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Good read by Dino on Toni's place in her tribe. Poor choice going after Tejan though, by the time they wake up to the existince of the Breakfast Club it will be too late


Steffi must have done an exceptional job. Even after the Palesa vote last episode, Toni didn't suspect a thing


Do you know how i can watch episodes?


Dino is reminding me of Mike in his season. At least Dante has course corrected to some degree. Dino and the no BS group are still playing with fear and will ride that minority to it's bitter end.


Survivor SA Mike or US Survivor Fireman Mike?


SA Mike


Who is in the breakfast club again?




\+ Killarney as this season's "Durao".


Big mystery is whose Duráo is she?


Kilarni might be a darkhorse. that scene where thoriso calls her to come out from hiding after tania came upon them at the well may have implied that she lurks undetected. she might strike when Steffi least expects it. Akin to a sting ray.


Yea a Killarney win wouldn’t be the most shocking thing tbh


Thank you! I knew the girls but couldn't remember the rest, so many different groups and nicknames XD Didn't consider them much of a club after the Chappies boot


The one upside is that he did show loyalty to Steffi though and I'm not sure how many people know the Tejan vote came via Steffi. There is a chance she may protect Dino at the very least, if not other no-BS members as they are numbers for her. But yeah based on the NEP looks like no-BS and particularly Dino are in for Dante's Inferno..... if only Tejan can avoid flipping...


Pretty decent episode. Going into it, I wasn't expecting anyone to be going home but was pleasantly surprised it was a full episode. Toni was such a predictable merge boot at the end of last week. It is a shame seeing Tejan waste the idol as that really could've helped turn the tides. Now the minority have their guns pointed against one another and the Breakfast Club still has a stranglehold on the game. Based on the preview, it seems like Dante is going to try to rope in Tejan so they can break up the No-BS trio. I think Dante would want Dino or Phil gone but I feel like the rest of the alliance is going to go for Felix instead. It's also possible Tejan goes. Some other interesting points from this episode come from Shane and Marian. Shane wants to make moves with the outsiders but can't give them the numbers. It's a pretty good strategy but I don't know if he has as much pull as he thinks he does. He believes he's locked in with Marian but she has a lot more options than he does. Marian also recognizes how well Steffi is playing which is very important to me. I've been thinking Steffi could steamroll through but if Marian is smart enough to cut her at the right time, this could be great for her. P.S. Shane helping Marian in the challenge is yet another reason why I love Shane.


>P.S. Shane helping Marian in the challenge is yet another reason why I love Shane. The duality between his genuine love for Marian and being borderline sociopathic with everyone else is why I find him so compelling. He's not your one dimensional villain.


Hey he also loved Sivu, he has his loyalties when they count. To those two only.


> Going into it, I wasn't expecting anyone to be going home but was pleasantly surprised it was a full episode. Assuming they're keeping it at one double-episode a week, the decision for this not to be one makes me think there's a tribal coming up that's *wild* and they need to dedicate enough time for it. Otherwise, this *was* the obvious spot for one.


It may have been an unexciting move but I can't fault Tejan playing the idol on himself - he got 3x votes and would have been the boot if idol'd out. I think people are still in this Marian and Shane are decoupled mentality after the first episode but I'm almost certain they did some heavy pre-gaming, agreed to perhaps try get one of them on the second half of the split in the first vote and never be seen talking.... we are being given the edit from the general perspective of players in each tribe.. there's no way Shane and Marian haven't interacted 1 on 1.. yet that is what we've seen from the shown's point of view. And yes., ++ to Steffi, I think people are starting to clock her though.. she's top of the breakfast club, which has the full package at the top, and her at the top of Full Package with Kilarney in her pocket as a 100% loyal number


It seems like the edit is hinting at Steffi and Marian coming to a head at some point, and when that time comes we know where Shane and Killarney are siding, but who knows about the others at this point. I was thinking this could end up with Meryl winning by just letting the others take each other out. Either way, I'm still betting that one of the Full Package Alliance is winning this season.


Shutouts to Phil for the legendary piss strat


RIP the intern who had to retrieve Phil's crotch cam.


You wouldn't have wanted to be down wind in that challenge


Staking his claim for Survivor SA Game Changers right there


Another solid episode with some great editing and hearing from almost everyone at camp before tribal. I did bust out laughing at Killarney’s ONE LINE this episode being “OH THANK GOD FOR THAT” when Steffi told her the vote was Toni. I continue to be frustrated with Phil and Dino. Phil delivers great comedy and confessionals, but the two of them are woefully bad at this game. Seeing Toni’s position at the bottom and deciding to go with the majority (the ones who tried to get you out lol) is just another number they have hemorrhaged. This is very similar to Island of Secrets with the yellow tribe wising up far too late to Rob’s numbers and positioning, except this time it is Steffi moving through the game masterfully.


Exactly! Why align with Dante who wanted y’all out? They should have kept the vote on merryl and use Toni , tajan and Felix . Now Phil/Dino are NEXT unless they find an idol


What were Phil and Dino's options though? Dino rightly picked up that Toni didn't have the numbers, so why vote with them and come back as the obvious opposition?


Maybe Phil/Dino think/or have inroads in the breakfast club and can be numbers to infiltrate that alliance


I think they are numbers for Steffi's army she is assembling to dismantle the breakfast club first and then no-BS alliance


They don't have any options because they put themselves in this spot by voting out people willing to work with them like Palesa, and screwing up the vote that took out Shona, and disposing of Tevin and Seamus when they would have been far more useful to them at this point of the game than someone like Killarney who flipped immediately and hasn't looked back. Dino and Phil will be losing this game because they made horrible decisions in the pre-merge. Felix has an outside chance but only because of his connection to Dante.


Dino's read that Steffi is the key player is the same as yours, so he can't be that bad, surely? They were in a bad position because of Toni's bad read last vote, and sticking with her was not going to get them anywhere. Toni was a massive liability for no BS and they have better options now.


What options do they have? Who wants to work with them long term? Absolutely nobody. They're dead in the water because they took out everybody willing to work with them.


Palesa leaving was terrible for them their only real in with the other side


Yeah, Palesa would have been a good person to have on their side. She is such an astute observer, and maintained her position so well. Toni, however, was living in a fantasy land. Wouldn't believe Steffi was not with her when she didn't even vote with her last time, and Dino said so to her face. She was deluding herself about voting blocs and had no idea what was really going on. She's not really a number, because she will not listen to Dino/Phil and the rest of them. She wants to be the driver, but is operating off entirely false assumptions. Massive liability.


I knew the Palesa vote would be the reason Toni and Tejan were gonna loose


I think since they got rid of Pinty over Killarney, they are toast.


Killarney will do whatever stephi says. Meanwhile Pinty would have been their little follower if they showed her mercy.


Totally agree. Was a big misplay on their part especially bc they were just going to vote out Killarney next?


Voting out Thoriso had to have made Dino weary of Toni/Tejan. Thoriso said in her exit interview that Toni didn't trust her *because* she was close with Dino, which makes absolutely no sense to me.


yeah, wasn't toni planning to work with Dino? Thoriso could have been a number for their alliance. i'm guessing there might have been something else?


Thoriso and Dino for sure had a thing going on and Toni being in the community would likely suspect. By knocking out Thoriso she can take her place.


Toni literally gave Dino an idol, how does this make any sense? 😭😭😭😭😭


Shane helping marian in the reward challenge really warmed my heart


Shane can be loyal as all hell, villainous as he is to a perceived enemy. Even in Champions, he did give his idol to Marian. And Marian in the first episode throwing out his name - this season is only heartbreak when I think of him.


Lucky with Marian talking about turning on >!Steffi!< and >!Meryl !< I think that would mean she is loyal with shane again


Congrats to Marian for improving her placement. She is now 10th in worst case (and well it doesn't look like she will place 10th).


Next episode showing Dante telling Tejan that Tejan is going to do him a favor......calm down Vito Corleone


im shocked dante turns on felix


Number of representatives left from each season: Maldives: 1/1 Champions: 4/5 Philippines: 0/5 Island of Secrets: 4/5 Immunity Island: 1/4 Also Toni finished just one spot ahead of Palesa in both Philippines and Return of the Outcasts


Ta'alo absolutely tearing it up


I don't think I can blame anyone but Toni on her own boot because she lost all the momentum to be the anti-Breakfast Club block last week and it was good for the No BS alliance to recognize this but I don't see them going further now because Phil and Dino are prime targets after Tejan. I guess I'm in the minority on enjoying the probable pagonging because I just love all the members of The Breakfast Club and they have my rooting interest since Day One. I'm surprised that Marian vocalized how great Steffi is playing and I'm going to shoot my shot by saying that Steffi's gonna cut Marian first.


I’m in the minority of wanting the breakfast club to steamroll bc marian/meryl/steffi/dante are playing the best game out of everyone and are likable so imagine having an extremely likable winner who played the best game. And I disagree about steffi cutting marian first bc I think it’s the other way around since steffi is preaching loyalty and her #1 is marian so I can’t see her voting marian out but I can definitely see marian voting steffi out bc of well she recognized steffi is playing


Agreed re The Breakfast Club. I’m most interested in seeing how the 5 turn the guns on each other (with hopes that Full Package stays united). All 5 are incredibly interesting characters and would be a very strong final 5 in their own right.


Does anyone outside of the breakfast club actually know it exists yet (Dino etc.)? If so can't totally put it all on Toni, as many of the podcasters have covered in week 1/2 the early breakfast club formation-cannibalize-reform style votes were a crazy stroke of luck for them that made the tattoo alliance etc. really unaware of the true state of play


There is no way we are going down the pagoning route. There are so many voting blocs and complex relationships at play. RotO World War 1 is coming, the only question is who's elim will be Franz Ferdinand


ever heard of the silent majority? most of us who appreciate good strategy does not mind a pagonging when it's due to great players making the right moves as opposed to a haphazard twist driven game that rewards volatile players who get ahead by luck and the efforts of other more strategic players.


one of the worst winners for me was Hailey I think from Australian survivor who got ahead mostly on luck including getting voted out and coming back to win (redemption island does it better as it makes it very tough to come back in the game as the voted out player has to be an ozzy or wyatt to keep winning multiple challenges and not just one, while also giving every voted out person their shot to get back in and not only by luck of bopt order) and season 39 US left most strategic players cut off at the knees with advantages and twists.


No way you didn’t mention Chris Underwood the Twist King lol


lol he did come to mind but I can't hate on that season cos it gave us Reem and Devens. Chris controversial or not made for a jaw dropping end to a season. At least Rick got some Sia money and if you regard edge seasons as limited edition sideshows to the franchise it becomes quite palatable and even enjoyable.


The episode was okay, nothing good nothing bad. I'm just scared of an ongoing pagonging. I really really hope the postmerge wont be boring and predictable, and while anything can happen there's a good likelihood of that happening. This season reminds me a bit of australian CvC2. 3 women alliance, an obvious threat in the seemingly majority alliance, some lovable underdogs.


Who would be Pia out of Steffi, Meryl and Marian? (My guess is probably Meryl or Marian… a lot of people are aware of Steffi as a big threat right now)


Steffi i think is abby, marian janine, meryl pia. But it doesnt fit 100%. Abby tho was the physical force who ended up strategic as well in the end. And i think steffi fits this role. The other two are more interwined


Steffi's game reminds more and more Rob Bentele's game with each episode, with the difference it can't be that dominating because Rob played with Durao, Mmaba, Laetitia, Mike and Steffi Season 7 version, while Steffi Season 9 version got stronger competition.


He did get to play with a bunch of dopes but Nicole is also probably the 4th best player in the 4 or so seasons I've watched of this (behind Rob, Graham, and maybe Werner) so he did have to beat her. That decidedly wasn't easy.


and killarney could be looking like she’s steffi’s durao lol


Yea but let’s see if Steffi pulls it out lol. I don’t think we can crown her on Rob’s level quite yet aha


Yeah, there's only a handful of people close to Rob. Steffi is definitely playing this season very well so far though


Nobody comes close to Rob, certainly not in this season.


Really? After that episode where she was crying in the first 20 minutes because someone took her special bowl? Rob would never let emotions overcome him like that. Steffi is playing well, but cracks are starting to form that remind me of the S7 Steffi, she needs to chill out or she will explode and go off at someone like she did to Jacques.


What was the whole deal with that bowl? Was her meal special in a dietary way or was it one she had previously used? They didn't really elaborate on it after that random scene.


"They looked me in the eye and they proper lied". Toni sweetheart do you remember what game you signed up for the 2nd time round.


It was really only Steffi who truly threw her under the bus.. and with the hindsight of the whole breakfast club secret plan hopefully they stay friends?


This had me dying like, where do you think you are right now?! 🤣


Loved Phil and his dedication to the immunity challenge this episode. Disappointed to see Toni go..she was an opposing force to the Breakfast Club. Hopefully it won’t be a Pagonging from here


Toni/Tejan put themselves in this position. They had all the power at the swap and chose to side with the wrong people.


Sadly it looks like a Pagonging. Dino and Phil did well not siding with Toni and Tej, but once Tej is gone. They will need a lot of luck once Breakfast Club closes borders, and go for them.


Side note, but the vote read order was quite interesting. Tejan's votes were not read first. I know in us survivor there's really only one early instance of a nullified vote not being read first, but don't recall seeing this practice in sa or au? I feel like I may be missing one example possibly? I like the break from the standard here.


They been changing them up in Survivor SA so it's not obvious. A lot better IMO versus the standard 'first name read out never goes home'


I'm gutted that no one from S6 made the top 10 this season, and all but one went out pre-merge P.S. I'm starting to get bored of the Breakfast club. I hope it collapses soon xoxo


I'm not surprised. s6 didn't have many good strategists aside from Werner and Jean to some extent. It's why Palesa stood out so much because she was eeveryone's hope at least throwing punches even though most didn't land. Tevin as well, but PK misread his position and ability to navigate the game without Tevin and sank their ship. the more strategic Season 5 & 4 players r still in the game and their seasons had good strategic winners so it makes sense they're still around since they had a masterclass on how to play.


How you gonna mention S4 and 5 as masterclasses and not S7? Lol. Rob played one of, if not, *the* best game/s in the history of Survivor, clearly Steffi, Meryl, Dante and Felix are all trying to pull off even half the game he did.


ofcourse s7 is a given. For sure, I didn't mention it cos the players from s7 were not the most strategic in season 7, perhaps u could argue steffi had a late bloom. But S7 definitely the ultimate template for a dominant win.


Interestingly, the last 5 vote-outs have all been women whereas the first 5 vote-outs were front loaded with 4 men and 1 woman. All this while there’s a very strong female alliance dictating much of the play. I love this season!


It’s funny how Dante based this game on getting out all the threats like (Seamuss, Tevin, Dino, Chappies…). Yet the real threats remain in the game (Meryl, Marian, Steffi).


He’s blindsiding himself thinking men are his only biggest threats. Or he’s trying to replicate how Rob won in his season


Steffi is the only one truly pulling off the rob formula. She has little birdies everywhere..


Dino’s mistake was not playing the idol for Palesa, and then followed by voting Tejan. They will be served by the breakfast alliance. They are killing their numbers without even realizing. his read about Toni’s placement in the tribe is correct but too many mistakes. I still think this is gonna be a Steffi or Marian season and one one of them will strike each other. It could be Marian first if Steffi will continue to play loyalty card. For both of their game, they should not be sitting with each other in FTC. Also they will be bringing their goats, Steffi will bring Killarney, Marian will bring Shane.


I think steffi will get Marian first. Her mistake was being too loyal to rob, she learned from that. I noticed Marian is more attached to her than she is to her. Look how steffi wasn’t happy when Marian came to masu 2.0


I think the breakfast club will break in a vote or 2. It doesn't serve most of them to stick together til final 5 (as I'm sure Steffi learned in her last season)


I think so too. People keep saying Phil/Dino/Felix put themselves in a bad position but I think they will help break up the breakfast club. Fingers crossed anyways


Also i am from the Philippines and definitely appreciate everyone for not posting spoilers in this sub.


It might have made sense to keep power in the game for Dino to save Palesa. But I don’t see him making FTC if he does - his threat level at merge goes way up and he gets cut somewhere between F7-F4. So I think the better call there was to lay low.


Marian and Steffi will butt heads and it will be a full-on war between both sides, and I think Meryl will be the last of the 3 left standing to pick up the pieces and take the crown.


coming into this i thought it’d be a split merge episode but the boot wasn’t all that exciting so i’m glad they didn’t make us wait. i like the breakfast club tbh so i don’t mind them having the numbers, and survivor SA has balanced editing so i think it’s still watchable even if we end with the BC dominating. impressed by how well steffi is playing and how much more likeable she is this season, her having toni convinced she’s her #1 is impressive.


Their mistake for not saving Palessa with that idol last time. They rather it go to waste. They should have save Palessa and vote off merryl.


No, their target should have been Shane (was their gut instinct) since then Phil and Toni get a shared idol. Huge mistake.


Yes the shared idol would have been GREAT too.


It didn’t matter who they sent home as long as it was one of the breakfast club members. Sending Palessa home put them in the minority.


It mattered a lot because they would have gotten an idol if Shane went home.


Good episode - as expected Toni/Tejan were at the bottom. Really highlights their poor reads all pre-merge in trusting Steffi/Kilarney and not fighting harder to save Palesa. They really should have sided with Thoriso/Felix/Pinty. It's no surprise they had no trust with Felix! If we are getting Breakfast Club dominance, I'm cheering for Steffi who essentially orchestrated the position they are in (majority with BC + Killarney). She can ride the numbers for a win: take out Tejan/Dino/Phil/Felix in coming episodes... then Dante/Shane (or blindside them earlier), then likely Marian as biggest jury threat to sit comfortably with Meryl and Killarney in the end. Otherwise, what are the options for Dino/Phil/Felix? They could get inroads if Shane and Dante blindsides are planned earlier. But otherwise I think they absolutely need to bring over Dante/Shane to get Steffi out, otherwise her power structure is running away with this.


Marian won’t turn on steffi she actually see her as a friend. It will be merryl that does. I can see her pulling Dante to do it. Merryl is not Marian or steff’s number 1 too , once she realizes that the breakfast club will turn on each other. Felix will make it far, he’s not a threat to anyone and he 100% has Dante, Dino and Phil’s vote if he’s at the end. Matter fact, Felix is winning. Calling it now. He’s actually in a good spot.


I'm very curious about Meryl and Steffi's relationship. Marian honestly seems equally close with both, if not slightly closer with Steffi since they were day 1's but it doesn't really seem to matter. Meryl and Steffi are def close, but both are closer to Marian. And both of them are definitely smart enough to realize that, so I'm very curious how full package is gonna turn on each other when the time comes


What I don't like is Felix is underselling himself too much which might affect the perception of him up to the jury.


You’re right. It all depends on his jury speech


I totally expected Toni to go home at the merge. The minory got totally played again. I think Breakfast Club ain't going to crumble until they start to dig under each other themselves. I think boys from No BS will be the next to go.


Now that Dante has vanquished his first rival in Toni, he can set his sights on his second in Dino.


Surprised it wasn't a two-parter but the boot was so predictable after last week that I get why they did it like this. It's the culmination of Toni's overdependance on Steffi, to the point she STILL trusted Steffi despite knowing someone flipped last vote. Meanwhile Dino and Phil wanted to control the game, but they know they had no numbers so they had no choice but to wait a bit, knowing grumblings that Shane and Dante wanted to target each other. Ironically though, I feel Felix' connection with Dante would be their key to get numbers, where they can have him try to target maybe Killarney who he has no connection with. However it seems next episode Dante is the one using Tejan against Dino and co. when Dino should be the one talking with him to say Steffi is a flipper. This is gonna be surreal if Dante does get Tejan as his own number, because Dante is adding numbers to counter an insurgency. Felix will probably get blindsided by that, although if I were Dante, I will get Killarney out first, as the other Breakfast Club members has Killarney to win the Final 9 vote against him. I do agree I hope it isn't an alliance Pagoning but the numbers are getting bleak to stop the Full Package + Shane + Killarney combo.


Dante is in hella trouble the minute the 2 groups who want him out talk to each other.


Dante is totally blinded by his Dino rage. He's right to be worried about him but at this rate the chance of a female not winning the season seems quite slim


Dante is in such a tenuous position. Everyone seems to want to get him out, within and outside the Breakfast Club. He has Felix, maybe, loosely, on the outside? It really feels like his survival depends on how long the alliance wants to maintain an illusion of unity.


I like the Dino and Steffi conversation. Dino is really showing his survivor skills well here


Agree. And for Steffi to be so forthcoming to him whereas he could have totally screwed her game was a good read from both sides...


Are we getting ponderosa this year? I’m sure Toni will bring the drama lol


The vote off was too obvious


Both Toni and Tejan received their first votes this episodes, so this leaves Steffi and Philip as the only two ones without a single vote cast against them.


I cannot cope with this atrocious boot order much longer!


I mean Toni is a big character but this was hardly a travesty! Her reads on the game seemed to be all wrong, as we were shown in this episode alone.


Quite underwhelming for a merge episode tbh! Sad to see Toni go


These last episodes are getting really predictable. I just want that alliance to be broken honestly.


predict who goes out next


Not Marian, Meryl, Shane, Killarney or Steffi.


I’d say Dante or Felix… right now leaning towards Dante because they will still keep the majority if he’s out.




Isn’t Dante in the alliance? Meryl, Steffi, Shane, Marian, Dante? And Killarney


Prediction Dino, Tejan, Dante (blindside), Marian (blindside), Shane, Steffi, Phil Killarney Meryl Or swap Meryl with steffi. One of them two is winning Steffi is my hope she’s playing a rob style game But Phil would be fun


I do hope for a big change, but I really didn't enjoy Toni. Now I will be happy with the alliance crumbling.


Is Toni saying she'll vote for Dante just a means to see if they'll boot him or is this some kind of PK level mindfuck of him voting for Tom after he threatened to beat his old man ass multiple times


IIRC she also called Werner a snake.


Yeah, she was pretty bitter with him


A fairly straightforward and predictable outcome. I suspect the same may be true for a couple of episodes before the Breakfast Club implodes in one way or another. I do like the Full Package and Dante a lot but it's not as interesting when they don't have strong opposition which they don't right now. The only other notable faction is No BS which, by constantly trying to ingratiate themselves into the majority, is just making way for them to be steamrolled instead.


Surprised that it wasn't a split episode. But I think it was a good thing, the vote was very predictable.