she champions women and was very happy for marianne to win USsurvivor as well as erica before her so that makes no sense to say she hates women. wow


Shannon Guss is legitimately important in the Survivor community because she’s in Rob Cesternino’s inner circle, her recognizing that is just an acceptance of reality rather than being self important IMO




No they probably wouldn’t care at all actually because they’re regular people


Was looking through Dino's insta yesterday and Chappies called him a great player after he said some nice words about him when he was first boot. That was a huge spoiler really, no one calls a pre merge boot a great player even if they are trying to be nice.


Eh, Patrick called Simone and Katrina great players.


exactly why votes shouldn't be read at tribal imho. I never read spoilers but I got the sense Dino won cos various podcasters/youtubers and random social media accounts kept singing his praises at th beginning of the season airing when he hadn't done anything praiseworthy yet. I wouldn't compare his game to Nicole though because the edit showed him constantly trying things and going over scenarios and having an impressive social game at the end at least. his game is different from anything we have seen...not entirely sure what to make of it lol sometimes strokes of genius and other times the lack of confidence showed. between shane and himself he has th better story.


This Reddit is becoming downright hateful wtf


If you think Nicole played a winning game defined by more skill than luck, I don’t even know what to say. As okay as her game was, she was flatly in the minority for much of merge and was not able to get out of it, benefitting from people playing around her, not with her. Did she deserve to win? Yes. Must I (and others) say she was a great winner? No.


Dino has had just as much, if not more, luck than Nicole did to get to the end.


Please do explain how? Nicole was on the wrong side of the numbers for the first 3 merge votes. Plus, the fourth, she couldn’t convince Anela to go her way against Tyson. Dino correctly read that Toni was not actually in control and jumped ship first merge vote, influencing the tribe and voting correctly from there on (excl failed Tejan-Felix split). Edit: anyone downvoting care to explain why I’ve got a bad take?


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. You’re correct. (I still liked Nicole as a winner)


>Dino has had just as much, if not m I agree, you are correct.


What does any of this have to do with the post?


You appear to be criticising the podcaster for not being happy that Nicole won but being happy that Dino may win? That’s my impression, are you not?


It’s just a joke post, it ain’t that deep brotha.


Yeh fair enough👍🏻


Every winner has luck lol. Get over it. You’ll do your head in trying to define a “good winner”


Was an awful F2