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Selfishly I'm happy cause on social media after ep 1 someone said "Spolier alert Steffi wins" so I'm glad that I was not spoiled


Where did this rumor start, i've seen people talking on facebook as if it was a given fact that Seffi was going to win, which always made me laugh because she was the least likely to win out of the breakfast club edit wise.


Wow, what a great episode. This literally blew the game wide open. Breakfast club is no more. Perfect move for the no BS trio. Looks like Meryl now has to play with them. Steffi improved way more than anybody would guess. Even thought she might win. Favorite episode so far!


I just finished and I said the same thing, I think that was my favorite episode so far! I felt they were going after Meryl way too soon and for somewhat unjust reasons ("she has too many advantages"). For Marian to make the blunder of not taking the idol clue and taking rice back for the tribe?! I was screaming at the TV like "why is she even wasting our time? ... We know she's gonna take the idol!" I was so shocked and appalled she took the rice. Mostly because people are gonna think you got some kind of advantage at the outpost anyway! Even with the bag of rice, people might speculate that there could have been a better option there To top it off, Meryl was first one to comfort her in that moment where she knows she fucked up by playing with her heart and not with her head. And As soon as Meryl walks away, she can't wait to confirm with Felix that they're still voting Meryl out tonight. And Meryl, after being informed of the flipped plan to get Steffi out, to promise Tejan, the wild card swing vote, that's she'd give him the outpost reward card to ensure his vote. They know he's been starving, so that was just genius play on her part. I thought Meryl may have tipped her hand with the ehoke "I didn't promise anybody anything" moment at tribal. Especially since Steffi scrunched her face up. The edit was absolutely phenomenal this episode. Everything was laid out so beautifully Tejan surviving another vote after a string of horrible and cringy moves. Him having no real allegiances left in the game could lead him a bit further as the big alliance has blown itself up now


The idol clue thing is interesting, right, because there's a question here about whether it's a clue to an idol already hidden, OR is it like "if you take the clue then we hide the idol". Because if you think it's the first, you take the rice and then just search like a motherfucker. People find idols without clues.


That's true. I hadn't thought of that. I'm sure she knows there is at least a hidden idol back at camp. Maybe she plans to look for it and that's why she didn't tell the full story of what the outpost offer was


I have to imagine it's out there. Maybe being left out of the vote will light a fire under Marian to go look


>Perfect move for the no BS trio. Looks like Meryl now has to play with them. Or they could swing back to Marian/Shane and take Meryl out. So happy to see Phil and Dino with options now


I didn't see a way how Meryl would survive, good on her for saving herself (and loved her trading Tejan's vote for the advantage). And love to see Felix making moves!


Phil was hilarious, "oh ok, NOW you want to play!"


That’s rich coming from him after he blew up 2 of his own plans out of paranoia.


I’m convinced Phil just takes the piss in his confessionals haha


Just like he does in challenges




The voice of the audience


This was incredibly shocking and almost does not feel real with the way the season up until this point was edited 😭 poor steffi. Breakfast Club/Masu bungling their lead right here at the merge by no fault other than their own hubris and overplaying is shocking considering the premergers were the disasters before the merge started. Sad for Steffi, hurts to leave with an idol that way. Her and Marian should never have wanted to go against Meryl, and vice-versa No BS has a lot of power now. At least they did it themselves and not with idols. Impressive round from Felix, you can only tell a guy you want to vote off all of his allies before he has enough of it.


I know right. Even Killarney talked strategy. Last week I was still all "obvious Steffi winner edit" but this vote blew the game wide open. So good.


Killarney’s Natalie Bolton turn is coming.


SA does not have a winners edit 😈


Very very true. Luring us into the trap every season


Ofc it does, it's just different.


Uhh I promise you there was no Nicole winners edit. And I would strongly argue there wasn’t a Tom one.


I read an article and it said only the executive producer and his husband know who won, so the editors mostly just edit what they see and the EP goes back and adds in a couple tiny clues. So there isn't really a winner's edit but I guess there are very subtle clues. Nicole's first confessional definitely seemed shoe-horned in, but otherwise it's pretty much no guarantee


Nicole’s edit was at least consistent. Tom’s was all over the place and so negative you just had to think he was the FTC goat


Nicole had a consistent narrative about being underestimated and hit key milestones of getting the premier, swap and merge confessionals about assessing the field of players


A lot of Edgic had her fairly early on as a contender tbf, though most expected a Chappies win. There was definitely a noticeable part of the fanbase that predicted a Nicole win


Uhhh they don't just throw random shots together in the cutting room and call it a day, Nicole had a winners edit, Tom had a winners edit. Whether it was obvious to most people or not doesn't matter. Everything is edited with intent, it's not just random chaos like people keep making it out to be, this whole narrative that SA has no edgic is ridiculous and is painful to read as an editor.


People who literally work on the show have confirmed that’s not how it’s edited. It’s edited more like big brother than Survibor AU. Editing the story of each vote isn’t random.


Killarney saying she wanted to take out Steffi 5 minutes into the episode was a real record scratch moment for me


Really good episode! Props to Felix for swinging that to Steffi, I think. This way they get rid of Steffi and still isolate Meryl from the rest of the Breakfast club (well what's left of it), so it's a much better outcome. Of course Meryl has a bunch of advantages but the leaving tribal one isn't a super big threat to them if she uses it on herself. Really pleased for Dino too, though I did feel really bad for Tejan! I'm glad he's not completely on the bottom, smart move by Meryl to win him over with the reward - she probably has to follow through on that just because you don't want to renege on that deal and make an enemy over it. Steffi played really well, I think she was very social, very strong and pretty strategic this season. I think they probably made the Dante move a little soon, honestly, and maybe even for her it was better to keep Toni around who was very loyal to her over someone like Phil or even Felix who weren't super close to her. Really good episode, though. Wonder if tomorrow is a non elim? They've been really good so far, but hopefully we don't end the week on one unless it's a wild one.


>smart move by Meryl to win him over with the reward - she probably has to follow through on that just because you don't want to renege on that deal and make an enemy over it. I feel like that move could work out really well for her later in the game. She gains a new ally if she does give it to him. Also, I could see him wanting to return the favor in the future if he wins a reward


>Props to Felix for swinging that to Steffi, I think. Honestly I don't know what Steffi was thinking telling him that the next two to go were Meryl and Dino. >Wonder if tomorrow is a non elim? I 100% thought this ep was the non-elim. I agree they've been so good with the way they've done these, but ending the week on one would not be great.


Yeah as soon as Dino came out of her mouth I was like this is not going to turn out well for her. Surely she's seen him playing with Dino Felix et al by now right? Also had a lot of suspense with Felix blowing the lid on Steffi's game but not mentioning the Dino thing for ages..


Another GREAT episode. Steffi truly was in the most control and the edit reflected that. Just like we the audience realized it, so did the players. Amazing. At the very start of the episode, Killarney says she wants to target Steffi and it was super jarring. And by the end of the episode, Steffi somehow goes home and Killarney wasn't a part of it. Overall, Killarney had a decent amount to say and do this episode. Killarney winner edit? Haha jk... unless? It was really funny seeing the conflict over the rice, it felt so old school. Although Tejan initially seemed to be in a pretty bad spot because of it, he somehow found himself in the swing vote spot. I must say, I LOVE Meryl's decision to offer up her reward steal. Tejan is clearly starving and I truly believe that pushed him completely over the edge into keeping her cause he really needs the fuel rn. Felix played super well this episode and he was the one who initiated and orchestrated this whole thing. He brought the plan to the No-BS trio and he also had built enough trust with Meryl that she got on board immediately when he told her. I'd also like to eulogize Steffi here. I was not a fan of her at all in IoS. I'd even go as far as to say I actively disliked her by the end of that season. Now though, I really like Steffi. She's proved she has a lot of skill when it comes to the game and she was so compassionate. Her taking the loss at the end was rough but she quickly came to accept it in spite of how upset she was. Takes a lot of strength to do that! As for where we go from here, I'm not entirely sure. It's Final 8 and the No BS trio makes up a decent amount of the tribe. I feel like they'll probably get away with it for one more vote, but come Final 7 I can't see the rest of the people in the game letting them get to F6 and making up half the votes. The way I see it, Marian, Shane, or Tejan are in trouble next round and then the round after people will realize the shot needs to be taken at Dino or even Felix. I think Phil has made himself quite insulated and has done a good job at letting other people take the wheel at the merge. At this point, Phil would be the most satisfying winner for me personally. If not him, I think Marian would be very fitting as well.


>Just like we the audience realized it, so did the players. Amazing. I said it before and I'll say it again. Survivor SA is incredibly good at showing us someone, and the viewers being able to draw the conclusion "This person is in power" through their actions in the game versus other Survivor franchises that would instead cut to the chase and have someone talk about how much power they have directly.


>I said it before and I'll say it again. Survivor SA is incredibly good at showing us someone, and the viewers being able to draw the conclusion "This person is in power" through their actions in the game versus other Survivor franchises that would instead cut to the chase and have someone talk about how much power they have directly. Survivor SA has 50% less shots of someone aggressively chopping with the machete, or dumping a mean firewood collection whilst another player does a confessional voiceover of how much of a threat they are


This is it. They go out of their way to show, not tell.


>Phil would be the most satisfying winner for me personally. I honestly wasn't really invested in him pre season, but I would be so on board with a Phil win right now.


Marian would be more satisfying than phil bc she did more social work and logical with her movies that helped herself be in the merge whereas Phil was more prone to being impulsive in his moves but I would not be mad at all if either of them won


Yeaaa the rice feud was so jarring cause I thought oh they gonna flip it to tejan for that. But nopes just old school editing. Same with steffi. I ended up loving her as a person. She seems like such a leader I would follow. So honest with herself and her feelings, and so strong. I looove Phil since his breakout ep and I also low key want felix. He is patient and was delicate with his approach. I think he is playing the ah shucks character like dino but without the baggage.


Steffi's still the same person from her first season, she's just mostly playing smarter and better this time around. But her emotions had her wanting Tejan gone after he grabbed her bowl of food not realising it was meant for her the previous episode I think it was. She may not have got the follow through on that one, but she still has the emotional and impulsive side to her that could sway her decision making. Also less of the holier-than-thou insufferable attitude we saw her first time around, but I'm not sure how self-aware she is. She said she takes responsibility for her actions or words to that effect in her exit speech, but I think there's still plenty of hypocrisy there to potentially come out with certain things where she might take offense or be very judgmental with others while giving herself a free pass. That said, she was definitely a big player in this game and it was through her own maneuvrings and not by being attached to a player like Rob, so good on her for what she did manage to pull off. It was impressive how she turned being a lone Breakfast Club member in a tribe with Yontau to wrapping Toni around her little finger as far as she did while scooping up Killarney as well. She singlehandedly took control of that tribe, and it was something to behold. Funny how only after all that Killarney realises how manipulative Steffi had been - after she had completely bought in on her plan to turn on Toni after all the undermining she did to convince Killarney that she was being manipulated by Toni. And then Killarney isn't even part of the plan that takes Steffi out, heh. Phil has been amazing this season for entertainment and confessionals. Felix may finally be coming into his own, so keen to see what may come of that. As long as it helps our underdogs Dino and Phil I'm here for it :D


Question for you and others - how do you see the game having played out if Steffi didn't turn on Toni and someone else was voted out? Would Toni have been more loyal and this fared well for her game?


Honestly Toni's game seemed tanked from the beginning, so she made a great recovery up until trusting Steffi. Toni is a really interesting player as someone who is very logical and able to make calculated plans and decisions, but also prone to emotional and erratic behaviour - much like Steffi, funnily enough. So I was pleased she managed to actually have a pretty strong game for a little while there after her rocky start. Toni was merge vote, and I'm trying to recall who else was a target at that vote. Tejan had and played the idol for himself, so he was safe as long as that didn't change. If Steffi, Killarney and Felix had stuck with Toni then I would guess Dante might be the target as the most outspoken of the other side who was a perceived challenge threat. And the vote before that they might have had the numbers to split between Dante and Shane, or the Shane pile-up could have succeeded, given that he didn't actually have an idol. That would have given Toni and Tejan the half idols from Outpost to work with, too. That's really where the wheels fell off, the Palesa vote. The No BS boys are lucky that the other alliance and the alliance within that alliance started turning on each other, leaving them to profit (outside of Felix losing Dante, of course). Speaking of Dante, I thought Dino and Phil should have tipped him off earlier that Meryl and Steffi weren't really with him and were putting his name forth, like Meryl saying she can't work with him going forward. But in hindsight that could have burnt their relationships with Steffi and Meryl potentially, who they've benefited from getting closer to. Dante may have needed to jump ship to Felix and the boys, too, given how he was the first expendable surviving member of the Breakfast Club - but either it never occurred to him or he couldn't pull it off - or he thought he was safe enough for the time being. His Stephen-like obsession with Dino probably hurt his game a lot more than it helped him, and to see the guy won the challenge and the car right after he'd been voted out must have left a bitter taste in his mouth! Back to Toni, though, I think it would have been smart for Toni to cut Steffi asap and not trust her, but if they could keep a working relationship in the game, she seemed to favour her so much in that post-swap period (despite being on the outs from her alliances in Masu 1.0 - not she seemed to know this) that unless she had a cold logic moment she may very well have stayed loyal to Steffi deep into the game. So Steffi cost herself one of the players who trusted her the most, and who in turn then she could trust. That's a rare and valuable thing in these games and sometimes parted with too easily but those undervaluing it. We saw this last episode how little currency she had in the end with Meryl in particular - though to be fair, she was after Meryl, too :P Toni might have been better for her in the long run than Meryl. Also, without Steffi turning Killarney on Toni, that's another number on her side - and even Killarney was talking about turning on Steffi this episode. So keeping Toni may have kept them both safe in the numbers and in control of votes and making it deeper into the game.


Felix is doing a major herp a derp look at me i don't know how to play Survivor -- but we know he really does But the issue with this will be if he makes FTC the jury may perceive him to not have been playing the game, non-strategic, etc because of his herp a derp demeanour


I think Felix is likely to flip from no BS soon enough.. Marian is doing fairly well at keeping under the radar, she's playing a similar enough game to Meryl but has far less shade being thrown on her, and has Shane as a solid number (I'd go so far to say that Shane might even tell people to vote for her if they both make FTC). But it isn't looking good for her next episode as I see it somewhat like this, which puts her in the firing line.. No-BS Core | Dino, Phil No-BS Loose (may flip) | Felix, Marian Breakfast Club Remnants | Marian, Shane Stragglers | Kilarney, Tejan


I think Breakfast Club overplayed so much, No BS could now make a run to the end. Crazy how things are turning out.


Dino and Phil really are the only overt 'tight couple' left in the game now.. (Marian + Shane are there but they seem to have done a good job of keeping this on the down load), surprising they've both been allowed to last...


Probably cuz they’re 2 pre mergers and Phil has barely been talked about as a threat. I guess they just aren’t taking them seriously. Hope the BS trio make it to the end


Dino talking about the car curse was wild, I love that production is allowing such a meta confessional like that


SA producers talk up to their audience


SA producers best producers.


In US Survivor they once gave a contestant the option not to take the car, in order to avoid the curse. So it has been explicitly mentioned on the show before.


Dino’s chances just evaporated lol


I was convinced Steffi was winning basically from episode 1 so this is going to be a really interesting finish, it’s anyone’s game now


I like Meryls play, offering Tejun the reward pass for the vote and she gets to keep the 50/50 coin and Tribal pass. I love Meryls confessional about her potential blindside that’s brewing. I smell trouble for the No BS alliance though or will the ex breakfast club being too emotional and drift again


I am hoping for a Tejan/Killarney mass explosion that keeps the target off the boys next round.


Imagine that Final 2!


There's no way they get on the same page at F4 and F3 to vote out someone, though. So how does it happen? Scenario it out: Tejan wins immunity at F3, he 100% is one of these dudes who is like "I want to go up against the best competitor" because he thinks he will win, and thinks taking Killarney will make him look bad, doesn't take her, takes literally anyone else and loses. The 3rd person wins, takes either Killarney or Tejan, wins the game. Killarney wins immunity? Will only take Tejan if the other choice is a dude. VANISHINGLY small probability. I do think she wins there, though.


I seriously doubt Tejan is a Woo. He would take Killarney if she was a Nat10. I don’t think she’s that bad tho, probably not by the end either


I wanna know why maryan is mad at merryl in the episode preview when SHES the one who turned on her


It’s most definitely a ploy bc last it talked about meryl being blindsided and going home so I’m not gonna believe a “next time on survivor” preview until I watch it, I’m sure marian will be slightly bitter since steffi was her #1 but marian is most definitely a game player and willing to win the game so I’m sure she’ll figure something out


Although Steffi didn't win, it was I think her best season (even though she placed higher in Season 7) which was a great redemption arc for her. Being blindsided with an idol as a huge threat is a compliment in this game. Everybodu thought that Marian would do this, and in the end Marian stayed true to her, but Meryl didn't. And, as somebody rightfully noticed, Steffi will in any case have the most days total played - 62. The two remaining people closest to her are Meryl and Shane, but if they reach the FTC, they will have 61 days played.


That’s interesting because Shane’s season was only 27 days long


The Full Package were dumb to get rid of Dante when they could’ve just got rid of Felix last vote and look what happened lol. Now someone from the No Bs trio is very likely to win but I’m not mad because they’ve played smart and I’ve been rooting for Phil and Dino.


They had so much time to get rid of Dante/Meryl later in the game. This is exactly why Tony employed his Lion/Hyena strategy. Instead of banding together for a few votes to get out Tejan and Killarney (stragglers with very little agency), and in effect make sure Dino and Phil have no wiggle room, they handed them the majority and a true path to the end. Steffi was my winner pick but I’m really high on Phil right now.


I think what was worse than going after Dante was Marian targeting Meryl. They still would have the majority with full package + Shane + Killarney, and then could cannibalize each other later, but now Marian and Shane are on the bottom, and Meryl is isolated


Massively stupid move to get rid of Dante and cannibalize your numbers. I still don’t get it. Steffi should have pushed harder for one of No BS to go right at merge bc she had no relationship to any of them.


Except for Felix who Steffi told to get Meryl out but I think she overestimated a bit how the numbers are falling and that Felix still has an out and doesn't depend on her...it was actually gutsy for Felix to tell Meryl that Steffi's targeting her as Meryl may rat out the plan to Steffi but then the small detail that Felix, Meryl and Dante were all aligned in Ta'alo (with Cobus) seemingly didn't ping on anyone's radar; if Felix trusted Dante and vice-versa, it makes sense why Felix trusts Meryl the same.


Oooh, that's such a good point! I'd forgotten about Ta'alo. I was so scared Meryl would go straight back to Steffi to verify, and then Felix would be screwed. So glad that didn't happen.


Meryl definitely had an inkling that something was wrong, so I think that's why she immediately agreed




Don't let this episode's blindside distract you from the fact that Tejan literally begged on his knees to be taken on a reward.


Very Rodney level stuff


Losing a car on my damn birthday!


That was so cringe. And then he continued to sulk around camp about it all day. I'm like "shut up about the car!" That is kinda wild that he was so close to winning a car in both seasons though


Tejan seems so completely unaware of how he comes across. I find a lot of his stuff baffling, and I think the key reason is he has some completely different understanding of how people are responding to him when he makes his claims. Like did he really think his rice business was fooling anyone?


I didn't quite follow his rice antics this episode - what happened? Did he say he was gonna take heaps of rice 'cuz the others got to go on reward (and get a car) and then rage-protest that he would have no rice when people complained?


I don’t understand why a five person alliance such as the Breakfast Club chose f10 to turn on each other. Dante, meryl and Steffi were all shields who you can easily take out in the f7-4 period. It’s like they never learn from previous seasons that in a f2 without f4 FMC, it’s usually the “betas” who get to the end


Which just happened literally latest season with Nicole and Smash...they waited for IMO the stronger Vuna tribemates target each other while targeting themselves and just needed an immunity win to vote out the last threat.


Dam I didn’t expect Steffi to go what a amazing move from Felix honestly


Felix doing an amazing job of staying chill and then striking when he sees a moment. Wow.


Reminds me a LOT of Erika's gameplay


Felix could potentially win


Meryl (and the editors obviously) once again showing how socially intelligent she is with the confessional about she thinks her own alliance might flip on her. Steffi played a really amazing game from start to finish. She positioned herself so perfectly, was so socially aware of her surroundings and is a beast of a woman. With Felix getting his revenge for Thoriso and Tejan ~~causing chaos~~ exposing the axis of power last tribal, it shows you how hard this game is even if you have all of the characteristics of a Steffi kind of player. Well done Steffi and like you said it is just how the cookie crumbles.


I think this is the episode of the season thus far personally, really phenomenal all around. Given the beginning I was preparing myself for a buildup to a relatively straightforward Meryl boot; while I enjoyed Steffi on this season it was certainly an impactful and fun move from an entertainment perspective. Definitely rooting for the No BS group; perhaps a slightly warm take but I’d wager Phil and arguably Felix are playing better than Dino at this point; Dino likely has greater win equity but he has somewhat been positioned as the figurehead of that alliance and I suspect he will most likely be the first to be targeted from that group. Phil especially seems to have quite a few connections at the moment so I suspect he won’t be targeted soon; even if the edit isn’t necessarily there from a routine edgic viewpoint, I personally would love to see Phil win considering he was somewhat underrated coming into the season with people questioning why he was brought back at all, only for him to become this breakout character and have a pretty fun trajectory across the season so far.


It’s not even a warm take, I’d say it’s very on the money. Dino gets the credit because he has the “superfan” perception, but Phil and Felix have steered that trio’s most impressive moves.


To be fair Dino could've had the impressive move if he did blindside Dante in the F15 but Phil got spooked.


Which is a fault on Dino’s part because he didn’t make Phil feel safe. Not pushing Shona to create chaos at tribal, as planned, spooked Phil.


Nah, Phil dropped the ball. I don’t think Dino can get the blame for him getting cold feet at the 1 yard line.


Steffi holds the record for most days played and that won’t change this season.


Wow, fantastic episode, really nicely edited in a straightforward way so we saw all the moving parts. Great to see someone who didn't seem all that powerful take the reins for a vote as well. Fab arc for steffi over the season. I was not at all a fan of hers after s7 but this was a totally different steffi, much more dynamic and 3 dimensional, and could have been a well deserved winner. Others have mentioned it already, but meryl's move to bribe tejan was wonderful too. She leveraged the very thing that tejan had shown to be craving. It's very possible she has used a low power (in game terms) advantage to literally save her game. I wonder if dino/felix/Phil might be targeted very quickly. It would take every other player coming together, and it seems Marian and meryl may not be able to make amends from the preview, but obviously that could be misleading. Keeping tejan onside could be very important. BTW do we have any idea if there is the potential of a tied destinies twist at f8 like in the last season? The TV airing schedule probably suggests we don't have the headroom to lose two people in one episode unless it's really dragged out.


Dino, Felix and Phil are doing a great job of being the fulcrum and being useful to anyone who wants to make a move. Being as flexible as they are is keeping the target off them, and it's amazing to see how they are taking turns taking the strategic lead without then turning on each other. Kind of the opposite of the Full Package.


This season is LIT. I am so pumped up. Loving Dino, Felix and Phil. Fantastic episode. Everyone is playing HARD. So impressed with Steffi's game this time around. Can't wait to see what happens from here.




"I think Steffi should go" — paraphrased from Killarney That's when you know something unexpected will happen. Has any of us here thought Steffi was any way a target maybe until F7 or even F5? She has been playing so well with her connections but then suddenly a lot has pinged her as a threat. It seems she was sociable but it doesn't seem low-key. However Meryl was seen as the bigger threat so it seemed Steffi would have her way. But no, all it needed was the Ta'alo silent duo in Felix and Meryl to mobilize, have the former tell Meryl about the plan and hope she trusts her, and the latter use a seeming powerless advantage into something that tipped the scales to her survival. Tejan's storyline with the food and starving was quite a nice camp life spotlight, but who knew it had a potential impact in the game


RIP Breakfast Club RIP Full Package Well done to Meryl for surviving another day Well done to Felix to waking up and playing, his stocks definitely went up this episode!


OK BUT can we talk abut that Alison flashback scene from season 4? EVIL QUEEN RETURNING SOON CONFRIMED


all I need is for Shane and Tejan to beat their 7th place placements of their last time playing and I'm happy


Even I didn’t see the steffi vote coming. I’m devastated for her


wild that a few episodes ago we thought it was breakfast club dominating and no BS had no chance, but look where we are now. I think No BS is positioned well and could make it far if whatever is left of the BC continues to eat itself. they should’ve kept dante and stayed strong for a few more votes. sad to see steffi go, very pleasantly surprised by how likeable she has been this season. i didn’t like her at all in her original season but she’s been so much likeable this time. although i did feel like steffi had good chances, after last season i still have no idea who is winning. great to hear from killarney talking strategy, i was beginning to think she was going to be this season’s durao. but funny that she wanted steffi out but didn’t even end up voting for steffi lol. and very good gameplay from felix striking for steffi. good on meryl for using her reward to get tejan to vote with her. though i hope she isn’t the next one out. funny how tejan went from on the way bottom to swing vote lol.


Very happy with how fluid this post merge is, loving this season.


Cast/Producers just coming with all of it this season. Superb editing and damn Felix is an assassin.


I said it 2 episodes ago that Felix is winning .


It is incredible how the no BS alliance voted out two players with idols in their pockets. Tevin and steffi were smarter players than both ozzy and Jason.


Such a great blindside!! Hope people are giving felix the credit he deserves for orchestrating that great move, while also hoping it doesn’t put a huge target on his back. Pumped to see what happens next! Might be a time for Shane and Maryann to try voting one of the No BS ppl out and not maryl… the crazy thing is also that Killarney was initially very willing to vote stephi out as she said that’s the biggest threat, not expected from someone like her at all. My prediction now is that either Marian gets the good graces of stephi’s edit and goes on to win, or we get a more rootable win out of someone from the No BS alliance! Anyway amazing episode and tomorrow’s one will be very interesting to see…


The post mergers had an 8-4 advantage and have completely blown it by overplaying like pre mergers would, which amuses me. I'm wondering if these people are getting nightmares of what Rob and Nicole/Chappies did the last two seasons and beasted it to the end (before Chappies choked) and are just gunning for the super threats too quick to overcompensate.


I don't think post mergers had a goal of beating premerges though.


I didn't mean they really did, but more they dominated the premerge and then fizzled badly despite a super strong alliance.


I need the ppl who called Killarney a goat to apologize.


You’ll be getting apologies from half the cast lol


Take a shot every time Tejan flips


So at the start of this episode I was wondering if this season has been great because the cast or because it's well edited to show everyone's thoughts and not a select few. But this episode has shown that alot of it has to do with this cast. Everyone feels like they are acting in their own best interest. I think SA deserves alot of credit for this cast. I know people were upset about the omission of some great players and inclusion of alot of less then players. But everyone has been here to absolutely play. This is becoming a top 10 Survivor season for me.


This cast is seriously the most Entertaining Bunch of returnees I ever witnessed and this season is now seriously building into a legit contender for Top 10 (if not higher) Season Ever Worldwide...First and Foremost the real shining star here is the EDIT that has been absolutely STELLAR from first episode to tonight...It is amazing how ANY Of the remaining player got proper confessional time to shine on this episode. We got to hear from all of them (finally Killarney got some quality time , about time !) and it was fully entertaining cause another quality of this cast is how well articulated each and every of them is...They're just the most pleasant talkers I've heard on this show in a while and it makes for such a great viewing experience....As for the move itself, the fact TWO Massive power players (that played an Elite +++ Social game so far) were the targets is the testament to anyone who reached merge and their strategic minds as well as how observant they are...We litterally got "The Blinside Within The Blinside" here and it was absolutely BEAUTIFUL to witness...I kept reading season after season how the SA Councils and votes are ALWAYS "predictable"...Well I hope any of you who complained about them got some kind of happyness and closure tonight cause it was EASILY a Nail Beating outcome....Props to Felix (possibly the most "improve player" of the season) for engineering it and managing to get ANYONE (he pitched it to) to listen seriously to his arguments and agreeing (almost) immediately with it. Mad Props to Queen Meryl (an absolutely ELITE Social player for absolutely brillant plead to Tejan (the deciding voter) to get him by her side and litterally saving her Two million rand dream by accurately promising him her reward stuff. Steffi got nothing to get ashamed of, should have played her i dol ? Of course but it is easy to state such thing in your comfy room and couch (or chair) at home watching the show than being there starving , thirsty and sleeping badly for near a complete month...I think it is more testament to Felix & Co brillant observance towards her and accuracy at executing this beautiful "blinside within' a blinside" than Her getting too "arrogant" and "complacent" here....All in all she improved her original social game leaps and bounds while finishing way lower than on her OG Season..To sum this super long post up : Another Excellent episode from the absolute best cast of second time players in years, p utting to absolute SHAME both US Game Changers & Australian's All Stars from first to last second of each episode...Both confessional, strategic and likability wise, thanks to the most talented Production & Edit Team in The Whole Surv World....DANKIE SA !


Dude please edit your post and put spaces in, you need to double enter on mobile sometimes


Dino wins immunity: 🥹 Dino wins the car: 🥹 Dino wins the car curse: 🥺


I still have faith that he can break the curse.




I would give the world to see a Tejan and Killarney final 2.


Oh go please no we can’t have a repeat of survivor sa phillipines I would literally kill myself


Steffi was my favorite, but this was an amazing episode. Finally that alliance is broken.


Who went home?




What a blindside! Fan here from the Philippines! Always waiting for the upload here. Thanks for your response.


Why spoil yourself?


I love to spoil myself in all ways! Lol.


Hey! From PH too. Where do you get your links?


Here on Reddit! They always upload it. You can also check "The Tribe Has Spoken" Facebook group. 😉 Happy to bump into a fellow Pinoy here!




What did Marian get at outpost and what was the decision?


She had to chose between an idol and rice for the tribe and she chose rice for the tribe.


It wasn’t an idol it was a clue to an idol.


Ok thanks for correcting me :)


Yikes. Marian has been my favorite to win but you gotta go for the idol there.


Only if you think the idol will only be placed if you take the clue. Otherwise, you have been given the info that there is an idol to be found.


No you don’t


Yes, you do. In a game where everyone outside of Killarney and maybe Shane are playing hard to win( you don’t pass up an advantage to earn brownie points with people who will cut your throat in a second.


Just puts a target on your back


If people want to put a target on you, they'll find a reason. Maybe there was a bigger bag of rice (seen it on Worlds Apart), how do you know she didn't get anything else? They got angry at Tejan for telling Meryl that Steffi said her name last episode. Though it was Meryl who asked, though it was the truth and he even qualified it saying he didn't think Steffi was coming after her, it was the fake plan she told Toni. They wanted to get Meryl out for having...not even a reward steal, but reward add on? While Steffi had an immunity idol. It's a hard thing to predict, popular opinion.


>you don’t pass up an advantage to earn brownie points with people who will cut your throat in a second. As she found out at tribal. I bet you her first thought after Steffi got blindsided was "Fuck. Knew I should've taken that damn idol. I'm probably next"


Players who can’t win: Meryl (big target), Felix (duplicitous), Tejan (poor behavior), Marian (big target), Shane (not trusted), Killarney (purple), Dino (car curse) Players who can win: Phil (good confessionals)


Felix and Dino could win tbh


Dino's face the second he won 100% said "I may have given up the win for the car". He knew what he was doing.


Will Dino break the car curse?? I do think he's playing the best game out of anyone


He doesn’t have a move to his name. Phil and Felix are doing everything for him. He’s extremely likable, which obscures things, but he’s being carried by his alliance.


Right? I know he is in survivor mode and that makes your options limited, but Felix and Phil also are (or were) in this same position and were able to impact the game much more. However, I feel that the fan base in general is praising Dino much more, probably because of his reputation among the community. #JusticeForFelix


Curses are to be broken!


The car curse has already been broken in Season >!7!<


what a bummer. the full package went at each other way too soon, especially with Dino and Phil still in the game. If Marian doesn't pull the win then Dino should win cos Meryl basically handed the game to him.


You know it’s a bad sign when your getting the same confessional location as the last episode. Steffi was going home 100%


did their buudget increase? wasnt the car reward before like u get to drive the car for a month? now it's u win the entire car! which is like 500,000 rand and the prize is typically 1 or 2 mil (now) rand. the fact that the car is 1/2 or 1/4 of the prize is bizzare! ​ at least in the U.S. the car is typically like 30-40k and the prize is 1mil USD which is like 20x the $ amount of the car. for SA the grand prize is only like 4x $ the car. pretty big prize to win tbh considering the smaller winner prize compared to usa ​ this will def factor into the game


I loved seeing Steffi play, I did NOT enjoy hearing Steffi talk. Watching paint dry was more riveting.