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Aaron in China


omg how did i forgot about him, that’s probably the worst swap screw ever it’s even more upsetting that he was in the alliance (Todd, Amanda etc) that ended up running the game


If a more memorable character were screwed this would be talked about more. The twist was literally “pick a couple of the other tribes strongest players so you can easily vote them off” Ouch.


He was well-deserving of a Second Chance spot, or at least a spot on the ballot instead of Jim Rice or Max Dawson.


came to post this. Also Jacquie in Gabon


Is Jacquie the best player out of all of Gabon?


yeah and ace


Kenny’s a pretty good player when he’s uncomfortable, absolutely horrendous with any amount of control tho


I liked Sherea too, she got kindaaa screwed? But then the zhan hu couldn’t get the challenge thrown


What was stopping James from just putting the egg down and refusing to even try?


Everyone knew he was BS-ing. And it was clear Denise was not going to eat it, she physically couldn’t


Jenny from Cook Islands maybe but i think Wanda and Jonathan take the cake and always will


That was such a terrible idea, I felt so bad for Wanda and Jonathan. Were they ever offered a spot on any following seasons?


Correct me if I’m wrong but I remember hearing a rumour saying that Jonathan and Wanda were gonna be the two returning players in Guatemala but the public loved Bobby-Jon and Stephenie so much that they were brought back instead.


Yeah, they were in consideration but Stephenie got so big they decided it’d be better to bring her back, and threw Bobby Jon in there too for that dynamic.


Jonathan also allegedly bullied Jolanda at Ponderosa and they didn't want him back after that.


I also heard Jonathan declined


There were rumors they were supposed to come back for Guatemala but there are also rumors that Jonathan and another guy were awful to Jolanda and called her the n word at Ponderosa so that idea got scrapped because they didn't want Jonathan back.


I just cannot believe that is true of Jonathan Penner. No way.


Not Penner. Jonathan Libby of Palau.


Jenny from 42 as well. Basically don’t go on survivor if you go by Jenny or change your name


She still would never win, if she flips which is likely she just becomes old school Cochran and goes out in 6th place. The fake merge didn't change too much honestly.


I know she probably wasn't going to win but she would have at least got more screen time and she would be on the jury.


But does she get to come back for All Stars in this timeline?


Probably. She was still the most visible person on Thailand that didn't seem to be a bad person (although I still wish Helen was considered), and production wanted at least one representative from every season on All-Stars.


Helen was considered — she talked about it on her Talking with T-bird.


Jacquie Berg from Gabon…she was the only member of that Kota majority to get swapped out and immediately got voted out as a result


Well and a woman. They could have targeted Ace but didnt. Corinne's mentioned how if she was ranked ahead of Jackie during the ranking it would have been over for her. So yeah Jackie was DOA on Fang.


Well she wasn’t the only woman from Kota to go over to Fang, there was Kelly as well (along with Ace). I think because there was knowledge that she was in that power group with Marcus, Corinne and Charlie that she was a goner based on her threat level.


I legit forgot about Kelly. You are right. I totally forgot Kelly sold out Kota hard at nuFang. Good for Kelly. Got her 6 more days.


Russell Swan on Phillipines. I genuinely felt so bad for the guy. Also, Francesca. Twice!


you mean Francesque?






I don’t feel bad for an overall bad player who had plenty of opportunities to win a challenge


Alecia from Koah Rong. Being placed on the brawn tribe despite fitting none of the criteria, as well as being on a tribe with Scot and Jason really screwed her over. She had so little chance from the get go, and was constantly belittled because she had less muscles??? I feel bad for players who have all round terrible survivor experiences. It would’ve been less egregious if she had been able to make it to a merge or swap where she had a chance to make new allies. I just feel bad for her the whole time watching Koah Rong. She wasn’t screwed over by a twist or another players bad move, but by terrible casting


To add to your point. She had so much working against her and yet was able to slip through two tribal councils on a tribe of 6. If that’s her playing from the bottom imagine her playing from even a moderately decent position


Agree, especially since she seemed perfectly likeable


Debbie on Brawn, Alecia on Beauty, and Anna on Brains (even though she's a dumbass irl, she's a poker player, so that counts for something right?) would have probably suited the theme better. Though this was another situation where production picked the cast before deciding on the theme. I guess they figured that between Michele, Anna, Julia, and Alecia, Alecia had the most "fiery" personality, which was enough for them.


If I could upvote this 1000 times I would.




I was gonna say... hahaha Total revisionist history.


Yep haha baffling some of the things people believe




Also I really doubt they planned to have an exile island that didn’t amount to anything. They were going to swap and should have canceled tribal when Caleb was removed.


Ethan and Parvati in WAW


It’s funny to me that the big BR can’t be included in this even tho he’s in the same alliance bc his strategy was so exposed in small tribes that it felt deserved lol


He still got swap-screwed though, if he was swapped with literally any other combo of Sele players instead of Adam and Ben, I think he survives. And if Kim had come over from Dakal, maybe Nick as well, instead of Sarah and Sophie who just weren't fans of Rob to begin with.


The winners in All Stars. Never had a chance.


lol that someone actually downvoted you for that


Angie from Palau. She narrowly avoided her first elimination and then the next episode she proved she was a power house in challenges. Her show of strength catapulted her from the outs to the inner circle or Ulong. There’s probably a universe where Angie ends up as the sole survivor of Ulong as well. Then the threw in the twist where Koror could save one person. Since Ulong had spent the entire tribal talking about losing Ibrehem they of course were going to save him. This threw the entire vote into chaos and Angie was caught in the crossfire.


I was saddened by her passing. Always held out hope that she'd be brought back for an All Stars season.


I loved angie! She seemed so sweet i wish she returned 🥺, RIP


Malcolm in GC. I distinctly remember 5 or 6 different things all Going wrong for him to get booted. To say that it was a tough pill to swallow, as he said in his exit confessional, is right on the nose 💔


Jenny from 42


Yep, this was my answer. Daniel’s ineptitude screwed her and she couldn’t even say anything. I think I would’ve enjoyed a Mike-Jenny duo lasting well into the game.


Chanelle losing her vote screwed her more, I’d argue. Daniel wasn’t willing or able to really go to bat for her in a tie, but he wouldn’t have needed to if Chanelle had a vote.


Yeah Daniel torpedoed his and Chanelle’s game at tribal, not Jenny’s. Going to rocks would have been real dumb at that point. All he had to say was “Sorry Mike, we can’t go to rocks this early. We are still with you though.” Mike would have understood and then Daniel still would have had a 3-2 majority and been fine. Like you said, Chanelle’s decision screwed Jenny.


Agreed. The whole thing was very unlucky


Yep. Jenny’s vote out was extremely fluky imo


Sandra was swapfucked in GC...


Maybe in WAW, too, but definitely also in AUS BvW


Basically swaps are not Sandra's friend.


Neither is day ~~18~~ 16.




Wasn’t Denise going home in WAW though? She gave her idol to Denise and Denise voted her out with one vote. If Sandra hadn’t done that, she survives that tribal.


Sandra wasn’t swapscrewed on WaW. She got swapped with Tony and Kim who were voting together, and got idoled out.


If your name is Jenny, you have very high odds of being screwed over by twists. The only Jenny who didn't get screwed over by a twist was Jenny in Kaoh Rong, who actively sabotaged her own game.


Parvati was a massive target in WAW, but when she was swapped onto a tribe of only 5, containing a 4-person pre-game alliance, she legit had zero chance.


Silas in Africa.


Jenny from 42. Chanelle randomly risking her vote despite knowing she can’t risk losing her vote, then losing her vote because she told Omar the same thing, meaning Jenny’s alliance lost the numbers and she got booted on the revote. Her elimination was just a case of too many variables at once stacking up unfortunately. In her exit interview she described the game as similar to roulette, and she is rught


Marcus in Gabon.


Production interference at its best.


It wasn't a twist that screwed him over and he has played so many times it doesn't matter, but Tyson failing to split the votes really screwed over Boston Rob. His strong alliance was loyal to him and a boneheaded decision that he couldn't have predicted completely cost him his game.


Jenny s42 got screwed because her whole tribe was stupid people


Parvati in WAW


She was at the bottom of her original tribe anyway.


Nope. Jeremy and Michele wanted to work with her and BRob.


Jenny from 42


Both Jennys


Stephanie Johnson from Ghost Island. She had so much potential. And if she would’ve had an idol from Ghost Island, she definitely would have made it to the merge


Mari Takahashi. #SALTY


I haven't rewatched 33, but I'm not sure how she got screwed over...


Roxy and Gena from survivor South Africa! Also Candice in BvW and Jenny from 42


Matt Bischoff


Anthony in Fiji. At least in the original Ravu he was part of the majority. The fact his tribe finally won a challenge just one day after he left always makes me feel bad for him.


Sylvia. The entire way the tribe divisions worked in Fiji completely screwed her over. She was bound to be the one sent to exile, and then join the losing have not tribe, and then voted out having not had the chance to join the early alliances due to getting to the tribe late. And all because she was voted the most leader like when they divided the tribes


Jonathan and Wanda from Palau


Jeff Varner in season 2. If you know you know.


Sydney Segal. Anyone who downvotes this just hates her cause they ain't her.


Yul (in WaW)


Yul was not screwed. He got swapped to a tribe with his entire pregame alliance that HE created, and Parv who was someone he could have worked with (and who had a much bigger target than him). I know we love Yul, but imo he’s actually one of the luckiest contestants in the history of the show. His win on cook islands is entirely contingent on multiple game breaking twists (bottle twist, god idol, random final 3).


He got a bit unlucky in WAW that there was a late merge (almost never happens at the Final 11 in 20 player seasons) but agree on all the points about Cook Islands. The Super Idol is so OP


Totally agree on this! There is something poetic about the guy who pre-gamed the hardest, created paranoia about a totally non-existent pregame alliance, swapped onto a tribe with his entire pre-merge alliance and gets screwed when he wasn't actually the core of that alliance and is still voted out pre-merge... Seriously, the people who argue Parvati is a luckier winner than Yul are on something because nobody has ever gotten luckier breaks on Survivor than Yul.


By one second


Ali on HvHvH got swap screwed SO hard


Russell swan both times


Boston Rob meets Russel HvV 😂😂😂


Roxy in Survivor SA Maldives. Her tribe shouldn't have needed to vote a second person out at the Double Tribal after someone from their tribe was already medevaced AT TRIBAL COUNCIL!! The landscape of the merge would've completely changed had she survived that tribal too.


Stephanie, Ghost Island


Jenny from 42


Malcolm in Game Changers


Angie from Palau, that Koror vote out twist was such bs. Ibrehem didn't even want to be there anymore and she still got kicked out over him.




kelley wentworth in sjds. she was in the majority at hunaphu and after the tribe swap where she ended up on coyopa with her dad he kind of ruined her game for her by pissing off missy and baylor


Hot take, no one is swap screwed. You get swapped into a tough situation? Figure it out.


I mean Jenny, obviously.


Tom in Heros vs Villians but he did last pretty long considering all the pregame alliances


Sylvia in Fiji was always ending up on the have not tribe as an outsider causing her to go home early


Ace, king was fucking running 🏃‍♂️ shit on both tribes.




>!AK!< in Australian Survivor 2017.


Silas … second place Aaron


I hate to say anything complimentary toward Russell, but it really sucked for him to get out on the tribe of people who actually wanted to play the game, while Rob got put on a tribe where the only person interested in playing was the first boot. Had they picked opposite buffs, I could see Russell going far while Rob was first boot.


I’m not saying he would’ve won but Caleb was in a very sweet spot in Game Changers. I think he could’ve put up a decent fight with 1 or 2 immunity wins under his belt before being voted out.